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« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2017, 02:19:07 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Ridge Runner
Why is that ? Lol

I tried to play that video and I keep getting a pop up right when the writing gets on the screen so I never get to see what it said.  Sad Sad

Here is a transcript of the conversation Smiley
read to the END Sad

When it comes to archaeological expeditions or even adventure stories like the Indiana Jones series, the crème de la crème is the discovery of buried treasure. Vast hoards of lost gold and priceless artifacts are rumored to be hidden under the sea or buried away in secretive caches around the world, and many wide-eyed adventurers spend their lives (and fortunes) hunting them down. While most of these searches come to naught, some surprising archaeological news out of Germany shows that sometimes, stores of buried treasures really are found just under our feet.The treasure was found among the ruins of Heuneburg, a prehistoric fort situated on a hill beside the Danube River. Heuneburg was a Celtic city-state believed to have been founded in the sixth century B.C., and was even written about by the legendary Greek historian Herodotus. Interest in excavating this site was kindled in 2005 after a farmer’s accidental discovery of a child’s gold brooch while plowing. Twelve years later, the largest discovery at this site has revealed much, much more gold – and a host of mysteries.The treasure surrounded the tomb of a woman believed to have died in her 30s or 40s who was likely a member of the ancient Celtic equivalent of an aristocrat. The construction of her tomb has been dated to approximately 583 B.C. Another grave was discovered at the foot of the seemingly wealthy woman, but this grave was much more sparsely adorned. This fact could indicate that the second grave belongs to a servant, buried along with her mistress. Hope that was in the job description.Surrounding the primary grave was a vast stash of loot including gold, bronze, and amber jewelry, furs, ornaments, and leather goods. The tomb contained petrified sea creatures, a find which researchers believe might indicate the woman was some sort of priestess or magic woman.Archaeologists also uncovered a set of mysterious boxwood objects, the nature of which is still unknown.Unfortunately, no evil spirits or ancient undead beings were loosed during excavation. Better luck next time.


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« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2017, 02:40:38 pm »
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Thanks for that, very interesting read, I must admit I have known some weird stuff and seen things that I can't explain, things that I make light of that I wish I could unsee,

If there are such dangers surrounding these things I don't know why people don't keep well enough away.


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