Sierra Leone and Metal detectors


Thanks to all that have taken the time to read my previous post and especially to those that replied. While time is not running out ( rivers still unseasonally high as per my site managers and operations directors reports ), I do need to keep up to speed.

If I am going to do some serious detecting for gold, I will appreciate advice as to the most appropriate metal detectors available for my requirements and Yes, cost will be a consideration  :'(

For our terrain and material - gold from say 1/ 4 oz nuggets up, rugged, uneven ground and high slopes; highly mineralized soils, depths ranging from 1 to 6 ft plus. Rugged machines, durable, light, possibly submersible and not complicated for a person like myself - idiot proof, easy to operate and understand, and most importantly with good reference manual.

All comments will be read through thoroughly and may require some dumb questions therafter.


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Presuming that you are certain that there is gold where you are working your lease, the most efficient way to recover it is by dredge, not a metal detector. A detector would be an asset if you want to locate the source of the gold but once you do, the savvy prospector will switch to using a dredge. You can work more than 1000 yards of aggregate a day with just two people and the right equipment.

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We currently operate on land based alluvials on old river bed  and have a Keene 8040 dredge on river. Gold on the dredge was running at some 0.8 g / ton, say 0.5 / cubic yard, but we moved to a section of river with historically higher grades as local diver has shown ( canoe, line and bucket - no air ) and with all the characteristics associated for same ( creek from hills feeding into section upstream and fault line cutting at right angles across river downstream ). Waiting for new hoses and swivel tip as well as river levels and flow to abate - heavy rains this year. Wish we could achieve the yardage you state; Keene estimates 35 yds / hr and we may achieve half of that due to nature of river bed and overburdens.

The detecting is to add another string to the bow and based on my own observations and the advice of a South American geologist who visited our site a few months back. While labour is digging overburden it is like watching paint dry, so a few days in the hills may well be of value and therefore will appreciate guidance on appropriate detectors.

Thanks for the reply

Goldenshamrock  [detecting]

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Sorry to chuckle but when you wished for more yardage, my first thought was "Get a bigger dredge!"

Fast currents and large masses of moving water are both boon and bane to the prospector. They move the silt and leave behind the gold but deposit new silt in place of the old.

When you get a chance, would you be so kind as to post a few photos of your site as long as they don't give away your location with landmarks?

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Hi Golddigger 1950

That's why I am considering moving on to a missile dredge for 2010/2011 season, assuming gravels run fairly consistent. take a look at You are not allowed to view links.
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as an example. Anyone have views on the missile dredges.

I am posting a few pics here of land alluvial working - all labour, river and where creek and river merge, plus the mountains, hills really.

Also see some of my pics on You are not allowed to view links.
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Thanks now   ;)


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For some reason, your pictures have a zero file length. That may be due to the fact that you are not yet a full member. I will report this to Christian to see if it can be fixed.

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Your files are unfortunately way too big in size. Please reduce each fiel to about 250 KB max. Thank you!

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Thanks Christian. Goldenshamrocks, I have sent you the file you need to resize your images via your gmail account. Check there for the zip file.

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OK and thanks to both. resending some attachments and see how they go. The dredge had just been moved so no comments as to the lack of riffles, carpets etc  ;). As an aside the dog with me, black star, knew where I was going in the bush before I did; managed to survive snacks, scorpions and all, but not a hunting trap. One of those traps strung me up too !  ::)
Things quiet as per my request as to most appropriate metal detectors for our terrain and gold nuggets. Golddigger has been helpful in advising that as per his obs on the forum, minelab seem a good option, with a large coil and discriminator off and minor adjustments for ground balance. I have come quickly to respect golddigger's wisdom and advice, which is unbiased, realistic and time served. I will appreciate any further input to widen my knowledge and improve my understanding as what to buy. Thanking you all

Goldenshamrock  :o

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