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i have a photo that is made entirely out of clay or rather i think its some type of clay. i have had it for a long time and it is a photo of a lady and she is wearing a purple dress kindof, has a big loop errings on in the photo she has brown hair. the whole of the photo and background is round and has like red around the outside of it.  i have searched online and never seen anything like it before. it is made of either chalk or clay and looks very old indeed yet i cant find out anything about it. it kind of reminds you of those you see hanging in musum galleries. ok, now how i got it, well i was taking off a load of garbage to our dumpsters this was like 25 years ago and a guy was there unloading some things, said his grandma had passed away and left him with all this stuff so he was just throwing it away. he asked if i wanted it and i always say yes to free stuff so i tookl it and at the very bottom of the box was this photo/painting thingy. has anyone ever heard of anything like that? reason i say clay chalk because its white and you can break a chip of it off and its like white powder in your hands. never seen a painting like this and was wondering what you think? i am going to be digging out some things out of my closet and all in the next few days and when i get it out i will have my brother take a photo so i can upload here. but if it sounds like something you may have seen before please email me here or post under so i can maybe figure out it. BTW there is no date that i remember on it at all nor any name just this photo. kind of reminds me of lady elzibeth of england but not sure, have to dig it back out and see.

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I have no ideas on that one but someone may!

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i know, heck when i first got it given to me i just put it in the closet and that was way before internet ever was invented but reading on these treasure things it might be worth millions? i mean if it was i could help so many people. there is several food banks in this area and a lot of hungry people needing help i could really help out a lot if it is worth something. i keep it cause i thought it was so pretty. i think maybe i can take it to an art or antique dealer but i wonder could i really trust them? would they tell me the truth if it is worth millions or say its not worth anything and try and keep it themselves? i gotta dig that out and put a photo up so you guys can see it. thanks for the reply!

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Your description is very good but a photo will go a long way towards getting you some answers.

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I agree with GD.....you're not likely to get a good answer until you dig the thing out and post some pictures of it.  (minimum front and back)


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Adrian See:
 ;D My mom has several with photos of Indians and she purchased them during the 80s but don't know from whom ?

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