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Offline Treasurehunter01253Topic starter
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9 function discrminator, Sears discriminator.
« on: February 10, 2009, 02:35:00 pm »
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Hello All,
            Do You have a Mossburge 22 cal bolt action Mod 44 US?, Well if so dont let that puppy go for just a hundred dollars or so. the value of these are on the Rise. they were used by the US Military for training purposes towards the end of WW2. so that the Govt could save the 30 cal Ammo for the troops in the European theater. Prices on these guns can go for 500.00 or even more depending on condition. the surpluses of these guns are drying up so if you find one that is cheap grab it and hold onto to it. The Civilan Marksmanship Program out of Camp Perry Ohio was selling these rifles for 500.00 and at this time I do believe there supply is gone at this time. But you c an find these at garage sales estate sales, and even gun shows. but don't be fooled if the gun isnt stamped 44 US it is not a US Military Model.
                                                         Best Wishes...... Rob


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Offline tehamigo
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Minelab 705 X-Terra
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 11:06:04 pm »
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interesting...thanks for the info.


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