UW detecting


Well yesterday I went to a area in the creek I know and I must say it had slim pickins there...lol.  I found two metal stakes and a kids water pistol...hehehe.  I did find a really cool rock with a hole worn through from being tumbled and washed for a very long time...but then as they say even a bad day diving and treasure hunnting is better than a good day working...:D

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A waterpistol!? A unique find. In German waters you can sometimes find really odd things like Dave's Hitler figurine. Also a friend of mine had found some arms some time ago that had been used in a robbery and then been dumped into a lake for a quick disposal.

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yea one of those  super soaker water pistols...lol.  I had a great dive today with my friend I am doing the hellbender salamander research with, we didn't find any hellbenders in a new place but I did get some awesome pics of some fish and the sunlight shinning down with the bubbles going up through the rays.  My UW Camera is a 35 mm so you will have to wait til I get them developed...:(...sorry I only have a digital for surface pics so far...:D

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 That is very true.

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