Any one ever use a rangertell lrl?


Was just wondering if its any beter than the rest as some swear by it. They been on line for 10 years. Think they are from australia. 

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Never Seen or held one.

My bet is there just Yet Another Cool looking housing with Non Functional Circuit pasted together.

LOL!    I love the way they Glued a HP Calculator to the Top of it.

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Checked to see if Carl messed with this one and Guess What?

Here is his Report.   LOL

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Adrian See:
Captain Kirk beam me up

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au fever:
 So in laymans terms its a piece of over priced crap as good as a donut on a broom handle and best you could do is avoid at all costs . cheers Mick

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Bob, it's just a dowsing rod with a calculator taped to it. It's an outright scam. I have 2 of them in my collection.

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Thanks Carl I got on your forum and seen how it was made and that turned me off. I've used electroscopes with some success since they came out, Used a PPL with no success. So I'm gonna just get a l-rod with a witness tube on it.  thanks

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au fever:
Carl , i hope you didn,t buy the second one after the first was a dud  ;D , cheers Mick

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Adrian See:
Had seen one on ebay 2 days ago @around $1500.00 why the hell hasn't the company been sued for fraud and put out of business !!!!  >:(

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The threshold of pain does not exceed the threshold of lawsuit expenses.

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A friend of mine had one and we messed around some with it but didn't have any real luck using it and weboth feel like it's not worth the trouble of buying one.

Posted on: October 11, 2015, 11:03:18 pmI've used it (Thank Goodness I never had to pay for it)and it wasn't anything but just like a lot of the other scamstercators-couldn't locate anything with it.

Posted on: October 11, 2015, 11:08:11 pmMaybe the calculator was glued on top of it to be ready to calculate all of the lawsuit expenditures [crazy] ;D [fight]

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