1989 penny


Good afternoon Everybody! Was wondering if anyone knew anything about the date on a 1989 penny? I have one 1989 coin where the 8 in the date is so small, it can barely be recognized as such, even with a magnifier! I have only been able to find articles on 1989 where the 1 and 8 are both smaller than the 9s, and yet they are visible to the naked eye. The 1 seems to be same size as the 9s but the 8 seems to be less than half the size of the others and even with the magnifier it is difficult to recognized. The coin is in quite good condition for being in circulation and being a 1989. If anybody has any information regarding this, if it is in fact an error, and if so it's approximate Worth? Thanx, Bugsysmomma

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 Does not seem to be a Error.  All 1989 pennies had a smaller 8 then the other numbers.  It sure looks smaller if the penny has a Mint Mark under it., Eaaa?

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I believe it would be smaller but mine does not have a mint mark. Just 1989. I will try to send you a pic. You seem to be well versed in coins, any particular One? I am new to using a site like this as well as coins. I have held onto many for some years now and just decided to go through the ones I have thrown in a jug. I started to notice the different anomalies then found a bit on the Internet about them. I have so many questions just about the ones I've looked at already! I have one coin where on the back the A & M are larger and the E is so squished between the M and the Rescue that it is very easy to see the Difference!  If I ask too many questions please feel free to tell me to give it a Rest! And thanx for the speedy Reply!  Bugsysmomma

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 Numismatist  I am Not.  I Just use gOOgle like you can. 

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