Ammonite Cluster


Don't find many of the ammonites in cluster matrix.
Found in the Woodbine formation in Dallas Co. Texas
Washed into a gravel bar.
As I was cleaning it the unthinkable happened. I dropped it on concrete, shattered the one on right.
Reconstructed it and re assembled them back together as trio of specimens:

Calycoceras tarrantense
Cephalopod (Ammonite)
Woodbine formation
~85 myo.

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The Ammonites are a peaceful group. I've never heard of a terrorist being one.

Nice find, by the way. Super definition.

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   Nice Find.  Bet you let out some words when you dropped the thing.   ???   Never so much as held one before.   Are they Long Lost Cousins to the Nautilus ?  Strange Beast for sure.

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Great cluster find!  Thanks for sharing them with us.  I have never found one, but have held a couple of small ones...   also seen them in natural history museums.  Wouldn't mind having one for a sample.  But, getting old and trying to downsize!

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Quote:Posted by homefire   Nice Find.  Bet you let out some words when you dropped the thing.   ???   Never so much as held one before.   Are they Long Lost Cousins to the Nautilus ?  Strange Beast for sure.

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To be sure. Both belong to the family of cephalopod.

The Nautilus coexisted with ammonites.

The Nautilus has remained practically unchanged for well over 100 million years, and yes they are and were very strange indeed.
With very few exceptions the ammonite is one of the most diverse creatures to inhabit the Earths waters.

I personally have found 26 different species in and around the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
Some of them smaller than the head of a pin to as large as the hood of a car. (That is just around my stomping grounds.)

The ammonites can be obtained on line at several sources, at a cost to be sure.
Some of the more collectable and abundant specie types are from Madagascar.

Jess B.

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