NAD83 and WSG84


     I went to a wonderful web site about the great pathfinder John Fremont and his travels.
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Please Register or Login   The author of the site has located Fremont'sLong Camp and listed the coordinates on his web site.
     I entered the geographic coordinates of Long Camp on the Geocommunicator site and also Google Earth.  The locations of Long Camp on each site where a little different.  I got to wondering if the datums used by Geo and GE were different.  It seems Geo uses NAD83 while GE uses WSG84.  However, further study confirmed that NAD83 and WGS84 are give almost the same locations so these datums were not the cause of differences in site locations.
      I have entered other locations in Geocommunicator and Google Earth and got better results.
      I hope other people will communicate their experiences with these sites.


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Hay Dan,

There is a little difference between Nad 83 and WSG84,
but not a whole lot.

Sometimes the same point may be figguerd in two different

That is a problem where I live.

Arkansas is devided into two different Lambert Projections.
The projections are called "North Zone" and  "South Zone".
The two zones meet in Little Rock, Arkansas. If you traverse
from zone to zone, you can have problems. Or if tha coords
for one spot are calculated with the wrong zone, there will
be a problem.

Don't know if that effects what you are doing, but it is some
thing ta think about.

Happy Huntin,


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Wow! You are GPS busy, today.... good note on NAD83 and WSG84. In BC, where I live, obviously, the Gov. Mining bureaucracy, wants to use NAD83, but my old Magellan could not set to this, it wanted WSG84. Well, I haven't had any problems (yet.)

I can't find any difference, in all of BC, between the two. The Gov says 'don't use the online maps... they may not be accurate!'  Just as accurate as my GPS.

Have fun with your GPS, THing.
Brian AKA goldigger (why didn't I think of that?)

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