King John's Treasure - The Wash UK

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Hello Brendon Lyon

Here is 1906 newspaper story that gives a suspected location?

And here is a map of the 3 theories concerning King Johns crossing point across the Well stream.

The problem is for all past researchers is the large area to search. Some areas today may be under modern developments.

It may pay dividends to obtain old maps of areas with the old well stream and compare with Google earth and modern topographical maps. Just to understand the rate of silt build up over the years of the wash and land drainage and loss of old streams and shoreline.

I hope this has been of some assistance.

Hardluck  ;)

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Yes Hardluck,

Very helpful indeed, than's for going to the trouble.


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Hello Brendon

There was a research group researching this treasure based some where in around Norfolk. They seemed an amicable lot at the time. It may be of interest to find and contacting them.

Hardluck.  ;)

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Hello everyone, i accidentally came to this site after watching movie The Ironclad. The ending scene was interesting, so i started digging more about King John. I searched for about couple of hours and this nice map from 1620 came up. Maybe it can help to discover something new...

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Hello tompson

Thank you for the link and map


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Quote:Posted by BrendanLyonsHas anyone done any research on King John's lost treasure in the wash, reported to include the kings treasury and regalia. Perhaps 2-3,000 soldiers and servants accompanying his wagon train were lost when they were perhaps caught by incoming tides or quicksand while crossing the estuary from Lynn towards Newark ...

Dear Brendan, there are people who are looking into the subject and if you are interested (considering you're living nearby) please feel free to visit the book launch “The Lost Treasure of King John: The Greatest Mystery of the Fens” 3rd edition. (You are not allowed to view links.
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The Wheatsheaf Hotel at Swineshead have kindly offered to host a book launch for the third edition. The launch will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 15th January 2015.

Feel free to join us for a complimentary glass of wine (or soft drink if you prefer).  :)

Signed copies of the book will be available with a small discount on the normal retail price.

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Nice story

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