Captain Kidd Treasure Charts!!

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These Charts are linked to the document I posted earlier, I would appreciate your views and opinions of what "You See".

I am not interested in whether or not, you think the charts are genuine, I would just like you to tell me what you observe, what can You See in the charts???

This is not a game, numerous "Kidd" experts have been around the globe chasing the position of these charts.

Good luck and thanks.

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I'm having a difficult  time reading the map.


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Bran <><

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Try downloading the charts to a different window, where you can adjust the image.

Alternatively I will acquire a scanner and re-send the images.
Just give me your general idea/view, of what you see!.

Best wishes crowsnest/kevin.

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Hi Crowsnest,
I'm on the computer with photoshop active so I took the liberty to resize so let's see how these look as a lil experiment. Enjoyed your other post awhile ago regarding the codes. Sue

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Cool charts.  Thanks for sharing them.

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Quote:Posted by crowsnest1These Charts are linked to the document I posted earlier, I would appreciate your views and opinions of what "You See".

I am not interested in whether or not, you think the charts are genuine, I would just like you to tell me what you observe, what can You See in the charts???

This is not a game, numerous "Kidd" experts have been around the globe chasing the position of these charts.

Good luck and thanks.

I'm not sure what you mean by "what You See", but if I had to take a guess -I'd say they were maps of the same place - only mapped a little differently both times.


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the map on bottom is newer,or at least,detailed better~showing wrecks ect...

probably a more acurate shape of island,surroundings-ect.., also, longs & lats are diff.

looks like their taking of north is a click or two eastward as opposed to map above.

thanx ;D

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I see the china sea on one, but not on the other. Sue

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Hi All,
Sue, thanks for adjusting the view of the Charts.!
As for the rest of the comments, thank you all very much, you have not disappointed me, in fact, so far, you have all come up with what are, the common views of the charts, I note that you compare one chart to the other and you also note an island, surrounded by rocks and reefs etc. on both charts.
You also observe, the similarity between both charts.
This is not a competition or race!, so please take your time and keep posting your views.

Just remember, You have all pointed out differences within the charts!!??

Best Wishes.

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