King Arthurs Camelot Discovered.

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Alan Hassell:
yes its true.

Amazing news Camelot has been discovered and the site is virtually intact. This could be the biggest discovery this century.

The discovery of the site was made by three intrepid historians and an internationally known Australian treasure hunter.

This now means that the area otherwise known as the Dark Ages will finally give up its secrets revealing much about how people lived worked and died in that Period.

Mallory when writing hi Morte d' Arthur describe Camelot as being a huge building constructed of white marble whcih was almost blinding when the sun was on it at the right angle.

The site found fits the description covers an area of 11 and half acres and has over 50 rooms that have never been touched or explored for over 1500 years.

This means that Camelot could hold the greatest collection of Dark Age treasures of gold, silver and coins in Britain.

The Finders, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett have spent more than 70 years between them searching for King Arthur.

They were joined by Alan Hassell the Australian writer, treasure hunter who had been reseaching King Arthur since 1988.

Although, they knew about the site for many years they were put off from revealing the find earlier because of lack of evidence that the site was actually Camelot the Royal Palace of Kings.

Proving it would be a difficult if not impossible task because a Professor McAllistor did a small excavation on the site in 1888 during which 43 human remains were found together with the skeletons of three horses.

It was a huge room measuring about 60 x 50 feet and the walls originally had paintings on them and vast mosaics on the floor.

There was evidence that a huge fire had taken place which could of been signs of a battle that had taken place.

This really was the clue to what bought and end to this once marvellous building that became lost for centuries.

So on that description it would be something like the great palace at Fishbourne in Kent but on a much larger scale.

We know through documentation that it was originally built by a King Owain sometime around 150 AD.

Professor McAllistor had dated the site to around the time of Carausius otherwise known as King Crair 286-293 AD.

Because of this dating the finders were thrown off track and were unable to do much about it at the time so it got shelved.

That was until recently when someone wanted to date the bones recovered from the site.  It was found that the original bones had become contaminated and fresh bones would need to be obtained in order to date the site correctly so a secret dig was done and the new bones carbon 14 dated.

The results were not what was expected because the new date put the site at the sixth century in fact 562 AD to be precise.

This is exactly the same date that a Comet is reported to have struck Britain which is documented as being on fire from one end to the other.

The Comet strike was confirmed by professors at Cardiff University and was also responsible for devastating Bolivia too at the same time before finally splashing down in the North Sea somewhere off the coast of Norway.

The strike is believed to be one hundred times more powerful than the Hiroshima A-Bomb when it hit.

Camelot was struck with such ferocity that it literally imploded on itself killing anything and everything inside leaving a virtual time capsule once it was finally discovered again.

So what proof do we have?  When Alan Hassell was taken to the site the first time he noticed a great abundance of what he thought was white Quartz.   Having spent many years on Australia's gold fields it caught his attention because if you find Quartz you might find Gold

There is a ditch running alongside the road which is full of this white rock but on close inspection it is not Quartz as expected but

Dressed and polished White Marble.  It took four years for it to sink in how important the site actually is.

So if you want a little piece of British History and Camelot in particular feel free to take a look at the site yourself and grab a chunk or two of this beautiful stone.

Were not inviting everyone to vandalise the site which is on private property anyway but see this magnificent site for themseves before the powers to be protect it and stop anyone from going near it as will happen.

All Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett wanted to do originally was to open up Wales and develop a tourist industry that would create thousands of jobs and a thriving business.

The establishment did everything they could to discredit them in the past for some strange reason possibly greed.

Now finally they have given up and decided to finally reveal the truth about British History and why the establishment doesn't want it revealed.

Feel free to google this fabulous site and have a good look around there's plenty to see crop marks too.

We've even included a picture so you and find it yourself together with a picture of all that beautiful Marble just waiting to be collected.

Maybe Walt Disney would love to get hold of a prized bit of real estate in the U.K. where he could expose and have the real Camelot for tourists to finally gazed and wonder at.

The final picture is of what was the original story told on stone of the actual comet strilke which can be found in the Museum of London.  Lettering on the side written in the old Coelbren alphabet describes the event.

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Welcome to the forum Allen- thanks for sharing the info

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Awesome. Thank you for the post. This is really an amazing discovery, it had to be true...

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Imagine the power of that comet! Even if you know it's coming, most of us can only wave and say goodbye. :o

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Alan, this is really ground breaking news! It definately could change history! Thank you very much for sharing it with us! Please keep us posted!

Best wishes,


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Alan Hassell:
Thanks for the welcome guys and appreciation of what i consider real treasure hunting and there will be more to come I assure you.
I have not been idle over the years and have been hard at work making some real Indiana Jones type discveries with my good friends and colleagues Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett.
They are the Worlds greatest Historians without a doubt and the discovery of Camelot is only one of the finds they are credited with.   
I myself working on another project will release details shortly about the fabulous Sutton Hoo Treasure Ship and how it was mis identified as being Saxon when in actual fact it is British and prove this beyond any reasonable doubt.
You have to realise that only in Britain was the real history changed for political and religious correctness.
I will publish this on the site in due course but may have to do it in stages or chapters because its a long story hehehe.
enjoy and have fun    regards alan hassell  [devil] [rider] [teach]  let the fun begin hehe

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What an interesting post and subject. Congrats to the researchers.  I don't know enough about British history to understand the 'political and religious correctness' cover up at that time. . . how it would be different if they hadn't changed the real history. Also, wasn't aware of a comet back then. Definitely looking forward to some more posts. Marble picture was interesting - I'm no expert, but I don't think natural quartz would break or decompose like those chunks. Sue

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Great post Alan .Cant wait to read your sutton hoo posting when its done. :o

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Thanks for the story. I'm looking forward to reading the ones to come!  :)

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Alan Hassell:
Hi Sue,

I decided to reply to you because you appear to be what I call a doubting Thomas.
Of course this is only a suggestion no one can force anyone to do anything they dont want to do.
Maybe you havent heard about the Mayan Prophecies but they predicted this age would end on Dec 21 2012.
It may interest you to know that some people take this seriously and are making films about this event.
May I suggest you google 2012 and then goto you tube and do some research on 1. A bomb blasts and 2. comet strikes then 3 tangusta as what hit Siberia.

Incidentally an implosion is when something collapses on itself assumed caused by the extreme pressures of the comet.
Of course no one lived to tell the tale precisely because nothing lived or grew for between seven and eleven years.
During which time nature took over and restored the site as if nothing had happened.  In time Camelot was forgotten about and was considered a myth a fairy tale until it was re-discovered.
Please dont think I have replied to you to belittle you, I wouldnt do that to a lady but in hope that I can in some way increase you knowledge and others following this thread too in order for you to get a better understanding of the subject at hand...     with respect alan hassell   [wise]

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