First Nations translator deciphers ancient stone as a Da Vinci treasure map

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Keith Ranville:
Oak Island?s treasure really on Birch Island

First Nations translator deciphers ancient stone as a treasure map

By Angie Zinck- Lunenburg Progress Enterprise ? October 18, 2006

WESTERN SHORE ? You many have heard about the Da Vinci code, but the Ranville code could be what wolves the longest running treasure hunt in recorded history.

Keith Ranville, a First Nations man, has traveled form Winnipeg ot Nova Scotia in hopes of unlocking the secret codes on Oak Island. He says he has done so by re-translating one of the stones found on the island over 200 years ago.

The Oak Island Tourism Society confirms that the stone in question was first found in 1803 by the Onslow Company. Found 90 feet down the Money Pit, the stone was believed to be two feet long and 15 inches wide, weighing approximately 175 lb.

Since that time, it has been said that the inscription on the stone read ?forty feet below two million pounds are buried,? as translated by James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhousie University. Some researchers have questioned this translation as Mr. Leitchi was involved in a treasure hunting company trying to sell stocks.

Today, the actual stone is lost. It was used as a hearthstone in two homes on Oak Islnad, but it was moved to a Halifax store front where it went missing when the building was torn down. Its last known location was round the Centennial Pool area.

Mr. Ranville used pictures of the stone to decipher its series of shapes, lines and dots to reveal a new translation that read more like a map.

?I?ve brought some new stuff to the table,? he says, adding that the stone?s etchings could be used to figure out the mystery of Oak Island.

By his translation, much of the digging in the Money Pit area has been a waste of time and money.

?I believe the pit wasn?t meant to go beyond 100 feet,? he says. ?I believe it wasn?t meant to go beyond these symbols.?

If one were to take Mr. Ranville?s code and follow it, it would lead you off Oak Island the site of all the treasure hunting for the past 211 years, under the water of the bay and onto the neighbouring Birch Island via man-made shafts.

?The instructions at the bottom of the pit tells you about where and how to locate these shafts and I believe they?re in Mahone Bay,? he says.

Mr. Ranville believes the two islands are connected by these shafts. He said that aerial shots of Birch Island prove the island has been touched by human hands. These aerial shots of the 16-acre Birch Island do show a large triangle which takes up a good portion of the island landscape.

?What I want to do is investigate this island where I think these symbols lead to,? he says.

Mr. Ranville has contacted the owner, Christopher Ondaatje, to inquire about doing some soil testing and exploring on the island.

In addition to being the home of the famous treasure, Mr. Ranville believes Birch Island may also be an ancient burial site ofr those who were involved in the original treasure hiding scheme.

?This is a significant Nova Scotia heritage discovery and that is Canada?s national treasure brought here for our guardianship long before Canada was established,? he says. ?We should respect the civilization that is responsible for the makings of these structures.

?They were a very unique ure and may hold the secret to many ancient structures.?

Although he doesn?t know who actually buried the treasure, Mr. Ranville believes Oak Island and Birch Island need to be protected from further change to unlock their true history.

At the time of this interview, Mr. Ranville had yet to hear from Mr. Ondaatje regarding the island. He says he will continue to research the island and its tales of mystery and treasure. Check out Google Earth on the World Wide Web to see satellite photos of Birch Island and its triangle.***

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Posted on: October 25, 2006, 11:24:41 AMCKBW radio.

Like many people, I have also held a facination with the mystery of Oak Island and have done numerous interviews on the subject over the eight years I've been at this radio station.

I would love to talk with you about your theory and share it with our listeners.

When would be a good time to talk? The time difference will likely be our biggest obstacle. I am in my office from 5am til 12:30pm Atlantic. That is pretty early in the day for you.

Let me know what is convenient so we can arrange a telephone interview if you are interested.

Thanks in advance.

Sheldon MacLeod
CKBW News Director


Keith Ranville - Exclusive Radio Interview!

Keith's radio Interview on CKBW, 98.1 FM in Nova Scotia. He appeared on South Shore Sunday Morning with host, Sheldon Macleod. To listen to the interview about Oak Island's buried treasure, click the link below.

Listen about the Oak Island treasure-->MP3

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Keith Ranville

Keith Ranville:

A new light shines on the Oak Island Treasure Mystery

Just when you thought the mysterious and elusive Oak Island treasure hunt had died down, a fresh new perspective on the mystery could overturn the entire context of the hunt and lead us in a completely different direction.

First Nations Researcher Keith Ranville has come up with a very distinctive and interesting interpretation of the Oak Island etchings which differ significantly from the existing interpretations due to his Native Heritage (Canadian) background.

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Keith Ranville's Translation of the Oak Island Flagstone
Keith Ranville [His website: A new light shines on the Oak Island Treasure Mystery.] has come up with a differing translation from the generally accepted one. He is of native Canadian descent and has used his native background to find a message on the stone. The message concerns an island two islands to the east of Oak Island (Birch Island) which has a distinctive triangle carved into the north side of the island.
In an email to us, Ranville says: "the forty symbols [on the flagstone] explain about an island two islands east of Oak Island called Birch Island, on the north end of birch Island the impression of a triangle is there.

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Keith Ranville's New Oak Island Money Pit Theory
The Astral World Home
Keith Ranville - The man behind the theory
This is a completely new theory on the Oak Island Money Pit mystery put forth by a Canadian man named Keith Ranville. When he first contacted me I almost deleted it thinking it was spam but after reading into it a little more he really caught my interest. He has since been keeping me posted with the latest news and there will surely be more to come so all I can give you is what I know so far.

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Keith?s new information is interesting and really deserves a closer look, New Technology is really changing the way we hunt for treasure and the fact that Keith is using what every treasure should know that it all begins with research, This is a great lesson to pass on to new treasure hunters. I know when he goes to start digging I would love to be there with him.

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Panning for Gold, Gem Mining, Treasure Articles, and more...

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Very interesting information!!!!!!! The Oak Island mystery was the first treasure story I had ever heard of.  We'll see where this goes.

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Great Info Oakster...:)...Thanks for sharring it with us

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Great information.  Thanks for sharing.

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Keith Ranville:


April 2007 Edition
Hard Copy Version
Oak Island Update! ? Cree Code Breaker Challenges 140-Year Old Cipher   

MAHONE BAY, Nova Scotia ?The enigma of Oak Island has been called one of the greatest archaeological and engineering achievements of mankind. Often referred to as Canada?s best known unsolved mystery, Oak Island proudly boasts it?s title for hosting the site of the World?s longest treasure hunt in recorded history. Now in its 212th year this 10 million dollar project that has selfishly taken the lives of six young men is no closer to being solved than it was in 1795 when three teen boys discovered a shaft here and began digging for what they believed to be pirate treasure! The boys excavated down to the 30 foot mark, exhausted and unable to continue they realized the dig would be a much larger effort then they first imagined. What the boys found as they dug convinced all three that they had indeed discovered a man-made vertical shaft of sound engineering. Their only conclusion was that it had been built to hide an enormous treasure. Knowing that a proper excavation required equipment, animals and manpower the boys set out to find investment capital. It took years but they did find an investor with whom they became the founders of the Onslow Company, the first of many treasure recovery companies that would come and go on Oak Island. To date the cost of this intoxicating treasure hunt has far exceeded ten million dollars and consigned six sturdy treasure hunters to an early grave.

Now for the first time since the 1860?s one man has come forward to challenge the translation of a cryptic message found etched into a stone that was discovered at the 90-foot mark in the original shaft in 1803 by the Onslow Company. The stone vanished about 1900 and no known image or text was preserved showing the cryptic message. However a Mahone Bay school teacher in 1909 claimed to have copied the two line, forty-character coded text directly from the stone hoping that he could break the code himself. He provided the only image of the codex known to exist stating the code was a simple letter-for-cipher that was accurately translated by Professor James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhouse University in 1860?s. Leitchi?s translation reads? ?Forty feet below two million pounds are buried.? Although Leitchi?s translation has never been directly challenged it has always been suspicious since a business relationship is known to have existed between Leitchi and the Oak Island Association, the 1860?s recovery company. 

Recently Keith Ranville, a Cree First Nations researcher announced his challenge of Leitchi?s translation stating? ?Birch Island holds the secret to the meaning of the construction on Oak Island. According to the Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Ranville claims that Leitchi?s method to break the code was flawed, citing that his translation using the First Nations tradition, sees the codex as individual abstract symbols that were never intended to be translated into a single message. Using Ranville?s method to decipher the code, which reads more like a map, Oak Island is directly linked to its sister island, nearby Birch Island by underwater man-made shafts. He cites the repeated use of the triangle from the original inscription and points to the large triangle that he discovered on Birch Island which is only visible from the air. The triangle on the 16-acre Birch Island takes up much of the Island which Ranville believes is also the ancient burial grounds for those who were involved with the complex construction found on Oak Island.   

Ranville?s work offers a completely different approach to solving the Oak Island mystery. Traveling across Canada Ranville has presented his findings to a number of scholars and groups many of whom have supported his work in principal. He has been interviewed on radio programs and his currently looking for funding to help pursue his research further. Those supporting Ranville?s research include mining engineer, Steve Zou, P.Eng.,PH.D, the Bear River First Nation of Nova Scotia, the Sault Ste. Marie Museum and to learn more you can log on to Ranville?s web site at: You are not allowed to view links.
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Interview with Mr. Ranville December-2006

Oak Island Stalker

n4n  also known as Sash Inman A member of the, Oak Island Tourism Society. Has been making deliberate attacks on my research. I have got calls & emails about this individual. About who is this n4n character and this Oak Island Tourism Society. They think he is a wacko they told me tell them to stop harassing them at once.

What direction my research goes is no ones business at this time, I have not collected any monies from raising money to procure my research any further. But what I can say is that I have been having meetings with a vast Funder from the United States. But that?s all I can say? due to creepy people like this Sasha Inman and his Organization.

First Nations Reseacher

Keith Ranville

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Keith Ranville:
Oak Island tourism Society and the Oak Island Forum U.K Witch Hunters

They're Responsible for making threats To Mr. Keith Ranville
The Oak Island Tourisim Society have been harrasing' First Nations Researcher Mr. Keith Ranville and his Canadian Heritage Research; Mr. Danny Hennigar or Tank a spokes man & Member for the Oak Island Tourism Society and his known Partner Sash Inman or N4N are spear-heading a asault on a Canadian Heritage Project that involves all canadians. this Oak Island society runs on DONATIONS from the public.
in return they spread propaganda or hate Anonymously' with strange behavior through groups of people from the Oak Island Forum U.K they maliciously shut down my thread on the NBC Treasure Hunters, and are working on this thread. These are not Nice People they are manipaltive, with the money they recieved from donations they grown to attack anyone they choose to.

Be aware of these people and if you can check out the rude behavior they did on NBC Treasure Hunters that they had shut down if its is available. I dont know why these two Organizations are so afraid of me and my discoveries' it is begining to look because of my origin's.

these people are full of hate and if they dont like my discoveries they can look the other way. there are many people angry with these two organizations and there horible treatment towards one Canadian Native Indian because of his amazing ability to make some remarkable discoveries. These People seem like some kind of cult, of some kind. they are right out of the dark ages.No wonder these people dont have discoveries of there own?


First Nations Researcher

Keith Ranville

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A Quote

R Roberts

I see no reason that this fellow regardless his origins should not have his own theories about this long standing mystery........

Only one thing has been established is that the "money pit was not the product of an overnight shore party from a pirate ship but an extensive, engineering feat. It certainly was not done in a day regardless of the period.

wake up and smell the coffee not the pot


mysterytrivia said,
January 12, 2007 at 1:43 pm

Thanks for clueing me in. He seemed to have too strong of an opinion for a casual observer.

I admire your dedication and passion Keith. So few people have either in their lives and I know what hard work it is to actually do something about anything as their are always obstacles and naysayers.

To me, an open mind is one of the greatest treasures, and I look forward to hearing about where your research is taking you.


Mystery Trivia

What is the point of this individual and his obsession with Mr. Keith Ranville and why doesn?t he have a theory of his own?
Mr. Ranville look's to be doing a wonderful exciting thing for this Oak Island
Mystery the best theory heard yet. I see no reason why he should need some outside person or person's to tell him or anyone how his project should be run. I find it odd that why a person would try involve himself in something he has nothing to do with, let' alone try to explain to everyone how things should be laid out. I also see no written documentation from this Sash Inman' but his verbal word. Which is in question because due to his mental status and his obsession with Mr. Ranville.
It would be in Mr. Inman best interest to move on and get on with his life' and stop living a fantasy of trying include himself in someone else's achievements.


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Keith Ranville:
Oak Island Reveals it?s Secrets                            March 9, 2007

It is I, keith Ranville? Oak Island?s leading treasure hunter; up to now? I have been receiving considerable amount of attention for my discoveries, concerning the Oak Island treasure mystery evidence brought forward as clues that was not fully understood up to now. Pay NO attention to scrupulous people portraying they know me? Here are some of there opening statements; keith old chap or I know keith , ect..

These People are opportunists that are trying to cash in or hitch a ride on my growing treasure hunting notoriety for my discoveries without them having any such notoriety for themselves, to display nor they have a recognized reputable treasure hunter background, to comment on? in regards of my research, that they have no involvement in or they do not have a full understanding of any of my research concepts. At this time I am involved in a project regarding an Oak Island Documentary, that I will be showcasing adventurous treasure hunting footage and all my new research discoveries and new information that will be explained in full explanation in the documentary.
I give thanks to websites that host my logical research and the theories that arise from it, from the hard work I made into adventure, that caught the eye of websites that venue?s information and entertains peoples curiosities. The supportive people of me will have a noticeable Canadian Heritage involvement, on any out come of this Oak Island legendary historical venture.     

Oak Island treasure mystery is mystic place that has many avenues of clues that can lead to many places, there is a right path and I am on it? and I invite the world on my quest in to discovery, that will be taking departure for a scheduled ?voyage? so all can a board on the release date of my documentary when announced.

Film Documentary information
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Oak Island?s Leading researcher

Canadian Cree First Nations & Sinclair Heritage

Keith Ranville

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Mr. Ranvile, this is shockig, what threats did they make at ytou?

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Keith Ranville:
Well first thing I would like to say hello to you Fred'

I really don't want to discuss it at this time, but if you read the posts in this forum you can get a good idea of what these people are all about. I just want stay as far as away as posible from them and concertreate on this documentary...that they will have no part of so I can put all of my energy into it...without crazy disturbed people to deal is imposible to get anything done with these weird characters running around they are not about research...who can get research done with that kind of crap going on?


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