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Offline tabdogTopic starter
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« on: September 10, 2009, 04:06:55 am »
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Taking photos is important to our members so they
can participate in sharing experiences here on the

It can be a daunting task for someone not use to
doing it.

I am not very knowledgeable about photography, so
all I really want to do is get the ball rolling.

It does not take an expensive camera to take good
photos of your finds. I have two Cannon cameras
that cost about $100 or less at Wallie-World

Lighting is very important.

Direct lighting tends to glare. Indirect light, and lots
of it, will take better photos. The flash also tends to
glare. So dump the flash when ever you can.

Outside on a bright day offers good lighting. Also a
light box can be made, or purchased to take photos

A holder of some kind to stabilize the camera can be
nice also.

Use the "MACRO" setting when taking close ups.

What a lot of folks do is to try to get too close to the
object when taking a photo.

Focus is more important than getting close.

Back off some. The camera should have plenty of
Megapixals so that you can crop the photos in any
photo program to get the real close up shot you

I use a free file sharing web site called PhotoBucket
to provide my photo files to my post. That allows my
photos to be presented better in the post. You may
have noticed that my pics are not presented the same
as the pics downloaded on the site here.

Well, my brain is about empty now, so I should stop
talkin. Do not worry, this happens to old Tabdog all tha
time... lol

Happy Huntin,



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« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 06:16:24 pm by tabdog »
Offline findoldstuff
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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 06:33:05 pm »
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Great post TD- Have you ever hunted that little park at Pine Bluff on the water?


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Offline tabdogTopic starter
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« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 09:32:07 pm »
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Quote:Posted by findoldstuff
Great post TD- Have you ever hunted that little park at Pine Bluff on the water?

There is a small park close to the courthouse. It
is on a lake. It is not my cup of tea. That lake
is badly poluted. Not much of a park.

There is another one that has a pond and it is
next to a golf course. I have hunted there.

There may be a few in Pine Bluff I have not
hunted yet.

It takes a long time to drive there. Not much
time to do things when I am there.

Happy Huntin,



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