2006 Camp Recollections


One of my early trips looking for gold in Western Australia was in the Kalgoorlie area and there were 12 people involved.
We were a mixture of men and women with a fair difference in ages and experience .As on these types of excursions most participants are easy going and friendly and this was the case on this memorable trip.
We had all set up camp and enjoyed the first night with a decent fire. After the long drive for most of us to get there only a few stayed up after 9.00 pm.
During the night another vehicle arrived but I did not take much notice of it as the new arrivals were a bit on the edge of our general group spot.  We all met them the next morning [ two blokes from Sydney in a flashy 4WD and large family tent fit for a king]  How they knew where we were going to be there is a mystery as none of us were aware of them coming.
After breakfast we all set up our gear and wandered away to find our fortune. I forgot my pick and had to return to camp and as I arrived the two new blokes were in deep conversation with one apparently trying to calm the other down. I grabbed my pick and headed out again.
I did not see them until mid afternoon when I stumbled upon one of them in tears with his gear laying in a heap . I was about to see if I could help him then saw his mate approaching so I headed back to detecting my area of interest.
It came in cold that night and the fire was expanded to give that extra heat . A bit of toast was made and a few potatoes wrapped in alfoil were carefully placed in the coals to cook.
The smells of port wine, beer and green ginger wine lingered in the air and all seemed well.   A few yarns were told and a showing of nuggets found filled in some time.
All was going well until the Sydney fellow with personal problems started sobbing and his friend took him to his tent to try to get him to calm down.   Later he returned by himself and one of the ladies pried him for information on the situation. 
It happens that he was a young doctor in a Sydney suburb and he was being investigated for having sex with a couple of his patients. 
Well the mood of the ladies in our group was changed from sympathy to contempt but kept their voices low as the discussion developed as to how much of this goes on nowadays.  I reminded them that this has been going on for years and this was not just the males instigating this activity as was proven in my hometown 30 years earlier.
The ladies would not listen and wondered at the hurt to the women concerned and their families at this fellows actions.
Finally all arguments subsided when the friend announced that the doctor was just a VETINARIAN.

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