Buck Tale #1


Buck Rogers:
Now my own treasure tales dont match up much with the famous stories .  Hard to stand up to the Dutchman or the Lost Adams.  But desided to tell one of my own.  This one aint much but I think there are many out there like that where we aint got any back ground and theres not any way to research it only word of mouth.......  Any how around 20 years ago I was visiting a Man I used to work with at the Oklahoma state prison.  He live at a little town Named Panola Oklahoma.  As I was there visting I asked him some questions about local treasure tales I had head.  He had lived in the area all his life and knew a good deal about it.  One of the things I asked about was the Red Rocks.  It was a bluff back up in the San Boise Mtns behind his house.  He told me that it was one of Bell Stars Hide outs and he had always heard that there was outlaw loot buried around it.  Now this place aint very far maybe 10 miles as the crow flys from Robbers Cave state Park.  Robbers cave was reputed to be one of Bells hide outs.  He said I could take the old trail behind his house if I had a 4 wheel drive and drive all the way back to the park.  I would go past the red rocks and go down to a pretty clear lake called Double Falls and come out on the High way...  Well what I was really looking for is Black Face's  Hide out as I knew it was supposed to be in this same area.  Hes the one I talked about before that Robbed the Spannish pack train on the Red River.  11 ox cart loads of gold.  Black Face's time was in the 1820's and 30's  Bell Star came long after that.  But wasnt any reason that they could not have been useing the same hide out.  He told me to watch out for the Crazy woman in the Woods as when ya drove through she would chase ya.  I asked him what she wanted and he said no one ever stopped to find out...  I told him ya know she could be in trouble and a needing help...... Any how I did make the trip back to Red Rocks and saw the big Red Sand stone bluff.  I looked for markings but didnt find any.  The only unusual thing I saw on them was a water pipe coming out of one of the rocks.  Now it could be a marker in its own right .  But it looked like it had just been put in to a hole in the rocks that just went to more Rocks.  I didnt look the area over as good as I should have so I very well could have missed something.  I left there and drove down through the bottom that the crazy woman was supposed to be in and I desided if she came out I was a gonna stop and see what the problem was.  But I drove all the way through to Double Falls lake with out seeing her.  I did see an Eastern Timber Rattle Snake and some Grey Squirels.  Double falls was a pretty little lake about as clear as ya could get it and was fed by natural springs coming out of the hill side.  I left there an drove about a mile and a half and hit the high way at Robbers Cave.  .......  I drove on Home about 40 miles and the next day I was back at my friends in Panola again.  Ya see he had told me one other story and I had to check it out.  He had bought the little ranch from some family of the old man who had owned it before him.  The old man had died.  A few years Later some other family member had shown up and asked if they could look around the old stock pen.  My friend asked them why but they wouldnt say.  So since they wouldnt say he refused them permission to look.  He told me about it and said he figgered the Old man had burried some money out there.  And he wanted to know if I would look for it with my detector.  I had told him I would.  So that is why I was back at his house.  Well i did look and I reckon it seems like I uncovered a million old tin cans.  And old sheet iron and horse shoes and every thing else ya can imagine.  I spent 3/4 of the day a digging and pulling junk out.  Didnt seem like there was any end in sight.  But I didnt pull out any treasure.  I was pretty well give out.  Always figgered to try it again but aint never done it.  When the kids comes back looking for the old mans money ya got to figger its proably a true story.  Even if they wouldnt say what they were looking for.  I know 3 other local stories simalar to that one except the kids in these said they were looking for treasure.  .... The Big storys of Lost mines and buried treasure are good to read but I think there are thousands of stories out there that have never been told and never will as the folks that knew them are all gone now.  But the treasures are still waiting for you or me to find them..... Buck

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I enjoy treasure tales and was on a kick once researching genealogical sites as families would share tales of buried or hidden money that had been passed down through the years. I never tried to follow up on any of them, but it was quite a tell on how much is really out there waiting to be found. . . . under years and years of trash  :) Sue

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Buck Rogers:
There are still many treasure tales out there to be heard.  I came across 2 last month in my own county.  One was of Spanish Armor being found beside a creek and another of an old gold mine being found from the 1920's west of me about 30 or so miles.....  [detecting]...Buck

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cool stories, including your reply to Sue, hope you give them another chance and don't just let them disappear into history

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