The Ghost of Sarah Alice


There was a lady by the name of Sara Alice who lived alone on an island just off Amelia Island Fla.  In the 40"s and 50" she would walk to town, bare footed, and get the things she needed.  One of the things she wanted was burnt motor oil, whe would rub it on her feet which were very hard.  Her house burned one night and it was always thought she was killed and then the house burned.  Her body was never found.  Many have hunted the home site and there are a few who have actually found a little.  Just a few years ago it was reported that a treasure hunter was metal detecting around the old site and found a jar full of old coins.
It has been reported that at night you can still hear Sarah Alice moaning the loss of her home.  If you dare to spend the night you may strike up a conversation with her and find out just where she burried more or her money.  Legend has it she came from a wealthy family and had a lot of money she burried on the island.

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