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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« on: October 14, 2009, 10:52:07 am »
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The fifth place agent is situated near this town. The sector is there very ancient and we find very curious megalithic sites there. Its name would be due to the springs of the region. We shall retain only 2 places for our attention: the caves of the Holy deer and Holy C?cile. As for Ste C?cile it is quite a different connected story it in the castle of distant Roquemartine of 3km. The place is good intriguing. It contains an engraving identical to that of " the indelible cross " of the chartreuse of Ste Croix in Jarez, and a mural of the very unusual crucifixion the peculiarities of which we find in the Chartreuse of Ste Croix in Jarez.

Sainte Croix en Jarez

The Lord of this castle was in XIIIe S. the certain Pierre de Ch?teauneuf same name as the husband of the founder of the Chartreuse of Ste Croix in Jarez! It is surroundings of Roquemartine that will leave the sixth deposit waited by Cl?ment V. as the one who will leave the commanderie of Marles in Pilat to join the shelter safe of the Chartreuse of Ste Croix in Jarez!
We could, another 50 years ago, perceive subterranean parts collapsed towards the place " la fond blanche ".


Sallaezo, for Thor, speaks about a strange story linking the place to a mysterious hammer of justice. Is it necessary to find in this fact the analogy of the place and this object symbolizing the Scandinavian god Thor?
Caves cross the basement of the region which the legends make haunt by strange guards in the long coats. Legends or memory deformed by the souvenir of some knights having stayed in these subterranean refuges? It is in 1900 when were updated in the " wall of the devil " the cave of Thouzon which will accredit the tradition of the subterranean networks of the fabulous narratives. In 1912 Thomas Farrat, Christophe Garcia and Fabre Boudou will update a small treasure, in this sector, of 183 golden coins of 1235, at the bottom of a small hiding place.


It would be here the seventh hiding place counted by Sallaezo. It is question of a chapel " Nostre Dame de l' Espine " there which would have been able to be a simple oratory and no tracks of which we have either in archives or on the ground. Nevertheless the document is formal because it takes into account the maintenance of an oratory by the templi?re house of Richerenche.
A specialized researcher made a strange discovery in 1871 going to the sense of the translation of Sallaezo. It was about several pits funeral near bases in freestones. One of stone wore a date and N.D. of Espine. Two of the pits were smaller than their lids and one of them was really a kind of overhang looking onto a lower cubbyhole and apparently had contained quite other thing that mortuary spoils. However rooms(parts,plays) and menus valuables, which one cut in a rather big and smoked rock crystal were updated. We find the list and the descriptions in a small book of the abbot Boute which specifies to have kept a copy which seemed to him " too much crowned to be mistreated "...

A last site...

There is a site which we voluntarily put outside the chronology because it is exactly about Rochemaure who we saw him(it), had no more direct report(relationship) with the Temple.
But previously it is necessary to us to return to the magic square.
The formula to Rochemaure is: SATOR - AREPO - TENET - OPERA - ROTAS. Let us take in order every letter without repetition. We obtain: S - A - T - O - R - P - E - N. Other letters being the repetitions of these last ones, we thus have 8 letters of bases.

At the moment let us look at the names of 8 concerned deposits: Salvator - Orange - Avignon - Po?t-Laval - Eyguiers - Thor - Nyons. If we stress the reflection and what we take the only ones initials of these cities we obtain: S-O-A-P-E-T-N to whom we add R of Rochemaure, last place describes by Pontoon Sallaezo, we have: SOAPETNR.
Now, these initials are the anagram completes of S - A - T - O - R - E - P - N!!! And it is practically impossible that it is about a pure fate.

Sense of the magic square

The figure 8, as eight basic letters, was the one of the infinity and the sacred for the Order of Temple. The magic square of 5 in the totality of 25 used letters gives PATER NOSTER in both vertical and horizontal directions with the "N" for axis of 2 plans. What would still consolidate the choice, by the Knight Templars, of this railing it is the fact that it are not the authors because this play on words is already known to their period and to use on "magic " and " occult" papers. Let us not forget that the first ones palindrome were found to Pompe?.


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« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 01:21:16 am by Luc »

Lucky Luc

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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 05:07:41 am »
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Hello Luc

Once again thank you very much for the interesting post.

Once again you have intrigued me and stirred my curiosity. I have never seen these magic squares with letters before. Very interesting.

It seems you have made some enigmatic discoveries.

Do please keep posting on this as it is forcing me read books and study the topic even further.

The magic letters I have seen, has always been of numbers. It is possible that the Templar's were involved in creating these magic squares. They could of been influenced by early middle eastern influences.(see early magic squares images )

Hardluck  Shocked


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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2009, 07:23:18 am »
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Hello Hardluck

To complete your information, I put below some links of web site in English treating this square SATOR.
Best regards Luc

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Lucky Luc

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« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 10:01:11 pm »
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Thank you Luc

This will keep me busy for a while  Wink

Please continue your interesting posts.

Hardluck  Smiley


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