i need to know how to find lost treasure in a yard

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ok im 15 yrs old and my uncles dad owns a house on an old wagon road no longer used. and it usted to have a doulbe chimmney but he tore on down and built on a little and he has a decend size yard and my uncle and him tells me these stories that an old man lived in the house and saved up all his money posibly gold they say gold but i think silver either one he got an old jar and buried it and one day he was by the fire place and had an heart attack and fell into the fire a died and noone knew where he buried it.  a couple of years ago some people came to his house wanting to look for the treasure and he said no he then went and bought a metal dector and hunted it alot but his wasnt a name brand i dont think then my uncle went and bought on a cheap one and i ve hunted it a little with my mine lab not much at all though so how exactly do i come to finding the treasure if its there what do i need tell me anything it will help

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Tyler Maybe the loot was deeper than what your detector could register . Try a PI detector if you can get one . Even just borrow one .  Cornelius

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I am by no means an expert but I think that I would start by looking over the land around the original foundation and with in sight from it and Try to check for an old shed location or prominate old land mark with in eye sight of the old house. Block out square areas and cover it slowly. Some thought and detective work before detector work may save time, but mostly I think it will be fun to think of good places to make a stash if you were an old man at that time.  Enjoy the hunt it may take quite some time but since your family owns it you can keep coming back from time to time to try again.[idea]

 [detecting] make it an adventure and have fun  ;D

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exactly wat is a pi dector

still need info on how to find the treasure anyone

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Tyler since you are only 15 years old you have the right to ask questions that are well known by the older folks .  See Tyler there are two main kinds of metal detectors . One kind is devided in a few different ways of detecting but in general the way they work is as follows . At the end of the detector there is a coil . That disc shaped part .  When you switch on the detector there is a electric field formed around that coil . What is an electric field ? Well you have to think about it as a cloud of smoke around the disc  . There are two coils in the disc . One forms the electric field and the other registers any change in that field  . So if there is nothing in the smoky field there will be no detection in the receiving coil . But if there is a coin or any other metallic item in the field ( the smokey cloud ) the field will be disturbed  and that disturbance is picked up by the other coil , whitch will give out a signal to your earphones  . Now , the other form of detector is called a Pulse Induction Metal detector  ( PI detector )  . This works more or less like a sonar instrument . It does not form a cloud around the disc but instead sends a pulse into the ground . This pulse is echoed back to the coil if there is some metal ( mostly iron  . if no filters  or discrimination is available )  in the area  . Thus we may take it that the PI detector can go deeper than a regular detector . Some of the PI detectors can go as deep 10 feet  while regular detectors at the most will go 8 to 10 inches  ( if you have a real good detector )  . Most of the regular detectors will not go any deeper than 5 inches  . That is why if you are looking for something in the ground that is deeper than 5 or 10 inches  , you will miss it altogether .  Ask if you want more info .  Regards  Cornelius

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hi cornelis

i own a minelab xs and concerding the house was built in the real early 1900s and the treasure (so say) was buried anywhere from 1 in to 2 feet and the amount of dirt accumulated over that period of time about how many inches just guessing do u think accumulates in 100 yrs?

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hey i got one more question how many inches of dirt in a yard acumulates in a 100 ys?  can i just turn my sensitifty sky high and discrimination down and it be a pi dector? [detecting] [idea]

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Paul A:
Great explanation from Cornelius!
Tyler, no it won't turn it into a P.I. detector.
You are someway along the right lines with turning down the discrim though.
On a large object such as a jar of coins you should be able to get a signal at up to about 18 inches, maybe a little more, with the minelab.
Try the deepseeker program I put in the download area and make a couple of changes.
Bring the sensitivity up and back the discrim out a bit.

Good Luck!

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update on the story now that i found out my uncle exagerats.  i went and talked to my uncles dad alone and now he said that one guy came and wanted to metal dect said he heard the old man buried a jar of money. should i still try and see if theres treasure thier and do u all believe the guy or should i beleive the guy or what? still needs to know ways to find it though by the way thanks for the reply ill go try the yard this weekend 

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Tyler I would give up on this one , but since you are bitten by the bug  I would read up on a few facts and learn more about detecting and the equipment used for that  ( as long as you don't go for LRL =  long range locating ) . You are still young . Stay with the hobby and you will become an expert .  Cornelius

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