Navy Davy has heart and I Quota


Has been a while since ND and I motored down the road.  After the mandatory stop for coffee and Tim's Hockey cards we arrived at the park.  Fairly busy there with the sun shining and the wind a whipping.  Wasn't too long before we hit coins and the moaning and groaning started; not from the swaying trees but from two old farts.  After a few hours we were both done in and we headed back to ND's car.  Of course like most often happens Navy Davy found a nice religious heart on the way back.

Once at the vehicle we did our tally with ND finding his heart and 18 coins while I 38 with most being pennies.  After Dave dropped me off I headed to the nearest school to find 12 more coins for my first quota of the year.  Took 55 minutes and I was home moaning and groaning to Marie about my knees and shoulder which is a tad sorer after my face plant at work the other day.

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