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« on: February 24, 2011, 09:34:30 pm »
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Hello !! I'm new here but lets get this moving!

I'm looking at a story that came from end of the Civil War were the confederate monies had been taken from Richmond and moved to all points South as Pres. Davis was fleeing the Union take over. There was a Train filled with gold and Mexican silver.How much was actually buried during this trip south?
I have dug a few nuggets that were true! Gold coins have been found in North Florida and suspect to this train hoard moving south.

Another story related to this is that Union troops captured a wagon loaded with Gold and Silver in Gainesville, Fla. amounting to 38,000 dollars. Has anyone gotten anything they could add to this? Fact or Fiction?


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« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 10:34:35 pm by homefire »
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« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 10:48:50 pm »
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Along the way, the official Confederate treasure, valued at approximately $500,000 when it left Richmond, was spent supplying fighting Confederate troops and paying off Confederate troops returning home from the war. Under an elm tree near Washington, James A. Semple, "a trusted naval officer," was given gold coin and bullion worth $86,000 and ordered to conceal it in the false bottom of a carriage and take it to Charleston or Savannah. Semple never President Jefferson E. Davis.reached his destination ? he and the money disappeared into private hands. Davis himself carried $35,000, until in the woods near Sandersville, he abandoned everything in hopes of escaping capture. He gave the money to C.S. Capt. Micajah Clark, whose party distributed $10,000 and made it south to Florida with $25,000. Realizing the War was over, Clark's party decided to divide the money among themselves, leaving a portion of it for Mrs. Davis.

You have to take everything about the Confederate treasure with a grain of salt 100's of book have been written that have twisted the facts and added KGC conspiracy theory's that it hard to get to the truth.   


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« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2011, 04:53:32 pm »
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            Thanks for the note on this Civil War Gold.. It sounds to me that you have spent a hr or 2 on this subject. It makes plenty of sense to me but I have heard of a couple of coins being found in the Northwest Florida area. Its not to say these gold coins could have been from something that happened in that area. Other than the Civil War Gold. 
I'm still digging into it. I want to make contact with the people that have suppose to have found these gold coins.

I did see the KGC on TV a while back concerning the KGC and Jesse James gold.

I will let you know if it was just as you say spent by the time they got to the coast of Florida.


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« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2011, 08:57:38 pm »
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I not only take Confederate gold with a grain of salt, I take ALL war related gold legends with a grain of salt (which isn't to say I believe all of them are either fables or the product of wishful thinking).   If the Confederacy had all the gold it supposedly "lost", it could have found away to beat the Union blockades and properly arm and equip its troops.  Smiley   Still, there is some treasure legitimately lost with every war (and probably always has been and will be)

Posted on: February 28, 2011, 08:54:15 PM
one other point---confederate currency wouldn't have been considered anywhere near as worthless as it was considered to be during and immediately aftet the war if it had been backed by anywhere near the amount of gold that was supposedly lost and/or hidden by the confederacy and the KGC.    Think about that the next time you read a tale about lost confederate gold --- especially if they're talking large amounts.


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« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2011, 09:56:07 pm »
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The southern treasury was only 500,000 not 5 or 10 million like some would like us to believe. I do think a small amount was hid but the majority was used to pay off troops and in brides. With the invention of the KGC in the 1960's and yes I said invention tales started to be told of the millions and millions of dollars hide by the Confederate government. 95% of all these tales are inventions of writers to sell books or articles.
As for the Jesse James and KGC tv show what can I say but it was a load of bull a slap in the face to real treasure hunters and an insult to the treasure community as a whole.
 There are two stories of Confederate gold in the Florida panhandle and both have some truth to them worth some time to research then.

As BA said any war treasure be it civil war, or WWII Yam treasure has to be taken with a big grain of salt. The people making money off them are the writers and TV folks the bigger the treasure the more books they will sell the more people will watch the show.

Read my signature at the bottom of this post follow it and you will do OK in this world.




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« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2011, 10:38:43 pm »
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LOL!! Hey! Didn't you take up smoking at a young age!
 I understand the Seldom Signature! To funny!
 Hey! You have a couple of lead's on other stories here in Florida?
 I'm willing to listen or read them.

I've got another idea Seldom. If I found this Hoard of Gold and Silver from the Civil War chances are pretty good you would never hear from me again. As well as if any other person found anything.
Look what the State of Florida did for Mel Fisher. The last I heard of that wonderful deal was that the state was still trying to take all his finds.
Now, I'm seeing the group out of Tampa,Fl is in a battle with Spain and the wonderful court system here in the U.S. over the millions they found underwater. I don't recall Spain putting in to help with their find.

So, Just maybe it has been found, given away and used for a college fund as I have been reading.



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« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2011, 10:53:14 pm »
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The first rule of treasure finding is keep your mouth shut don't even tell your family. Back in the 70's the state of Texas found out about a recovery I made in the big bend area they harassed me for 3 years took me to court branded me a grave robber it was a bitsss. Why? I was young, excited and told to many people. The only thing you hear me talk about finding now  are a few bottles and relics I keep the rest to myself.


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« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2011, 11:00:54 pm »
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Like me, Seldom has found no treasure in the past 30 years now.

If the CSA had any kind of large treasury, they would have been able to continue fighting for a few more months. The tide of battle would have been turned if they could spend money on munitions instead of having wounded soldiers raking battlefields to recover spent bullets. The situation was very grim and their lack of funds is what ultimately caused their surrender.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2011, 11:26:44 pm »
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In the past, several wars happened in Florida and during this war the only resolved that the people had in order to save their wealth is to bury it in the ground. But as the situation gets worst the buried wealth were forgotten. Whats more interesting is the seabed of Florida, because as what history discloses lots of ship sunk in its ocean. A ship filled with treasures.


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« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2011, 11:45:04 am »
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Got another story for you Seldom, Or any one that cares to look at this.

I had gotten a cannon ball from Ft. Pickens. Weight was 125Pd's. As you said Seldom I opened my BIG Mouth and showed a GF of mine this puppy. I had this cannon ball in my room.
 Well, the next thing that happened is the Head of the local police Dept. called me.

Seaadventure you got this here cannon ball and I'm a thinking this here thing may be a live one. So he calls the Army, Ft. Rucker an has them come down with their bomb squad to get my Cannon ball.
The Newspaper people came, the TV people came and the Bomb Squad came.
I asked, Am I going to get this back after you guys work on it? Sure kid!

It now sits in some Fat Ass generals Home and he looks at it ever day I'm sure. So, No! I don't say much about anything anymore.
Lesson Learned!

P.S. thanks to everyone for sending notes on my original post!

Seaadventure Cool


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