Doc Noss - Victoria Peak Treasure

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Searcher1: 56, 57,till early 60s, we crawled through about every crevice in the peak then known as Soledad...we saw was fun tho and it doesn't mean I am ready to give up on the mountain...

Caballos?  More stories and caves than you can imagine...take your pick...crooks, shysters, seers, dowsers and frauds abound....but its a fascinating place...we are going up there again soon to poke around.....

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Thanks searcher 1 :)

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Hello Searcher1

Thanks again for your interesting comments. And thank you for the photographs.


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Yes, a lot of activity in the Caballos lately, tests being done, etc.

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Alex....I just ran across a website for the three new books....I don't understand...when I add them to the shopping cart it lists each at $0.54....I am sure that can't be....there is no other explantion I can that a fee to reserve copies with balance to be billed when they are published?

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Searcher1 at the upper Noss shaft in 1956

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Hello all

Was there ruins of an old fort overlooking VP in the distance?

If so what was the name of the Fort and how long it was operational for?


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Its probably military stuff

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Hi Searcher1 ~

My understanding is that the military removed stuff in 1961.

Were you there then?

Thanks ~

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It was a small rock ruin...there were a lot of rock breastworks along that ridge...left from the battle with the army and Victorio's apaches....I am sure it never had a name...

Posted on: October 30, 2010, 06:20:35 PMGuess 1961 I had left the army and was working for the Bell System on the Nike Project at WSMR.....I had a source at the provost marshals office and was hearing a lot of what was going was rumored that General Shinkle had a small gold bar he used as a paperweight on his desk....that work of course was stopped when Ova Noss got her injunction from a federal judge in Santa Fe....Shinkle lost his job over that...

All that will be retold in the new books with verification and correct dates...I can't wait to get my copies when they come out...

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