Federal Reserve Box Series 1934

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I found a FR Box in Southern Phils. back in 1999 when we"re excavating for a schoolbuildings foundation. Since then, Im looking for a real buyer for this item until I got tired of all the circus I encountered specially w/ so called trustees from the Billionaires park in Davao City. Todate Im here in KSA working in one of the Projects of ARAMCO but I am willing to return to the Phils. anytime to arrange the transaction should a real buyer shows up.

But there are questions that lingers in my mind of which Im sure my fellow TH
can answer:    a) How these FR box came to the Philippines?
                     b) The box I found has a sign, series 1934- meaning
                         this came early than WW2?
                     c) Is it still redeemable and has monetary value?
                     d) I read somewhere in the Internet that FR Box series
                         1934 is called Morganthaus papars and is declared fake.
                         Why? is Federal Bank/US Gov afraid that if theyre going to
                         redeem all this boxes,it will hurt their economy?

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hi emboland,
Are you from Davao, City? You know what this FRB that you found did you try to open it and see whats inside because if you do you must have an idea what it is, or does it look like a fake FRB, or just a photocopy of papers in one ream quantity.
Do you have the size of the box or what is the color of the box, what's inside the box when you open it is there a logo on top of the box,and how many boxes did you recover? There are so many fake FRB and they say that the realsource of the fake ones is mindanao this is according to the people i have met who is also in treasure hunting like me. Anyway be careful with what you have there some bad elements might use you to scam if they come to know you, and besides you don"t even know you might have something there that has value even as a collectors item. / ramrey ;)

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Yes, Im from Cebu but settled permanently in DC. I also heard that so many FR boxes that turned out to be fakes, abound in DC. AS for my box, maybe its fake and maybe its not.

Out of curiousity I opened it back in 2000, inside was 5 pcs.gold coins almost exactly the same size as a P10 coin, a roll of Microfilm(maybe its microfilm coz it looks similar to Mfilms shown in Old spy/war movies),and a set of documents mostly Bank Deposit Certficates and assorted docs. The amount indicated in these papers are preposterous. in short,too good to be true.

when we found this FR box it was covered by a bituminous-like substance,yet it didnt dissolve in petrol, after a thorough cleaning it turned out that its original color is like Avocado green,there was an emblem made of bronze around 200mm in Diam. with "FEDERAL RESERVE BANK" on the upper part and and US of A underneath it. In the center is the majestic American Bald Eagle claspings a dozen arrows in its talons. Near the handle of the steel briefcase in bold letters "Series 1934", on the sides are US Govt property markings.  Weighs +/-25 kgs.

In the same excavation where we found it, was a wooden box(like a old Kaban) , wood is so rotten that it crumpled in my grasps,inside was a crystal ball 350mm in diameter. Until now, even here in Saudi I cannot decipher what is the real use of that glass ball. Maybe its Owners are Manghuhula? some sort of pre-war madam Auring?

Todate, what is left is only 1 pc of the gold coins,(the other 4 pcs. was in the good hands of DC Pawnshop-naremate), the box is still there and its contents but a foreigner I met who also posed as a buyer kuno, told me that he's not interested in Open Box, specially w/ the documents MUTILATED by so many hands poring over it over the years of Curious lookers.   The ball? its there in our house. these things are a reminder that Once upon a Time I engage myself in searching for the legendary Y treasure.

Anyway, still Im hoping that one day I'll be lucky enough to unearth a portion of this gold laden treasures. Next time, I will share to you my mis adventures and waste of hard earned money I spent for twenty years searching for these treasures
and everything thats related to it, while I m here in Saudi.

Raz Tanurah,KSA

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hi emboland,
Nice to hear from you i thought you would never answer my PM anyway i'am also an ex saudi i stayed in alkhobar as a salesman for al-bahsain trading Co, it is base in alkahobar and my clients are mostly supermarkets and camps. I once covered aramco for a short time due to the absence of the salesman who went on vacation. Is souks supermart still around and safeway supermart, these 2 are my biggest accounts, they are chains of supermarket base in dharan and dammam highway for safeway. Or maybe it is tamimi and fouad s/m now for safeway, that was a longtime ago 1980 to 1985 was my time when i was there i was barely 23 years old, i was driving this honda civic station wagon as my service vehicle. I live in touqba for almost a year then we transfer to al azziz road near the commercial center. Maybe the center of alkhobar is very different now than we were there28 years ago. I have been to ras tanura also is it the site of what they call foot steps of judas cave, i think i went there once in 1983.
 I was wondering why you only got 1 baby box there should be a mother box that contain 12 baby box the same as what you are holding right now. Yes it is true the it will be very difficult to sell an open item since a lot of figerprints is now on your documents. If you have this mother box with the baby box and still not open maybe we can help you, all we need is a picture of the item all its contents and if you can use the 15 megepixel digicam that would be great. Are you sure that its only 5 pcs. and not 6 pcs. gold coins, could you tell us were it was located inside the box.
Bro thanks for the info and let  us exchange emails maybe we can do something with your item.
best regards/ramrey

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never mind if its about FRN or FRB...Federal Reserve Bank will deny its existence....you cannot redeem that....

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to: Ramrey, yes Souks supermart is still there. And Khobar looks like a brand new city. You cant see old buildings now and the new ones are getting higher storeys too! its looks like a bustling newly created city,there's a construction project going on in almost all city block.its not surprising anyway,w/ economy backed by solid black gold fuelling the economy of the modern world.  Re:FR Box,there are only 5 coins inside and I dont have a mother box. Many people are asking me about it but really,only one(1) box is all we found.   

to: BoyLara, obviously- yes you are correct. the way its going,especially the way
     US economy is performing now, the future for this box looks morose.

     By the way, friends, anybody can tell me what is the use of a 350mm diameter Glass Ball? I found it beside the FR box. Some folks told me that maybe there are diamonds inside thats why when a Korean Foreigner offered to buy it after examining for almost 2 hours, I declined because Im thinking supposed theres really diamonds inside?  Share your knowledge on this ball pls.,it floats in water and if you look closely on its base, you'll see a kaleidoscope of colors on it. Maybe its also valuable because why should somebody puts it in a wooden box complete w/ padlock and buried @ a depth of 150cms beside the FR Box?  My 6 year 0ld  daughter told me then, that: "Pa, basin Manghuhula ang tag iya ana?" ( Pa, maybe a fortuneteller owns it?)

fortune teller owns it) .

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golden eagle:
Dear Emboland,

Maybe I can shed some light on your questions regarding FRN,and FRB. When the Japanese invaded 14 SE Asian Countries of thier riches they also stole everything they could from the Banks and Financial houses that were storing Federal Reserve Bonds, Gold Certicates, and notes worth many trillions of dollars. (Operation Golden Lily 1937-45).
Ok. the Federal Reserve Bonds you mention, are usually stored in a mother box worth  3 Trillion Dollars. Inside the mother box there are 11 or 12 smaller boxes containing 1 Billion or 250 pieces (See Attached Photos.)
Both photos are GENUINE! So no bula bula here!

You asked if they are worth any money??

Well, yes. The U.S. Government has set up a Redemption Program so that "owners"
of such boxes can redeem the box provided they supply photos, and PROOF that they have the box in thier hands, and it can be examined so that it can be verified to be genuine! The Goverment will only pay upto 1% of the value of the boxe (s), simply because they know some of the bonds can still be redeemed! As you said this could really hurt the U.S. Economy! So.....They pay a little and take the boxes out of circulation for good. (1% of 1934 prices NOT todays prices).
This Redemption Program opens up for 2-4 months a year then closes again.
There is only one guy I know who knows when this program will start again.
Until you have filled out the attached form, and have the photos ready for inspection by the "Program Manager" in charge, I wont give you his name ok? I dont want to waste his time, or the U.S. Govts. The Boxes and details must be 100% genuine before you start down this road. Remember 1% of $3 trillion is still a lot of zeros. If you were the U.S. Govt. would you pay up when originally these boxes belonged to them in the first place??   These guy are serious and very professional, if you understand me. Dont mess with them. If you trust them then OK, I have my reservations. It is really good if the boxes have not been opened, and the seals and padlocks remain untouched. All Serial Numbers must be noted. The Redemption team will verify these numbers and can tell you if they are genuine BEFORE they enter any type of contract with you the seller. So please be aware of this. The process of researching archives takes time. It wont be Instant.
Ok I hope I have answered your questions on this subject.

God Bless

Golden Eagle

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Hi emboland,

First i'm not a treasure hunter. Some of my friends are. I'm presently residing now in California. From 2001-2006 my cousin and I got involved with these WF, FRN,Frn etc..etc.
We dont have any idea during that time. To make along story short we lost certain amount without seeing the real thing.

Going back to your question about the Box that you have. Do you still have it and still interested to find out if its still redeemable  or someone is interested of helping you to find out, or someone can help you for facilitations.

We never met each other yet, so im not sure if you will enterntain my message to you.
I knew of someone in Manila who's now working  in US EMbassy in Manila. He's involved with the recovery of those notes, WF, AU's and so on. If you are really want to know if what you have is real. I cannot promise you anything right now. This person in the US embassy in manila is a personal friend of mine. He is an american about 68 years of age,
and he knows a lot of these stuff. I can personally talk to him and assist you to find out if the box that you have is redeemable or can be converted to cash.

I can call you personally so that we can talk regarding the box. Im not an expert on this but my friend is. I'm willing to go back to the Philippines anytime if the box that you have is genuine. Is it alright if you can give me your number so that i can call you personally?
There's nothing wrong if we exchange information in this forum but i prefer that i can talk to you personally about this stuff. Or you can email me to this address......rebreb_425@yahoo.com       maybe we can email or exchange info for a while if this is what you prefer.


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to all holders of FRN, Wells Fargo, FRB etc....The Truth is even what your holding are genuine,you CANNOT Redeem it... According to Federal Reserve Banks, that box never exit...and they don't want to give the said value...All buyers and some sellers are Scammers... There is no such thing as a person responsible in redeeming said item...1999 we have such box, recovered in one of our exploration, i have directly contacted Federal Reserve Bank and they answered my that That thing has no Value..To make the story we destroyed its content. I have seen a lot of boxes going around...If you want to here their story, just go to the Foodcourt of Farmers, Centermall and you will see old folks and they will be discussing about FRB, etc...trustees, marcos gold.

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hello boylara,
 Do you still have the number of the Federal Reserve? Maybe you can give it to me because i have some questions to them. Whom did you talk to or what department did they connected you.

Do you know anybody personally who is connected to the Federal Reserve or someone who works or employed there? I do, thats is why i did mention that i could not promise anything yet, that i would have to contact my friend in the US embassy to personally check it out. I think you have to go to the right connection to find out if this stuff (FRN, FRB) is real or fake. But I do believe that Wells Fargo notes ( silver certificate, gold certificate or sometimes they called it gold seal, green seal or red seal) are real because i've seen some.

But it doesn't mean that because i knew of someone who has contact in department of treasury that it will mean that he will say that it exist. No i did not say that. In your reply, you mentioned that all buyers and sellers of this stuff are Scammer. How did you come out with that conclusion. Maybe you can light on this.

Anyway, i'm just here in the forum, just maybe to assist some compatriots about this FRN. FRB thru my personal friend who has good connection in the american bureaucracy.

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