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Heathkit Groundtrack 1290

Heathkit at one time was one of the greatest American manufacturer of "Electronic Hobby Projects" , from am/fm stereo recievers to Metal Detectors to Ham radio's and even TV sets also every kind of electronic test equipment you could think of , and you could build it yourself  . Every project came complete with all the parts , a blank circuit board and a step-by-step big manual , more like a small book !!
I have a few old Heathkit Catalogs but they are too big to post here . The Heathkit groundtrack 1290 detected most small size coins to 6 inches in the Dirt !! Anyway , when Heathkit INC. stopped manufacturing "HEATHKITS" , A part of America was lost...........................................Eugene52

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Posted by: Eugene52 February 14, 2009, 10:08:52 pm

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March 11, 2010, 10:09:27 pm
Yes they were great, and had some very neat kits.  Has anyone built this kit, seen some schematics and looks interesting
Posts: 37
November 07, 2009, 06:53:01 am
You're right. Heathkit was a great company back then. Too bad it is still not around maybe kids now days would learn something more useful than playing video games all day. I built a heathkit shortwave radio back in the 60's and it worked great, only 20 dollars. I still have it in the garage.

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