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« on: August 12, 2006, 09:48:14 am »
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Theory points to possible connection with nearby Birch Island


HALIFAX, Nova Scotia: Friday, July 14th, 2006  - -  For the past two centuries, the tunnels of Nova Scotia?s Oak Island have piqued the imagination of historians and treasure hunters alike.  Now, a new theory by First Nations researcher Keith Ranville may add fresh speculation to the mystery.  Based on a unique reading of an inscription once found in the ?Money Pit,? Mr. Ranville believes that the answer to the riddle may be found on nearby Birch Island.

Oak Island, located on the scenic Mahone Bay about an hour?s drive south of the provincial capital of Halifax, has been associated with buried treasure since the late 18th century.  Local settlers reportedly found a ship?s tackle block hanging from a tree branch, overhanging a large depression in the ground.  Early efforts to dig down failed when the diggers encountered layers of timber every 10 feet.  In the ensuing generations, several organized excavation attempts have drilled down nearly 200 feet, en route encountering some artifacts within the staggered layers of logs, clay, putty, charcoal, flagstones and most perplexingly, coconut husks.  Among the scores of enthusiastic treasure hunters was a young Franklin Roosevelt, one of the investors in a 1909 excavation attempt.

During the earlier diggings of 1800?s, the tunnel had become flooded by seawater - which many believed was the result booby trap being sprung - thus complicating further digging since then.  A drilling effort in the mid 1800?s was said to have uncovered fragments of a gold chain.  In 1971, a camera was lowered into the pit and reportedly captured images of wooden chests and human remains.

One of the most fascinating artifacts from the pit was said to be a flat stone recovered at the 90 foot depth, carrying a mysterious inscription.  A fragment of stone with similar symbols was found nearby in Smith?s Cove in the 1930?s.  The stone tablet itself has gone missing, but a record of its symbols remains.  Until now, the consensus is that the symbols are a code translated as ?forty feet below two million pounds are buried.?  However, Keith Ranville?s theory offers a different interpretation as to the stone?s symbols, which could lead to a new explanation of the Oak Island mystery.

?I believe these symbols have been incorrectly assumed to stand for something else.  In the First Nations tradition that I?m a part of, we believe symbols should simply be looked at in and of themselves, rather than thinking of them as codes that have to be cracked,? Mr. Ranville explained.  ?In the pictograms of Cree Salavics, for example, the images are meant to be descriptive, not abstract.?  Using this approach, Mr. Ranville examined the Oak Island symbols and found what may be a set of instructions about a tunnel system involving both Oak Island and nearby Birch Island.

For example, the stone inscription begins with a triangle symbol, which is repeated throughout.  Mr. Ranville believes that this represents nearby Birch Island, which has a distinctly triangular clearing on its north shore.  Likewise, a symbol showing a circle divided into two hemispheres can be thought of as representing north/south directional markers.  A series of dots in singles, pairs and triplets may be quantitative symbols.

Examining all the symbols in this way, Mr. Ranville believes that the symbols on the Money Pit?s stone tablet are actually technical instructions describing the location and layout of a possible underground network involving both Oak Island and Birch Island.  ?There was a fragment of another stone tablet that was found on Oak Island?s Smith Cove in the 1930?s,? Mr. Ranville explained.  ?It too has these types of symbols, but one in particular appears to be a Greek symbol designating ?underwater door?.  In conjunction with the other symbols, I believe this points to underwater doors and additional shafts on Birch Island itself.?  Smith?s Cove is on the part of Oak Island that is closest to Birch Island, and is said to have yielded several artifacts itself over the years.

?Based on the inscribed symbols, I think we should be looking at Oak Island and Birch Island together in order to solve the mystery.  If Birch Island proves to have underwater doors and tunnels around its triangular clearing, then it would be a huge step forward in our understanding of what Oak Island is all about.?

There have been many, occasionally bizarre, theories as to what the Oak Island tunnels may contain: a Masonic vault containing the Holy Grail, Viking or Pirate booty, Inca treasure, the French Royal Crown Jewels, payroll for colonial British soldiers or even the secret writings of Francis Bacon.  Mr. Ranville prefers not to speculate.  ?Those are interesting and sometimes funny theories, but I?d rather just look at the evidence that we do have, and go from there.?

Mr. Ranville is a self-taught researcher born in Manitoba.  While living in Vancouver, he became acquainted with the Oak Island mystery and began studying it.  In October 2005, he relocated to Nova Scotia to further research and advance his theories on the subject.  

Both Oak Island and Birch Island are private property, and access must be sought by permission of the landowners.

# # #

For further information, please contact:

Keith Ranville

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« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2006, 09:57:00 am »
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I have been to the Island many times in the 1960s and 1970s, I have talked to some people working on tunnels and pits, I have talked to many who live near the Island, and I have read many books on the subject.

Every few years someone comes up with a new theory

I think the treasure was found years ago and taken.

Wonder what they will come up with next??

It's a great story and I kinda hope it keeps going on.

As for the "human" remains seen on the video tape...I have heard that a repro human hand was put into the pit as a joke, and this is what has been called human remains for years.



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« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2006, 10:00:13 am »
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Hello Dean,

I think Keith post was excellent and it is wonderfull to consider all these theories. They can really bring the thrill and joy of treasure hunting in one's heart.

By the way, I will be posting some relic pictures tonight. Hope you will enjoy them.




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« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2006, 04:30:10 am »
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I love all photos of anything found..even if it's not my kind of thing.
I just like the Military bits or relics..however I like to see all other finds..we all hunt for the things we want.

Relic hunting is like being a kid at Christmas...every find is like a wrapped gift..you never know what it really is until you open it or dig it....too many times I dig a target and find the "Christmas socks" LOL...we gotta keep digging!!!~



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« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2006, 09:08:30 am »
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Our interview ran at wed august 2nd 3:45pm (Vancouver time) yesterday.   If your friends log onto cknw.com and click on Audio Archive, they can listen to the interview.   Thanks again for your help and good luck in the solving the Oak Island mystery!

Gord Macdonald
host-The World Today


"The Oak Island Treasure Mystery"                                    
I have decoded the symbols found in the money Pit In 1803 using my Native heritage background the translation of the forty symbols explains about a Island two Islands east of Oak Island called birch Island, on the north end of birch Island the impression of a triangle is there it takes more than half of the Island  you can see the triangle from google sattilite,the triangles that were inscribed on the stone tablet refers to the triangle on Birch Island the rest of the symbols are engineering instructions or explains what goes on in the triangle area on Birch Island there is something of great heritage value there,that will interest everyone.  

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Translations of Symbols Found in the bottom layer in the Money Pit in 1803

Triangles, two angles,divides, south/north,at triangles right angles,two doors left of triangle,two doors right of triangle,upper,two,tunnels,divides,doors,triangles,doors, divides,upper/lower,three,tunnels.

Tunnel,three,divides,into,half&half,divides,to,into,shafts,in,one,south/north,two,upper,to,south/north,third,second, shafts.

Translations By Keith Ranville,Canadian First Nations Native Researcher

Thank you for your time

First Nations Native Rese/\rcher<>Treasure Hunter

Keith Ranville  


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« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2006, 03:12:04 am »
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Keith writings have always been an interesting read.  

But I have done alot of research on the stone, the one that assumed lost in Halifax  ABT 1906.  

Now it is believed the symbols recorded on that stone to be fake, mainly used to promote sale of stocks for the treasure company.

I do like Keiths translation of the symbols, but he is also translating fake symbols.   Think about it.  The symbols just so happen to spell out. "Fourty Feet Below Two Million Pounds are Buried."  Highly unlikely.

However if the real stone is ever found, and I believe it will be, perhaps Keith would like to look at that.  Love to hear his views.


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« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2006, 07:54:35 am »
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well Rick is a smart cracker

I see you followed me from the "Oak Island Forum"
you guys are hard to shake' I see you guys are continuing your your Oak Island secet societies witch hunt' (I had enough of you guys)

It's my belief the symbols were incorrectly read that is true, but the symbols seem to be some what accurate they directed me  to the Triangle on Birch Island' also on Oak Islands smith Cove the found symboled inscribed stone fragment that has these same symbols infact one symbol describes four underwater doors in (greek :+: ) four underwater doors  these are simalar to the same symbols that were mentioned on the money pits inscribed stone. these underwater doors are at birch Islands triangle north end triangles right angles there are two to two burried underwater doors. there will aways be people like rick and his secret society that try to stick a dagger in the planks of me vessel I am the Captain of me own Ship and it sails right through any Oak Island tourism secret societies choppie waters,  they banned me from there website for because of me theory and them being rude to me via email and they are manipalative . I dont see why they seem to follow me I guess I got negative fan to
the smith coves stone is very much real and it exists
my research is genuine and unique I am the one to bring a theory to Oak Island unlike any other theory besides Ideas' of sticking drills in the ground and crossing your fingers to hopes to find treasure. logic will solve this mystery and I am closes to solving this mystery.

"I am a very clever Indian" they spent millions trying to solve the Oak Island mystery' and I think I solved the mystery with a pad and pen from the dollar store"

Rick' I am sorry you dont know everthing and Its bold of you to say the symbols never existed that is shanty research I guess you think the smiths cove symbols are not real your research has no logic' be original and then you can get attention instead of seek attention in other peoples Originalities

OAKSTER or the Teach of Treasure hunting Smiley

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« Last Edit: August 14, 2006, 08:11:48 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2006, 08:25:25 am »
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First the forum was invited here by the mod.  I couldnt give a crap if you like us or not.  I never insulted you once, never. But I see you have turned to that.. I assume "Cracker" is a racist remark from a Native?  And if anyone would like to see why Keith was banned, just jump over to that forum and read for yourself.

Keith, I always liked your explaination of the symbols, what I'm trying to state is the stone that was on display at A&H Creighton Bookbinders was a fake!  FACT: The stone convienently promises money fourty feet below, during a STOCK FUND RAISER!

Perhaps if the REAL stone is found you can try to translate it.  Until then you may provide an interesting read, however, the only thing you'll find on Birch Island is dirt.   But prove me wrong and I'll eat the dirt.

Oh, and I dont need you for attention.   But I see you target anyone now whom questions your fruit looped symbol reading.  


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« Last Edit: August 15, 2006, 08:40:15 am by Rick »
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« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2006, 09:39:27 am »
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Hi Rick & Okaster!

Thank you for your postings on Oak Island - whioch has always been one of my favourite lost tresure stories.  Cheesy

Please keep the good posts coming. I sure would like to learn more about it.

I see there is a controversal debate on the Oak Island treasure. All views are welcome here, so no need for arguing.   Smiley

Best wishes,



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« Last Edit: August 15, 2006, 09:40:15 am by admin »

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« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2006, 10:29:34 am »
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Sorry, it was not my intent to appear arguing, just wanted to state the facts on the stone.  

Many people believe the symbols on the stone to be fake.   I was just stating that fact Keith's is solving a mystery using fake symbols.  That would be like metal detecting with umbrella.  Ain't gonna happen.  

As for banning him, yes it was done.  But feel free to make you own decision by viewing the forum at

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