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« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2011, 03:50:46 pm »
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Quote:Posted by seldom

First off the continent of Pangea started to split 2.5 billion years ago which rules out any mammal life on earth. The earliest form of man from the genus homo did not show up till about 2.5 million years ago and Homo Sapiens have only been around 200,000 years. So science shot that theory in the foot.
Why you quote a book  that is less then 2000 years old and little more then a good novel trying to prove your pseudo history is total nonsense   

Man cannot prove those purported dates you cite above, anymore than I can prove the history of the bible. I do not believe that the earth is a little more than 4000 to 6000 years old, as that is deuced by addition of ages of ancient men, but they did not mention ALL of mankind, just the major ones. If you read the New Testament, other men are mentioned there in the ages of ancient men, that are not mentioned in the Old Testament. Yes, I think the earth is older, and I believe the age of mankind is also older. You show me where Pangea was split 2.5 Billion years ago. I would like to see the proof. Show me the proof. Do not show me some man's theory or story, I have my own theory.

But I have a better chance of proving what the bible says, as archelogists constantly unearth what the bible speaks about, in the areas the bible says they are located. The bible is proved right, again, agian, and again. But science keeps on changing or expounding on their theories. I studied Astronomy too, and again, their theories all are changing all the time. I was on the Smithsonian study, when the first Sputnik I was shot up in space, and Operation Moonwatch was initiated. American scientists (your science you meniton) did not even know how to measure the speed of Sputnik, the trajectory of Sputnik, the orbit of Sputnik, how high up Sputnik was located, its direction, etc. We did it, we university students, on Oct 4, 1957, we participated with Smithsonian Institution, and from place to place, university to university, our observations and position markings on the sky charts, supplied what Werner Von Braun and the others did not know. I nailed down the position of Sputnik I just below Sirius the Dog Star, and its time of orbit passing. You add up each observation, around the world, and viola, you had the knowledge to know that whereby Sputnik II was traveling...

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What you cite above is all theory and supposition, published by people that do not know how anything happened, so they guess "it must have happened this way"! I had many professors like that, not one of them had any unearthed or other evidence. These are the people, that are in Washington DC, leading our country. One of them said "he had all the clues, that John McCain did not know the clues". Do you believe he really had the clues? Do you believe he still believes he knows he knew the clues" I will not name names, but he is an intellectual ignoramus, a person who sued the entire Michigan Savings and Loan industry, and forced them with a class action lawsuit, to lower the home loan application standards. The answer today to our vast home foreclosures is, an dummy opened his mouth in Michigan, and millions of people lost there homes in  the last two years. Is that science? Is the definition of "science", the listening to fools expound their theories? Apparently yes!

It is nonsense to believe theory without any actual evidence. Only foolish people will do that. Me, I am not in their ranks. I can reason, study, deduce the facts, and come up with my own beliefs. I listen not to fools. Fools are running America. Fools are running science. They do not even know what killed the dinosaurs off, but they guess everything from an asteroid to other nonsense.

The bible is pretty accurate in its "novel" history, and the Dead Sea Scrolls are more ancient than the current bible, and the Dead Sea Scroll support this so-called novel history. Josephus was born approximately 30AD, and he has expounded on history of the bible, explained the discripancy of the modern bible, and viola, he is more accurate yet! He even names the Pharoh of Mose's time!!!

The history of the bible, has been validated with finds of buried cities, and has been further supported by the writings of Josephus. As archelogists dig up ancient locations, the bible is further validated. Amazing this novelist was so accurate. He must have been very smart and learned. No errors found yet! You need to do some serious studying and see what I mean, rather than believing and following statements made by fools.

NOT ONE fossil has been found, to support ANY of the theories of evolution, and yet evolution exists, but only within a species, and NOT from species to species. Evolution does exist in the evolution of man, within mankind. It is proved everywhere. But WHERE is any fossils, showing that man evolved from simians?Huh? You show me!!!!

I ask you, where any missing fossil is whereby fish evolved into amphibians? If a creature evolved into fish, then there has to be AT LEAST one fossil, that proves that! Right? Where are the fossils? Remember that advertisement, "where is the beef"? I will continue to dispute the theory of Evolution, one by one!!!

Where is any missing fossil whereby amphibians evolved into reptiles? Where is any fossil whereby reptiles evolved into mammels? Where is the fossils where reptiles evolved into birds? Where is any fossil whereby ANY mammel evolved into man?

There is NONE! None means, NOT EVEN ONE FOSSIL!!! Zero! Nada! Nothing! None means NOT ANY! IT means you have none! IT means "in no way", it means "not at all"! Not one fossil anywhere, that supports any of this evolution baloney. Not one fossil in the entire world!!! Not in any country! Just show me one fossil. I asked my geology teachers to show me ONE fossil, and they could not come up with any one fossil that clearly shows that to be true. All they see are things they cannot understand, and they reason it away with fairy tales stories like you believe...

The bible supposedly was written by Moses by divine direction of GOD. This is what creationist say is true. When I say I studied religion, I really studied it everywhere, from country to country, archelogical wise! Religion is linked to history and linked to archelogy. I am a historian. Why do you think the National Park Service would let me into a vault, in the basement, to look at their historical archives? To handle the historical documents with my own two hands? I was not even supervised! Did they think I was nonsense?

Lets use your brain, I want to see how you think. I am going to ask you some questions, questions that you think about, and reason out the answers. Here we go...

(1) So how did Moses know that there was an ancient continent, purportedly called Pangea, which would thus split into other continents? Now I have put a name to this mysterious novelist you mentioned that wrote the bible. You said the bible was a novel, so that means a novelist wrote it. Right? Either that, or you are wrong in calling the bible a novel!

(2) Who told Moses (the novelist) that the land divided? That bible you said is 2000 years old, rightI assume you got that from the same source that gave you Pangea 2.5 Billions of years ago...

(3) So where is evidence, at least 2000 years old, that Pangea split 2.5 Billion years ago? You cannot come up with any evidence, just words of accusation that what I speak is nonsense!  Hey, at least my novelist came up, IN WRITING, giving a period, likened to when a living human being was on the earth, citing during that person's lifetime, that the continent split up.

Pretty smart of Moses, right? Think about it a bit. He was before all of the geologists, and he wrote before them.

(4) How did he know that Pangea split up??? Explain that to me... Tell me how Moses 2000 years ago, knew that Pangea split up 2.5 Billion years earlier... You cannot. You only repeat what fools believe. When you went to school, who told you Pangea split up? Ask that person how they came up with 2.5 Billion years ago. I am not disputing the splitting up of Pangea, I am saying that the time of 2.5 Billion probably is not correct. Maybe it was 2.0 Billion? Maybe 1.0 Billion? Maybe 500,000 years ago? You prove the 2.5 Billion. I want to know, and I only believe facts. Evidence is facts....

They put their two fingers in people's nostrils, and lead them where they want to lead them. Me, no one sticks their fingers into my nose, I read and learn, and I decide what is true and what is baloney. Now I cannot convince you, you will never believe the truth, you will believe what others say...

And if you study Geology I, you will find that the so-called 6 days of Creation, are remarkably like the various time periods of Geologic time, as stated by Geology. Its there! Study it.

And Geology CAN ONLY study and deduce from the actual layers of deposition, examine the fossils in the layers, then try to coorelate them to other layers, and try to figure out the story. I studied Geology, that is what they do. 2.5 Billion years ago, is pulled "out of the thin air", there is nothing that measures that time period. Were the Geologists there then? Heck no! They are guessing! They are people that do not believe that GOD created everything, they think Mother Nature created everything. Everything was an "accident". Consider this, in some places, those layers of deposition are not there, nor are they in the same layers. It is only in the layers from the Grand Canyon, that has helped the Geologists to put together their mystical story of an accidental creation by microorganisms arriving from meteorites and astroids.

5) Incidently if you read the Bible novel, it tells how the asteroids happened! Amazing a novelist happened to know that an ancient Pangea split up, and an novelist happened to know how the asteroids split up from a rock hitting an ancient planet in the location of the asteroids!!! What is your theory on the asteroids? Must be older than 2.5 Billion years?

Now I am not going to argue with you on this, as I have just as strong feeling that what you believe are nonsense also... I am done trying to tell you what happened. Mother Nature, had a magic wand, and touched everything, that is how your ancestors were created, Mother Nature touched an monkey and your ancestor sprung out of her...? Well, you tell me, her vagina? So you believe what you want to believe, and I will believe what I believe, and I have studied a lot of Geology, and I want to find it in facts, and I have found it. 

But I will give you the benefit of my doubt, here is your chance, you just find the missing link, between the genius of man and any monkey or ape and I will put you on a pedestal. Stop digging up pulltabs and tinfoil, go out there, you should be able to dig up some fossils, that prove that everything evolved from another thing. They should be all over the place! You should find some tomorrow. Dig anywhere in the ground. You will find, that there is none, and you will never find any, as man was created individually, and did not evolve from a simian. Better thinkers and scholars and geologists then you, have been searching for hundreds of years, trying to find "the missing link". I have news for you, it is "still missing"! They need your help!

What is seen in the fossil record, as a man that appears ape-like in his skull, was man from pre-diluvian times. The bible clearly tells that a time existed, during early man, where there was NO weather, where there was an ancient covering over the earth, of water moisture, that went clear out into space. Some novelist said it in the bible. They find evidence of former water on Mars, and are baffled and cannot figure out where the water went. Well, I know where it went, the bible tells us that GOD opened up the heavens, and the water that was there, came down to earth. Read and learn... Or revel in ignorance...

And there is evidence world wide, of an ancient world flood. Actual excavations show an layer, where there is nothing, there is evidence of man above it, and evidence of man below it, but nothing in the very very thick layer of nothing... Again, that novelist that wrote the bible, really knew his facts!

Okay, I am done, I will ignore you henceforth. Expound all you want, but at least furnish irrefutible proof, rather than babble theories. Provide proof, and I will discuss your proof, but babble theories, and I will noth bother henceforth. I have had my say.


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« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2011, 04:17:07 pm »
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Boy you sure long winded to not have said a thing. This conversation is over as it has nothing to do with treasure and I refuse to have a battle of wits with a unarmed man.

So thread is way off topic its locked


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