Texte writting by Christian Doumergue July 7, 2004
While I was working on "The Gospel prohibited", I discovered an element, which for the first time, gave a historical basis to the idea of the presence of the body of Jesus in the South of France. There was an article by Dr. Fugairon, published in June 1897, in The Initiation. The author stated that, according to his belief, Mary Magdalene, when she came in Provence, had brought with her the body of Jesus: "For us, it is easy to believe that it is in Provence that is are arrested in the footsteps of those who so passionately loved, that's where she deposited the remains of one who truly loved people and was the first they heard the word brotherhood. "He is here said ML Martin, a retired manner, removed forever at the desecration of stupid men. So the most generous of men sleeping his long sleep in the midst of peoples more chivalrous and well done to the image of his gospel. If this article does not prove that the body of Jesus rests well in the South of France, he shows, irrefutably, that the late nineteenth century, people from the world of the occult (Dr. Fugairon belonged the Gnostic Church of Julius Doisnel) have believed. I write "some people from the world of the occult, but it seems that this was the case even within the Church.
When I say that I think of something specific: a relic now preserved at the Sainte-Baume. I submitted for the first time to public attention this shrine during my lecture on Mary Magdalen, at Gisors given June 12 last under the Second Symposium of Studies and Research on Rennes-le-Ch?teau . I mentioned in Volume II, forthcoming, "Marie-Madeleine, Queen Forgotten". At the request of Victor Mortis, I suggested to his readers a snapshot and a presentation ...
The shrine contains bones of Mary Magdalene. Since the question of the dating of this piece is sure to be asked here is what we can say about it. In spring 1793, Barras and his revolutionary troops came to ransack the Sainte-Baume and Saint-Maximin, inhabitants of Saint-Maximin, driven by their faith and courage, managed to save a few relics of the massacre. A certain Ms. Ricard, wife of Seault Ricard, former member of the National Assembly, with profanity and snatched the lower third of right tibia and a lock of hair from the saint. In autumn 1794, a refugee in Bonnieux (Vaucluse) in Terris, Ms. Ricard will leave it in the relics. Two generations later, Terris, little son of preceding, was appointed bishop. In order to ensure the relics owned by his family worship they deserve, he commissioned a shrine by a goldsmith in Lyons, Armand Caillat. Contained in the Universal Exhibition of Paris of 1889, this accomplishment earned its author the great value of jewelry June 22, 1890. This shrine we see today in Sainte-Baume. In his will, dated September 16, 1884, Bishop Terris indeed bequeathed his property to the Diocese of Frejus, "to be retained by him and as much as possible even in the Cave of the Sainte Baume. The set was placed in the Sainte-Baume by Canon Paul Terris according to the will of his uncle ... (Source: Les Cahiers de la Sainte-Baume No. 10: The Pilgrim's Guide to the grotto of St. Mary Magdalene, Fraternity of Saint Mary Magdalene, Sainte Baume, 1998, p. 29)
These clarifications being made, just in that the reliquary was unique. On its lower part is shown crossing the Mediterranean. Mary Magdalene stands in the center of the leading boat in Marseilles, in praying position. The boat, according to some versions of the legend, is guided by two angels. Several companions of Madeleine are shown. A detail keeps the attention on the front of the boat bringing Marie-Madeleine en Provence, is a mummified body. However, no version of the legend affirms that the Saints brought back a dead Oriental. Therefore, the question of the identity of death becomes inevitable. On him, looks a veiled woman, who has traits of Mary, Mother of Jesus. The fact that no legend, again, only alludes to the arrival of Mary Gaul, suggests that it is only one purpose: to identify the body of the dead.
This scene raises at least one question: how to explain his presence on an object of worship catholic? I confine myself here to sketch an answer to this question in mind (which I already explained on this site) that the context of the invention of the relics of Mary Magdalene in Saint Maximin (church book yet fierce struggle against the Cathar heresy in the south) and take possession of the premises by the Dominicans (Order created to fight against the Cathar), suggest that the Church, probably through the interrogation of the Inquisitors, and texts Cathar looted, was aware of "some secret", which is, to some extent become a holder. But why should late nineteenth century, the secret is suddenly made this point clear. To answer this new question, it is whether the scene represented on the shrine has been copied elsewhere, or if it is due to Bishop Terris. It is on this point must now focus our research ...
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