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« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2012, 11:47:47 pm »
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Do you have ŕ adres Or ŕ name

Thanks for THE replay


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« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2012, 01:29:26 pm »
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Hi Grassranger, we are going to Benidorm in September for a couple of days.  Do you know if it is ok to detect in the sea?  If not could you let me know the address of the contact to get permission.  Thanks


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kellyco beach magnet .. Garrett ace 250 . tesoro silver sabre , Garrett Apex tesoro .vaquero,tesoro eldorado , whites surf pi.
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2012, 10:16:38 am »
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Hi , you take your chances as you are not a club member , we have been notified  today that FINESTRAAT council will not tolerate m/d on any of their beaches or in the water ..!!!


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kellyco beach magnet .. Garrett ace 250 . tesoro silver sabre , Garrett Apex tesoro .vaquero,tesoro eldorado , whites surf pi.
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2017, 06:39:49 am »
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The Valencian region [ along with a few others ] has as of the first of January 2017 introduced a blanket ban on  metal detecting without a permit issued by the Valencian  Authorities . This license is valid for 6mths , the waiting list is around 6weeks and is free [ for the moment ]..!!!!

here is  an extensive list of beaches, dive spots, wrecks  and inland sites  on  which you cannot detect, which you get with your license , detect on these at your peril as the Guardia Civil are responsible for policeing this new law and the penalties are very harsh and your equipment is taken from you and confiscated ...no if or buts ..those with knowledge of the Spanish police system will know what I mean ....!!

This has all come about after the Spanish authorities have conducted a nationwide land and sea survey over the last few years and are trying to protect there heritage and history [ they like to look at their navy on the seabed thro glass bottomed boats ..!! ] after recent wrecks and sites have been pillaged mainly by eastern Europeans and Russians and stolen artifacts have appeared on ebay and other auction sites .

It has always been difficult to detect in Spain legally but this recent ruleing has tightened things up further , so if you thought you would just chuck you gear in a bag and do a bit of detecting whilst on holiday  make sure you have got a permit and an official  form of id to save getting into grief with the law enforcement  officers , as you could face a huge fine and the loss of your gear .

The club which I belong to here in Spain only found out by accident a month ago when we heard of Spanish detectorists being stopped and having  there machines taken and being issued with a  large fine , we then investigated and then got permits for all our members , experience so far is that most local police are still unaware of the new rules but the Guardia certainly are as several of our members have been asked for id and to look at there permits , NO PROBLEMS SO FAR ...!! 


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« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2017, 07:27:58 am »
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Excellent Heads Up Sir.  Thank You.


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« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2017, 03:03:38 pm »
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Good to hear of you again GRASSRANGER. Smiley
protecting heritage is the right thing to do, but turning detectorists to criminals it not.
UK detecting Law is the best in the world i think.


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kellyco beach magnet .. Garrett ace 250 . tesoro silver sabre , Garrett Apex tesoro .vaquero,tesoro eldorado , whites surf pi.
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2018, 07:26:51 am »
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The goal posts have moved once more [ mind you it is Spain ] ...!!!!!!! Angry

This happened this morning with the southern section of the club ...!!

Today, we were just finishing our morning metal detecting meeting in Los Alcazeras when one police local police car and a Guardia civil police car pulled up and asked to stop detecting. Police

They informed me that there has now been a decision to stop all metal detecting on the beaches in the region.

They took photos of our ID but they were friendly towards us.

They informed me that there is a €300 fine if you are caught metal detecting on their beaches.

Their explanation to us was that the beaches are now overrun with detectorists and the beaches are also a protected area due to historic finds have been made, and they don't want people detecting in the coastal area.

I explained that we are a registered club and also that we do have have valencian permits for that area and we are bonafide professional detectorists and all or scrutinised members are not looters.

He agreed and praised that we observe the law but suggested that everybody else such as the tourists and others that are metal detecting just don't bother with getting any paperwork or seek out permissions.

So, until further notice the ADAPT metal club is not to metal detect on the Murcian beaches until we can sort some sort of written permission out in the form of a permit.

I told the police officer that we will go to the town hall and ask for a permit to detect, but he said that only permissions will normally be given to proven archaeologists from a higher level, but we can try 

They took photos of our IDs and said no more detecting.. please.

I showed the police a letter that I have from the Guardia informing that there is no law to stop detecting on the Murcia beaches but the officer pointed out that it is down to the individual automino town hall to decide on whether detecting is banned on their beaches (True), and the decision was made now not to sanction metal detecting.

Obviously, i am not going to leave it there and will look for some way of getting us permission and there will be then no argument from the police.

It looks like the same scenario that happened in the Valencia region which made us get those permits.

Long term, i agree that there should be a permit system in Murcia which will bring it in line with Andalusia and Valencia.

My predictions were right. because Andalucia and Valencia needs us to have permits ,the  chancer detectorist that cant be bothered to apply for those permits in those areas, have infiltrated into Murcia where there was no sanctions given to our hobby and more than likely, that they don't work to a code of conduct, usually our eastern European cousins and the  Russians !!!

Lets just wait until we can find a solution to this situation.....hopefully soon !!!

So  don't chance your arm in this region and if you want to detect in the Valencian area GET A LICENSE .........!!!!!!


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« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2018, 10:18:51 am »
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   Sorry to be hearing this news.   Again it would seem the Un Initiated have caused issues with the True Hobbyist and professionals alike.  Their numbers are just too high.  People watch those stupid Metal Detecting Shows and take the Bull by the Horns not know what they are doing . 



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kellyco beach magnet .. Garrett ace 250 . tesoro silver sabre , Garrett Apex tesoro .vaquero,tesoro eldorado , whites surf pi.
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2020, 08:30:58 am »
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Well things have changed once more ..

The Vallencian region has now decided to split the beaches into 3 seperate  areas in another beuracratic screwup , i now come under Alicante area and must apply individually  online with an electronic signature a copy  is shown below .

3 of our club members have tried to fill this form out  unfortunately  it seems that it is impossible , they have spoken to the administrators and they are unable to make head nor tale of the form either ..and they are Spanish ..!!!

Another attempt is being made tomorrow  to sort it out  ..!!!

Application for authorization for the use of the metal detector in the area of the beaches of the province of Alicante

Subject of the paperwork

The use of metal detectors or other similar tools or techniques to locate remains of an
archaeological or paleontological nature on the beaches of the Valencian Community, even if this is not its purpose, must be authorized by the competent ministry in terms of culture.
Applicants for this authorisation shall set out the objectives of their activity which may be their access to metal detection in order to locate lost
objects. The territorial scope of the application shall be limited to the coastal beaches of the Valencian Community. This activity is considered common according to the Demarcation of Costas.

Who can start it?

In order to provide documentation through this telematics

procedure, the following requirements must be met: 1- The person concerned (physical or legal) must have an advanced electronic signature: DNIe (electronic ID), FNMT (National Currency and Stamp Factory) certificates and with the certificates of legal entity, public employee or natural person issued by the ACCV (Authoritat de Certificació de la Comunitat Valenciana).
All recognized certificates included in the List of Trustees of Certification Service Providers (TSLs) established in Spain, published at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, will also be
More information in

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- We recommend that you check the
validity of

the certificate at the following address:

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If you do not pass the certificate validation, you should contact the issuing body of the certificate.
- In the case of presenting a digital certificate of a natural person and acting on behalf of another person (physical or legal), it must be registered in advance in the Register of Representatives before the Generalitat Valenciana for the realization of procedures by telematics.
Information regarding this Registry
is available: .


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and in

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What documentation should be submitted?
Application form for


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any other documentation that the applicant deems necessary for the valuation of his application.

Associated prints


How is it processed?Home
How is it processed telematically?
Through the corresponding link:

Process with electronic certificate:

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The provision of documentation through this procedure can ONLY be done TELEMATICALLY. By clicking on the direct link that has just been indicated or in the link "Process with certificate" (which appears in red at the beginning of this procedure of the Prop Guide), you will access the telematics procedure, which will allow you to complete the web form of request for contribution, then attach the documentation provided and make the telematic presentation of all this, obtaining the corresponding proof of registration [(which will also be available in the Personal Area of the applicant, which can be accessed from the website of the Generalitat (Website of the Generalitat > Personal Area) or from its Electronic Headquarters (Website of the Generalitat > Electronic Headquarters > Access to the personal area)].

The interested party shall be identified by a digital signature certificate accepted by the Generalitat, that is, issued by an authorized entity.
Once the request for documentation has been completed, it will be validated and then the electronic document(s) you have to provide will be attached.

Finally, once the shipment is made, it will be registered for entry by means of the telematics register and you can print a copy of
The documentation provided shall be incorporated into the open file and analysed by the staff of the Competent Ministry in this matter, who shall proceed accordingly.

Legal and/or documentary sources

- Decree 107/2017, of July 28, of the Consell, approving the Regulation regulating archaeological actions in the Valencian Community.

List of regulations

See Decree 107/2017


The Generalitat wants this information to be of use to you.

This information is for illustrative purposes only and will not give rise to rights or expectations, nor will it be linked to the procedure in which it relates, the processing of which will always be subject to specific instructions.


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« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2020, 01:55:34 pm »
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Yep clear as mud.  Sad  Angry
i hope the regulation disease will Not catch up here in Australia Smiley


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