I came across your website researching some material on the cromlech of Rennes les Bains while writing a chapter for my novel, working title
Templar Time Travel. :"The Secret Message of Jules Verne" by Michel Lamy (a book, published by Destiny Books, a subsidery of my publisher
Inner Traditions) in a chapter on Jules Verne Facing God. There, a reference to the the Celtic cromlech described by Father Boudet, continues: "these stones will be gates by which you will invoke those who are outside the time and space of men."This text will enable me to bring some of my characters back from the Renaissance time where they are presently stuck in time before the catastrophic reversal of the earth's magnetic poles and breach in the earth's magnetosphere
Also a nice YouTube video drive to Rennes Le Chateau was found on this site.
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« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 09:30:04 pm by seldom »