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« on: July 14, 2023, 03:21:54 pm »
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Double "O" status revoked
Hard to believe but I was relieved of my double "O" status.  "M"  (aka Marie aka Hunny Bunny) stated that I was relieved of active duty immediately and confined to "household duties."  I begged but to no avail.
While going through a redacted file I noticed that Spawn and his group H.I.T. (Halifax International Terrorists) was plaining something nefarious.  Bad enough that the home office removed the "S" from in front of the groups name but it directly reflected, in their opinion, that it was directly targeted at Trudeau and his government.  There it was!  Reading between the lines I figured what H.I.T. was up to.  Insidious!  Apparently they had a man on the inside of the Canadian Mint who was going to start producing a $5 coin with Charles 111 being replaced by Justin Trudeau and on the obverse an extinct goony bird. The mere thought  of this happening sent chills up my decrepit spine.  Not too mention the embarrassment of Canada on the world stage.
Immediately my mind went into over drive as I could hear the rusty gears moving in my head.  Questions.  More questions.  But the biggest was where could I find Spawn!
The weather was hot.  Air was muggy.  Spawn liked the water as I recalled from an earlier encounter with him during "Operation Thunderball."  Snap crackle and pop the answer hit me like Eddie Shack trying to clear the track....water.....lake....beach.
First lake ,then second and then wham bam thank you man I got my first clue as a group of seedy looking rugrats frolicked in the water of the third lake I tried.  Spawn's henchmen.  I would recognize that lot anywhere including a tot lot.
Zen Guru was not up for wet work and truth be known I did not trust him in the water.  Aqua Guru popped out and we searched for Spawn, one junker, then another,  a silver "O", a broken chain, change...I could smell his foulness.
Chest high in the drink I found him.  Water boarding was out of the question so I hung him out to dry over a hot cup of Tim's....double milk.  Too much for that yegg.  All his plains spilled out like a whacked Mexican Pinata.
Back at home "M" was so delighted that she made me supper and reinstated my double "O" status while promising a night I would not soon forget.Double "O" status revoked


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« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 04:06:01 pm by nickel_n »
Offline ArfieBoy
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Compass X-70; Compass X-200; Compass Coin Scanner Pro II; Whites Coinmaster 2/DB Series 2
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2023, 12:56:52 pm »
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Great story!  Cool finds!  Be careful what finds like that might "spawn!"


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Government can not give anything to anyone...  without first taking it from someone else!

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