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« on: September 07, 2014, 12:03:58 pm »
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Deja vous!  Navy Davy arrived and was like ready to dig, due the dew ....get down with Mother Nature!  Real flower child.  Looked none the worse in his bubble!

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So very deep man!  Like threw in the Pro and Freedom in the trunk. Mud....golden Arch like not really far out.

We were going for it...you know what I mean!

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Things they paint on schools these days..........sort of trippy!

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Like sort of fishy.  "All Arms" wanted to get in the act with Freedom in hand....................no skin off my teeth man!

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Really dug it big time after this find.....really like....creative!

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Navy Davy was awandering....wandering here and wandering there...it was like...a maze.  Coins came to him.......flash back to the last time we hunted this spot.

Found a fish.............a round like silver one from about 1967...................silver..Canada's bicentennial like.........wow 100 years old then.

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Finished tripping........Navy Davy did a pile!

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Had like a lay down on the hill...sabbatical from like digging..............sore man..shoulder, knee...........just like shoot me and put me in one of my holes with my Garretts!  Quota was had.....like...like !.

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Got like home...my home and Navy Davy threw me out...............main squeeze was on the step.................sort of shook her head, frowned.......whatz up?

Get in the man cave and have this darn thing come after my silver fish!

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Unreal.......Heather  gave this to my main squeeze (only squeeze) for minding her fur balls while she was away.  Had a craving like for Chineese food all of a sudden...pass the WD40 man! Purred like a finely tuned Ford!

Like sticking to my club soda with a squeezed lime.  See another visit to my witch doctor is a coming like..................when!  Peace brother swingers of Garrett and keep the faith man!


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