When posting in "What Is It?", please give members the information they need to help identify your find:
1. Post sharp closeup photos of both the front and the back if possible.
2. State the actual size of the item. Also, if possible, put something with it in the photo for scale: a common coin, a ruler, etc.
3. If there are any inscriptions which cannot be easily read in the photos, type them in full in your post.
4. If there are maker's marks, numbers, symbols, or other marks on the back which are not easily seen in the photo, post a closeup or a drawing or rubbing of them.
5. Indicate the composition of the item. Brass, silver, gold and what kt if known.
6. Also where it was found 1880 homestead, picnic grounds from the 1940's etc.
? Do not deliberately withhold any information just to "have fun" seeing if members can guess correctly.
? Finally, if someone identifies your item or provides other helpful information, take time to post your appreciation? and maybe send a PM to say, "Thanks!" too.
Remember we really want to help so the more information we have the better answers we can provide.
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If you believe everything you read you are reading to much. Treasure is a Harsh Mistress