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« on: April 28, 2011, 10:36:07 am »
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The pseudo skeptics refuse to admit that the inverse square rule DOES NOT APPLY TO LRL'S or Witricity. MFD's in particular do not use a radio wave signal. Anyone who has hooked up a meter (including many pseudo-skeptics) to an MFD knows there is almost no electrical power being "transmitted". Anyone who knows anything about electricity would easily see if more power was needed, then the designers would have easily added more power, BUT THEY DIDN'T. If you look at Witricity it is easy to see the inverse square rule DOES NOT APPLY. The Witricity gets at least 50% efficiency and this totally violates the inverse suqare rule. If it followed the rule there would be no more than a very few percent efficiency, BUT IT DOESN'T. Now I'M not claiming that MFD's are as efficient as what MIT created, but it is enough to get a signal line to the target that is detectable by anyone who can use L-rods, at least when locating conditions are good.

Here is a video that explains a bity about how this can be so efficient. If you watch at about the four-minute mark there is a diagram that explains it.

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« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 10:38:36 am by Mike »

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« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 11:09:35 am »
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You always start your post with the term ( The Psuedo Skeptics ) and talk of witcitiy of which i presume meens Witch-electricty

1,  Calling people names won't get people to see your side of things or even bother to consider your claims or worse
     still have anyone read your posts, You might take on board the way art3811 puts his views to people,
     Because even if you ( us members ) don't agree with him,   99% of the time he tries his best to talk to people
     not talk at them, and as strange as his posts maybe on a very few times he always teaches others to be open minded
     and he remains that same way himself,

2,  A radio is a receiver but without batteries to complete the circut and provide the power sorce then it's just a box,

3,  Stop with your name calling and people might take you seriously instead of wishing for other things, like doors closing



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« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 11:50:20 am »
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Here's a link for you.

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« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2011, 12:19:33 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Mike
Here's a link for you.

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It does'nt matter what you post until you learn about the human race and how to converse with them then you
will not convince anyone.

And as for that web site it tells people like you how to con unsuspecting people into believing people like you
Who have no proof of the claims you make, and proof does not walk the same road as these claims.
why any person would create a web site just to con everyday people is sickening it proves nothing, you prove nothing
and it just proves how desparate you are to suck people in, and if you realy got these things working you would be digging
treasure, gold and other valuable items, this has reached an all time high in Lows with this web site, A web site that teaches
you people how to try and fool us into believing in this rubbish is about as low as a person can get .
Remember this, Things that work do not need web sites to teach you how to con the public, they speak for them selves
By Posting that here you have done more damage to the LRL believers than I or any one could,
I would like to say alot more but my respect for the members is more important,


Posted on: April 28, 2011, 12:17:34 PM
Please note your post is still here and always will be as people have a right to know who sold them out


Here is one of their teachings.


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« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 12:30:36 pm by Ridge Runner »
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« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 12:37:36 pm »
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Mike you just did more damage to your case then all of have done in months. From your link:

SCEPCOP is the 1st Coalition of Researchers, Investigators, Writers, Truth Seekers, Freethinkers and Intellectuals united to counter and expose the PseudoSkepticism movement for their fallacies, religious fanaticism, unscientific behavior, misinformation, denial, suppression, bigotry and ridicule toward all data, experience or science that challenges orthodoxy or does not fit into a materialistic paradigm.

Mike I am not sure why you find the need to show up every few months and stir up the same old tired crap guess its just part of your genetic flaw. So be it!!!
If you have useful info to post please do I am sure Art and some of the others will be happy to read it but if your only agenda is to start trouble I will shut you down fast. 


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If you believe everything you read you are reading to much.
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« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2011, 12:56:57 pm »
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He does seem to forget that most of us here truly, deeply wish that dowsing and LRLs really worked. If I could find my next lead by simply circling an electronic gun around me I'd absolutely love it. I'd be the first to buy it.

He also forgets that there are a few scientists here who understand physics, chemistry and electronics. With that crowd erased from his mind, he tries hard to make his case among those who are in awe of science. Scientists change their minds about the realities of our universe often when new evidence presents itself. The true believers in dowsing have no intention of ever listening to or seeing evidence that is contrary to their core beliefs. It's the ultimate in closed mindedness. I find it ironic in the extreme that they are the first to call the sane part of the discussion the closed minded group.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2011, 12:59:31 pm »
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Mike, If you are calling me all those things listed on that web site , then see this as a warning,

You have done more Damage to the good LRL believer than you know and they are a nice bunch of guys

So seeing as you posted this for me or at me, I thank you because you have given me all the proof i need

and in case you missed it this is a warning, So lets keep this on an even Keil and join in instead of stirring up trouble.



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« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2011, 01:16:09 pm »
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Quote:Posted by GoldDigger1950
He does seem to forget that most of us here truly, deeply wish that dowsing and LRLs really worked.

Ain't that the truth

Quote:Posted by GoldDigger1950
I find it ironic in the extreme that they are the first to call the sane part of the discussion the closed minded group.

There is a big differences in the guys sell this junk and the guys like Art who truly believe and are willing to teach and help with dowsing. I enjoy some of Arts and several others post where Mike and the dealers use smoke and mirrors to con folks out of their money


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If you believe everything you read you are reading to much.
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« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2011, 01:20:14 pm »
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Hey Guys go read that link i posted, that bunch need sedating



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