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Offline magneticanomalyTopic starter

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« on: February 24, 2011, 12:57:10 pm »
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As my handle suggests, I would be easy to find with a magnetometer, because of the few hundred tons of assorted possibly useful ferrous objects that have followed me home.

I'm an engineer by profession, operate my own machine and fabricating shop, also highly interested in freedom, survival, self-sufficiency, language and symbolism, law, gardening, the woods.

Six wonderful children, about to remarry, live off-grid with solar power system running this computer.

I like all sorts of old junk, love to find a washer or a screwdriver in the ditch. Once found a 1830's French silver coin (Louis Phillipe) by a creek (in New Jersey)(carried it for years, 'til I lost it again)

My immediate motive for lurking here is my propensity to lose tools, like my belt knife, while ploughing the snow on my mile of driveway last December, and the thought that if I built a metal detector I might could find it again.


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« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 12:59:08 pm by magneticanomaly »
Offline bomber
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« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 01:18:52 pm »
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welcome from chicago!........sounds like you'll fit in just fine here bud Great


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dreams of the young are the regrets of old

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