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« on: December 23, 2023, 02:35:50 pm »
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 Skill-Building with the Minelab Equinox Series Metal Detectors
Readers Write...
“Clive’s book is a must for users of the Equinox. I highly recommend reading this book. Beginners to advanced users will find valuable information in this latest book.”
“...what Clive has to say about the settings and how they interact with each other and with targets should help take your game to a higher level.”
“...for a person with just 15 months detecting experience this is Gold. This is what I’ve been looking for to take my understanding of detecting and the Equinox forward.”
Thanks Anthony
“I consider this book a must and rate it five stars. Learnt so much about my 800. Thanks Clive.”
“His books will make you a more efficient treasure Hunter. Saves you a ton of time learning the machine.”
“This is a book you will have to read, practice and maybe even re-read certain areas. There is no fluff in this book. It is all hardcore useful information for the Equinox user.”
“Excellent Read. Helped me a lot with my 800.”
Skill-Building with the Minelab Equinox Series Metal Detectors
By Clive James Clynick
Clive James Clynick is the author of some 24 previous treasure hunting “how-to” books and numerous articles.  In this detailed and informative book, he explains how understanding the Equinox’s operating characteristics and features can help you to find more treasure at park, relic and beach sites. Topics include:
•   Dense Iron Methods and Skill Building
•   Walk First. How Small Skills Add Up to Accuracy
•   Managing the Heavily Processed, Modulated Signal
•   Understanding and Managing the Power Curve
•   Beyond Meter and Tone
•   Accuracy and Conclusiveness
•   Salt Water Stabilization and Depth Tips from Top Hunters
•   Signal Balancing the Equinox for More Depth
•   ‘Micro’ Gold and Chain Hunting
•   Understanding the Upgrades
…and much more…
(8.5 X 5.5, softbound, 120 pages)
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