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« on: April 17, 2009, 09:19:47 pm »
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    CAPTAIN TEW Before I enter on the adventures of this pirate, I must take
notice to the reader of the reasons which made me not continue the life of

    In reading the notes, which I have by me, relating to Capt.Tew, I found
him joined with Misson; and that I must be either guilty of repetitiion, or
give an account of Tew in Misson's life, which is contrary to the method I
proposed, that of giving a distinct relation of every pirate who has made
any figure: and surely Tew, in point of gallantry, was inferior to none, and
may justly claim a particular account of his actions. However, before I
enter on the life of this pirate, I shall continue that of Misson to the
time that these two commanders met.

    The blacks seein them so much on their guard, brought out boiled rice
and fowls, and after they had satisfied their hunger, the chief made signs
that they were the same who had carried a negro to their ships, and sent for
the axe and piece of baize they had given him. While this passed, the very
negro came from hunting, who seemed overjoyed to see them. The chief made
signs that they might return, and ten negroes coming to them, laden with
fowls and kids, he gave them to understand, they should accompany them to
their ships with these presents.

    They parted very amicably, and in hopes of settling a good
correspondence with these natives. All the houses were neatly framed and
jointed, not built from any foundation, but so made, that half a dozen men
could lift and transport them from place to place. The hunters, returning to
their snips, with these presents and negroes, were joyfully received; and
the negroes were not only caressed, but laden with baize, iron kettles, and
rum, besides the present of a cutlass for the chief.

    While the negroes stayed, which was the space of three days, they
examined and admired the forts and growing town, in which all hands were
busied, and not even the prisoners excused.

    As Misson apprehended no danger from the land, his fort, though of wood,
being, he thought, a sufficient defence to his infant colony, he took 160
hands, and went a second time on the coast of Zanguebar, and off Quiloa he
gave chase to a large ship which lay by for him. She proved an over-match
for the Victoire, which engaged her, with great loss of men, near eight
glasses; but finding he was more likely to be taken, than to make a prize,
by the advice of his officers and men, endeavoured to leave the Portuguese,
which was a 50 gun ship, and had 300 men on board; but he found this attempt
vain, for the Portuguese sailed as well as the Victoire, and her commander,
who was a resolute and brave man, seeing him endeavour to shake him off,
clapped him on board, but lost most of the men he entered. Misson's crew,
not used to be attacked, and expecting no quarter, fought so desperately,
that they not only thoroughly cleared their decks, but some of them followed
the Portuguese, who leaped into their own ship; which Misson seeing, hoped
to make an advantage of their despair, and crying out, Elle est a nous, a l'
abordage She's our own, board, board her so many of his men followed the
few, that hardly were there enough left to work the ship. Misson, observing
the resolution of his men, grappled the Portuguese sllip, and leaped on
board himself; crying out, la mort, ou la vidoire death or victory. The
Portuguese, who thought themselves in a manner conquerors, seeing the enemy
not only drive off those who entered them, but board with such resolution,
began to quit the decks in spite of

    their officers. The captain and Misson met, as he was endeavouring to
hinder the flight of his men . they engaged with equal bravery with their'
cutlasses: but Misson striking him on the neck, he fell down the main hatch,
which put an end to the fight, for the Portuguese seeing their captain fall,
threw down their arms, and called for quarters, which was granted ; and. all
the prisoners without distinction beingordered between decks,andthe the
powder rooms secured, he put 35 men on board the prize, and made the best of
his way to Libertatia. This was the dearest prize he ever made, for he lost
56 men. She was vastly rich in gold, having near 200,000 sterling on board,
being her own and the cargo of her companion, which was lost upon the coast,
of whose crew she had saved one hundred men out of 120, the rest being lost
by endeavouring to swim ashore. This was the reason that the prize was so
well manned, and proved so considerable.

    Being within sight of Madagascar, they spied a sloop which stood for
them, and when in gun shot. threw out black colours, and fired a gun to
leeward. Misson brought too, fired another to leeward, and hoisted out his
boat, which the sloop perceiving, lay by for. Misson's lieutenant went on
board, and was received very civilly by Capt.Tew, who was the commander, to
whom the lieutenant gave a short account of their adventures and new
settlement, inviting him very kindly on board Capt. Misson. Tew told him, he
could not consent to go with him till he had the opinion of his men. In the
mean while, Misson cooling along side, hailed the stoop, and invited the
captain on board, desiring his lieutenant would stay as a hostage, if they
were in the least jealous of him, which they had no reason to be, since he
was of force so much superior, that he need not employ stratagem. This
determined the company on board the sloop, who advised their
captain to go with the lieutenant, whom they would not suffer to stay
behind, to show the greater confidence in their new friends.

    My reader may be surprised that a single sloop should venture to give
chase to two ships of such countenance as were the Sictoire and her prize
but this wonder will cease, when he is acquainted with the sequal.

    Capt. Tew, after being handsomely regaled on board the Victoire, and
thoroughly satisfied, returned on board his sloop, gave an account of what
he had learned, and his men consenting, he gave orders to steer the same
course with Misson, whose settlement it was agreed to visit. I shall here
leave them to give an account of Capt.Tew.

    Mr. Richter, governor of Bermuda, fitted out two sloops on the privateer
account, commanded by Capt. George Drew and Capt. Thomas Tew, with
instructions to make the best of their way to the river Gambia, in Africa,
and there, with the advice and assistance of the agent for the royal African
company, to attempt the taking the French factory of Goree on that coast.

    The above commanders having their commissions and instructions from the
governor, took their departure from Bermuda, and kept company some time; but
Drew springing his mast, and a violent storm coming upon them, they lost
each other.

    Tew being separated from his consort, thought of providing for his
future ease, by making one bold push; and accordingly, calling all hands on
deck, he spoke to them to this purpose.

    "That they were not ignorant of the design with which the governor
fitted them out the taking and destroying the French factory; that he,
indeed, readily agreed to take a commission to this end, though contrary to
his judgment, because thought it a very injudicious expedition, which, did
they succeed in, would. be of nouse to the public, and only be of advantage
to a private company of men, from whom they could expect no reward for their
bravery ; that he could see nothingbut danger in the undertaking, without the
least prospect of booty ; that he could not suppose any man fond of fighting
for fighting's sake ; and few ventured their lives, but with some view either
ofparticular interest or public good : but here was not the least appearance
of either. Wherefore, he was of opinion, that they should turn their
thoughts on what might better their circumstances; and if they were so
inclined, he would undertake to shape`a course which should lead them to
ease and plenty, in which they might pass the rest of their days. That one
hold push would do their business, and they might return home, not only
without danger, but even with reputation," The crew finding he expected
their resolution, cried one, and. all, " A gold chain or a wooden leg we'll
stand by you."

    Hearing this, he desired they would choose a quarter-master, who might
consult with him for the common good; which was accordingly done.

    I must acquaint the reader, that on board the West-India privateers and
free-boters, the quartermaster's opinion is like the Mufti's among the Turks
: the captain can undertake nothing which the quarter-master does not
approve. We may say the quarter-master is a humble imitation of the Roman
tribune of the people; he speaks for, and looks after the interest of the

    Tew, now, instead of proceeding on his voyage to Gambia, shaped his
course for the Cape of Good Hope, which doubling, he steered for the straits
of Babelmandel, entering into the Red Sea, where they came up with a lofty
ship hound from the Indies to Arabia ; she was richly laden, and as she was
to clear the coasts of rovers, five more, extremely rich (one especially in
gold) being to follow her, she had 300 soldiers on board, besides her

    Tew, on making this ship, told his men she carried their fortunes, which
they would find no difficulty to take possession of; for though he was
satisfied she was fall of men, and was mounted with a great number of guns,
they wanted the two things necessary, skill and. courage : and, indeed, so
it proved, for he boarded and carried without loss, every one taking more
care to run from danger, than to exert himself in the defence of his goods.

    In rummaging this prize, the pirates threw over a great many rich bales,
to search for gold, silver and - jewels ; and having taken. what they
thought proper, together with the powder, part of which (as being more than
they could handsomely stow) they threw into the sea, they left her, sharing
3000 sterling a man.

    Encouraged by this success, Capt.Tew proposed going in quest of the
other five ships, of which he had intelligence from theprize ; but the
quarter-master opposing him, he was obliged to drop the design, and steer

    Here the quarter-master finding this island pr of all the necessaries of
life ; aid the air was wholesome, soil fruitful, and the sea abounding with
fish, proposed settling ; but only three and twenty of the crew came Into
the proposal: the rest stayed with Captain Tew, who having given the new
settlers their share of plunder, designed to return to America, as they
afterwards did; but spy, in g theVictoire and her prize, he thought he
might, by their means, return somewhat richer, and resolved to speak with
them, as I have already said.

    Tew and his company having taken the above resolution of visiting
Monsieur Misson's colony,  arrived with him and was not a little surpritied
to see his fortifications.

    When they came under the first fort, they saluted it with nine guns, and
were answered by an equal number. All the prisoners, at their coming to an
anchor, were suffered to come up, a privilege they had never before granted
them, on account of they few hands left them, except two or three at a time.

    The joy those ashore expressed at the sight of so considerable a prize
as they judged her at first sight, was vastly allayed, when they heard how
dear a purchase she had proved to them. However, the reinforcement of the
sloop made some amends. Capt. Tew was received by Caraccioli and the rest,
with great civility and respect, who did not a little admire his courage
both in attacking the prize he made, and afterwards in giving chase to
Misson. He was called to the council of officers, which was immediately
held, to consider what methods should be taken with the prisoners, who were,
by 190 brought in by this new prize, near as numerous as those of his own
party, though Tew joined them with 70 men. It was therefore resolved to keep
them separate from the Portuguese and English, who were before taken, to
make them believe they . were in amity with a prince of the natives, who was
very powerful, and to propose to them, at their choice, the assisting the
new colony in their works, or being sent prisoners up the country, if they
rejected entering in with them. Seventy-three took on, and the rest desired
they might be any way employed rather than be sent up the country; 117 then
were set to work upon a dock, which was laid out about half a mile above the
mouth of the harbour, and the other prisoners were forbid to pass such
bounds as were prescribed then on pain of death; lest they, knowing their
own strength, should revolt; for I must acquaint the reader, that on the arrival
of the Victoite, both their loss and the number of Portuguese they brought in, was
known to none but themselves, and the number of those who came over,
magnified ; besides, the Johanna men were all armed and disciplined, and the
Bijoux lay as a guard-ship, where the last prisoners were set to work ; but
while they provided for their security, both within and without, they did
not neglect providing also for their support, for they dug and. sowed a
large plat of ground with Indian and European corn, and other seeds which
they found or board their prizes. In the mean while, Caraccioh, who had the
art ofpersuasion, wrought on many of the Portuguese, who saw no hopes of
returning home to join them. Misson), who could not be easy in an inactive
life, would have taken another cruise; hut fearing the revolt of the
prisoners, durst not weaken the colony by the hands he must necessarily take
with him Wherefore, he proposed givin g the last prize to, and sending away
the prisoners. Caraccioli and Capt.Tew were against it, saying, that it
would discover their retreat, and cause their being attacked by the
Europeans, who had settlements along the continent, before they were able to
defend themselves. Masson replied, he could not bear to be always diffident
of those about him; that it was better to die at once, than live in
continual apprehensions of death: that the time was come for sending away
the Johanna men, and that they could, not go without a ship; neither durst
he trust a ship out, not well manned, nor man her while so many prisoners
were with him. Wherefore there was a necessity of sending them off, or of
putting them all to the sword; a barbarity by whichhe would notpurchase his
security. A council was called, and what Capt.Misson had proposed, agreed

The prisoners were then summoned, and he told them, in few words, that he
knew the consequence of giving them liberty; that he expected to be attacked
soon as the place of his retreat was known, and had it in his hands by putting
them to death, to avoid the doubtful fate of war; but his humanity would not
suffer him to entertain a thought so cruel, and his alliances with the natives, he
hoped, would enable him to repel his assailants; but he required an oath of
very one, that he should not serve against him. He then inquired into the
circumstances of every particular man, and what they had lost, all which he
returned, telling the company it should be reckoned as part ofhis share ; and
the prisoners, that he did not make wax with the oppressed, but the oppressors.
The prisoners were charmed with this mark of generosity, and wished he might
never meet a treatment unworthy of that he gave them. The ship victualled
for a voyage to the coast of Zanguebar, all Ler guns and ammunition taken
out with the spare sails, and spare rigging, all were ordered to be gone
;and 137 departed, highly applauding the behaviour of their enemies. All
this while they had heard nothing from the natives, nor had the hunting
parties met . with any of them, which made Misson suspect they were afraid.
of his being their neighbour, and had Shifted their quarters; but as the
Johanna men were upon going away, there came about 50 negroes to them,
driving about 100 head of black cattle, 20 negro men bound, and 25 women,
for which cattle and prisoners they bartered. rum, hatchets, baize, and
beads; some hogsheads of which last -commodity they had taken on the coast
of Angola. Here the negroes belonging to Misson were pro. vided with wives:
the natives were caressed, and to the slaves signs made that their liberty
was given them ; they were immediately clothed and put under the care of as
man whites, who, by all possible demonstrations, endeavoured to make them
understand that they were enemies to slavery.

The natives stayed' ten days, which retarded the departure of the Johanna men;
but, upon their retireing, the Bijoux sailed with 100 of them on board, under the
command of Caraccioli's lieutenant, who excused the keeping them longer than
was promised, and not bringing them at once, having no more than. two ships. The
Portuguese ship, which was unrigged, being made a hulk, the ten men of Misson's
company who had settled at Johanna, being desirous to return, were brought to
Libertatia with their wives (of which they had two or three a piece) and, their children.
The Bijoux, at two more voyages, carried over the rest of the Johannians. Misson
hove down the Bijoux, and resolving on a cvaise on the coast of Guinea, to
strengthen his colony by the capture of some slaving ship, he gave the
command other to Capt.Tew, and he and Caraccioli pressed the work of the
dock. lie gave him also 200 hands, of which 40 were Portuguese, 37 negroes,
17 of them expert sailors, 30 English, and the rest French. Tew met with
nothing in his way, till he came to the northward of the Cape of Good Hope,
when he tell in with a Dutch East India galley of 18 guns, which he took
after a small resistance, and with the loss of one man only. On the coast of
Angola he took an English Guinea-man with 240 slaves, men, women, and boys.
The negroes who had been before taken on this coast, found among these a
great many of their acquaintnee, and several. of their relations, to whom
they reported their unexpected change of fortune, the Feat captain (for so
they now called if isson) havin g humanely knocked off their chains, and of
staves made them free men, and sharers in his fortunes that the same-good.
fortune had attended them in their falling into his hands, for he aborred
even the name of slavery.

Pew, following the orders and acquainted with the
policy of Misson, ordered their fetters and handcuffs to be taken off, upon
his negro sailors assuring him they would not revolt, and were sensible of
their happiness in falling into his hands. Content with these prizes, he
made the best of his way home to Libertatia where he arrived without any
sinister accident; but I forgot to tell my reader, that he set his Dutch
prisoners (nine excepted, who took on with him) ashore, about 30 miles to
the northward of the Cape of Saldanha Bay, where had been buried, by Capt.
Misson, the English commander. He found a great quantity of English. crowns
on board his Dutch prize, which were carried into the common treasury ;
money being of no use where every thing was in common, and no hedge bounded
any particular man's property. The slaves he had released in this last
cruise were employed in perfecting the dock, and treated on the footing of
free people. They were not ignorant of the change of their condition, and
were therefore extremely diligent and. faithful. 4 white man, or one of the
old standing negroes, wrought with every four, and made them understand the
French words (by often repetition, and the help of their country-mens
interpreting) used in their works frisson ordered a couple of sloops to be
built in a creek, of eighty tons each, which he mounted with eight guns a
piece, out of a Dutch prize. These were perfected in a little time, and
proved not only shapely vessels, hut excellent sailers. The officers of
these sloops were chosen by ballotting, and as their first design was only
to discover and lay down a chart of the coast, sands, shoals, and depth of
water round the island of Madagascar, the school-master being sent with the
command of one, Tew desired and had the other. They were manned, each sloop
with 50 white and 50 black men ; which

    voyage round the island was of vast advantage in giving the new released
Angola negroes a notion of working a vessel ;and they were very industrious
both in endeavouring to learn the French language, and to be useful. These
sloops, the one of which was called the Childhood, and the other the
Liberty, were near four months 'on this expedition. In the mean while, a few
of the natives had come often to the settlement, and began to speak alittle
French, mixed with the other European languages, which they heard among
Misson's people, and six of the native families fixed among them, which was
of vast use to the planters of this colony; for they made a very
advantageous report to their country-men of the regularity and harmony they
observed in them. The sloops having returned, and an exact chart taken of
the coast, Caraccioli had a mind for a cruises He 'proposed visiting all the
neighbouring islands, and accordingly went ont to Mascarenhas, and the other
islands near it, taking one half of his crew of negroes, and returned with a
Dutch prize, which he took off the above mentioned island, were they were
about fixing a colony. This prize, as it had on board all sorts of European
goods, and necessaries for settling, was more valuable than if it had been
vastly richer. The negroes growing useful hands, Misson resolved on a cruise
to the northward, encouraged by Tew's success; and with all the blacks,
which he divided between the two ships, one of which Capt. Tew commanded set
out with 500 men. Off the coast of Arabia Felix they fell in, with a ship
belonging to the Grea tMogul, bound for Zidon, with pilgrims to Mecca, who,
with Moor mariners, made up the number of 1600 souls. This ship carried 110
guns, but made a very poor defence, being encumbered with the goods and num
ber of passengers they carried.

The two adventurers did not think it their business to cannonade:
they therefore boarded as soon as they came up with her, and the Moors
no sooner saw them entered, but they discharged one volley of small arms at
rindom, we may suppose, because no execution was done, and fled the decks.
Being masters of this ship, which did not cost them a single man, they
consulted what they should do with her, and the prisoners, and it was
resolved to set them ashore between Ain and Aden.

    They, now made the best of their way for Madagascar, putting 200 hands
on board the prize, which proved a very heavy sailer, and retarded them very
much. Off the Cape Guarde Fin they were overtaken with a cruel storm, which
was near wrecking them on the island called Irmanos; but the wind coming
about due north, they had the good lack to escape this danger. Though the
fury of the wind abated, yet it blew so hard for twelve days together, that
they could only carry their coursers reefed. They spied a sail in their
passage, but the weather would not permit their endeavouring to speak with
her. In a word, they returned to Libertatia with their prize, without any
other acccident; but the captors could make no estimate of her value, she
having on board a vast quantity of diamonds, besides rich silks, raw silks,
spices, carpets, wrought and bar gold. The prize was taken to pieces, as she
was of no use; her cordage and knee timber preserved, with all the bolts,
eyes, chains, and other iron work, and her guns planted on two points of the
harbour, where they raised batteries, so that they were now so strongly
fortified they apprehended no danger from any number of shipping which
could, be brought into those seas to attack them. They had, by this time,
cleared, sown, and enclosed a good parcel of ground, and taken in a quantity
of pasturage, where they had above 300 head of black cattle, bought of the

The dock was now finished, and the Victoire growing old and unfit for a long
voyage, and the last storm having shook, and loosened her very much, she was
pulled to pieces and rebuilt,. keeping the same name. She was rigged, victualled, and
fit to go to sea, and was to sail to the coast of Guinea for more negroes,
when one of the sloops came in, which had, been sent out rather to exercise
the negroes, than with any view of makinga prize, andbrought word that five
lofty ships chased her into the bay, and stood for their harbour; that she
judged them to bePortuguese by their built, and 50 gun ships, full of men.
This proved the real truth. The alarm was given. the forts and batteries
manned,and every man stood to his arms. Misson took upon him the command of
100 negroes,who were well disciplined, (for every morning they had been used
to perform their exercise, which was taught them by a French serjeant, one
of their company,wfio belonged to th e Victoire) to be ready where his
assistance should be required, Tew commanded all the English. They had
hardly ordered their affairs when these ships hove in sight, and stood
directly for the harbour with Portuguese colours. They were warmly received
by the two forts, which did not stop them, though it brought one of them on
the careen. They entered the harbour, and thought they had done their
business, but were saluted so warmly from the forts, batteries, sloops, and
ships, that two of them sunk downright, and a great many men were drowned,
though some got on board the other ships. The Portuguese, who did not
imagine they had been so well fortified, and thought in passing the two
forts they should without difficulty land their men, and easily root out
this nest of pirates, found now their mistake, (or they darst not venture to
hoist out a boat. They had wisely, however, contrived to enter just before
the turn of the tide.

Finding the attempt vain, and that they had lost a great many men, they clapped
upon a wind, and with the help of the tide of ebb, made more haste out than they
did to get in, leaving two of their ships sunk in the harbour; but they did not get
ff so cheaply, for no sooner were they clear of the forts, but Misson, manning
with the utmost expedition both the ships and sloops, gave them chase, and
engaged them at the mouth of the bay, The Portuguese defended themselves
with a great deal of gallantry, and one of them beat off the Libertabans
twice, who hoarded them from the two sloops; two of them, finding themselves
hard pressed made a running fight, and got off, and left the third to shift
as well as she could. The Bijoux and Victoire finding the Portuguese
endeavoured to clear themselves and knowing there was little to be of by the
captures, gave over the chase, and the third, who defended himself till his
decks swarm with blood, and the greater number or his men killed; but
finding all resistance vain, and that was left to an unequal fight by his
companions, he called for quarter, and good quarter was given, both to
himself and men. This prize yielded them. a great quantity of powder and
shot, and, indeed, they expected nothing of value out of her. None of the
prisoners were stripped, and the officers, Misson, Caraccioli, and Tew
invited to their tables, treating them very civilly, and extojling the
courage they had shown in their defence. Unhappily two prisoners were found
on board, who had been released, and had sworn never to serve against them;
these were clapped in irons, and publicly tried for their perjury. The
Portuguese officers being present, the witnesses proved them the very
discharged men, and they were condemned to be hanged at the point of each
fort; which execution was performed the next morning after their
condemnation, with the assistance of the Portuguese chaplain,
who attended, confessed, and absolved them. This, was the engagement
with the pirates, which made    so much noise in the Lisbon Gazette, and
these the men whom the English ignorantly toqk for Avery; who, we had a
notion here in London, had 32 sail of men of war, and had taken upon himself
the state and title of king.                         

    This execution seeming to impugn the maxims of the chiefs, Caraccioli
made an harangue, in which he told them, " that there was no rule could be
laid down which did not allow exceptions: that they were all sensible how
tender the Commodore Monsieur Misson was in shedding blood; and that it was
a tenet of his faith, that none had power over the life of another, but God
alone who gave it ; but notwithstanding, self-preservation sometimes made it
absolutely necessary to take away the life of another, especially an avowed
and obliged enemy, even in cold blood. As to the blood shed in a lawful
war, in defence of that liberty they had generously asserted, it was
needless to say any thing, but he thought it proper to lay before them
reasons for the execution of the criminals, and the heiniousness of their
erimes. They had not only received their lives from the bounty of the
Libertatians, but their liberty, and had every thing restored them which
they laid claim to; consequently their ingratitude rose in proportion to the
generous treatment they had met with that indeed, both he and Capt. Misson
would have passed by the perjury and ingratitude which they had been guilty
of, with a corporeal punishment, which had not extended to the deprivation
of life, but their gallant friend and companion, the English commander,
Capt. Tew, used such cogent reasons for an exemplary punishment,to deter
others from the like crimes, that they must have been enemies to their own
preservation in not following his advice: that the lives of their whole

    body ought to be preferred to those of declared and perjured enemies,
who would not cease to endeavour their rain ; and; as they were well
acquainted with their settlement, might be fatal instruments of it, if they
were again restored to that liberty which ,they had already abused : that he
was obliged to do Capt. Tew the justice, to acknowledge he was inclined to
the side of mercy, till he was thoroughly informed of the blackness of their
ingrartitude, and then he thought it would be cruelty to themselves to let
those miscreants experience a second time their clemency. Thus an absolute
necessity had obliged them to act contrary to their declared principles ;
though, to state the case rightly, these men, not the Libertatians, were the
authors of their own deaths." Here the assembly crying out, "their blood is
on their awn heads, they sought their deaths, and hanging is to good for
them;" Caraccioli gave over, and every one returned satisfied to his private
or the public affairs.

    Some difference arising between Misson's and Tew's men, on a national
quarrel, which the latter began, Capt. Tew proposed their deciding the
guarrel by the sword ; but Caraccioii was entirely against it, alleging,
that such decision must necessarily be a damage to the public, since the
brave men who fell, would be weakening of their colony. He therefore
desiredC apt. Tew to interpose the authority he had over his crew, and he
and Misson would endeavour to bring their men to an amicable agreement ; and
for the future, as this accident proved the necessity, wholesome laws should
be made, and a form of government entered upon. Both parties were therefore
called, and Caraccioli showed them the necessity of their living in unity
among themselves, who had the whole world for enemies ; and as he had a
persuasive and insinuating way of argument with the assistance of Capt. Tew,

    vicious, according to the laws which the state should make by which he
was to be guided that such a power, however, should not be for life, nor be
hereditary, but determine at the end of three years when A new choice should
be made by the state, or the old confirmed for three years longer; by which
means, the ablest mere would always be at the head of affairs, and their
power being of short duration, none would dare to abuse it: that such a
chief should have the title of Lord Comservator, and all the ensigns of
royalty to attend him. This was approved nem. con. and Misson was chosen
conservator, with power to create great officers, &c, and with the title of
Supreme Excellence.

    A law was then made for the meeting of the State once every year at
least, but oftener, if the conservator and his council thought it necessary
for the common good to convene them; and that nothing of moment should be
undertaken without the approbation of the State.

    In a word their first session lasted ten days ; and a great many
wholesome laws were enacted, registered in the state book, and dispersed
among the crews.

    Capt. Tew, the conservator honoured with the title of Admiral, and
Caraecioli was made Secretary of State. He chose a council of the ablest
among the them, without distinction of nation or colour; and the different
languages began to be incorporated, and one made out of the many. An equal
division was made of their treasure and cattle, and every one began either
to enclose land for himself, or his neighbour who would hire his assistance.

    Admiral Tew proposed building an arsenal, and augmenting their naval
force. The first was agreed to be proposed to the State at the next
convention; but the latter was thought unnecessary, till the
number of inhabitants was augmented; for, should they all he employed in
the sea service, the husbandry would be neglected, which would be of far tal
consequence to the growing colony.

    The Admiral then proposed the fetching in those Englishmen who had
followed the quarter-master ; but the council rejected this, alleging, that
as they deserted their captain, it was a mark of a mutinous temper, and they
might infect others with a spirit of disorder ; that, however, they might
have notice given them of the settlement, and if they made it their earnest
entreaty to be admitted, and. would desert the quarter-master, it. should be
granted as a particular favour done them, at the instance of the Admiral,
and upon his engaging his parole of honour for their quiet behaviour.

    The Admiral then desired he might take a cruise; that he hoped to meet
with some East-India ships, and bring in some volunteers, for the number of
subjects being the riches of a nation, he thought the colony stood more in
need of men, than of any thing else ; that he would lie in the way of the
Cape, and did not question doing good service ; and as he went to the
northward, would call upon his own men.

    The Victoire was according to the Admiral's desire fitted out, and in a
few days he sailed 'with 30o men on board. He came to an anchor at the
settlement his men had made, hoisted an English ensign in his fore shrouds,
and fired a gun ; but after lie had waited some time, perceiving no signal
from the shore, he landed and sent hack his boat. Soon after the boat
returned towards the ship,two of his men came up to him, to whom he gave an
account of Misson's settlement. They invited him into the wood to see that
of theirs, and to advise with their companions, about the proposed
migration. The governor, alias quarter-master, received
him mighty civilly, but told him, that lie could See no advantage to
themselves in changing their present situation, though they might prove a
great one to the new colonyday adding to their force so many brave fellows:
that they there enjoyed all the necessariel of life; were free and
independent of all the world; and it would be madness again to subject
themselves to any government, which, however mild, still exerted some power.
That he was governor for three months, by the choice of his campanions ; but
his power extended no farther than. to the judging in matters of small
difference which might arise, which he hoped to do impar- tially while his
authority continued; that they had agreed among themselves, and confirmed
that agreement by oath to support the decrees of the governor for the time,
that their tranquility might not be disturbed by the humour of any one man:
and that this power of determining, was to devolve at the expiration of
three months, to him on whom the lot should fall by balloting, provided he
had not before enjoyed the honour, for such a one was not to draw; by which
agreement, every one would be raised, in time, to the supreme command, which
prevented all canvassing and making interest for votes, as when determined
by suffrage ; left no opening for making division's and parties, and was a
means to continue to them that repose inseparable from an unity among
themselves. However, continued he, " if you will go to America or Europe,
and show the advantage which may accrue to the English, by fixing a colony
here, onto that love we bear our country, and to wipe away the odious
appellation of pirates, with pleasure we will submit to any who shall come
with a commission from a lawful government; but it is ridiculous to think we
will become subjects to greater rogues than ourselves."

    Capt. Tew finding the quarter-master spoke the sentiments of his
companions,' took leave, and returned to his ship : but went on shore again
in : the evening, the wind. not serving to weigh, it blowing due west. He
asked the governor how he got acquainted with the natives ? He answered, by
meeting them a hunting, and using them well that lie wheedled one of them
down to Their huts, the fellow being alone, and they three in company, he
supposed, thought it best to go with seeming willingness. After him several
came, and they lived very friendly with them. The captain, had brought
ashore with him some rum and brandy, and they were drinking a bowl of punch,
when on a sudden, a violent storm arose. Capt. Tew ran to the shore, and
made a signal for his boat to carry him off, but the sea ran too high to
venture out of the ship. The storm all the while increased, and the
Victoire, in less than two hours, parting her cables was driven ashore where
it was very steep, and perished, with all her men, in Capt. Tew's sight.

    The captain stayed with his old companions, without knowing which way to
return to his friends be had left with Misson, not one of whom was (luckily
for them,) on board the ship. At the end of three months they saw a large
ship, which Tew be- lieved was the Bijoux; but she took no notice of the
fires they made. As he expected she would return after a short cruise, he,
and his companions, made large fires every night on the shore, and visited
the coast very often. About a month after this, as they came early to the
sea-side, they were surprised at the sight of two sloops which la at anchor,
about a cannon shot from the shore. They had not been long looking upon
them, when a canoe was hoisted out of one, and made to them, with six men
who rowed, and one sitter.

    Tew soon knew him to be Capt. Misson. He came ashore, and embracing the
former, told him, all their proposed happiness was vanished; for without the
least provocation given, in the dead of the night, the natives came down
upon them in two great bodies, and made a great slaughter, without
distinction of age or sex, before they could put themselves in a posture of
defence; that Caraceioli (who died in the action) and he, got what men
together they could, to make a stands but finding all resistance vain
against such numbers, he made a shift, to secure a considerable quantity of
rough diamonds and bar gold, and to get on board the two sloops with 45 men:
that the Bijoux being gone to cruise, and the number of men he had carried
with him in the Victoire, had weakened the colony, and given the natives the
boldness to attack them, but for what reason he could not imagine.

    Tew gave him an account of the disaster which had happened, and after
having mutually condoled their misfortunes, Tew proposed their going to
America, where Misson might, with they riches he had, pass his life unknown
and in a comfortable manner. Misson answered he could not yet take any
resolution, though he had thoughts of returning to Europe, and privately
visiting his family, if any were alive, and then retire from the world.

    They dined with the quarter-master, who pressed their return to America,
to procure a commission for the settling a colony. Misson told Tew, he
should have one of the sloops, and what volunteers would keep him company,
for his misfortunes had erased all thoughts of future settlements; that what
riches they had saved, he would distribute equally, nay, he would be
content, if he had only a bare support left him. On this answer, four of the
quarter-master's company offered to join Capt.Tew. In the afternoon they
visited both sloops, and

    Misson putting the question to the men, 30 went on board of one sloop,
though they parted with great reluctance from their old commander; and 15
stayed with Misson. The four men who joined Tew made the number of his crew
34: they stayed about a Week, in hopes of the Bijoux's return upon the
coast; but she not appearing, they set sail, Captain Misson having first
shared the treasure, with Tew and his other friends and companions, hoping
to meet the Bijoux on the Guinea coast, for which they shaped their course.
Off Cape Infantes, they were overtaken with a storm, in which the unhappy
Misson's sloop went down, within musket shot of Capt. Tew, who could give
him no assistance.

    Tew continued his course for America, and arrived at Rhode-Island
without any accident. His men dispersed themselves, as they thought fit, and
Yew sent to Bermuda for his owner's account, fourteen times the value of
their sloop ; and not being questioned by any, lived in great tranquillity.
The French belonging to Misson, took different routes, one of whom dying at
Rochelle, the French manuscript of Misson 's life was found among his
papers, and. transmitted to me by a friend and correspondent.

    Capt. Tew lived unquestioned. He had an easy fortune, and designed to
live quietly at home ; but those of his men, who lived near him, having
squandered their shares, were continually soliciting him to take another
trip. He withstood their request a considerable time; but they having got
together (by the report they made of the vast riches to be acquired) a
number of resolute fellows, they, in a body, begged him to head them but for
one voyage. They were so earnest in their desire, that he could not refuse
complying. They prepared a small sloop, and made the best of their way to
the straits entering the Red Sea, where they met with, and
attacked a ship belonging to the Great Mogul in the engagement, a shot
carried away the rim of Tew's belly, who field his bowels with his hands
some small space. When he dropped, it struck such a terror in his men, that
they suffered themselves to be taken, without further resistance.


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« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2009, 10:59:07 pm »
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Wow.... Shocked


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Garett Groundhog, Omni rangemaster, Whites coinmaster
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2010, 08:50:09 pm »
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Happy New Year !
 Wow is an understatement. More like Intriguingly spun!! Perhaps a new movie series could be born from this but instead of Capt. tew , try Capt. Tieggs . Sounds more provocative don't you think! Keep up the good work lad!
 See You Later Kid!
   Tman Fight


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« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2010, 11:24:07 pm »
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 send out a chariot driven by one man with a solitary spear,Captain


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« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2010, 04:22:34 pm »
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Quote:Posted by White Tiger
Wow.... Shocked

man - must have a couple of phd'rs on this site


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« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2010, 01:17:39 pm »
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Again oRo, WOW! Shocked Rider


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« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2010, 01:55:23 pm »
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Tew lived about a mile from my  office here in Newport, R.I. The local brewery just released a rum named after him. During the golden age of piracy R.I. was called Rogue's Island because we welcomed all kinds of nefarious characters, nothing has changed since then, probably why I live here. Captain Kidd was good friends with a local sea captain in Jamestown just across the bay from Newport and legend has it that Kidd visited him several times and "maybe" left some treasure here.

WHYDAH diver


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