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County: Lincoln
Commodity: perlite
Comments: The Acoma district includes several perlite deposits in Clover Valley and extends from Eccles to Crestline along the Union Pacific Railroad.
Reference: Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 123
Adelphi (not shown on plate)
County: Nye
Comments: This historic district was located somewhere south of Silver Peak; the exact location is not known.
Reference: Stretch, 1867, p. 59

Other names: Tennessee Gulch, Tennessee Mountain
County: Elko
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1870
Commodities: tungsten, silver, gold, lead, copper, molybdenum, uranium
Comments: The Alder, or Tennessee Gulch district, is about 10 miles south of Rowland. Most prospecting has been in T46N, R56E. The original district included both Tennessee Gulch and Lost Gulch placer areas. Tungsten deposits on the upper slopes of Tennessee Mountain are considered to be in the Alder district, but prospects on the lower slopes of Tennessee Mountain are in the adjacent Island Mountain district.
References:  Stoddard, 1932, p. 28; Vanderburg, 1936a,  p. 71; Gianella, 1945, p. 36; Granger and others, 1957, p. 26; Garside, 1973, p. 43; Bonham, 1976; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 49; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 25
Alkali Spring Valley County: Esmeralda Commodity: salt
Comments: A small amount of salt was produced from this district prior to 1883.
Reference: Papke, 1976, p. 18

Other names: McGarry, McGeary, Yreka
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1871
Commodities: silver, lead
Comments: This district is located on the west slope of the Sulphur Spring Range and covers the area between Milligan Gap and Bald Mountain. The north part of the district is about 5 miles east of Alpha, a station on the old Eureka Palisade Railroad. Todd and Welton (1866) place the historic Yreka district here, and the McGarry or McGeary district of Whitehill (1873), located west of Diamond district was probably in this area.
References: Todd and Welton, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 98; Territorial Enterprise, November 28,
1871, 2:2; Whitehill, 1873, p. 79; Lincoln, 1923, p. 85; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Gianella, 1945, p. 63; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 65

Other names: Clan Alpine, Pinewood
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1864
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Located in the central Clan Alpine Mountains about 40 miles west of Austin, the district includes the upper drainage basins of Cherry Creek and Starr Canyon, northeast of Mount Augusta, as well as the area near the mouth of Florence Canyon. The district is
sometimes expanded to include a small area near Cold Springs on the west flank of the Desatoya Mountains. The district was originally known as Clan Alpine but Hill (1912) used the name Alpine. The Gold Hill News (1865) located a Pinewood district in this general area.
References: Gold Hill News, September 7, 1865; Stretch, 1867, p. 29; White, 1869, p. 86; Angel,
1881, p. 366; Hill, 1912, p. 199; Lincoln, 1923, p. 1; Stoddard, 1932, p. 17; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 15; Gianella, 1945, p. 11; Schrader, 1947, p. 324; Willden and Speed, 1974,   p. 56;
Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 31

Other name: Blair County: Esmeralda Discovered: 1868
Commodities: alum, sulfur
Comments: The Alum district is located 11 miles north of Silver Peak and 7 miles west of the Weepah district on a low divide between Clayton Valley and Big Smoky Valley.  Alum is the original name; the name Blair refers to the historic camp of Blair, located to the southwest near Silver Peak.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 59; Gianella, 1945, p. 50; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 64

Other names: Railroad Pass, Vincent, Flatiron, Glonite
County: Clark
Discovered: 1908
Commodities: gold, tungsten, alunite
Comments: The Alunite district is located in vicinity of Railroad Pass about 19 miles southeast of Las Vegas. The district occupies most of T23S, R63E in the Black Hills, southwest of Railroad Pass. The southern part of the district may have been known as Flatiron in 1910. Averett (1962) lists Glonite as an alternate name.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 202; Lincoln, 1923, p. 16; Stoddard, 1932, p. 23; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 12; Gianella, 1945, p. 22; Averett, 1962, p. 2, 42; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 143; Stager and Tingley, 1988,    p. 43

Other names: Leopold, Black Rock, Tonkin, Tonkin Springs
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1870
Organized: 1870
Commodities: gold, lead, zinc, silver, copper, antimony, barite
Comments: The district is located on the western slope of the Roberts Mountains north of Eureka, near Roberts Creek Station on the old overland road. The original name of the district, Leopold, was changed to Antelope by 1881.  The Territorial Enterprise (1877) mentions a Black Rock district ?in the vicinity of Roberts Creek? that may have been this same area. The present district includes the western part of the Roberts Mountains and a small area in the Simpson Park Mountains in the vicinity of Tonkin Springs.
References: Whitehill, 1873, p. 79; Territorial Enterprise, April 6, 1877; Angel, 1881, p. 428, 435; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 17; Lawrence, 1963, p. 68-69;  Roberts and others, 1967, p. 65; Papke, 1984, table 3; Gesick, 1987, p. 306, 308

Antelope (not shown on plate)
County: Nye
Commodity: gold
Comments: This district is described as being ?south of West Gate about 25 miles?; the exact location is unknown.
Reference: Whitehill, 1873, p. 19
Other names: Cedar; Majuba Hill
County: Pershing
Commodities: silver, lead, copper, tin, gold, zinc, mercury, tungsten, molybdenum, arsenic, antimony, uranium
Comments: Located in the area of Antelope Spring and Cedar Spring at the north end of the Antelope Range, the district extends from Poker Brown Gap on the south to Willow Spring area on the north, and from Rye Patch Reservoir to the west flank of the range. The original district name was Antelope. The district sometimes includes parts of the adjacent Scossa, Placerites, and San Jacinto districts.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Hill, 1912, p. 212; Lincoln, 1923, p. 201; Stoddard,
1932, p. 75; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 8; Lawrence, 1963, p. 156; Bonham, 1976; Johnson, 1977, p. 44; Schilling, 1980; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 157

Antelope Springs
Other name: Antelope, Sulfide, Blackthorn Camp
County: Nye
Discovered: 1903
Period active: 1912-17
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: The Antelope Springs district lies on the east slope of the Cactus Range, near the southeastern end of the main part of the range. Antelope Springs is the original name of the district. Sulfide, a small area surrounding Sulfide Well, on the old Goldfield Road at the southern tip of the Cactus Range, and Blackthorn Camp, west of Antelope Pass, may have been considered separate districts but are both now included in the Antelope Springs district.
References: Schrader, 1911, p. 111; Lincoln, 1923, p. 158; Stoddard, 1932, p. 63; Kral, 1951, p.
11; Cornwall, 1972, p. 35; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 158; Tingley and others, 1997, p. 7-24.
Antelope Springs
Other names: Relief, Pershing
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1869
Commodities: gold, mercury, antimony, silver, fluorspar, tungsten, copper, lead
Comments: The district is located in the southern end of the Humboldt Range in T27N, R34E. The original district name was Relief (1869). Antelope Springs was used as alternate name in 1923 and as main name in 1944.
References: White, 1871, p. 17; Whitehill, 1875, p. 53; Lincoln, 1923, p. 212; Stoddard, 1932, p.
78; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 27; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 159; Lawrence, 1963, p. 161; Bonham, 1976; Johnson, 1977, p. 48; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 158
County: Clark
Commodity: limestone
Comments: The Apex district includes the low hills along both sides of the Union Pacific Railroad near Apex siding.
References: Hewett and others, 1936, p. 164; Gianella, 1945, p. 22; Carlson, 1974, p. 39

Other name: Trinity
County: Pershing
Commodities: lead, silver, antimony, zinc, gold, copper,  diatomite, arsenic
Comments: Located in the northeastern part of the Trinity Range on the north side of the Humboldt River about 9 miles from Oreana Station. This district is the northern part of historic Trinity district which included mines in Trinity   Canyon and Blackrock Canyon as well as the Arabia area. The name Arabia was in use by 1875.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 67; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 12; Bonham, 1976; Lawrence,
1963, p. 157; La Heist, 1965, p. 66; Johnson, 1977, p. 49
Other name: Bard County: Clark Discovered: 1910
Commodities: gypsum, silica sand
Comments: The Arden district is 13 miles southwest of Las Vegas. The Bard area, west of Bard on the Union Pacific Railroad, is south of the main Arden district and is sometimes considered to be a separate district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 17; Hewett and others, 1936, p. 169; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 13; Gianella, 1945, p. 22; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 152; Averett, 1962, p. 4

County: Lander
Discovered: (1866?), 1930, 1986
Commodities: gold, barite, silver
Comments: Located in the northern Shoshone Range about 14 miles east of Battle Mountain. According to Hall (1994), the Argenta district dates from 1866 when silver was discovered there. The name Argenta was later applied to a nearby railroad siding when the Central Pacific Railroad was constructed in 1868. A.L. Payne (oral commun., 1992), however, stated that the railroad siding name was applied to the mining district following the discovery of barite in 1930. In 1986, the Mule Canyon gold deposit was discovered east of the Argenta barite mine area. The district, therefore, has two distinct parts; a nonmetallic (barite) section on the west, and a metallic (gold) section on the east. These are shown separately, but with the same name, on plate 1. There is no record of silver production from the 1866 discoveries.
Reference: Stewart and others, 1977, p. 62; Hall, 1994,   p. 49; Thompson and others, 1993, p.
Arrow Canyon Range
County: Clark
Commodities: silica, building stone
Comments: The Arrow Canyon Range lies east of U.S. Highway 93 about 8 miles west of Moapa. Silica and building stone deposits occur along the east and west flanks of the southern part of the range.
Reference: Tingley, 1989c, p. 7

Other name: Needles County: Nye Organized: 1919
Commodities: silver, lead, gold, antimony
Comments: Situated at Arrowhead, 4 miles south of Twin Springs at the north end of the Reveille
Range.  Originally known as the Needles district when formed in 1919.
References: Weed, 1922, p. 1136; Lincoln, 1923, p. 158; Stoddard, 1932, p. 63; Kral, 1951, p.
13; Lawrence, 1963, p. 137; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 39

Ash Meadows County: Nye Discovered: 1917
Commodities: fuller?s earth, bentonite, sepiolite, clinoptilolite
Comments: The Ash Meadows district covers a large sink and meadow area in the lower part of the Amargosa Desert about 15 miles south of Amargosa Valley. The district includes most of Ash Meadows on the west and Amargosa Flat on the east and extends into California.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 159; Kral, 1951, p. 13; Papke, 1970, p. 33; Cornwall, 1972, p. 35
Other names: Hawthorne, Pamlico, Clarendon, Silver Circle
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1866, 1933
Period active: 1933-1938
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, antimony, lead
Comments: This district is located along the northern edge of Garfield Flat, in low hills along the southern edge of the Garfield Hills, and is centered around the Ashby gold mine. The district is commonly included in the adjacent Pamlico district or, along with both the Pamlico and Lucky Boy districts, is included in a large Hawthorne district.  According to Stretch (1867), the Clarendon district was located ?in the southwestern section of the [Nye] county.? The Territorial Enterprise (1868) used name Silver Circle as an alternate name for Clarendon, and located the district 7 miles from the old Virginia (Rhodes) Salt Marsh. The 1880 map shows Clarendon to have included the area of the present Pamlico, Ashby, and Garfield districts.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 58; Territorial Enterprise, February 2, 1868, 1:2; Lotz, 1934, p. 21;
Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 11; Ross, 1961, table 6.3

Other name: Nigger Well County: Lander, Churchill Discovered: 1907
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located in the area between the north end of Lodi Valley and the south end of the Desatoya Mountains. Gianella restricted the Aspen district to Churchill County, in the vicinity of Chalk (Nigger or Tucker) Well. This is the area described by Danner (1992) as the gold camp of Aspen, discovered about 1907. Stewart and others (1977) placed the district mainly in Lander County, but mentioned that the district extends into Churchill County. The Churchill County portion is sometimes included in the Eastgate district.
References: Stewart and others, 1977, p. 65; Gianella, 1945, p. 11; Danner, 1992, p. 112
Other names: Pactolus, Pactolis
County: Nye
Discovered: 1903
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: This district is located in the southern Pactolus Hills and extends from the Pactolus Hills south to the Nye-Mineral county line. The original discoveries were made at the camp of Pactolus about 1903. In 1912, discoveries made about 5 miles to the southwest resulted in the development of the camp of Athens. Both areas are included within the present Athens district, although Pactolus is sometimes considered to be a separate district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 159; Stoddard, 1932, p. 63; Kral, 1951, p. 16; Wong, 1982, table 1; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 43

Other names: Silver Park, Silver Peak, Silver Springs, Indian Valley
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1869; 1907
Organized: 1869
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, manganese
Comments: Atlanta is located at the northern tip of the Wilson Creek Range. White (1871) referred to the district as Silver Peak, and placed it in a low range of mountains about 35 miles southeast of the Patterson district. By 1873, the name Silver Park was in use, but Angel (1881 ) incorrectly placed the Silver Park district in southeastern White Pine County. The Silver Springs district of Angel, described as being located in ?the northeastern corner of the county, in the Snake Range Mountains? was probably in this area. The Indian Valley district, mentioned in the Territorial Enterprise (1869) as located about 20 miles east of Patterson district, may also have been in this area. In
1907, Atlanta camp formed at site of gold discoveries about 2 miles east of Silver Park, and the
Atlanta name thereafter applied to entire district.
References: Territorial Enterprise, March 3, 1869, 3:4; White, 1871, p. 97; Whitehill, 1873, p.
111; Angel, 1881, p. 485, 657; Stuart, 1909, p. 136; Hill, 1916, p. 114; Lincoln, 1923, p. 118; Stoddard, 1932, p. 51; Averett, 1962, p. 5; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 162; Carlson,
1974, p. 42; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 104

Other names: Bull Run, White Rock, Centennial, Columbia, Blue Jacket, Edgemont
County: Elko
Discovered: 1867
Organized: 1869
Period active: 1869-1879; 1899-1919; 1934-37
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, antimony
Comments: The Aura district covers the east slope of the Bull Run Mountains, formerly the Centennial Range, north of the site of Aura in Bull Run Basin and extends east to include the drainages of Trail, Badger, and Doby George Creeks in the northern Independence Range. This is the eastern portion of the original Bull Run district which also included the present Edgemont district. Bull Run was later changed to White Rock, then to Centennial. The Aura name dates from about 1906 when the town of Aura grew on Columbia Creek, below the old town of Columbia.
References: White, 1871, p. 61; Wheeler, 1872, p. 34; Whitehill, 1873, p. 22; Whitehill, 1875, p.
29; Whitehill, 1877, p. 19; Angel, 1881, p. 392; Hill, 1912, p. 203; Lincoln, 1923, p. 37; Stoddard, 1932, p. 28; Gianella, 1945, p. 36; Granger and others, 1957, p. 27; Patterson and others, 1969, p. 600; Smith, 1976, p. 21 -22; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 30

Other names: Esmeralda, Cambridge, New Esmeralda, Wassuk
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1860
Organized: 1860
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located along the California border, in the vicinity of the camp of Aurora. The district was originally named Esmeralda. New Esmeralda was located to the east, between the Esmeralda district and the historic Van Horn district to the east. Both Esmeralda and New Esmeralda are included in the present Aurora district. The Wassuk area, active about 1909, is described as being located in the Wassuk Range, 12 miles southwest of Lucky Boy almost within sight of Aurora.
References: General Land Office map, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 30; White, 1869, p. 92; Angel,
1881, p. 414; Stuart, 1909, p. 69; Hill, 1912, p. 205; Lincoln, 1923,  p. 137; Stoddard, 1932, p.
58; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 13; Ross, 1961, p. 78; Osborne, 1987, p. 245

Other names: Amos, Slumbering Hills
County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1912
Period active: 1912-1918; 1936-1940
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, tungsten
Comments: The original Amos district, which included the mining camp of Awakening, was located on the eastern slope of the Slumbering Hills about 7 miles southwest of the old Amos stage station and about 30 miles north of Winnemucca. Discoveries were made on the crest and western slope of the Slumbering Hills in 1936 and, since that time, the district has been sometimes referred to as Slumbering Hills. By 1938, however, the name Awakening was in use. The district is now defined to include most of the northern Slumbering Hills and the Sleeper Mine area on the western slope of the hills.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 97; Stoddard, 1932, p. 44; Calkins, 1938, p. 7-9; Vanderburg, 1938a, p.
16; Willden, 1964, p. 130-131; Bonham, 1976; Bonham, 1980; Wood, 1988, p. 293; Stager and
Tingley, 1988, p. 72
Bald Mountain
Other names: Joy, Ruby Mountain, Alligator Ridge-Bald Mountain, Buck and Bald area
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, tungsten, antimony
Comments: This district includes both Big and Little Bald Mountain, the northeastern part of Buck Mountain, part of the Maverick Springs Range, and Alligator Ridge.  The original Bald Mountain district, in the vicinity of the old camp of Joy, was enlarged by Ilchik (1990) to include Alligator Ridge, west of Long Valley and south of Bald Mountain in the southern Ruby Range, where gold mineralization was discovered in 1976. Ilchik referred to this large area as the Alligator Ridge-Bald Mountain district. Locally, the entire district is sometimes referred to as the Buck and Bald area.
References: White, 1871, p. 78; Angel, 1881, p. 652; Lincoln, 1923, p. 241; Stoddard, 1932, p.
86; Lawrence, 1963, p. 225; Bonham, 1976; Hose and others, 1976, p. 44; Tingley and Bentz,
1983; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 206; Ilchik, 1990, p. 51

Baldy (not shown on plate)
County: Esmeralda
Comments: Exact location is unknown.
Reference: Angel, 1881, p. 418

Barbee (not shown on plate)
County: Pershing
Comments: According to Carlson (1974), this early mining district was located 3 miles from
Humboldt House. The exact location is unknown.
Reference: Carlson, 1974, p. 45
Other names: Spanish Belt, Spanish Gap, Meadow Canyon
County: Nye
Discovered: 1867
Organized: 1875
Commodities: silver, mercury, gold, lead, antimony, tungsten, molybdenum, copper, zinc, uranium Comments: Situated 7a miles from Belmont, between Belmont and Manhattan, the district is located on the southeastern side of Shoshone Mountain and includes the area at the head of Silver Creek,
all of Antone Canyon, and extends east to include the Corcoran Canyon area. Originally named the Spanish Belt district when it was organized in 1875 and separated from the Philadephia district which included both the present Belmont and Barcelona districts. Barcelona and Meadow Canyon, northeast of Barcelona, are sometimes included within the Belmont district. Lawrence (1963) described a Spanish Gap district located between Belmont and Round Mountain.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 104; Angel, 1881, p. 522; Stoddard, 1932, p. 71; Lawrence,
1963, p. 146; Garside, 1973, p. 89; Bonham, 1976; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 45; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 135

Bare Mountain
Other names: Fluorine, Beatty, Carrara, Telluride, Lee
County: Nye
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: gold, fluorspar, mercury, tungsten, silver, marble, kaolin, montmorillonite, silica, uranium, perlite, cinder
Comments: This district lies east of Beatty and includes both Bare Mountain and the northwestern end of Yucca Mountain. The original Bare Mountain district included only the northern part of Bare Mountain, near the old camp of Telluride. Following discovery of fluorite deposits in
1918, the Bare Mountain district has sometimes been referred to as Fluorine. The Fluorine district of Kral (1951) included all of Bare Mountain, Crater Flat, the southeastern end of
Yucca Mountain, and part of Amargosa Desert to the southwest (present Lee district). Carrara, on the southwestern side of Bare Mountain, is sometimes considered to be a separate district. The cinder occurrences are in Crater Flat, east of Bare Mountain.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 219; Lincoln, 1923, p. 165, 167; Stoddard, 1932, p. 66; Kral, 1951, p.
60; Papke, 1970, p. 28-29; Cornwall, 1972, p. 35; Garside, 1973, p. 92; Papke, 1973; Papke,
1979, p. 8-9; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 135

Other names: Buena Vista County: Mineral, Esmeralda Commodity: diatomite
Comments: Located in the vicinity of Basalt east of Montgomery Pass, and includes the low hills south of U.S. Highway 6. The district is sometimes included in the adjacent Buena Vista district.
Reference: Archbold, 1966, p. 2

Bateman Canyon
Other names: Slaven Canyon, Valley View, Rock Creek
County: Lander
Commodity: barite, gold
Comments: The district borders the Hilltop district on the northeast, and includes both Bateman and Slaven Canyons. Rock Creek is in Bateman Canyon. The location of Valley View (Rock Creek) given by Gianella (1945, p. 90) is incorrect.
Reference: Gianella, 1945, p. 81, 90

Battle Mountain
Other names: Galena, Bannock, Limelite, Telluride, Copper Basin, Copper Canyon, Cottonwood
Creek, Rocky Canyon
County: Lander, Humboldt
Discovered: 1866
Organized: 1867
Commodities: copper, gold, silver, antimony, lead, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, arsenic, turquoise, nickel
Comments: All of this district was originally in Humboldt County. A change in county boundaries placed the major portion in Lander County and only a small part, 10 miles west of Battle Mountain, remains in Humboldt County. The north section of the district, including Copper Basin, the old camp of Battle Mountain, and Cottonwood Creek is sometimes considered to be Battle Mountain district proper. The south section including Galena, on Duck Creek, Copper Canyon, and Bannock is sometimes called the Galena or Bannock district. The Limelite district, discovered in the summer of 1909, was in the vicinity of Philadelphia Canyon. The town of Bannock was established in the fall of 1909 to serve the district. The camp of Telluride (1910) is at the head of Rocky Canyon, southwest of Antler Peak.
References: White, 1869, p. 42; Whitehill, 1873, p. 45 Whitehill, 1875, p. 60; Angel, 1881, p. 474; Hill, 1912,  p. 215-216; Lincoln, 1923, p. 106; Stoddard, 1932, p. 48; Lotz, 1934, p. 20; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 18; Lawrence, 1963, p. 89; Willden, 1964, table 6; Stewart and others,
1977, p. 66; Schilling, 1980; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 98; Hall, 1994, p. 64

Other names: Blue Basin, Maggie Creek
County: Elko
Commodities: barite, turquoise, silver, gold
Comments: Includes Beaver and other creeks north of Dalton Peak that drain into Maggie Creek along the east slope of the Tuscarora Mountains. Blue Basin is in the Independence Range, east of Maggie Creek, east of the present Beaver district.
References: Lotz, 1934, p. 18; Smith, 1976, p. 25; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 38
Other names: Olympic, Simon, OMCO, Cedar Mountain
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1879
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, gold, tungsten, molybdenum, mercury, iron, arsenic
Comments: Located in the Cedar Mountain Range. The district is sometimes is divided into the Olympic (OMCO) and Simon districts on the north, and the Cedar Mountain district on the south. A portion of the Athens district in the eastern foothills of the Cedar Mountains, in Nye County, is sometimes included in the Bell district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 138; Stoddard, 1932, p. 59; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 17; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944,   p. 117; Ross, 1961, p. 78; Horton, 1962 La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 113

Bell Mountain
Other name: Fairview County: Churchill Discovered: 1914
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Includes the Bell Mountain Mine and the surrounding low hills lying generally northeast of Bell Flat. The district is sometimes included in the Fairview district.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 17; Gianella, 1945, p. 11; Schrader, 1947, p. 135; Tingley, 1990, p. 18

County: Nye
Commodities: silver, lead, gold, copper, vanadium, titanium
Comments: The Bellehelen district is located in the northern Kawich Range, about 10 miles southsouthwest of Warm Springs. The district includes the old camp of Bellehelen, in Bellehelen
Canyon, and the area at the head of Neversweat Canyon.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 91; Hill, 1912, p. 219; Lincoln, 1923, p. 159; Stoddard, 1932, p. 63; Kral, 1951, p. 17; Beal, 1963, p. 20; Bonham, 1976; Schilling, 1976; Kleinhampl and Ziony,
1984, p. 53

Other names: Philadelphia, Silver Bend, Superior, Monarch
County: Nye
Discovered: 1865
Organized: 1865
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, mercury, tungsten, turquoise, titanium
Comments: The Belmont district is located north and south of the town of Belmont. The district extends along a north-trending range of low hills that lies between the Toquima and Monitor Ranges and forms the division between Ralston and Monitor Valleys. The Hillen Canyon area (northwest of Belmont), the Silver Creek area (west of Belmont), and the Monarch area (south of Belmont) are included in this district. The district was organized as the Philadelphia district in 1865 and originally included the adjacent Barcelona (Spanish Belt) district. The portion now called Belmont was reorganized as the Silver Bend district in 1866. The Superior district of Hill (1912), described as being 35 miles north-northeast of Tonopah, is thought to be the Monarch area of the present Belmont district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 62; White, 1869, p. 70; Wheeler, 1872, p. 41; Hill, 1912, p. 220,
224; Lincoln, 1923, p. 160; Stoddard, 1932, p. 64; Kral, 1951, p. 19; Beal, 1963, p. 11, 20; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 56; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 138

County: Lyon, Mineral
Period active: 1916, 1950s through early 1970s
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, antimony
Comments: Located 10 miles north Schurz in T14N, R28-29E on the south end of Painted
Mesa, a 2 mile-wide, southwest-trending lobe of the Desert Mountains.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 55; Schrader, 1947, p. 292; Lawrence, 1963, p. 124

Other name: Whirlwind
County: Eureka
Commodities: mercury, gold, barite
Comments: Extends southwest from Beowawe, at the north end of Crescent Valley, into Whirlwind Valley.  The 1880 map shows Whirlwind district to possibly extend as far south as the Fire Creek area.
References: 1880 map; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 19; Roberts and others,
1967, p. 65; Struhsacker, 1986, p. 108-116; Papke, 1984, table 3

Other names: Salina, Salinas, Alamo
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1865
Commodities: antimony, silver, gold, tungsten
Comments: This district is centered about Bernice Canyon in the west slope of the Clan Alpine Mountains and extends from Shoshone Canyon on the north to Dyer Canyon on the south. The Territorial Enterprise (1863) described a Salina district bordered on the south by Tower Canyon, on the north by Shoshone Springs, on the east by the summit of the Clan Alpine Mountains, on the west by the great salt field Humboldt or Dixie salt marsh which covered the area of the present Bernice and Dixie Marsh districts. Carlson (1974) described the Salina district as located at a Churchill County salt flat, and Gamett and Paher (1983) placed Salina some 20 miles northeast of Stillwater, on the west side of the Stillwater Range. Todd and Welton (1866) locate a Salinas district at the present site of Bernice. The Territorial Enterprise (1866) described an Alamo district 25 miles east of Silver Hill, which would have been in this area.
References: Virginia Evening Bulletin, August 11, 1863 2:4; Territorial Enterprise, June 1, 1866; Todd and Welton, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 28; Bancroft, 1890, p. 261-262; Hill, 1912, p. 199; Lincoln,
1923, p. 1; Stoddard, 1932, p. 19; Gianella, 1945, p. 11; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 16; Schrader, 1947,
p. 319; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 60; Carlson, 1974, p. 208; Gamett and Paher, 1983, p. 114; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 31

Big Creek
Other name: Big Canyon
County: Lander
Commodities: antimony, gold, silver, barite
Comments: Located on the west side of the central Toiyabe Range 12 miles south of Austin. Big Creek includes the northern part of the historic Big Canyon district which extended south into Nye County, and is south of the historic Simpsons Park district.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 97; White, 1871, p. 44; Angel, 1881, p. 473; Lincoln, 1923, p. 109; Stoddard, 1932, p. 49; Vanderburg, 1939,  p. 35; Lawrence, 1963, p. 100; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 67

Birch Creek
Other names: Simpsons Park, Big Smoky, Smoky Valley
County: Lander
Discovered: 1865
Commodities: gold, tungsten, uranium, silver, lead, copper, molybdenum, beryllium, arsenic
Comments: The Birch Creek district is located on the eastern slope of the Toiyabe Range about
10 miles southeast of Austin. The district includes the eastern part of the historic Simpsons
Park district. The historic Smoky Valley district was actually south of the Simpsons Park district, but Lincoln (1923) and Stewart and others (1977) used Big Smoky and Smoky Valley
as alternate names for Birch Creek.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 98; Lincoln, 1923, p. 109; Stoddard,
1932, p. 49; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 36; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Garside,
1973, p. 64-66; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 72; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 98
Bird?s Nest (not shown on plate)
County: Nye
Discovered: 1905
Period active: 1905
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Described as ?a district hitherto but little heard of, has suddenly jumped into prominence. This new camp is known as the Bird?s Nest district, located about four miles east of the Stonewall Range, less than a mile from the Gold Center road. . . . ? This may be a variant for the Gold Crater district, but the exact location is unknown.
Reference: Goldfield  News,  April  21, 1905
Black Diablo
Other name: Polkinghorn County: Pershing, Humboldt Discovered: 1900
Commodity: manganese
Comments: Located on the east flank of the Sonoma Range, on the Pershing-Humboldt county line.
References: U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1952, p. 606; Johnson, 1977, p. 55

Black Horse
County: Esmeralda, Mineral
Commodities: tungsten, barite, silver, gold
Comments: Located on the south flank of Miller Mountain between U.S. Highway 6 on the south, the Esmeralda-Mineral county line on the north and west, and the Columbus salt marshes on the east. The district extends a short distance into Mineral County.
References: Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 64; Papke, 1984, p. 68; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p.
Black Horse
Other names: Silver Canyon County: White Pine Discovered: 1870 (1905)
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, tungsten, copper, zinc
Comments: The Black Horse district is located in the northern Snake Range, east of Sacramento Pass. The district extends from U.S. Highway 50 in Sacramento Pass northeast to the drainage of Silver Creek on the southwestern slope of Mount Moriah. The Silver Canyon district, mentioned in the Territorial Enterprise (1870), and described as being located on the east slope of the Snake Range 10 miles due east of the Warren district, was probably in this area.
References: Territorial Enterprise, May 1, 1870; Hill, 1912, p. 226; Lincoln, 1923, p. 242; Stoddard,
1932, p. 86; Hose and others, 1976, p. 46; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 207

Black Knob
County: Pershing
Commodities: antimony, mercury, fluorspar
Comments: Located south of Black Knob and west of Packard Flat in the northern West Humboldt
Range. References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 201; Stoddard, 1932, p. 75; Vanderburg, 1936b, p.
13; Lawrence, 1963, p. 206; Johnson, 1977, p. 55

Black Mountain
County: Elko
Commodities: silver, lead, barite
Comments: Black Mountain district is located on Black Mountain, a north-trending ridge in the northern Windemere Hills about 18 miles northeast of Wells.
References: Smith, 1976, p. 27; Jones, 1983; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 39
Black Mountains
Other names: Virgin River, McClanahan
County: Clark
Discovered: 1900
Commodities: iron, manganese
Comments: Located in the Black Mountains, west of the Virgin River (the present Overton Arm of Lake Mead). Averett (1962) located a McClanahan district at the mouth of Boulder Canyon in the Black Mountains where placer gold was discovered in 1906.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 23; Averett, 1962, p. 67; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 138

Black Rock
Other names: Hardin, Soldier Meadows, Soldier Meadow area
County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1849 (1863?)
Period active: 1858-1860; 1866-1867
Commodities: silver, gold, uranium, fluorspar, nitrates
Comments: Located at Black Rock, in the vicinity of Hardin City on the west slope of the Black Rock Range, several miles north of Double Hot Springs. Bancroft (1890) placed the original discoveries 1.5 miles from Hardinville. The district includes the Soldier Meadow uranium area of Garside (1973) and the Soldier Meadows nitrate area of Gianella (1945).
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 46; Territorial Enterprise, March 7, 1868; Angel, 1881, p. 450; Bancroft, 1890,  p. 103; Stoddard, 1932, p. 44; Gianella, 1945, p. 76; Garside, 1973, p. 56; Carlson, 1974, p. 220; Papke, 1979, p. 21; Wheeler, 1979, p. 139

Black Spring
Other names: Black Springs, Republic, Cloverdale
County: Nye
Commodity: diatomite
Comments: This district includes a small area near Black Spring, southwest of the Cloverdale district. The area is sometimes included in either the Republic or the Cloverdale districts.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 161; Schilling, 1976

Blue Ridge (not shown on plate)
County: Douglas
Comments: Bounds the historic Eagle district (present Gardnerville, Mountain House, or Red
Canyon district) on the north, but the exact location is unknown.
Reference: Territorial Enterprise, July 14, 1860, 3:2

Blue Wing
County: Pershing
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten
Comments: Located on the northern margin of the Blue Wing Mountains, centered about 2 miles south of State Highway 48.
References: Johnson, 1977, p. 56; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 158; Tingley, 1989a, p. 2

Other names: Boulder Creek, Carlin Trend
County: Elko
Commodities: gold, barite, silver, antimony, mercury
Comments: This district includes much of the drainage areas of Boulder and Antelope Creeks on the western slope of the Tuscarora Range, and extends generally from the Bootstrap Mine north to the Dee and Rossi mines. The area was known as the Boulder Creek district from
1953 to about 1960, then Bootstrap after the Bootstrap Mine became a major gold producer. The Bootstrap district is sometimes referred to as the Bootstrap subdistrict of the Carlin Trend, an informal grouping of disseminated gold deposits that extends from the southern Railroad district in the Pi?on Range, on the southeast, to the Bootstrap district on the northwest.
References: Lawrence, 1963, p. 58; Smith, 1976, p. 27; Bonham, 1976; Papke, 1984, table 3; Ryneer, 1987, p. 265; Baker, 1991, p. 619; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 40

Other names: Ramona, Lucky Boy, Hawthorne
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1909
Period active: 1909-1920, 1936-1940, 1978
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: The Borealis district is on the western slope of the Wassuk Range, west of Lucky Boy Pass. The district was first named Ramona, but became known as Borealis by late 1938 (Reno and McLane, 1987). Borealis was included in the historic Hawthorne district, and is sometimes included in the Lucky Boy district.
References: Bonham, 1985, p. 111; Reno and McLane, 1987, p. 16; Tenneco Minerals, 1987, p.
243; Eng, 1991, p. 996

Bottle Creek
Other name: Happy Creek County: Humboldt Commodity: mercury
Comments: Bottle Creek is located in the foothills of the northeastern part of the Jackson Mountains in the vicinity of Buff Peak. The general district boundaries are Bottle Creek on the south, Happy Creek on the west, and Desert Valley on the east. Lotz (1934) mentioned a Happy Creek district in this area.
References: Lotz, 1934, p. 19; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 17; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 80;
Willden, 1964, tables 16, 17
County: Lincoln
Commodities: alunite, clay
Comments: Located in Rainbow Canyon, 14 miles south of Caliente.
References: Hewett and others, 1936, p. 145, 174; Gianella, 1945, p. 92

Bradshaw (not shown on plate)
County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1880
Organized: 1881
Comments: On February 21, 1881, the Winnemucca Silver State reported that the Bradshaw district was organized at Pollock Springs, the ledges having been discovered during the closing months of
1880. The location of either Bradshaw or Pollock Springs is unknown.
Reference: Carlson, 1974, p. 58

Other names: Jack Rabbit, Jackrabbit, Bristol-Jackrabbit, Blind Mountain
County: Lincoln
Organized: 1871
Commodities: silver, copper, lead, zinc, gold, manganese, montmorillonite
Comments: The Bristol district is located in the northern Bristol Range about 15 miles north of Pioche. The historic Blind Mountain district (1871) covered the southern part of the present district. Bristol originally included only the area around mines on the western slope of the Bristol Range, and the Jackrabbit district included the area on east side of the range. The present district includes both the Bristol and Jackrabbit areas, and extends from the West Range, north of Bristol Pass, south to Blind Mountain Spring, in the southern Bristol Range. References: Wheeler, 1872, p. 43; Whitehill, 1873, p. 111; Stuart, 1909, p. 133; Hill, 1912, p.
216, 218; Lincoln, 1923, p. 121; Stoddard, 1932, p. 54; Averett, 1962, p. 15; Tschanz and
Pampeyan, 1970, p. 129; Papke, 1970, p. 22; Bonham, 1976; Schilling, 1976; Jones, 1984
Broken Hills
Other name: Hot Spring County: Mineral, Churchill, Nye Discovered: 1905
Commodities: silver, lead, gold, fluorspar, antimony
Comments: The Broken Hills district includes the southern Broken Hills, a low range that defines the north end of Gabbs Valley, as well as a small area on the east slope of the northern Monte Cristo Mountains. The district is confined to the narrow eastern prong of Mineral County, a part of Churchill County, and a small adjacent portion of Nye County. The original Broken Hills district was confined to metallic deposits in the area of the Broken Hills Mine, and did not extend west into the Monte Cristo Mountains. Fluorspar deposits are located in the Monte Cristo Mountains section. Quartz Mountain, in Nye County to the south and sometimes included in Broken Hills, is considered to be in the separate Lodi district. The southern Monte Cristo Mountains area, included in Broken Hills district by Kleinhampl and Ziony (1984), is in the King district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 2; Stoddard, 1932, p. 19; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 22; Schrader,
1947, p. 125; Ross, 1961, p. 80; Lawrence, 1963, p. 125; Bonham, 1976; Papke, 1979, p. 8-9 and 29-30; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 63

Other names: Phonolite, Duluth
County: Nye
Discovered: 1912
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: This district is located in the northern end of the Paradise Range, a short distance south of Burnt Cabin Summit. The district includes the mining camps of Bruner, Phonolite, and Duluth.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 161; Stoddard, 1932, p. 64; Lotz, 1934, p. 22; Kral, 1951, p. 26; Carlson, 1974, p. 102; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 64
Other name: Mill Canyon County: Eureka Discovered: 1908
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located on the lower east flank of the southern Cortez Mountains about 5 miles east of Cortez. The original Mill Canyon district was located on the northern slope of Mount Tenabo where mines were discovered in 1863. The Buckhorn deposit, 5 miles to the east, was located in 1908. The Mill Canyon mines are now included in the Cortez district, and Buckhorn includes only the eastern section, around the Buckhorn Mine.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 210; Lincoln, 1923, p. 85; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 19; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 68

Other names: North Gillis Range area, Walker Lake
County: Mineral
Commodities: copper, tungsten, iron, gold
Comments: Occupies most of the northern Gillis Range and extends from the drainages of Wildhorse Canyon, Wovoka Wash, and Hidden Wash on the southeast to the northern flanks of the range. The district is located in T11-12N, R30-31E, and is mostly within the Walker River Indian Reservation.
References: Bonham, 1980; Wong, 1982, table 1; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 132; Tingley,
1990, p. 29-30

Other name: Smith Valley County: Douglas, Lyon Discovered: 1907
Commodities: iron, copper, gold, silver, titanium, pyrophyllite, andalusite, corundum
Comments: At Buckskin at the north end of Smith Valley.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 140; Lincoln, 1923, p. 33; Stoddard, 1932, p. 27; Gianella, 1945, p.
33; Overton, 1947, p. 21; Beal, 1963, p. 14; Moore, 1969, p. 29; Papke, 1975, p. 58; Bonham,

Buena Vista
Other names: Oneota, Oneata, Basalt, Mount Montgomery, Montgomery, Montgomery Pass, Queens, White Mountain, White Mountains
County: Esmeralda, Mineral
Discovered: 1862
Organized: 1870
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, zinc, tungsten, fluorspar, thorium and rare earths
Comments: Located in the northern White Mountains in the vicinity of Montgomery Pass. The principal part of the district is located at the head of Queen Canyon in Esmeralda County. Organized as Montgomery district in 1864, but shown as the White Mountains district on the
1866 General Land Office map. The same area was organized in 1870 as the Oneota district, but the name Buena Vista was in use by 1912. The Basalt diatomite area, east of Montgomery Pass and sometimes included in this district, is considered to be a separate district. Mercury mines in the area of Sugarloaf Peak, Fish Lake Valley district, are also sometimes included in this district. The White Mountain district of DeGroot (1863) included the present Buena Vista district as well as a large, adjacent area in California.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 36; Wheeler, 1872, p. 48; Whitehill, 1873, p. 38; Whitehill, 1877, p. 36; Angel, 1881, p. 417; Hill, 1912,   p. 206; Lincoln,
1923, p. 140; Stoddard, 1932, p. 41, 58, 60; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 47, 49; Papke, 1979, p. 8-
9; Ross, 1961, p. 80; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 64; Bonham, 1976; Tingley, 1990, p. 115
Buena Vista
Other name: Unionville County: Pershing Discovered: 1861
Organized: 1861
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, tungsten, zinc, copper, antimony
Comments: Located on the east side of the Humboldt Range, south of the Star district, in Buena
Vista Canyon. The town of Unionville is in the center of the district.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 52; White, 1869, p. 36; Whitehill,
1873, p. 58; Angel, 1881, p. 450; Lincoln, 1923, p. 202; Stoddard, 1932,  p. 75; Vanderburg,
1936b, p. 46; Lawrence, 1963, p. 186; Bonham, 1976; Johnson, 1977, p. 97; Stager and
Tingley, 1988, p. 194

Buffalo Mountain
County: Humboldt, Pershing
Commodities: gold, manganese, copper, silver
Comments: Located at the north end of the Tobin Range, north of Smelser Pass, and extends to Lone Tree Hill, near Interstate 80, and south into Pershing County.
Reference: Bonham and others, 1985

Buffalo Valley
Other name: Mill Canyon
County: Lander
Commodities: gold, copper, manganese, silver, lead, zinc
Comments: Located on the west side of Battle Mountain, 17 miles south of Valmy.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 49; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 37; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 74; Wong, 1982,  table 1
Other names: Rhyolite, Pioneer, Beatty, Gold  Bar, Happy Hooligan, Grapevine
County: Nye
Discovered: 1904
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, montmorillonite clay, uranium
Comments: This district  is  located  in  the  Bullfrog  Hills, west of Beatty, and extends from towns of Bullfrog and Rhyolite on the south to the camp of Pioneer on the north, and from Beatty on the east to the Gold Bar and Happy Hooligan mines on the west. The Grapevine section is 22 miles west of Beatty.
References: Ball, 1906, p. 72; Stuart, 1909, p. 90; Hill, 1912, p. 220, 221; Lincoln, 1923, p. 162; Stoddard, 1932,   p. 64, 67; Kral, 1951, p. 28; Papke, 1970, p. 29-30; Cornwall, 1972, p.
36; Garside, 1973, p. 92
Other names: Tenabo, Lander, Campbell, Gold Acres, Mud Springs, Raleigh, Salmon
County: Lander
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, tungsten, iron, turquoise, arsenic, barite
Comments: Located on the eastern side of the Shoshone Range in T28-30N, R46-47E. The district includes Mud Springs on the north, Lander 4 miles to the south, Tenabo 2 miles southeast of Lander, Gold Acres about 5 miles southwest of Tenabo, and the Raleigh area in T28N, R47E. The original Bullion district was organized in the 1870s in the Lander area. The Campbell area is to the west of Tenabo, in the area of the Utah Mine. The Tenabo name came into use in 1907. The district was labeled ?Salmon? on the map of Menardi (1908).
References: Menardi, 1908; Hill, 1912, p. 215; Lincoln, 1923, p. 110; Stoddard, 1932, p. 49; Lotz, 1934, p. 20; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 39; Bonham, 1976; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 74; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 99
Other names: Copper King, Key West, Great Eastern, Virgin Peak
County: Clark
Discovered: 1901
Period active: 1901-08
Commodities: copper, gold, silver, tungsten, nickel, platinum, palladium, cobalt, beryllium, mica, gypsum, uranium, titanium
Comments: Originally organized as the Copper King district, the district is located on west side of the Virgin Mountains in the area of the Key West and Great Eastern mines. The Virgin Peak area covers the high central and eastern portion of the Virgin Mountains. All of the Virgin Mountains and Black Ridge, to the west, are included in the present Bunkerville district.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 201; Lincoln, 1923, p. 18; Stoddard, 1932, p. 24; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 16; Gianella, 1945, p. 23, 27, 31; Averett, 1962, p. 97; Beal, 1963, p. 11; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 122; Garside, 1973, p. 36; Papke, 1987, p. 7; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 43; Tingley, 1989c, p. 2

Other name: Burner Hills
County: Elko
Period active: Early 1880s to 1893
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, arsenic
Comments: District covers the Burner Hills, an isolated group of hills about 2 by 3 miles across which rise out of the Owyhee Desert. The district is about 16 miles north of Midas and 10 miles west of Good Hope.
References: Emmons, 1910, p. 66-67; Lincoln, 1923, p. 38; Stoddard, 1932, p. 29; Gianella,
1945, p. 37; Granger and others, 1957, p. 30; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Bonham, 1980; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 45
Butte Valley
Other name: Cherry Creek
County: White Pine
Commodities: gold, antimony, copper
Comments: Located west of the Cherry Creek district and includes the eastern part of Butte Valley and the adjacent western portion of the Cherry Creek Range. Originally prospected for antimony, then drilled for copper, the district began gold production in 1989 (Bonham, 1990). Butte Valley is sometimes included in the Cherry Creek district.
References: Lawrence, 1963, p. 228-229; Tingley and Bentz, 1983; Bonham, 1990, p. 25

Butterfield Marsh
Other names: Railroad Valley, Railroad Valley Marsh, Currant
County: Nye
Commodities: sodium carbonate, potash, sodium chloride
Comments: Kral (1951) included Railroad Valley (Butterfield) Marsh in a large Currant district along with Silverton to the west and Currant, along the White Pine county line. Papke used the name Railroad Valley for the marsh.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 163; Kral, 1951, p. 4750; Papke, 1976, p. 13, 27


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Cactus Springs
Other names: Cactus Spring, Cactus Range
County: Nye
Discovered: 1901
Commodities: silver, gold, turquoise, copper
Comments: Includes Thompson?s Camp and the turquoise prospects north of Sleeping Column Canyon on the west side of the Cactus Range, and the mines and prospects near Bailey?s Camp, located between Urania Peak and Cactus Springs on the east side of the Cactus Range.
References: U.S. Geological Survey, 1909, p. 420; Hill, 1912, p. 220; Lincoln, 1923, p. 164; Stoddard, 1932, p. 65; Kral, 1951, p. 40; Cornwall, 1972, p. 37; Tingley and others, 1997, p. 7-36
Calico Hills
Other name: Hottentot
County: Mineral
Commodities: iron, copper
Comments: Located in the Calico Hills, east of U.S. Highway 95, about 6 miles north of Schurz. The Hottentot name was taken from one of the iron prospects in the Calico Hills. The district is entirely within the Walker Lake Indian Reservation.
Reference: Tingley, 1990, p. 35

Callaghan Ranch
Other names: Mount Hope, Indian, Spencer, Burro, Silver Creek, Cumberland, Wall Street
County: Lander
Commodities: silver, tungsten, mercury
Comments: Located 12-16 miles north of Austin; covers Mount Callaghan, from area of Italian Creek north and east; Mount Hope name shown on 1866 map; includes Indian and Callaghan Ranch districts, mentioned in Stretch, 1867, as being 15-16 miles north of Austin; Spencer district of Hill (1912) and Stoddard (1932) probably in area and same as Burro camp or Rast property area of Bailey and others (in preparation); the Cumberland district, located on the western slope of the Toiyabe Range 15 miles north of Austin, and the Wall Street district, described as being located on the eastern slope of the Toiyabe Range, 25 miles north of Austin, were probably both located in this area. According to (1994) the Burro camp was discovered in 1906.
References: General Land Office map, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 97-98; Territorial Enterprise, July 17, 1877; Hill, 1912, p. 216; Stoddard, 1932, p. 51; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 113; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 104
Camp Gregory
Other name: Dead Camel Mountains area
County: Churchill
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury, diatomite
Comments: The district is located about 11 miles southwest of Fallon, along the southwestern edge of Lahontan Valley, and includes the northeastern part of the Dead Camel Mountains in the vicinity of Red Mountain. Camp Gregory was located on the northeastern edge of mountains.
Reference: Tingley, 1990, p. 52

Other names: Columbus, Mineral, Belleville
County: Mineral, Esmeralda
Discovered: 1864
Organized: 1864
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, antimony, copper, nickel, variscite, turquoise, barite
Comments: Covers most of the Candelaria Hills between Miller Mountain, Little Summit, Tonopah Junction, and Columbus Marsh. All of this area was in historic Esmeralda County, but fell into Mineral County when Mineral was created from Esmeralda. The original Columbus district included all of the area between Teels Marsh, Rhodes Marsh, Fish Lake Valley, and the summit of the Monte Cristo Range. The Mineral district was annexed to the Columbus district in 1865. A townsite formed in 1875 was named Candelaria, and this name came into use for the district by 1880. The Belleville section is in T4N, R34E.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 41; White, 1871, p. 108; Whitehill, 1873, p. 34; Angel, 1881, p.414; Hill, 1912,p. 206; Lincoln, 1923, p. 141; Stoddard, 1932, p. 58; Lotz, 1934, p. 21; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 25; Page, 1959, p. 2-11; Ross, 1961, p. 81; Lawrence, 1963, p. 115; Shamberger, 1978, p. 1-2; Papke, 1984, table 3
Carico Lake
Other name: Ravenswood
County: Lander
Commodities: turquoise, gold (?), manganese
Comments: Located south of Carico Lake, in the area of Red Mountain. Vanderburg (1939) included part of this area (the manganese occurrence) in the Ravenswood district.
References: Vanderburg, 1939, p. 61; Tingley and Smith, 1983

Other names: Rain, Carlin trend
County: Elko, Eureka
Discovered: 1859
Commodities: gold, silver, diatomite, oil shale, barite, uranium, vanadium, zinc, manganese
Comments: The Carlin district covers the southern end of the Tuscarora Mountains north of the town of Carlin, and the northern end of the Pi?on Range immediately south of Carlin. The southeast portion of the district, in the vicinity of the Rain Gold Mine, is sometimes referred to as the Rain subdistrict of the Carlin Trend. The Carlin Trend is an informal grouping of disseminated gold deposits that extends from the southern Railroad district in the Pi?on Range on the southeast to the Bootstrap district on the northwest.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 203; Lincoln, 1923, p. 38; Stoddard, 1932, p. 29; Gianella, 1945, p. 37; Granger and others, 1957, p. 31; Smith, 1976, p. 32; Ryneer, 1987, p. 265; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 49; Thoreson, 1991, p. 635
Carson City
Other names: Carson, Bald Mountain
County: Carson City
Discovered: 1862
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten, uranium, sandstone, cinder
Comments: The district includes the southern slope of the Virginia Range, north of Carson City, and the area of Prison Hill, south of Carson City. According to Washoe County mining records, the Bald Mountain district was located north of Carson City in the vicinity of Sugarloaf and Nine Hill in section 27, T16N, R19E; most of the old district is included in the present Carson City district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 199; Overton, 1947, p. 40; Moore, 1969, p. 31; Garside, 1973, p.17; Papke, 1973; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 29; Carson City mining records

Carson River
County: Carson City, Lyon
Commodities: silver, gold, mercury, thorium and rare earths
Comments: Located along the Carson River about 9 miles east of Carson City. The only production was from cleanup of old Carson River mills; there are no mines in the district.
Reference: Stoddard, 1932, p, 74

Carson Sink County: Churchill Period active: 1910
Commodity: sodium chloride
Comments: A small amount of salt was produced by solar evaporation in 1909 and shipped from Parran.
Reference: Papke, 1976, p. 12
Castle Peak
Other names: Aqua Frio, Castle, Red Mountain, Washington, Alum Canyon
County: Storey, Washoe
Organized: 1859
Commodity: mercury
Comments: Located in the Virginia Range, south of the Truckee River about 12 miles from Virginia City. Red Mountain, north of Castle Peak, was formerly considered to be a separate district. The Territorial Enterprise (1859) described an Aqua Frio district, organized in December 1859 in this general area. The Washington district, according to Gold Hill News (1865), was located in the Washington Hill area. The Alum Canyon district (1863) included the foot of Geiger Grade. All of these areas are now included in the Castle Peak district.
References: Territorial Enterprise, December 31, 1859; Gold Hill News, October 19, 1863 and October 20, 1865; Stretch, 1867, p. 68; King, 1885, p. 541; Stoddard, 1932, p. 82; Stoddard and Carpenter, 1950, p. 51; Bonham, 1969, p. 99

Cave Creek
Other name: Ruby Range
County: Elko
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: silver, lead, copper, barite
Comments: Located 12 miles north of Fort Ruby on the eastern slope of the Ruby Mountains, near the summit. Hill (1916) included Cave Creek in his large Ruby Range area.
References: White, 1871, p. 62; Angel, 1881, p. 392, Hill, 1916, p. 59; LaPointe and others,
1991, p. 55
Cave Valley
Other names: Cave, Patterson
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: lead, silver, copper, gold, vanadium
Comments: This district is in the northern part of Cave Valley at Cave Spring. The district includes a low hill that runs southwest from the Schell Creek Range about 8 miles northwest from Patterson Pass.  Originally organized as the Cave district in 1869, the district is commonly included in the adjacent Patterson district.
References: White, 1871, p. 92-93; Angel, 1881, p. 652; Schrader, 1931, p. 1; Stoddard, 1932, p. 54; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 165; Wong, 1982, table 1

Cedar Spring
Other names: Cedar Pass
County: Nye
Discovered: 1904-05 (?)
Period Active: 1904-05 to 1910; 1934
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Located in the Kawich Range east of Cedar Pass.
References: Hall, 1981, p. 30; Tingley and others, 1997,  p. 7-109

Chalk Hills
Other name: Parker and Noe
County: Storey
Commodity: diatomite
Comments: Located in T18N, R22E.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 221; Lotz, 1934, p. 23; Stoddard and Carpenter, 1950, p. 50
Chalk Mountain
County: Churchill
Commodities: lead, silver, gold, molybdenum, vanadium
Comments: The district encompasses Chalk Mountain, lying north of U.S. Highway 50 on the east side of Dixie Valley.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 19; Gianella, 1945, p. 12; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 17; Schrader, 1947, p. 115; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 64

Other names: Timber Mountain, Wheeler, Amber Mountain
County: Clark
Discovered: 1869
Commodities: lead, zinc, silver, gypsum
Comments: This district is located on the eastern flank of the Spring Mountains east of Charleston Peak and about 35 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Charleston was originally included in the
30-mile-square Timber Mountain district which joined the Yellow Pine district on the north. The Wheeler district was organized in the same area sometime around 1875. Both names were in use in 1881, but by the 1930s the name Charleston came into use for the general area. Averett (1962) stated the Wheeler area was later incorporated into the Goodsprings (Yellowpine) district, to the south. Hewett (1931) mentioned an Amber Mountain district, some 30 miles northwest of Las Vegas, which would have been in the vicinity of Lucky Strike Canyon. The Lucky Strike area was also probably the site of the North mines, discovered by Mormons in April 1856. The North mines may have been the site of the first Mormon mining activity, predating by a few weeks the discovery of the Potosi Mine (A. McLane, oral commun. 1992)
References: White, 1871, p. 103; Wheeler, 1872, p. 52; Whitehill, 1873, p. 96; Whitehill, 1877, p. 89; Angel, 1881, p. 486; Hewett, 1931, p. 70; Stoddard, 1932, p. 23; Gianella, 1945, p. 23; Averett, 1962, p. 98; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 144; Papke, 1987, p. 10
Other names: Copper Mountain, Cornwall, Cornwall Basin, Mardis
County: Elko
Discovered: 1876
Commodities: gold, copper, silver, antimony, lead, zinc, tungsten, uranium, barite
Comments: The Charleston district includes the drainage area of the Bruneau River and its tributaries from Dry Creek, 1.5 miles south of Charleston, to Coon Creek, about 11 miles to the north. First organized as Mardis in 1876 to cover placers on 76 Creek in the vicinity of Copper Mountain, the district also included placers in Pennsylvania Gulch, Union Gulch, Dry Ravine, and Badger Creek. The town of Charleston was founded 4 miles south of the placers.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 204; Lincoln, 1923, p. 39; Stoddard, 1932, p. 29; Lotz, 1934, p. 18; Gianella, 1945, p. 37; Granger and others, 1957, p. 32; Garside, 1973,  p. 42; Smith 1976, p. 35; Papke, 1984, p. 43; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 54; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 56

Other name: Racine
County: White Pine
Period active: 1951-54
Commodities: lead, silver
Comments: Located between Water and Walker canyons, 3 miles south of the Elko-White Pine county line. Chase was included in the historic Racine district of Wheeler (1872), which was described as being on the western slope of the Humboldt Range (Ruby Mountains) about 45 miles from Elko.
References: Wheeler, 1872, p. 36; Hose and others, 1976, p. 47; Jones, 1983
Cherry Creek
Other names: Egan Canyon, Gold Canyon
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1872
Organized: 1872
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, zinc, tungsten, antimony, coal, fluorspar, beryllium
Comments: The district extends from Cherry Creek Canyon in the south end of the Cherry Creek Range to north of Paris Ranch Canyon. The Gold Canyon (Egan Canyon) district, located in Egan Canyon about 5 miles to the south, was formerly included in the Cherry Creek district. Butte Valley, to the west, is also sometimes included in the Cherry Creek district.
References: Whitehill, 1875 p. 88, 1877, p. 164; Angel, 1881, p. 657; Lincoln 1923, p. 242; Stoddard, 1932, p. 86; Lawrence, 1963, p. 227; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Hose and
others, 1976, p. 47; Schilling, 1976; Papke, 1979, p. 66; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 207

Other names: Caliente, Cobalt, Panaca
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1870
Organized: 1870
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, vanadium
Comments: The Chief district is located on the southeastern tip of the Chief Range about 8 miles north of Caliente. The district is centered in the northwest quarter of T3S, R67E; Averett (1962) listed Cobalt and Panaca as alternate names for Chief.
References: Whitehill, 1873, p. 98; Angel, 1881, p. 484; Hill, 1912, p. 216; Lincoln, 1923, p. 118; Stoddard, 1932, p. 51; Callaghan, 1936, p. 5; Averett, 1962, p. 25; Tschanz and Pampeyan,
1970, p. 163
Other name: Fort Churchill
County: Lyon
Commodities: tungsten, clay, diatomite
Comments: Located on the east side of Stretch (1867) placed the district on the east border of Storey County, in the vicinity of the military post. DeGroot (1863) used the name Fort Churchill for the district.
References: DeGroot, 1863; Stretch, 1867, p. 68; Stoddard, 1932, p. 56; Stoddard and Carpenter, 1950,  p. 75; Moore, 1969, p. 24; Stager and Tingley, 1988,  p. 111

Other names: Derby, Clark-Derby, Rainbow
County: Storey
Discovered: 1904
Commodities: diatomite, mercury, gold, silver
Comments: Located in the northern Virginia Range, south of the Truckee River in the vicinity of Clark Station. Paher (1970) said gold was discovered at Derby in the fall of 1904. Metallic production was recorded in 1915 from the Ethel property.
References: U.S. Geological Survey, 1915, p. 651; Stoddard and Carpenter, 1950, p. 51; Bonham 1969,  p. 102; Paher, 1970, p. 37; Tingley, 1990, p.44

Other name: Tolicha, Yellowgold
County: Nye
Discovered: 1931
Period Active: 1931-1940
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located about 5 miles east of U.S. Highway 95 in the ridges and hills north of
Tolicha Wash. Most of the mine workings are located at the Clarkdale Mine, and in the vicinity of the Yellow Gold Mine. This district is commonly included in the adjacent Tolicha district.
References: The Nevada State Journal, Jan. 19, 1947; Kral, 1951, p. 166; Cornwall, 1972, p. 41; Bonham, 1976, 1980; Tingley and others, 1997, p. 7-59

Cleve Creek
Other name: Kolchek
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1923
Period active: 1923, 1951-53
Commodities: tungsten, gold, silver
Comments: Located in the upper Creek, near Kolchek Basin in the central part of the Schell
Creek Range.
References: Hose and others, 1976, p. 49; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 211

County: Nye
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: silver, gold, arsenic
Comments: The Clifford district is confined to the area of the Clifford Mine in section 3, T3N, R49E. The district includes a small hill that lies at the edge of Stone Cabin Valley, about two miles northwest of the margin of the northern Kawich Range and about 1L miles south of U.S. Highway 6.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 165; Stoddard, 1932, p. 65; Kral, 1951, p. 42; La Heist, 1964, p.66; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 67

Other names: Golden, East Golden, West Golden, Eclipse, Black Springs, Republic
County: Nye
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, fluorspar
Comments: The Cloverdale district includes portions of the Toiyabe and Shoshone Ranges and extends from Cottonwood Creek on the east to Golden Wash, north of Cloverdale Ranch, on the west and extends south to include the Green Lizard area in the outlying hills south of the mouth of Cottonwood Creek. The district includes Secret Basin and the old camps of East Golden and West Golden. The district formerly included the Black Springs and Republic areas, both to the west of Cloverdale and the Peavine Canyon area, east of Cloverdale. Both Black Spring and Republic are now considered to be separate districts and Peavine is included in the Jett district. The 1880 map shows an Eclipse district in the southern Toiyabe Range that in cluded the present Cloverdale and Jett districts.
References: 1880 map; Hill, 1912, p. 221; Lincoln, 1923, p. 165; Stoddard, 1932, p. 65; Kral,1951, p. 43; Bonham, 1976; Schilling, 1976; Papke, 1979, p. 39; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 71

Coal Mine
Other names: Coal Canyon, Coal Mine Canyon, Adobe Range, Peko Hills
County: Elko
Commodities: lead, copper, silver, zinc, oil shale, barite, phosphate
Comments: Includes both sides of Coal Mine Canyon at the northern end of the Adobe Range.
References: Smith, 1976, p. 38, LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 59

Other name: Emigrant Peak area
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1894
Commodities: coal, uranium, turquoise, variscite, lead, silver, molybdenum
Comments: Located in the northern Silver Peak Range, south of Coaldale Junction, and extending into the southern Monte Cristo Range, north of Coaldale Junction. Coal deposits are at low elevations on the north end of the Silver Peak Range. Most of the uranium-molybdenum prospects are high in the range near Emigrant Peak, west of the historic coal properties. Small deposits of turquoise, variscite, and coal are reported in the Monte Cristo Range portion of the district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 60; Stoddard, 1932, p. 36; Gianella, 1945, p. 50; Albers and
Stewart, 1972, p. 64;  Garside, 1973, p. 47-49; Smith and Tingley, 1983

Columbus Marsh
Other name: Columbus Salt Marsh
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1864
Commodities: borates, sodium chloride
Comments: The playa lies southeast of Columbus.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 62; Gianella, 1945, p. 51; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 64

Colverwell (not shown on plate)
County: Elko
Comments: Menardi?s 1908 map shows the location of this district to be in T45N, R67E. However, there is no mineral activity known in this area. The exact location is unknown.
Reference: Menardi, 1908, map

County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1882
Commodities: lead, silver, zinc, gold, copper, tungsten
Comments: The Comet district is located on the southwestern side of Comet Mountain on the west side of the southern Highland Range.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 217; Lincoln, 1923, p. 119; Stoddard, 1932, p. 52; Averett, 1962, p. 28; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 154; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 104

Other names: Palmyra, Indian Spring, Indian Springs, Brown?s Indian Spring, Sunrise, Butte
County: Lyon
Discovered: 1860
Organized: 1860
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located at the north end of the Pine Nut Mountains, extending generally from Lyon Peak on the south to the Carson River on the north. The Indian Springs district was organized in 1860. The Palmyra district, which included the towns of Palmyra and Como, was organized in 1862 in the Pine Nut Mountains 8 miles southeast of Dayton between the Sullivan (to the southwest) and Indian Springs (to the northeast) districts. Both districts were combined in 1869. Perry (1865) showed an Indian Spring district (possibly same as Brown?s Indian Spring district) to extend southeast almost to Walker Lake and include the present Yerington district. The Sunrise area is located in T14N, R22-23E, near Como, between Dayton and Yerington on the county line. DeGroot (1863) showed a Butte district, north of Palmyra, which would be within the present Como district.
References: DeGroot, 1863; Perry, 1865; Stretch, 1867, p. 27; Browne, 1868, p. 328; Angel,
1881, p. 498-499; King, 1885, p. 516; Stuart, 1909, p. 141; Lincoln, 1923, p. 130; Stoddard,
1932, p. 56; Stoddard  and  Carpenter, 1950, p. 76; Lotz, 1934, p. 18; Moore, 1969, p. 25

Other names: Columbia, Washoe, Virginia, Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver Star, Brunswick, Flowery, Rogers, Summit Lake, Comstock Lode, Occidental Lode, American Flat, Silver City
County: Storey
Discovered: 1858
Organized: 1859
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, mercury
Comments: Commonly, the Comstock district includes all of the mining areas on the east slope of the Virginia Range lying generally between Gold Canyon and Six Mile Canyon. The three original districts organized on the Comstock lode were American Flat, Gold Hill, and Virginia. Virginia was the first, the Silver Star portion lies east of Virginia, in the range of mountains between Virginia [City] and the valley of the Carson River. The principal lodes are the Brunswick and the Occidental. The Flowery portion, also known as Rogers or Summit Lake, is located in the Flowery Range, to the east. The Columbia district, organized in 1858, included both Comstock and Silver City and extended west to the Carson Range. Schilling (1976) included Silver City in the Comstock district.
References: Gold Hill News, April 12, 1864; Stretch, 1867, p. 68-69; Hill, 1912, p. 225; Lincoln, 1923, p. 222; Stoddard, 1932, p. 48, 82; Stoddard and Carpenter, 1950, p. 13; Bonham, 1969, p. 102; Carlson, 1974, p. 239; Schilling, 1976; Wong, 1982, table 1; Ansari, 1986, p. 1, 5, 11, 22

Other names: Salmon, Salmon River, Kit Carson, Porter, Alabama, Portis
County: Elko
Discovered: 1870
Organized: 1871
Commodities: copper, silver, lead, gold, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, uranium, thorium and rare earths
Comments: The Contact district is centered around the town of Contact and includes all or portions of T43-46N, R62-66E.The original Alabama district was located in the Knoll Mountain area; the Salmon River or Contact district was in the vicinity of town of Contact and Ellen D. Mountain; the Porter district included the area near China and Blanchard Mountains; and the Kit Carson district was near Middle Stack Mountain. By 1910, all of these were included in the large Contact district.
References: Whitehill, 1875, p. 32-33; Whitehill, 1877, p. 24; Angel, 1881, p. 392, 394-395; Stuart, 1909, p. 114; Hill, 1912, p. 204; Lincoln, 1923, p. 40; Stoddard, 1932, p. 29; Gianella, 1945, p. 38; Granger and others, 1957, p. 33; Garside, 1973, p. 43-44; Smith, 1976, p. 39; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 54; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 61
Other name: Rattlesnake Knoll
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: lead, silver, fluorspar
Comments: This district is on the eastern slope of the Schell Creek Range north of Conners Pass in the vicinity of Majors Place. White (1871) placed this district on the eastern slope of the Schell Creek Mountains about 40 miles north of Patterson district, on the south side of Simpson?s Pass (Cooper Canyon?). Fluorspar occurs at Rattlesnake Knoll in Spring Valley, east of the main district.
References: White, 1871, p. 94; Angel, 1881, p. 653; Hose and others, 1976, p. 50; Wong, 1982, table 1

Copper Flat (not shown on plate)
County: Esmeralda
Commodities: lead, silver
Comments: Exact location is unknown.
Reference: U.S. Geological Survey, 1915, p. 631

Copper Kettle
Other names: C.K. Copper Kettle, Silver Hill
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1908
Commodities: copper, iron
Comments: District includes the area of Grimes and Copper Kettle canyons and extends to the canyons west of Anderson Ranch along the west flank of the northwestern Stillwater Range. The area is within the large Silver Hill district of DeGroot (1863). The iron occurrence is northwest of Copper Kettle Canyon, and is sometimes considered to be included in the Mineral Basin district which lies to the north in Pershing County.
References: DeGroot, 1863; Lincoln, 1923, p. 2; Stoddard, 1932, p. 19; Gianella, 1945, p. 12; Schrader, 1947,  p. 312; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 64

Copper Valley
Other names: Ragged Top, Jessup County: Pershing, Churchill Discovered: 1908 (?)
Commodities: tungsten, copper, iron
Comments: District is located on the Pershing-Churchill county line along the eastern edge of Granite Springs Valley, in the western foothills of the southern Trinity Range. The northern part of district is sometimes included in the adjacent Ragged Top district, Pershing County (to the north). The southern part of the district is commonly included in Jessup district, Churchill County, which lies to the south.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 203; Stoddard, 1932, p. 75; Shawe and others, 1962, p. 116; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 31, 159

Cornucopia County: Elko Discovered: 1872
Organized: 1872
Commodities: silver, gold, copper, lead, antimony
Comments: Located about 15 miles north of Tuscarora, north of the South Fork of the Owyhee River in low mountains bordering the southeast margin of the Owyhee Desert. The main mines are located in sections 18-19, T42N, R51E.
References: Whitehill, 1875, p. 33; Angel, 1881, p. 393; Hill, 1912, p. 204; Lincoln, 1923, p. 41; Stoddard,1932, p. 29; Gianella, 1945, p. 38; Granger and others, 1957, p. 41; Lawrence, 1963, p. 60; Patterson and others, 1969, p. 607; Smith 1976, p. 45; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 68
Corral Canyon
Other name: Silver Hill
County: Churchill
Commodities: gold, titanium, iron
Comments: Located in the vicinity of the mouth of Corral Canyon, east slope of the Stillwater Range about 6 miles southwest of Boyer Ranch. The area is within the large Silver Hill district of DeGroot (1863).
References: DeGroot, 1863; Shawe and others, 1962, p. 124; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 64;Tingley, 1990, p. 50

Corral Creek
Other names: Ruby Range, Ruby Mountain Range
County: Elko
Commodities: lead, zinc, silver, copper, tungsten, beryllium
Comments: Located in T28N, R57E on the western slope of the Ruby Mountains, 2 miles south of Harrison Pass. The district includes the drainage area of Corral Creek and its tributaries. Included by Stoddard (1932) in the large Ruby Range area.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 34; Smith, 1976, p. 48; Wong, 1982, table 1; Stager and Tingley,
1988, p. 54; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 71

Other names: Cortez-Mill Canyon, Mill Canyon, Bullion Hill, Mount Tenabo, Tenabo
County: Eureka, Lander
Discovered: 1863
Organized: 1863
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, antimony, mercury, turquoise, arsenic
Comments: Most of this district is located in Eureka County, only the small western portion is in
Lander County. The original district was located on the western slope of Mount Tenabo, and
the separate Mill Canyon district covered the eastern slope. Mill Canyon later was expanded east to include Buckhorn, then separated from Buckhorn district and is now included in the expanded Cortez district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 101; White, 1869, p. 44; Whitehill, 1873, p. 66; Angel, 1881, p.
428; Hill, 1912,   p. 210, 215; Lincoln, 1923, p. 86; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 22; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944,  p. 79; Lawrence, 1963, p. 69; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 69; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 77; Wong, 1982, table 1

Other names: Cottonwood Canyon, Round Hole
County: Washoe
Discovered: 1870s
Commodities: silver, lead, copper, gold, tungsten, antimony
Comments: Includes all of the Fox Range.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 225; Lincoln, 1923, p. 233; Stoddard, 1932, p. 83; Lawrence, 1963, p.
223; Bonham, 1969, p. 53; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 199; Tingley, 1989a, p. 3

Other names: Crescent Peak, New York, Timber Mountain
County: Clark
Discovered: 1894
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, turquoise, molybdenum, vanadium, beryllium, thorium and rare earths, uranium, perlite
Comments: The district includes the northern New York Mountains and the southern end of the McCullough Range and is located about 12 miles west of Searchlight. Wheeler (1872) included the Crescent Peak area in the large New York district, centered on the New York Mountains in California but extending east to touch the historic Colorado district, located south of present- day Searchlight. Averett (1962) described a Timber Mountain district discovered in 1910 on  ?Timber Mountain 17 miles west of Searchlight? that is possibly somewhere in the Crescent Peak area.
References: Wheeler, 1872, p. 53; Hill, 1912, p. 201; Lincoln, 1923, p. 19; Stoddard, 1932, p. 24; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 19; Gianella, 1945, p. 23; Averett, 1962, p. 32, 94; Gemmill, 1964, p. 235; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 139; Garside, 1973, p. 35; Bonham, 1976

Crow Springs
Other names: Royston, Southern Cedar Mountains
County: Esmeralda
Commodities: turquoise, silver, lead, copper, gold, antimony, uranium, perlite
Comments: Located in the vicinity of Crow Springs and Outlaw Springs in the southern Cedar Mountains and the northeastern tip of the Monte Cristo Range, Esmeralda County. Crow Springs is sometimes included in the adjacent Royston district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 62; Stoddard, 1932, p. 36; Gianella, 1945, p. 51; Lawrence, 1963, p. 66; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 64; Garside, 1973, p. 47

County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: copper, gold, silver, lead, mercury, silica, sulfur
Comments: Located near U.S. Highway 95 about 12 miles south of Goldfield. The district extends northeast from Mount Jackson and includes Mount Jackson Ridge and the Cuprite Hills. Metallic occurrences are mainly southwest of U.S. Highway 95; sulfur and silica deposits are east and west of the highway, in the northern part of the district.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 206; Lincoln, 1923, p. 63; Stoddard, 1932, p. 36; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 139; Gianella, 1945, p. 51; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 65
Other names: Currant Creek, Butterfield Marsh, Railroad Valley, Railroad Valley Marsh, Silverton
County: Nye, White Pine
Discovered: 1914
Commodities: gold, lead, copper, tungsten, magnesite, uranium, fluorspar
Comments: This district encompasses the southern White Pine Range, the Horse Range, and the northernmost part of the Grant Range. Kral (1951) included Railroad Valley (Butterfield) Marsh along with Silverton, to the west, in a large Currant district. Deposits of magnesite occur in the White Pine County part of the district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 166; Stoddard, 1932, p. 65; Kral, 1951, p. 47; Garside, 1973, p. 93; Hose and others, 1976, p. 50; Papke, 1979, p. 34; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 77; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 138

Other name: Chloride
County: Nye
Discovered: 1866
Organized: 1866
Commodities: silver, gold, antimony
Comments: The Danville district is centered around Danville and Green Monster Canyons in the central Monitor Range. The district extends north to include Clear Creek Canyon, and south- southwest about 15 miles to include the area west of the Daughtery Ranch.
References: Angel, 1881, p. 516; Lincoln, 1923, p. 166; Stoddard, 1932, p. 66; Kral, 1951, p. 50; Lawrence, 1963, p. 151; Hall, 1981, p. 33; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984,  p. 81

County: Elko
Period active: 1917-18, 1952
Commodities: manganese, gold, silver
Comments: The original Decoy district covered only a small area on the lower west slopes of the central part of the Toano Range. The district is now expanded to cover both slopes of the range, extending generally from Morgan Basin on the south to Thirtymile Canyon on the north.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 29; Gianella, 1945, p. 39; Granger and others, 1957, p. 42; Smith, 1976, p. 48; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 73

Other names: Deep Hole, Granite Range, Squaw Valley, Gerlach, Miller
County: Washoe
Discovered: 1908
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, tungsten, titanium
Comments: Deephole is located in the southern Granite Range, 18 miles northwest of Gerlach. The Gerlach district of Beal (1963) covered this same general area, and the Miller district of Carlson (1974) also may have been in this area.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 225; Stoddard, 1932, p. 83; Lincoln, 1923, p. 234; U.S. Bureau of
Mines, 1939, p. 450; Overton, 1947, p. 61; U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1953, p. 672; Beal, 1963,
p. 23; Bonham, 1969, p. 59; Carlson, 1974, p. 60; Bonham, 1976; Stager and Tingley,
1988, p. 200

Other names: Ferguson, Cedar
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1871, 1891
Organized: 1892
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, perlite
Comments: Wheeler (1872) included this area in a Cedar district, discovered in 1871 and located ?on the western side of Bennett Spring Mountains? (generally west of Meadow Valley Wash  and southwest of Clover Valley). The present district, discovered in 1891, was originally named Ferguson and its townsite was Delamar. Delamar came into use as the district name starting in mid-1930s. The main portion of the Delamar district is located on the western front of the range between Monkey Wrench Wash and Cedar Wash, although the district extends to the east almost to Rainbow Canyon and includes the upper part of Taylor Mine Canyon.
References: Wheeler, 1872, p. 43; Stuart, 1909, p. 133; Hill, 1912, p. 217; Lincoln, 1923, p. 119; Stoddard, 1932, p. 52; Callaghan, 1937, p. 7-8; Averett, 1962, p. 24; Tschanz and Pampeyan,  1970, p. 136-140; Bonham, 1976

Other names: Delno, New York, Indian Springs, Emigrant Springs, Goose Creek
County: Elko
Discovered: 1872
Organized: 1872
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, copper, tungsten, molybdenum, antimony, tin
Comments: Situated in T43N, R68E, about 30 miles north of the town of Tecoma. Organized as the Goose Creek district in 1872, the district was renamed Delano sometime before 1875. The Indian Springs area is about 3 miles south-southeast of the central district. Emigrant Springs is about 7 miles to the west of the main district. The original Delano district included the northern part of the Delano Mountains, north of Delano Peak. The later New York district included the central part of the mountains, near Indian Springs. These two areas, along with the Emigrant Springs area, are included in the present district.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 26; Angel, 1881, p. 393; Stoddard, 1932, p. 29; Lotz, 1934, p. 18; Gianella, 1945, p. 39; Granger and others, 1957, p. 43; Lawrence, 1963, p. 60; Smith, 1976, p. 49; Wong, 1982, table 1; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 54; LaPointe and others, 1991,  p. 75
Other names: Sullivan, Brunswick, Brunswick Canyon, Hot Springs, San Francisco
County: Carson City, Douglas
Discovered: 1860
Commodities: tungsten, iron, gold, copper, lead, silver, mercury, manganese
Comments: Located in the Pine Nut Mountains east of the Carson River and west of El Dorado Canyon. Most of the district is in Carson City, but the district extends south to the upper part of Brunswick Canyon, north of Lebo Springs in Douglas County. Originally known as the Sullivan district. Brunswick Canyon is on north end, and Hot Springs Mountain is on the western side. Wright?s map of mining districts in Nevada prior to 1863 locates the San Francisco district in the vicinity of Hot Springs Mountain, southeast of Carson City on the Douglas- Ormsby County line. That area is now included within the Delaware district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 18; Angel, 1881, p. 537; Lincoln, 1923, p. 199; Stoddard, 1932, p.74; Overton, 1947, p. 41; Moore, 1969, p. 30; Bonham, 1976; Wong, 1982, table 1; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 45; George F. Wright papers, University of Nevada Reno special collections

Other names: Delkar, Delcer
County: Elko
Discovered: 1894
Period active: 1916-17
Commodities: copper, lead, zinc, silver, uranium
Comments: District covers all of the West Buttes (Delker Hill), an isolated north-trending ridge located east of the Delcer Hills. At one time, both buttes were called the Franklin Buttes, and later, Delker Buttes.
References: Hill, 1916, p. 66; Lincoln, 1923, p. 42; Stoddard, 1932, p. 30; Gianella, 1945, p. 39; Granger and others, 1957, p. 48; Smith, 1976, p. 53; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 80
Other names: White Plains, White Plain, Lakeview
County: Churchill
Discovered: (1849?) 1863
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury
Comments: Located on the northeast flank of Desert Peak in the Hot Springs Mountains, about 7 miles west-southwest of White Plains (Huxley) station on the Southern Pacific Railroad. The Territorial Enterprise (1868) placed a Lakeview district in this area.  Vanderburg (1940) mentioned that the Desert Queen Mine in this district may have been discovered by emigrants in 1849; if so, this district would be the site of the earliest mining activity in the state.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 29; Territorial Enterprise, October 24, 1868, 2:6; Hill, 1912, p. 200; Lincoln, 1923, p. 2; Stoddard, 1932, p. 19; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 19; Gianella, 1945, p. 12; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 66; Carlson, 1974, p. 177; Schilling, 1976

Desert Mountains
County: Lyon
Commodities: diatomite, montmorillonite, gold, silver
Comments: Includes the western Desert Mountains, extending from area of the Thompson smelter site west of U.S. Highway 95A, east to Cleaver Peak, and extends north to include the clay mining area on the northwestern end of the mountains.
References: Papke, 1970, p. 23; Tingley, 1990, p. 55

Other names: Phillipsburg, Sentinel
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1864
Organized: 1864
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, copper, gold
Comments: Located on the western slope of the Diamond Range, about 20 miles north and slightly east of Eureka. The Phillipsburg area is at the north end of the district, and was the site of most of the mining activity. The Sentinel area, described as only 12 miles north of Eureka, is probably in the area of Black Point in the southern part of the present district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 98; Territorial Enterprise, June 18, 1871, 2:3; White, 1871, p. 65; Wheeler, 1872, p. 36; Whitehill, 1873, p. 79; Whitehill, 1875, p. 87; Angel, 1881, p. 429; Lincoln, 1923, p. 87; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 28; Roberts and others, 1967,  p.74; Bonham, 1976

Diamond Marsh
Other names: Williams Marsh, Williams Salt Marsh
County: Eureka
Commodities: sodium chloride, sodium sulfate
Comments: Williams Marsh salt deposits are centered in the east half of T25N, R53E, in northern Diamond Valley.  Sodium sulfate is reported in the south half of T24N,R54E.
References: Whitehill, 1873, p. 80; Angel, 1881, p. 436; Lincoln, 1923, p. 88; Carlson, 1974, p.246; Papke, 1976, p. 11

County: Esmeralda, Nye
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury
Comments: Located about 5 miles northeast of Goldfield in the area of McMahon Ridge and
Black Butte.  Diamondfield is commonly included within the Goldfield district.
References: Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 144; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 65; Shamberger, 1982, p. 29-32
County: Clark
Discovered: 1916
Commodity: lead
Comments: The Dike district is located in the northwestern part of T19S, R63E, and the southwestern part of T18S, R63E, in the southern Las Vegas Range about 12 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 24; Gianella, 1945, p. 24; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 144

Other names: Disaster Peak, Kings River, Moonlight area, Trout Creek Mountains area
County: Humboldt
Period active: 1914
Commodities: gold, silver, uranium, lithium carbonate
Comments: Located on the northeast and east sides of Kings River Valley in the Montana Mountains. The district originally included only the area near Disaster Peak, on the Oregon border, but is now expanded to include the Kings River and Moonlight uranium areas of Garside (1973). The district also includes the Montana Mountains lithium area of Lowe and others (1985).
References: Hill, 1912, p. 212; Lincoln, 1923, p. 97; Stoddard, 1932, p. 44; Garside, 1973, p. 58; Bonham, 1976; Wong, 1982, table 1; Lowe and others, 1985, p. 137

Other name: Rock Creek
County: Elko
Discovered: 1916
Period active: 1916-1929
Commodities: silver, gold, antimony
Comments: This district is located at the head of Dry Creek, about 8 miles northwest of Tuscarora, and covers the drainage divide northeast of McCann Creek Mountain. The district is sometimes included in the adjacent Rock Creek district.
References: U.S. Geological Survey, 1916, p. 474; Stoddard, 1932, p. 30; Granger and others, 1957, p. 133; Lawrence, 1963, p. 54; Smith, 1976, p. 54; Bonham, 1976; Wong, 1982, table 1

Other names: Gold Mountain, Gold Reef, Dutch Mountain
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1901
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, molybdenum
Comments:  This district is at Gold Mountain, about 5 miles south of Tonopah. First known as Gold Mountain (Spurr, 1903), its name was changed to Divide following a second wave of discoveries in 1917 (Paher, 1970).  Divide district was centered around the divide on the Tonopah-Goldfield road, west of Gold Mountain. The Gold Reef district was located a few miles to the southeast, on the southeast flank of Gold Mountain; both areas are included in the present Divide district. The Nevada Miner (1902) mentions a Dutch Mountain district, located 6 miles south of Tonopah, that was probably in this area.
References: The Nevada Miner, Sept. 15, 1902, 15:2; Spurr, 1903, p. 87; Lincoln, 1923, p. 64; Stoddard, 1932, p. 37; Lotz, 1934, p. 19; Gianella, 1945, p. 52; Paher, 1970,   p. 383-385; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 65; Bonham and Garside, 1979, p. 121

Dixie Marsh
Other names: Humboldt Salt Marsh, Salina
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1861
Periodactive: 1861-68
Commodities: sodium chloride, borates, potash
Comments: Dixie Marsh lies to the east of the Stillwater Range, in the lowest part of Dixie Valley (Osobb Valley of the Fortieth Parallel Survey). The Territorial Enterprise (1863) described a Salina district bordered ?on the south by Tower Canyon, on the north by Shoshone Springs, on the east by the summit of the mountain [Clan Alpine Mountains], on the west by the great salt field [Humboldt or Dixie salt marsh]? that covers the area of the present Bernice and Dixie Marsh districts. Carlson (1974) described the Salina district as located at ?a Churchill County salt flat,? and Garnett and Paher (1983) incorrectly (?) placed Salina some 20 miles northeast of Stillwater, on the west side of the Stillwater Range between Cox and Shady Run Canyons.
References: Virginia Evening Bulletin, August 11, 1863, 2:4; Stretch, 1867, p. 28; Bancroft,
1890, p. 261-262; Lincoln, 1923, p. 3; Gianella, 1945, p. 13; Carlson, 1974, p. 208; Papke,
1976, p. 11; Garnett and Paher, 1983, p. 114

Dixie Valley
Other names: Dixie, Marvel, Silver Hill
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1907
Period active: 1912-13; 1934
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead
Comments: Located on the east side of the Stillwater Range, near Dixie and the mouth of Gold Canyon. The townsite of Marvel was associated with first discoveries. The area was included by Vanderburg (1940) in the adjacent Table Mountain district, and is within the large Silver Hill district of DeGroot (1863).
References: DeGroot, 1863; Schrader, 1947, p. 318; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 48; Willden and
Speed, 1974, p. 67; Bonham, 1976

Dobbin Summit
County: Nye
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: The district is located near Stargo Spring, northeast of Dobbin Summit in the Monitor
Reference: Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 85

Dogskin Mountain
Other names: Dogskin, Esmeralda, Red Rock Canyon
County: Washoe
Commodity: uranium
Comments: This area may have been included in the Dogskin district, later called Esmeralda and described by Carlson (1974) as being in the area of Freds Mountain, south of Dogskin Mountain.
References: Carlson, 1974, p. 175; Garside, 1973, p. 101, Wong, 1982, table 1

Dolly Varden
Other names: Mizpah, Granite Mountain, Granite
County: Elko
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1872
Commodities: copper, silver, lead, zinc, gold, molybdenum, thorium and rare earths, uranium
Comments: Situated at the northern extremity of the Schell Creek Range (Dolly Varden Mountains). The original Dolly Varden district was located on the east side of the mountains; the Granite [Mountain] district was 3 miles to the west; and the Mizpah district was located to the north, near Mizpah Spring.  All three areas are included in the present Dolly Varden district.
References: Whitehill, 1875, p. 30; Angel, 1881, p. 393-394; Hill, 1912, p. 204; Lincoln, 1923, p.42; Stoddard, 1932, p. 30; Gianella, 1945, p. 39; Granger and others, 1957, p. 50; Garside, 1973, p. 46; Smith, 1976, p. 54; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 82
Don Dale County: Lincoln Organized: 1945
Commodities: lead, silver, copper, mercury, gold
Comments: The Don Dale district is located on the northern end of the Groom Range and includes the area generally south of State Highway 375, between Coyote Summit and the Groom district. Wheeler (1872) included all of this area in a large Tempahute district; the southwestern part of the historic district is now Don Dale, the northeastern part is Tem Piute.
References: Wheeler, 1872, p. 44; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 174; Tingley, 1991, p.3

Other names: Gerlach, Donnely, Granite Creek
County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1910
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located on the west slope of the Calico Mountains southwest of Donnelly Peak approximately 9 miles north-northeast of the southwest corner of Humboldt County. Lincoln (1923) placed this district in Washoe County, near the line between Humboldt and Washoe Counties.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 234; Stoddard, 1932, p. 83; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 20; Carlson, 1974, p. 126; Bonham, 1980

Double Springs Marsh
Other name: Double Spring Marsh
County: Mineral
Commodities: sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 143; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 27; Papke, 1976, p. 25-26
Duck Creek
Other names: Success, Peacock, Enterprise, McDougal, McDugal
County: White Pine
Organized: 1869
Commodities: lead, silver, copper, zinc, gold, limestone, fire clay
Comments: The Duck Creek district is located in the Duck Creek Range, a narrow ridge lying west of the main part of the Schell Creek Range. The northern part of the district was originally known as Enterprise (1869), the southern part as McDougal. The southeastern part later was called Success. The area on the west slope of the Duck Creek Range, opposite the Ely airport, was known as Peacock.
References: White, 1871, p. 85; Angel, 1881, p. 653; Lincoln, 1923, p. 244; Stoddard, 1932, p.86; Hose and others, 1976, p. 51

Dutch Flat
Other names: Florence, Willow Point
County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1893
Period active: 1912
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury, tungsten, copper, lead
Comments: This district is located 20 miles north-northeast of Winnemucca in the southern portion of the Hot Springs Range. The original gold placer district was known as Dutch Flat or Florence. Lincoln (1923) described a Willow Point district, located about 20 miles north of Winnemucca, that possibly was this district, although the reported production of copper may not fit the geologic setting.
References: U.S. Geological Survey, 1910, p. 517; Lincoln, 1923, p. 105; Stoddard, 1932, p. 48; Vanderburg, 1936a, p. 94; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 21; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 90; Willden, 1964, tables 14, 15; Bonham, 1976; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 74
Other names: Independentia, Independence
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1863
Commodities: silver, lead, gold
Comments: District covers a small area on the western edge of the Silver Peak Mountains, east of Dyer Ranch.  The Independentia district, organized in 1865 on the western slope of the mountains east of Fish Lake Valley, may have included the area of the present Dyer district. Spurr (1906) mentioned work in Dyer in 1863-64, and the Territorial Enterprise (1866) described the Independence district as being the western part of Red Mountain, extending across Fish Lake Valley to the White Mountains, and overlapping the Cottonwood (Red Mountain) district. References: Territorial Enterprise, July 4, 1866, 1:3; White, 1871, p. 105; Spurr, 1906, p. 34, 84; Hill, 1912, p. 206; Lincoln, 1923, p. 66; Stoddard, 1932, p. 37; Gianella, 1945, p. 52; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 66

Other names: Dyke Canyon, Florence, Boyd Basin
County: Humboldt
Commodities: silver, gold, antimony
Comments: Located in Dyke Canyon and Boyd Basin on the east slope of the Pine Forest
Range. The district includes the Homer Verne Mine area.
References: U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1937, p. 450; Lawrence, 1963, p. 80; Bonham and others,


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Other names: Regan, Tungstonia, Kern, Pleasant Valley, Red Hills, Claytons
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1859
Organized: 1869
Commodities: tungsten, lead, silver, copper, gold, zinc, arsenic
Comments: The Eagle district includes all of the Kern Mountains and the adjacent Red Hills. The district extends from the Utah border, east of Pleasant Valley, west to the Red Hills. The historic Pleasant Valley district, which covered the section of Kern Mountains on the south side of Pleasant Valley, was organized in 1869.  This area later was included in the Kern district covering  all of Kern Mountains. In 1872, the district was enlarged to include the Red Hills to the west, and the name was changed to Eagle. The Regan tungsten deposit was discovered in 1910, and the camp of Tungstonia grew near the mine. Since that time, the district has sometimes been called Tungstonia or Regan. A Claytons district, shown on the 1880 map, was located northeast of Cedar Spring and would have covered the north portion of the present Eagle district.
References: White, 1871, p. 81; Angel, 1881, p. 654; Hill, 1912, p. 228; Lincoln, 1923, p. 245;Stoddard, 1932, p. 87; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Hose and others, 1976, p. 52; Bonham, 1976; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 213

Eagle Canyon (not shown on map)
County: Churchill
Comments: Todd and Welton (1866) placed this district in the Clan Alpine Mountains, between the historic Salinas (Bernice) and Clan Alpine ( Alpine) districts
References: Todd and Welton, 1866

Eagle Valley
Other names: Fay, Stateline, Deer Lodge, Gold Springs, Klondike, Pike?s Diggings
County: Lincoln
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, uranium, perlite
Comments: This district is composed of several small mining areas scattered throughout the  Mahogany Mountains along the Nevada-Utah border and includes the Deer Lodge district in the area of Gold Bug Mountain, north of Deer Lodge Canyon; the Fay district, south of Deer Lodge Canyon and north of Buck Mountain; the Gold Springs section, east of Buck Mountain (mostly in Utah); and the Stateline section, about 5 miles north of Deer Lodge Canyon (also mostly in Utah). Klondike was described by Averett (1962) as a short-lived mining district near Fay, active in 1903. Pike?s Diggings, active 1898-1905, was also near Fay.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 217; Lincoln, 1923, p. 119; Stoddard, 1932, p. 52; Averett, 1962, p. 61, 79; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 156; Garside, 1973, p. 73; Wong, 1982, table 1

Other names: Hot Springs, Regent, Rawhide, Leonard, Juarez
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1870s
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten, barite
Comments: District is centered around the camp of Eagleville about 4 miles east of Nevada Scheelite Camp. Sometimes known as the Hot Springs district, which included all of the area between Rawhide Hot Springs and the Churchill County line. The camp of Sunnyside, now included in the Leonard district, was sometimes included in Eagleville district. Ross (1961) and Stager and Tingley (1988) used the name Regent to include both Rawhide and Eagleville. The original Regent district was located northwest of Rawhide, and never extended to Eagleville. The Juarez district of Todd and Welton (1866), located near a hot spring west of the Paradise Range, was probably in this area.
References: Todd and Welton, 1866; Hill, 1912, p. 200; Lincoln, 1923, p. 3; Stoddard, 1932, p.20; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 29; Schrader, 1947, p. 223; Ross, 1961, pl. 1; Bonham, 1976; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 121

East Pahranagat Range
Other name: Alamo
County: Lincoln
Commodity: gold
Comments: Located in the northeastern part of Pahranagat Range, west of the town of Alamo.
Reference: Tingley, 1989b, p. 2

County: Churchill
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, zeolite, uranium
Comments: This district includes an area at the southwestern end of the Desatoya Range lying generally south of Eastgate and west of Buffalo Summit on the Churchill-Lander county line. The zeolite deposits near the junction of U.S. Highway 50 and State Route 722 are also included in the Eastgate district,
References: Hill, 1912, p. 200; Lincoln, 1923, p. 4; Stoddard, 1932, p. 20; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 20; Gianella, 1945, p. 13; Garside, 1973, p. 18-19; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 68

Other name: German Spring
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1917 (copper); 1940 (mercury)
Commodities: copper, turquoise, mercury
Comments: Located in the low hills northwest of Basalt and south of Teels Marsh. The major property in the area, the Eastside Mine, is 2 miles west of State Route 360 and about 7 miles northwest of Basalt. The area is locally known as German Spring (A.L. Payne, oral commun.).
Reference: Tingley, 1990, p. 63
Other names: Gold Belt, Eden Creek
County: Nye
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located along Eden Creek, southeast of Kawich Peak on the east side of the northern Kawich Range.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 221; Lincoln, 1923, p. 166; Stoddard, 1932, p. 66; Kral, 1951, p. 52;Cornwall, 1972, p. 37; Bonham, 1976

Other names: Bull Run, White Rock, Centennial
County: Elko
Discovered: 1890s
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, uranium, arsenic
Comments: This district covers the west slope of the Bull Run (Centennial) Mountains and includes the western portion of the original Bull Run district. The site of the early town of White Rock is located in the northwest corner of the district and the town of Edgemont was located near the west center. The Edgemont name came into use for the western part of the historic Bull Run district following activity in the 1890s. The eastern part of the old Bull Run district is now within the Aura district.
References: Emmons, 1910, p. 69; Lincoln, 1923, p. 43; Stoddard, 1932, p. 30; Lotz, 1934, p.18; Gianella, 1945,  p. 40; Granger and others, 1957, p. 52; La Heist, 1964,  p. 66; Smith
1976, p. 57; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 56; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 86

County: Nye
Comments: Located south of Silver Peak, the exact location is not known.
Reference: Stretch, 1867, p. 59
El Dorado
County: Nye
Comments: Located in southern Toiyabe Range; the exact location is unknown. Carlson (1974) mentioned a settlement of El Dorado, served by the Belmont Post Office, but if the district had been near Belmont, it would have been in the Toquima and not the Toiyabe Range.
References: Browne, 1868, p. 418; Carlson, 1974, p. 106

Other name: Eldorado Canyon
County: Carson City, Lyon
Period active: Early 1860s-1870s
Commodity: coal
Comments: The district is restricted to the drainage of Eldorado Canyon in the northern Pine Nut Range, north of Mineral Peak. The coal occurrence for which the district was formed is in Carson City, but the district extends into Lyon County.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 129; Stoddard and Carpenter, 1950, p. 78; Moore, 1969, p. 25, 41

Other names: El Dorado, El Dorado Canyon, Eldorado Canyon, Colorado, Nelson, Gold Eagle, Capital Camp
County: Clark
Discovered: 1857
Organized: 1861
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, zinc, copper, mercury, uranium, beryllium, thorium and rare earths
Comments: The Eldorado district is located in the vicinity of the town of Nelson in Eldorado Canyon west of Lake Mead. The district includes a large area bordering on the Colorado River, embracing El Dorado Canyon. Wheeler (1872) included the area in a larger Colorado district which also included the present Searchlight district. Averett (1962) described a Gold Eagle district, laid out in January 1900 ?south of Eldorado Canyon? that may have been in this district (Eagle Wash is south of Eldorado Canyon). Capital Camp was located further to the south, between Eagle Wash and Aztec Wash.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Wheeler, 1872, map; White, 1869, p. 85; White, 1871, p. 103; Whitehill, 1873, p. 96; Angel, 1881, p. 484; Hill, 1912, p. 201, Lincoln, 1923, p. 19; Stoddard, 1932, p. 24; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 26; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 53; Gianella, 1945, p. 24; Averett, 1962, p. 21, 46; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 116; Garside, 1973, p. 37; Wyman, 1987, p. 109

Elk Mountain
County: Elko
Discovered: 1890
Commodities: tungsten, copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, antimony
Comments: The Elk Mountain district includes a small area in T47N, R61E just south of the Idaho state line and about midway between Jarbidge and Contact. The district includes both Elk Mountain and White Elephant Butte.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 204; Stoddard, 1932, p. 30; Granger and others, 1957, p. 57; Lawrence, 1963, p. 63; Smith, 1976, p. 60; Stager and Tingley, 1988,  p. 57; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 89

County: Elko
Discovered: 1870
Period active: 1914-1920
Commodities: oil shale, phosphate
Comments: District includes portions of the Adobe Range and Elko Mountains, generally surrounding the town of Elko.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 43; Gianella, 1945, p. 40;  Smith, 1976, p. 62; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 91
Other name: Salisbury Wells
County: Nye
Discovered: 1909
Periods active: 1909-1915, 1938-1939
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, titanium, barite
Comments: Located in the southern end of the Monitor Range about 31 miles east of Tonopah. The district is mainly in the small portion of the Monitor Range lying to the south of U.S. Highway 6. Beal (1963) used the Salisbury Wells name for titanium occurrences in Salisbury Wash, north of Highway 6 and north of the main Ellendale district.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 92; Lincoln, 1923, p. 167; Stoddard, 1932, p. 66; Kral, 1951, p. 54; Beal, 1963, p. 21

Other names: Sawmill Canyon, Lund
County: White Pine
Period active: 1937-48
Commodities: copper, fluorspar, lead, zinc, silver, gold, molybdenum, uranium
Comments: Located about 7 miles east of Preston, at Sawmill Canyon in the southern Egan
References: Garside, 1973, p. 108; Hose and others, 1976, p. 53; Tingley and Bentz, 1983

Other names: Marble Falls, Mammoth, Paradise Range
County: Nye
Organized: 1863
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, iron, tungsten
Comments: The Ellsworth district is located in the northern Paradise Range about 10 miles northeast of the town of Gabbs. The district includes Germany and Marble Falls Canyons on the west side of the range and extends to the east to include the area of Ellsworth and Flagstaff Canyons in the central and eastern parts of the range.  Originally organized as the Mammoth district, it included the camps of Marble Falls and Ellsworth. Lincoln (1923) included Ellsworth in the Lodi district, centered west of Ellsworth. Kral (1951) included Ellsworth in his larger Mammoth district, along with the present Gabbs district and southern parts of the Paradise Range.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 58; White, 1869, p. 60; Whitehill, 1873, p. 108; Whitehill, 1877, p.109; Kral, 1951, p. 102; Bonham, 1976; Jones, 1984; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 91; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 139

Ely Springs
Other name: Lone Mountain
County: Lincoln
Commodities: silver, zinc, lead, gold
Comments: The Ely Springs district is on the west side of the Ely Springs Range, about 13 miles west of Pioche. Both Hill (1912) and Stoddard (1932) used the name Lone Mountain for this district.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 218; Stoddard, 1932, p. 54; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 173; Bonham, 1976

Other names: Prospect, Ruby Hill, Secret Canyon, Spring Valley, Sierra, Pinto, Silverado
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1864
Commodities: silver, lead, gold, copper, zinc, molybdenum, iron, arsenic, antimony, uranium, beryllium, titanium
Comments: Located on the north slope of the northern Fish Creek Range in T18-19N, R53E. The Secret Canyon area is 7.5 miles south of Eureka, in a deep valley on the southern slope of Prospect Mountain; it was first called Sierra district, then Secret Valley district, and finally, Secret Canyon. Sierra area is located about 8 miles south of Eureka, a short distance south of Secret Canyon. Spring Valley area is situated in the Spring Valley, or Prospect, Range of mountains, about 12 miles south of Eureka and joins the main Eureka district on the south.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 102; White, 1869, p. 50; White, 1871, p. 54; Wheeler, 1872, p. 37; Whitehill, 1873, p. 67, 79; Angel, 1881, p. 429, 436; Hill, 1912, p. 211; Lincoln, 1923, p. 88; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 29; Beal, 1963, p. 15; Lawrence, 1963, p. 70; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 74; Garside, 1973, p. 55

County: Nye
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Production is credited from the Chickasas and Rhyolite claims, but the exact location is unknown.
Reference: U.S. Geological Survey, 1914, p. 699

Other names: Goldyke, Atwood, Finger Rock, Paradise, Paradise Peak, Globe
County: Nye, Mineral
Discovered: 1865, 1901
Organized: 1865, 1903
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury, copper, tungsten
Comments: The Fairplay district includes the southern and southwestern flanks of the Paradise Range and extends from Coyote Spring/Ford Wells and the old camps of Atwood and Goldyke on the east to Finger Rock Wash, west of the Mineral County line. The district includes the old Atwood district, discovered in 1901, and the Goldyke area, about 1 mile southwest of Atwood, which was discovered in 1906. The Finger Rock area, including the Paradise Peak gold mine, is sometimes considered to be a separate district (A.L. Payne, pers. commun.). The historic Paradise district of Stretch (1867) and Danner (1995), and the Fairplay district of Kral, (1951) and Kleinhampl and Ziony (1984) included the areas of both the present Fairplay district and the present Paradise Peak district. The Globe district, described by Danner (1992), was located in the vicinity of the Sullivan Mine in the northern part of the present Fairplay district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 58; Stuart, 1909, p. 93; Hill, 1912, p. 221; Lincoln, 1923, p. 167; Stoddard, 1932, p. 66; Kral, 1951, p. 57; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 94; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 139, Danner, 1992, p. 32, 84.

Other names: Bell Mountain, Gold Basin, South Fairview
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1905
Organized: 1906
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, tungsten
Comments: The district encompasses an area on both sides of Fairview Peak extending from U.S. Highway 50 on the north to Crown (Bell) Canyon on the south. The main Fairview district is located on the west slope of Fairview Peak, the South Fairview area is in the vicinity of Slate Mountain, south of Fairview Peak. Schilling (1976) included the adjacent Bell Mountain and Gold Basin districts in the Fairview district.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 108; Hill, 1912, p. 200; Lincoln, 1923, p. 4; Stoddard, 1932, p. 20,22; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 23; Gianella, 1945, p. 13; Schrader, 1947, p. 65; Shamberger, 1973a, p. 5-6; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 71; Bonham, 1976; Schilling, 1976; Stager and Tingley,1988, p. 33

Other name: North Point Spring area
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, copper, gold
Comments: Reported by White (1871) to be about 30 miles north of Patterson in Bennett Spring Mountain, a continuation of the Schell Creek Range, but may actually be the Silverhorn (Fairview) district to the south in Lincoln County. The exact location is unknown.
References: White, 1871, p. 97; Tingley and Castor, 1991, p.48

Other names: Stone House, Stonehouse, Seven Troughs
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1863
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located in the vicinity of Stonehouse Canyon on the eastern side of the northern Seven Troughs Range. Known as the Stone House district following the 1863 discoveries. New discoveries were made in 1908 and, at that time, the area was organized as the Farrell district and is sometimes included in the adjacent Seven Troughs district.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 123; Lincoln, 1923, p. 205; Stoddard, 1932, p. 76; Vanderburg,
1936b, p. 13

County: Elko
Discovered: 1880
Commodities: copper, lead, silver, gold
Comments: The Ferber district covers portions of Ferber Flat and White Horse Flat on the Utah border, and extends into Utah.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 44; Stoddard, 1932, p. 30; Gianella, 1945, p. 40; Granger and others, 1957, p. 60; Smith, 1976, p. 65; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 94
Ferguson Spring
Other names: Allegheny, Alleghany
County: Elko
Discovered: 1914
Commodities: copper, silver, lead, zinc
Comments: The Ferguson Spring district covers Ferguson Mountain, an isolated peak east of the Goshute Mountains, and part of Ferguson Flat, south of the peak.  The original district name was Allegheny.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 45; Stoddard, 1932, p. 31; Gianella, 1945, p. 41; Granger and others, 1957, p. 63; Smith, 1976, p. 67; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 97

Fish Creek
Other names: Keystone, Gibellini
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1871
Organized: 1871
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, fluorspar, barite
Comments: Located about 18 miles south of Spring Valley in the southern Mahogany Hills and west-facing slope of the northern Fish Creek Range. Referred to by Lotz (1934) as the Keystone district. The district sometimes includes the Gibellini Mine area in the southern Fish Creek Range in southern Eureka and northern Nye Counties; Gibellini is considered to be a separate district.
References: Whitehill, 1873, p. 79; Angel, 1881, p. 435; Lotz, 1934, p. 19; Vanderburg, 1938b,48; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 85; Jones, 1984; Papke, 1984, table 3; Stager and Tingley,1988, p. 72
Fish Lake Marsh
Other name: Cottonwood
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1873
Commodity: borates
Comments: Occupies the lower part of Fish Lake Valley. The historic Cottonwood district covered this district as well as the Fish Lake Valley district and part of the Red Mountain district to the east. According to the Territorial Enterprise (1866), the north half of the Cottonwood district was overlapped by the Independence district, and Cottonwood was on the west slope of Red Mountain.  Stretch (1867) said the Cottonwood district boundaries began 1.5 miles north of Fish Lake Valley and extended west to the summit of the White Mountains.
References: Territorial Enterprise, July 4, 1866, 1:3; Stretch, 1867, p. 41, 44; Lincoln, 1923, p.66; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 66; Papke, 1976, p. 18, 19, 22-23

Fish Lake Valley
Other names: White Mountain, White Mountains, Cottonwood
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1916
Commodities: mercury, antimony
Comments: The district covers the eastern slope of the northern White Mountains extending from Sugarloaf Peak south to the vicinity of Chiatovich Creek, and extends east to include northern Fish Lake Valley and a portion of the southern Volcanic Hills. The map of 1866 includes the Fish Lake Valley district in a larger White Mountain district. The northwestern area near Sugarloaf Peak is sometimes included in the adjacent Buena Vista district. The historic Cottonwood district covered this district as well as the Fish Lake Marsh district and part of the Red Mountain district to the east. According to the Territorial Enterprise (1866), the north half of the Cottonwood district was overlapped by the Independence district, and Cottonwood was on the west slope of Red Mountain. Stretch (1867) said the Cottonwood district boundaries began 1.5 miles north of Fish Lake Valley and extended west to the summit of the White Mountains.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Territorial Enterprise, July 4, 1866, 1:3; Stretch, 1867, p. 41, 44; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 66; Gianella, 1945, p. 53; Lawrence, 1963, p. 64, Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 66

Other names: Acme, Kincaid, Kinkaid, Ryan Canyon, Gillis and Gabbs Valley Ranges
County: Mineral
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, tungsten, iron, uranium, thorium and rare earths, barite, montmorillonite clay, andalusite, corundum
Comments: The Fitting district covers the southeastern Gillis Range and a small portion of the Gabbs Valley Range. It is about 6 miles from Thorne siding, north of Acme and Kinkaid sidings, and extends northwest to include the Ryan Canyon area. Fitting is included within the larger Gillis and Gabbs Valley Ranges area of Garside (1973).
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 143; Stoddard, 1932, p. 57, 61; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 30; Ross,1961, p. 81; Papke, 1970, p. 24; Garside, 1973, p. 78; Wong, 1982, table 1; Stager andTingley, 1988, p. 115

County: Lincoln
Organized: 1909
Comments: A mining district organized near Pioche in 1909, the exact location is unknown.
Reference: Averett, 1962, p. 42

County: Washoe
Comments: Location is unknown.
Reference: Territorial Enterprise, December 29, 1866, 2:1
County: White Pine
Organized: 1877
Comments: Organized near the state line, east of Ward, no other details were given, and the exact location is unknown.
Reference: Territorial Enterprise, December 12, 1877, 2:3

Forty-Nine Range
County: Washoe
Commodity: titanium
Comments: Includes mainly the western flank of Forty-nine Mountain.
Reference: Beal, 1963, p. 23

Freds Mountain
Other names: Dogskin, Esmeralda
County: Washoe
Commodities: copper, gold, uranium
Comments: Located about 18 miles north of Reno, in the vicinity of Antelope Valley. According to Carlson (1974), this area and possibly the Dogskin Mountain area to the north were once known as the Dogskin district and later the Esmeralda district.
References: Carlson, 1974, p. 175; Tingley, 1990, p.72

Other names: Worthington, Freyberg, Freiburg
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1865
Organized: 1869
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, copper, tungsten
Comments: The Freiberg district is in the northern Worthington Mountains. The historic mines of the district are located in the central part of T1N, R57E, on the north flank of Worthington Peak. It was originally organized as the Worthington district in 1865, and reorganized as the Freyberg district in 1869.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 64; White, 1869, p. 79; White, 1871, p. 100; Whitehill, 1873, p.113; Angel, 1881, p. 485; Hill, 1912, p. 217; Lincoln, 1923, p. 120; Stoddard, 1932, p. 52; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 172; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 106; Tingley, 1991, p. 7


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« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 11:51:30 am »
Go Up Go Down

Other names: Downieville, Carbonate Point, Central, Brucite, Mammoth, Paradise Range, Cottonwood, Centers
County: Nye
Discovered: 1876
Commodities: magnesite, brucite, iron, silver, lead, zinc, tungsten, copper
Comments: The Gabbs district covers the western portion of the Paradise Range and extends from Downieville, north of the present town of Gabbs, to the Cottonwood Canyon area on the south, and from the western front of the range near the town of Gabbs east to include the area of Craig Station in the eastern part of the range. The historic Mammoth district included the area of the present Gabbs district along with the Ellsworth district to the northeast. The Central district was, according to the Territorial Enterprise, located 10 miles south of Downieville. The Cottonwood or Centers district described by Danner (1992) is located in Cottonwood Canyon, east of the town of South Gabbs. The Gabbs district now includes the area of the town of Gabbs and most of central part of Paradise Range as well.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 108; Territorial Enterprise, August 16, 1877 2:1, and November 9, 1878 2:4; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 98; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 141; Danner,1992, p. 81
Other names: Washoe Valley, Washoe, Jumbo, Union, Harris, Warne, Pleasant Valley, Chicago
County: Washoe
Discovered: 1860
Organized: 1860
Commodities: zinc, lead, silver, copper, gold, tungsten, arsenic
Comments: Located west of Pleasant Valley. Galena is the original name. The district includes some of the lower slopes of the Virginia Range and sometimes includes the Jumbo district to the east. Washoe County mining records mention a Harris district located 1.5 miles east of Washoe City that probably included mines and prospects located in the hills north of present New Washoe City. A Warne district, located 3 miles northeast of Washoe Lake, is probably same area as the Harris district. This area is now included in the Galena district. A Chicago district, active in 1893, was located 2 miles west of the Jumbo district and 2.5 miles northeast of Washoe Lake. This area is also within the Galena district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 21; Hill, 1912, p. 226; Lincoln, 1923, p. 235; Stoddard, 1932, p. 84; Overton, 1947, p. 64; Bonham, 1969, p. 60; Bonham, 1976; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 200; Washoe County mining records

Other names: Eagle, Pine Nut, Sulphur Springs, Mammoth Eagle, Buckeye
County: Douglas
Discovered: 1860
Commodities: tungsten, molybdenum, gold, copper, silver, antimony, silica
Comments: Map of 1866 shows the Eagle and Sulphur Springs districts to include the general area of the present Gardnerville and Mountain House districts. Sulphur Springs was to the north and included the north part of the present Gardnerville and Mountain House districts. Eagle was to the south and east and included the south part of Gardnerville, most of Mountain House, as well as the present Red Canyon district.The area later was referred to as the Pine Nut district, then Gardnerville. The Buckeye district, depicted on Wright?s map as a small area in the vicinity of the Monarch Mine, northwest of Mt. Siegel, is now included in the Gardnerville district.
References: Territorial Enterprise, July 14, 1860 3:2; General Land Office map, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 20; Whitehill, 1875, p. 18; Angel, 1881, p. 375; Stuart, 1909, p. 111; Hill, 1912, p. 202; Lincoln, 1923, p. 33; Stoddard, 1932, p. 27; Gianella, 1945, p. 33; Overton, 1947, p. 24; Lawrence, 1963, p. 40-41; Moore, 1969, p. 30; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 46; George F. Wright papers (map), University of Nevada, Reno Special Collections

Other names: Clarendon, Silver Circle
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1866 (1880)
Period active: 1880-87
Commodities: silver, gold, copper, lead, tungsten, antimony
Comments: Located in the vicinity of Mable Mountain in the eastern Garfield Hills, the Garfield district lies between Black Dyke Mountain on the north and Garfield Flat on the south. According to Stretch (1867), the Clarendon district was located ?in the southwestern section of the [Nye] county?; the Territorial Enterprise (1868) used the name Silver Circle as an alternate name for Clarendon, and located the district 7 miles from the old Virginia (Rhodes) Salt Marsh. The
1880 map shows Clarendon to have included the area of the present Pamlico, Ashby, and Garfield districts.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 58; Territorial Enterprise, February 2, 1868, 1:2; Lincoln, 1923, p.144; Stoddard, 1932, p. 59; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 33; Ross, 1961, p. 82; Lawrence, 1963, p.119; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 115

Gass Peak
County: Clark
Discovered: 1916
Period active: 1916-17
Commodities: zinc, silver, lead, gold, uranium
Comments: The Gass Peak district is at Gass Peak, the southernmost peak of the Las Vegas Range, about 8 miles northwest of Las Vegas; the district includes all of Gass Peak, but most mining activity has been confined to the southern slope of the peak.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 20; Stoddard, 1932, p. 25; Gianella, 1945, p. 25; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 145; Garside, 1973, p. 36

County: Douglas
Comments: Located 40 miles south of Virginia City, on the east side of Carson Valley 20 miles east of Genoa; the exact location is unknown.
References: Virginia Evening Bulletin, September 11, 1863, 3:1, and September 23, 1863, 3:2; Gold Hill News, April 11, 1864, 2:3

County: Pershing
Comments: Described as ?20 miles west of Humboldt Station.? The exact location is unknown.
References: Territorial Enterprise, February 24, 1876, 2:4

Other name: Kingsbury Grade area
County: Douglas
Discovered: 1860
Organized: 1860
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, uranium
Comments: Located in the mountains west of Genoa, 1 mile north of the town. Expanded to include Kingsbury Grade area of Garside (1973).
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 20; Angel, 1881, p. 375; Lincoln, 1923, p. 34; Stoddard, 1932, p.
27; Gianella, 1945, p. 33; Overton, 1947, p. 27; Moore, 1969, p. 29; Garside, 1973, p. 38
Other names: Empire, Hooker
County: Pershing, Washoe
Discovered: 1910
Commodity: gypsum
Comments: The Gerlach district is located north of Luxor Peak on the northwestern end of the Selenite Range near the Pershing-Washoe county border. Tungsten discoveries were made a few miles to the south in Pershing County in 1941, and the name Hooker was applied to the Pershing County tungsten area sometime prior to 1947. The entire area, including both gypsum and tungsten, is sometimes referred to as the Hooker district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 235; Overton, 1947, p.85; Johnson, 1977, p. 58; Wong, 1982, table 1; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 161; Papke, 1987, p. 22

Other name: Geyser Ranch area
County: White Pine, Lincoln
Discovered: 1918
Commodities: tungsten, silver, gold, manganese
Comments: The Geyser district is located on the eastern slope of Mount Grafton in the Schell Creek Range along the White Pine-Lincoln county line. The southern part of the district, containing the manganese occurrence, extends into Lincoln County, and is sometimes included in the Patterson district.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 217; Hose and others, 1976, p. 53; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 217

Other name: Fish Creek
County: Eureka, Nye
Discovered: 1942
Commodities: manganese, zinc, nickel, vanadium, platinum
Comments: This district includes the southern tip of the Fish Creek Range, extending from the Gibellini Mine south into Nye County. The district is sometimes included within the adjacent Fish Creek district.
References: Roberts and others, 1967, p. 85; Schilling, 1976; Wong, 1982, table 1; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 98; Lechler and others, 1988, p. 1

Other names: Desert, Castle Rock
County: Esmeralda
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury, turquoise, copper, lead, antimony
Comments: Located in the eastern part of the Monte Cristo Range. Desert is an alternate name. The Castle Rock area is near the mercury mine in the southern part of district.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 36-37; Lawrence, 1963, p. 64; Gianella, 1945, p. 53; Morrissey, 1968, p. 6; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 67

Gilbert Canyon
County: Elko
Commodities: beryllium, columbium, tantalum, uranium
Comments: District includes Gilbert and McCutcheon Creeks, between Green Mountain and Mound Valley on the west slope of the Ruby Mountains.
References: Smith, 1976, p. 69; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 99

County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1866
Organized: 1866
Commodities: tungsten, manganese, copper, gold, lead, zinc, iron, barite, beryllium
Comments: Lies mainly southeast of the town of Golconda and includes the portion of the Edna Mountains lying generally between Golconda and Golconda Summit.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 61; Hill, 1912, p. 213; Lincoln, 1923, p. 97; Stoddard, 1932, p. 45; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 22; Willden, 1964, table 11; Griffiths, 1964,   p. 72-73; Papke, 1984, table 3; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 74

Gold Basin
County: Churchill
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Located in low hills east of Fairview Peak, sometimes included in the adjacent Fairview district.
References: Schrader, 1947, p. 123; Tingley, 1990, p. 83

Gold Basin
Other name: Rowland
County: Elko
Discovered: 1869; 1907
Period active: 1907-10
Commodities: gold, silver, copper
Comments: The original Gold Basin district included only gold placer locations along the north fork of the Bruneau River (Vanderburg, 1936a). Lode mining area near the town of Rowland was later included in the district. LaPointe and others (1991) expanded the district to include the area extending east of Bruneau Canyon to the west flanks of Bearpaw Mountain.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 204; Stoddard, 1932, p. 31; Gianella, 1945, p. 41; Vanderburg, 1936a,
p. 72; Granger and others, 1957, p. 64; Patterson and others, 1969, p. 616; Smith, 1976, p.
69; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 99
Gold Basin
Other name: Carroll
County: Lander
Discovered: 1912
Period active: 1912
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead
Comments: Located at Carroll Summit, on the Lander- Churchill county line, in T16N, R38E.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 111; Stoddard, 1932, p. 49, 20; Lotz, 1934, p. 20, 16; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 79

Gold Butte
Other names: St. Thomas, Bonelli Peak, Bauer, Temple Bar
County: Clark
Discovered: 1872, 1905
Organized: 1873
Commodities: gold, copper, lead, zinc, silver, tungsten, uranium, beryllium, thorium and rare earths, titanium, mica, magnesite, brucite
Comments: District is located in the southern part of the Virgin Range, south of St. Thomas Gap
and lying generally between the Colorado River on the east and south, and the Overton Arm of Lake Mead on the west. The original district name was St. Thomas and mines were located a few miles east of the town of St. Thomas. The Bauer section was located 30 miles south of Bunkerville, about 9 miles north of old Gold Butte Post Office. Bonelli Peak is in the south- central part of the district, Temple Bar is south of the Colorado River, in Arizona.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 90; Angel, 1881, p. 486; Hill, 1912, p. 201; Lincoln, 1923, p. 21; Stoddard, 1932, p. 25; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 34; Gianella, 1945, p. 22; Beal, 1963, p. 11; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 126; Garside, 1973, p. 20-21; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 43
Gold Butte
Other name: Lovelocks
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1914
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten
Comments: The Gold Butte district is located on the east flank of Trinity Range in the general area between Granite Point, north of U.S. Interstate 80, and Lone Mountain, west of town of Lovelock. Gold Butte was the original name; Lovelocks was the name used by Hill (1912).
References: Hill, 1912, p. 213; Johnson, 1977, p. 57; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 159

Gold Canyon
Other names: Egan Canyon, Cherry Creek
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1863
Organized: 1863
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: This district is located in Egan Canyon and the northern part of the Egan Range, 5 miles west of Cherry Creek. The area is sometimes included in the Cherry Creek district. References: Stretch, 1867, p. 102; White, 1871, p. 79; Whitehill, 1875, p. 88; Whitehill, 1877, p. 166; Angel, 1881, p. 653; Hill, 1912, p. 227; Lincoln, 1923, p. 242; Stoddard, 1932, p. 87; Hose and others, 1976, p. 47

Gold Circle
Other names: Midas, Summit
County: Elko
Discovered: 1907
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, mercury
Comments: The Gold Circle district covers the southeastern slope of the Owyhee Bluffs, between Midas and Fraziers Creeks. The original district name was Gold Circle and included the town of Rosebud. The town name was later changed to Gold Circle, and then to Midas. The district is commonly referred to as Midas.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 115; Hill, 1912, p. 204; Lincoln, 1923, p. 45; Rott, 1931, p. 710; Stoddard, 1932, p. 31 Granger and others, 1957, p. 64; Smith 1976, p. 71 LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 162

Gold Crater
County: Nye
Discovered: 1904
Commodities: gold, silver, lead
Comments: The Gold Crater district is about 10 miles east of the summit of Stonewall Mountain and lies south of Stonewall Flat.
References: Hill, 1912, p. Stoddard, 1932, p. 66; 1972, p. 37

Gold Point
Other names: Hornsilver, Lime Point, Stateline, Morning Star
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1866
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, tungsten, uranium
Comments: Located along Slate Ridge southwest from Jackson Mountain, about 10 miles from Lida district and 14 miles from the Cuprite district. Once considered to be part of the Tokop district, to the south. Originally known as Lime Point, then Hornsilver or Gold Point. Gold Point district also includes the Stateline area, 6 miles south of Gold Point. A Morning Star district ?situated south of the line between Stonewall and Lida and about 5 miles north of Tokop? may have been in the vicinity of the present Gold Point district.
References: Goldfield News, April 21, 1905; Stuart, 1909, p. 60; Hill, 1912, p. 207; Lincoln, 1923, p. 73; Stoddard, 1932, p. 38; Gianella, 1945, p. 55, 61; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 69;  Garside, 1973, p. 52-53; Bonham, 1976; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 68
Gold Range
Other names: White Blotch, Oroville, Cliff Spring, Goldrange
County: Nye
Discovered: 1926
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: The distict lies on the east side of the northern Belted Range in an area roughly defined by Belted Peak on the northwest, Wheelbarrow Peak on the southwest, and Chalk Mountain on the east. The district was first known as White Blotch.
References: Averett, 1962, p. 46; Alvin McLane, personal commun., 1995; Tingley and others,
1997, p. 7-128.

Gold Run
Other name: Adelaide
County: Humboldt
Organized: 1866
Commodities: copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, nickel
Comments: Centered on Gold Run Creek on the east slope of Sonoma Range. The Gold Run district extends generally from Rock Creek south to Gregg Canyon, and east to the edge of Pumpernickel Valley.
References: White, 1869, p. 41; Angel, 1881, p. 450; Hill, 1912, p. 212; Lincoln, 1923, p. 99; Stoddard, 1932,p. 45; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 23; Willden, 1964, tables 24, 25; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 76

Other names: Gold Banks, Cinnabar
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1907
Commodities: mercury, gold, silver, antimony
Comments: Located on the east flank of the East Range in T29-31N, R38-39E. The district includes the Goldbanks Hills, parts of Table Mountain, and areas on the ridge south of Peavine Creek. A Cinnabar district, shown on the General Land Office 1866 map to be immediately south of the Sierra district on the east side of the East Range, included the areas of the present Goldbanks and Kennedy districts. However, the Goldbanks district discovery date was given as 1907 by Hill (1912), and Cinnabar was probably mainly in the area of Cinnabar Creek, within the present Kennedy district.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Hill, 1912, p. 213; Lincoln, 1923, p. 205; Stoddard, 1932, p. 76; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 14; Lawrence, 1963, p. 184; Johnson, 1977, p. 56

Golden Arrow
Other name: Blakes Camp
County: Nye
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: The Golden Arrow district is located on the western side of the northern Kawich Range about 40 miles southeast of Tonopah. The district covers the lower flanks of the range along the edge of Cactus Flat and includes the old camps of Golden Arrow and Blakes Camp. Blakes Camp was the original district name.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 91; Hill, 1912, p. 220; Lincoln, 1923, p. 169; Stoddard, 1932, p. 67; Kral, 1951, p. 70; Cornwall, 1972, p. 37; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 106

Golden Gate Range
County: Lincoln
Commodities: lead, silver
Comments: This area is located in the Golden Gate Range about 4 miles north of Murphy Gap.
References: Tingley, 1991, p. 11; Tingley and Castor, 1991, p. 34
Other names: Grandpa, Sandstorm, Diamondfield, Quartz Mountain
County: Esmeralda, Nye
Discovered: 1902
Organized: 1902
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, arsenic
Comments: Centered on the town of Goldfield. First named Grandpa, then changed to Goldfield. The Goldfield district sometimes includes the separate Diamondfield district to the north. The Quartz Mountain area is in Nye County, about 10 miles east of Goldfield.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 46; Hill, 1912, p. 206; Lincoln, 1923, p. 67; Stoddard, 1932; Gianella, 1945, p. 53; Kral, 1951, p. 72; Lawrence, 1963, p. 65; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Cornwall,1972, p. 38; p. 38; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 67; Bonham, 1980; Ruetz, 1987, p. 114

Good Hope
Other names: Aurora, Amazon
County: Elko
Discovered: 1873; 1875
Commodities: silver, antimony, gold, arsenic
Comments: Located about 25 miles northwest of Tuscarora in T41N, R49E. Two historic districts, Amazon and Aurora, are included in the present Good Hope district; Amazon (1873) was in the northeast corner of the township, Aurora (1875) was in the west half of the township. According to Smith (1976), the area was renamed Good Hope, probably in 1878.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 26; Angel, 1881, p. 392-393; Hill, 1912, p. 204; Lincoln,
1923, p. 46; Stoddard, 1932, p. 31; Lotz, 1934, p. 18; Gianella, 1945, p. 41; Granger and others, 1957, p. 72; Lawrence, 1963, p. 60; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Smith, 1976, p. 77; Wong, 1982, table 1; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 102
Good Hope
Other names: White Wolf, Lookout Mountain
County: Esmeralda
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Located in T4S, R36E, on the southern flank of the Silver Peak Mountains about 7 miles south of Piper Peak.
References: Spurr, 1906, p. 85; Lincoln, 1923, p. 73; U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1931, p. 617; Stoddard, 1932, p. 38;   Gianella, 1945, p. 55; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 69

Other names: Good Springs, Yellow Pine, Yellowpine, Potosi, Clarke, lvanpah, Migual Marsh, New England, Wheeler
County: Clark
Discovered: 1855
Commodities: zinc, lead, silver, gold, copper, platinum, palladium, vanadium, cobalt, molybdenum, uranium, antimony, titanium, perlite
Comments: The original Yellow Pine or Potosi district was centered around the Potosi Mine in the north part of the present Goodsprings district. The Clarke district, centered on Clark Mountain in California, included the southern part of the present district as well as the lvanpah area and part of the Crescent (New York) district to the south.  Averett (1962) stated New England was the name of the first district organized in the Goodsprings area. The Wheeler district, described as being in southern Spring Mountains, was later incorporated into the Goodsprings district.
References: General Land Office, 1866; White, 1871, p. 103; Wheeler, 1872, p. 52-53; Whitehill,1873, p. 94-95; Angel, 1881, p. 486; Stuart, 1909, p. 136; Hill, 1912, p. 202; Lincoln, 1923, p.29; Stoddard, 1932, p. 25-26;  Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 37; Gianella, 1945, p. 28-29; Averett,1962, p. 74, 98; Beal, 1963, p. 14; Gemmill, 1964, p. 235; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 102; Lawrence, 1963, p. 38; Garside, 1973, p. 28; Bonham, 1976
Goose Creek
County: Elko
Discovered: 1872
Organized: 1872
Commodities: silver, lead, uranium, barite, vanadium
Comments: Most of the Goose Creek district is in Idaho, but it extends in the Goose Creek drainage into Utah and into the northeastern corner of Elko County. The Goose Creek district of Whitehill (1875) was actually the present Delano district, located to the southwest.
References: Whitehill, 1875, p. 33; Angel, 1881, p. 393; Smith, 1976, p. 79; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 104

Gourd Springs
County: Lincoln
Commodities: tungsten, barite, gypsum, manganese
Comments: The Gourd Springs district covers the eastern flank of the East Mormon Mountains, 8 miles north of the Lincoln-Clark county line.
References: Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 176; Papke, 1987, p. 18-19; Stager and Tingley,  1988, p. 106; Tingley, 1989c, p. 5

Grand Junction
County: Elko
Comments: According to Whitehill (1877), the Grand Junction district was ?55 miles northerly from Elko.? Smith (1976) thought Grand Junction may have been an older name for the Merrimac district. Merrimac, however, is much less than 55 miles north of Elko, and the exact location of the Grand Junction district is unknown.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 25; Angel, 1881, p. 394; Smith, 1976, p. 111
Other names: Steptoe, Hendry, Piedmont, Gosiute, Warm Springs
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: lead, silver, gold, tungsten, copper
Comments: Located on the east slope of the northern Egan Range, north of the San Francisco district and 36 miles north of Ely. The district was described as near Perly?s ranch but on the opposite side of the range. The area was organized as the Piedmont district in 1869, and part of the area was called the Hendry district in 1875. Discoveries in 1894 resulted in organization of the Granite district, near Granite railroad siding and the town of Steptoe. The area was referred to as the Gosiute district in 1916.
References: Whitehill, 1873, p. 144; Raymond, 1877, p. 193; Angel, 1881, p. 655; Stuart,
1909, p. 103; Hill, 1912, p. 228; Lincoln, 1923, p. 251; Stoddard, 1932, p. 88-89; Hose and others, 1976, p. 53; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 217

Green Valley
County: Douglas
Organized: 1860
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Described as ?5 miles northeast of Woodfords [California].? Covers the area between the east and west forks of the Carson River, between their intersection and the summit of the Sierra Nevada. In Nevada, this district includes only a few small prospects on the state line south of Gardnerville but it extends into California where it is now known as the Hope Valley district.
Reference: Territorial Enterprise, July 4, 1860
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: lead, zinc, silver, gold
Comments: The Groom district is located in the southern Groom Range and is centered around the Groom Mine in T7S, R55E. This district adjoined the historic Tempahute district on the south.
References: White, 1871, p. 101; Angel, 1881, p. 485; Lincoln, 1923, p. 121; Stoddard, 1932, p. 53; Humphrey, 1945, p. 9-10; Tingley, 1989b, p. 3

County: Elko
Organized: 1873
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: Situated about 6 miles from Fort Halleck, on the northwestern slope of the Ruby
References: Whitehill, 1875, p. 31; Angel, 1881, p. 394;  Smith, 1976, p. 80; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 105

Other names: Hennepah, Silverzone, Volcano, Bannock, Silver Ace
County: Nye
Discovered: 1902
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Hannapah is located in the low hills along the west flank of the southern Monitor Range, about 20 miles east of Tonopah. Most of the district is located north of McKinney Tanks in T3N, R45E, but the district also includes the area northeast of Thunder Mountain in  T4N, R44E. Spurr (1903) used the name Hennepah for the district. Production was recorded from the Bannock property, in the Volcano area in the south part of the district, in 1915. Silverzone name was in use in the 1920s.
References: Spurr, 1903, p. 87; Hill, 1912, p. 222; U.S. Geological Survey, 1915, p. 650; Lincoln, 1923, p. 170; U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1924, p. 441; Stoddard, 1932, p. 67; Kral, 1951, p. 73; Bonham, 1976; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 106

Other names: Sonoma Mountain, Sonoma
County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1863
Commodities: silver, copper, gold, mercury
Comments: Located in the northern end of Sonoma Range, 5 miles southeast of Winnemucca. Harmony includes the drainage areas of Thomas Creek, Harmony Creek, and Water Canyon. The original district name was Harmony. Sonoma was used on the 1880 map, and Lincoln (1923) used Sonoma Mountain as the name for the district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 54; Lincoln, 1923, p. 102; Stoddard, 1932, p. 47; Vanderburg,
1938a, p. 27; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 109; Willden, 1964, table 24, 25; Bonham, 1976

Harrison Pass
Othernames: Ruby Range, Ruby Mountain Range, Valley View
County: Elko
Discovered: 1916
Period active: 1941-44, 1952-53
Commodities: tungsten, silver, beryllium
Comments: Located on east slope of the Ruby Mountains, about 2 miles east of Harrison Pass. The area is sometimes included in the larger Ruby Range and Ruby Mountain Range districts, or is included in the Valley View district.
References: Hess and Larsen, 1921, p. 305; Stoddard, 1932, p. 34; Granger and others, 1957, p. 73; Smith, 1976, p. 81; Schilling, 1976; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 57; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 106

County: Pershing
Discovered: 1914
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten
Comments: Located on the northern and eastern slopes of the Antelope Range. The district includes Alpha Mountain.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 206; Stoddard, 1932, p. 76; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 15; Johnson, 1977, p. 57; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 161

County: Clark
Period active: 1940
Comments: A mining district near Las Vegas for which a 50-ton mill was planned in 1940. The exact location is unknown, but may be the Frenchman Mine on the west side of Frenchman Mountain in the Las Vegas district, east of the city.
Reference: Averett, 1962, p. 51

Other names: Mountain City, Gold Basin, Alder
County: Elko
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, gold, manganese, copper, antimony
Comments: The Hicks district originally included only the Hicks and McDonnell mines near McDonald Creek. The district now includes Hicks Mountain, Hicks Creek, and Enright Hill, which, according to Smith (1976), may in some reports be included in the Mountain City
district and, in others, in the Gold Basin or Alder districts.
References: Whitehill, 1877, p. 24; Angel, 1881, p. 394; Smith, 1976, p. 83; LaPointe and others,
1991, P. 110

Other names: Highland Valley, Pioche, Stampede Gap
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: lead, silver, gold, copper, tungsten, manganese, iron
Comments: The Highland district is located in the northern Highland Range and southern Bristol Range and generally includes the area from near Arizona Peak to north of Stampede Gap. The district is sometimes included in the Pioche district, to the east, and some properties are shared with the Comet district, to the south.  Averett (1962) used the name Stampede Gap for a district in the vicinity of Stampede Gap, 10 miles west of Pioche.
References: White, 1871, p. 103; Whitehill, 1873, p. 97; Hill, 1912, p. 217; Lincoln, 1923, p. 124; Stoddard, 1932, p. 53; Averett, 1962, p. 91; Horton, 1962 Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p.147

Othernames: Kimberly, Mayesville, Maysville, Pittsburg, Northern Shoshone Range
County: Lander
Discovered: 1906
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, antimony
Comments: Located on the northeast slope of Shoshone Peak in the north-central part of the Shoshone Range. Hilltop was included in Northern Shoshone Range area of Lawrence (1963). References: Hill, 1912, p. 216; Lincoln, 1923, p. 111; Stoddard, 1932, p. 49; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 47; Lawrence, 1963, p. 94; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 80; Wong, 1982, table 1
Holy Cross
Other names: Terrell, Fallon, Allen Hot Springs, Wild Horse
County: Churchill, Mineral
Discovered: 1910
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, zinc, mercury, manganese
Comments: The district is centered around Rawhide Flat. The original district was located on the northeast margin of the Terrill Mountains, near Camp Terrell, but was later expanded to include properties in the Blow Sand Mountains and Barnett Hills, across Rawhide Flats to the north. The present district also includes Allen and Lee Hot Springs to the northwest of the Blow Sand  Mountains. Schilling (1976) listed Wild Horse as an alternate name.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 5; Stoddard, 1932, p. 21; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 30; Bailey and
Phoenix, 1944, p. 50; Schrader, 1947, p. 282; Carlson, 1974, p. 230; Willden and Speed,
1974, p. 74; Bonham, 1976; Schilling, 1976; Tingley, 1990, p. 10-11, 85

Other names: Granite Point
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1941
Commodities: tungsten, molybdenum
Comments: The Hooker district is located in the central Selenite Range between Kumiva Peak on the south and Luxor Peak on the north. The Hooker district is sometimes extended to include gypsum mines in the area north of Luxor Peak. The gysum deposits are considered to be in the separate Gerlach district. Washoe County mining records mention a Granite Point district located 6 miles north of Lake Winnemucca that is possibly included in the present Hooker district.
References: Overton, 1947, p. 85; Johnson, 1977, p. 58; Wong, 1982, table 1; Stager and
Tingley, 1988, p. 161; Tingley, 1989a, p. 4; Washoe County mining records
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1871
Organized: 1871
Commodities: lead, copper, silver, gold, uranium
Comments: Situated on the western slope of the northern Egan Range, 10 miles south of Egan  Canyon and about 15 miles north of Robinson Summit.
References: Whitehill, 1873, p. 145; Whitehill, 1877, p. 171; Angel, 1881, p. 654; King, 1885, p.580; Hill, 1912, p. 227; Lincoln, 1923, p. 251; Stoddard, 1932, p. 87; Garside, 1973, p.108; Hose and others, 1976, p. 54

Huntington Creek
County: Elko
Discovered: 1875
Commodity: bentonite
Comments: Located on Huntington Creek, about 4 miles south of Twin Bridges.
References: Angel, 1881, p. 396; Smith, 1976, p. 83; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 112

Huntington Creek
County: Eureka, White Pine
Period active: 1950
Commodities: copper, zinc, silver
Comments: Located in the vicinity of Diamond Peak on the Eureka-White Pine county line in the northern Diamond Mountains. The district includes the upper drainage of Davis Canyon in Eureka County, on the west side of the mountains, and the area west of Huntington Creek in White Pine County, on the east side of the mountains.
Reference: Hose and others, 1976, p. 55
Other names: Huntoon Valley area, Hontoon, Van Horn, Vanhorn
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1866
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: The Huntoon district lies in T3N, R31E along northwestern side of Huntoon Valley on the southeastern flank of the Excelsior Mountains, about 25 miles south of Hawthorne. The district includes the lower slopes of the Excelsior Mountains on the west side of the valley, and the low hills that separate Huntoon Valley from Teels Marsh on the east. This area was included in the historic Van Horn district of DeGroot (1863) southeast of Aurora in the [Excelsior] range of mountains east of Dexter?s Station and nearly due north of the Montgomery district.
References: DeGroot, 1863; Stretch, 1867, p. 36; Lotz, 1934, p. 21; Tingley, 1990, p. 88

Other names: Silver Hill, Silver Hills Range, Silver Range, Cox Canyon, Job Peak, Stillwater, Pike Hollow
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1860
Organized: 1879
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, fluorspar
Comments: Located in the Stillwater (Silver Hill) Range. The district includes the Cox Canyon area on west slope of range, the Pike Hollow area on summit of range, and the I.X.L. Canyon area on east slope of range. The 1866 map shows the district covering the entire southern end of the Stillwater Range. The district is probably the Silver Range district mentioned by the U.S. Geological Survey (1920). Cox Canyon is sometimes considered to be a separate district, and the Job Peak area, to the south on the east side of the range, is sometimes included in I.X.L., but is considered to be a separate district. All of the area is within the large Silver Hill district of DeGroot (1863).
 References: DeGroot, 1863; General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 29; Angel, 1881, p.364; U.S. Geological Survey, 1907, p. 345; Hill, 1912, p. 200; U.S. Geological Survey, 1920, p.319; Lincoln, 1923, p. 6; Stoddard, 1932, p. 21; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 32; Schrader, 1947, p.301, 304; U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1952, p. 596; Carlson, 1974, p. 216; Willden and Speed,1974, p. 76; Bonham, 1976

County: White Pine
Discovered: 1986 (?)
Period active: 1987-1989
Commodity: gold
Comments: The lllipah district is located in T19N, R58E and includes Antelope Mountain, north of Little Antelope Summit. The district contains one significant gold deposit.
References: Jones, 1988, p. 18; Bonham, 1988, p. 24; Bonham, 1991

Other names: Humboldt, Humboldt House, Prince Royal, Eldorado, El Dorado, Lone Mountain
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1860
Organized: 1860
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury, tungsten, antimony, fluorspar, kaolin, sulfur, beryllium
Comments: Located on the north end of the Humboldt Range, the district includes Prince Royal Canyon (Prince Royal district) on the north, Humboldt Canyon (Humboldt district) in central area, and Eldorado Canyon (Eldorado district) on the south. The 1866 map shows the district to cover the eastern tip of the northern Humboldt Range and to extend across the valley to the East Range (topography was in error). The Lone Mountain district mentioned in the Territorial Enterprise (1863) may have been in this area.
References: Territorial Enterprise, June 13, 1863; General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 47-49; Whitehill, 1873, p. 52, 55; Angel, 1881, p. 450-451; U.S. Geological Survey, 1907, p. 360; Hill, 1912, p. 213; Lincoln, 1923, p. 206; Stoddard, 1932, p. 76; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 16; Lawrence, 1963, p. 168; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Johnson, 1977, p. 59; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 163

Independence Mountains
Other names: Jerritt Canyon, Jerritt, Burns Basin, Big Springs, Gance Creek
County: Elko
Commodities: gold, silver, antimony, mercury, barite, titanium
Comments: The Independence Mountains district was defined by LaPointe and others (1991) to include all of the Independence Mountains north of Taylor Canyon and south of the Aura district, including the old Burns Basin antimony district and the gold-mining areas of Jerritt Canyon (Jerritt), Big Springs, and Gance Creek. The Wood Gulch Mine area at the north end of the Independence Mountains is included in the separate Aura district.
References: Lawrence, 1961, p. 45; Beal, 1963, p. 15; Smith, 1976, p. 30; Bentz and Tingley, 1983; Hawkins, 1984, p. 53; Birak and Hawkins, 1985, p. 95; LaPointe and others, 1991, P. 113

Other name: Indian Silver
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1861
Organized: 1861
Commodities: silver, gold
Comments: Located in the area of Indian Canyon on the east flank of Humboldt Range. The district lies south of the Buena Vista district, and is 8 miles south of Unionville.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 52; Whitehill, 1875, p. 49; Lincoln,
1923, p. 207; Stoddard, 1932, p. 76; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 18; Johnson, 1977, p. 61
Iowa Canyon
Other name: Columbus
County: Lander
Commodities: fluorspar, barite
Comments: Located in T22N, R44E. The Columbus district of Stretch (1867), described as being located 20 miles north of Austin on the western slope of the Toiyabe Range, may have been in this area.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 97; Lotz, 1934, p. 20; Papke, 1979, p. 8-9; Papke, 1984, table 3

Iron Hat
Other names: Aldrich, Golconda
County: Pershing
Commodities: lead, silver, tungsten, antimony, copper, gold
Comments: Located on the east slope of the northern Tobin Range, lying generally between Lee Canyon and the low hills north of Smelser Pass. Known as Iron Hat in 1923 and Aldrich in 1936; Iron Hat is now the accepted name. The 1880 map shows a Golconda district located in this area. References: 1880 map; Lincoln, 1923, p. 207; Stoddard, 1932, p. 76; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 8; Lawrence, 1963, p. 200; Johnson, 1977, p. 61; Bonham, 1980; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 164

Iron Point
County: Humboldt
Period active: 1918-1920s
Commodities: silver, manganese, gold, lead, vanadium, zinc
Comments: Located in the northern Edna Mountains, east of Golconda Summit.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 98; Stoddard, 1932, p. 45; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 28; Fischer,
1964, p. 165-166
Island Mountain
Other names: Gold Creek, Bruno, Bruneau, Wyoming, Penrod
County: Elko
Organized: 1869
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, antimony, copper, gold, tungsten, uranium, barite, arsenic
Comments: Organized in 1869 as the Wyoming district which included what is presently known as Martin Creek (Crystal Creek), Penrod Creek, west of Cornwall Mountain, and the town of Bruno, on ?Crystal Creek.? The present district extends northeast and southwest from Island Mountain to include most of the drainage basin of Penrod Creek. The district occupies the southeastern flank of Tennessee Mountain and the area to the south, including Cornwall Mountain, Cornwall Basin, and Rosebud Mountain.
References: White, 1871, p. 58-59; Whitehill, 1873, p. 23; Whitehill, 1877, p. 22-23; Angel, 1881, p. 392, 394, 396; Lincoln, 1923, p. 47; Stoddard, 1932, p. 31; Gianella, 1945, p. 42; Granger and others, 1957, p. 75; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 58; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 124

Other name: Battle Mountain
County: Elko
Discovered: 1916
Commodities: mercury, gold
Comments: The Ivanhoe district is located in the Battle Creek Range north of Battle Mountain, and includes the drainage basins of Ivanhoe and Little Antelope Creeks. Ivanhoe is historically a mercury district, but recent gold production has overshadowed mercury.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 47; Stoddard, 1932, p. 32; Gianella, 1945, p. 42; Granger and others, 1957, p. 76; Smith, 1976, p. 90; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 129
County: Lander
Discovered: 1914
Commodity: tin
Comments: Located on the western side of the Sheep Creek Range 25 miles north of Battle
Mountain, mainly confined to the south half of T36N, R45E.
References: Vanderburg, 1939, p. 54; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 82

Other names: Gold Park, North Union, Barnes? Park, Burnes? Park, Southern Shoshone
Mountains, Breyfogle
County: Nye, Lander
Discovered: 1864
Organized: 1878
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, uranium
Comments: Located in Gold Park, a basin on the west slope of the central Shoshone Range near the Nye-Lander County border. Organized as the Barnes? Park district on Nov. 16, 1863 (Reese River Revielle). The same area was organized as the North Union district in 1864 and reorganized as the Jackson district in 1878. The district is partly in Lander County but most mines are in Nye County. Stretch (1867) placed the Burnes? (a misspelling of Barnes, the original locator) Park district in this area. Most of the district is on the west side of the Shoshone Range, but areas several miles to the east and south have also been included within the district. The Nevada Mining Investor (1906) described a Breyfogle district, 35 miles south of Austin in the Shoshone Range, that may have been in this area.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 57; Angel, 1881, p. 517; Nevada Mining Investor, Dec. 1, 1906, 26:1; Lincoln, 1923, p. 170; Stoddard, 1932, p. 67, 50; Kral, 1951, p. 76; Bonham, 1970; Garside, 1973, p. 85; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 82; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 111
Jackson Mountains
Other name: Jackson Creek
County: Humboldt
Commodities: iron, copper, lead, silver, tungsten, nickel, titanium
Comments: Centered on Trout Creek, in the northern part of the Jackson Mountains east of
Jackson Creek; first known as Jackson Creek district.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 213; Lincoln, 1923, p. 98; Stoddard, 1932, p. 45; Beal, 1963, p. 17; Willden, 1964, table 16, 17; Bonham and others, 1985; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 96

Other name: Wellington
County: Nye
Discovered: 1907
Commodities: gold, silver, copper
Comments: The Jamestown district is located in northern Pahute Mesa, a few miles north- west of Mount Helen, on the old Goldfield-Antelope Springs road. The area is sometimes included in the Wellington district which is located further to the north in the southwest flank of the Cactus Range.
References: Lotz, 1934, p. 22; Kral, 1951, p. 211; Cornwall, 1972, p. 41; Bonham, 1976; Tingley and others, 1997, p. 7-76

Other name: Sun Creek
County: Elko
Discovered: 1909
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten, molybdenum, copper, lead, barite
Comments: The original Jarbidge district included an area about 14 miles square, extending a few miles west of the main Jarbidge River and east of the east fork (Schrader, 1923). The district now includes the northern portion of the Jarbidge Mountains as well as parts of the Granite Mountains and Copper Mountains to the west. The central Jarbidge district is located in T45-46N, R57-59E; the Sun Creek barite area is in T44N,R59E.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 205; Lincoln, 1923, p. 48; Schrader, 1923, p. 1; Stoddard, 1932, p. 32; Gianella, 1945, p. 42; Granger and others, 1957, p. 83; Smith, 1976, p. 93; Papke, 1984, table 3; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 60; LaPointe and others, 1991, p.135

Jefferson Canyon
Other names: Concordia, Green Isle, Jefferson, Great Basin
County: Nye
Discovered: 1866
Commodities: silver, gold, antimony
Comments: The district is located south of Mount Jefferson on the west side of the central Toquima Range about 6 miles northeast of Round Mountain and 12 miles north of Belmont. Originally known as Green Isle or Concordia, then Jefferson, the district is now known as Jefferson Canyon. The map of Todd and Welton (1866) shows a Great Basin district generally covering the west slope of the Toquima Range in the area now included in the Jefferson Canyon and Round Mountain districts.
References: Todd and Welton, 1866; Stretch, 1967, p. 64; Whitehill, 1873, p. 106; Whitehill, 1877, p. 105; Hill, 1912, p. 222; Lincoln, 1923, p. 171; Stoddard, 1932, p. 67; Kral, 1951, p. 80; Lawrence, 1963, p. 143; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 114

Other name: Jersey Valley County: Pershing, Lander Discovered: 1873
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, copper, gold, manganese, zeolite
Comments: Located on the southwest edge of the Fish Creek Mountains about 50 miles southwest of Battle Mountain on the Pershing-Lander county line. The district is north of the historic Augusta district and east-southeast of the historic American district which may have included the southern flanks of Mount Tobin. Zeolite occurrences are west of the main part of the district, in adjacent Jersey Valley.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Whitehill, 1875,  p. 52; Whitehill, 1877, p. 82; Angel, 1881, p. 474; Lincoln, 1923, p. 207; Stoddard, 1932, p. 77; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 19; Papke, 1972, p. 17; Johnson, 1977, p. 62

Other names: Copper Valley, New Virginia, Sebastopol
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1908 (1864)
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten, diatomite, montmorillonite
Comments: Located in the southern Trinity Range, about 10 miles northwest of White Plains on the Southern Pacific Railroad. The district sometimes included the southern part of the Copper Valley district to the north.  According to the Gold Hill News (1864), the New Virginia district was ?in the Trinity Range, 10 miles west of Murphys and 8 miles north of the Desert district,? and probably covered this area. The Sebastopol district, described as being 6 miles from New Truckee district in one 1865 account, and 4 miles in another (Gold Hill News, 1865), was probably in the western part of what is now the Jessup district. The diatomite occurrences are south of the main Jessup district and are found north and south of Interstate 80 near the low pass that separates the Trinity and Hot Springs Ranges.
References: Gold Hill News, April 20, 1864 2:1, and April 28, 1864, 3:1; Gold Hill News, April 27, 1865 3:1, and May 18, 1865 3:1; Stuart, 1909, p. 122; Hill, 1912, p. 200; Lincoln, 1923, p. 6; Papke, 1970, p. 17; Stoddard, 1932, p. 21; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 35; Schrader, 1947, p. 319; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 76; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 33
Other names: Ledbetter Canyon, Peavine, Peavine Canyon, Wall Canyon, Pablo Creek, Hot
Springs, El Dorado, Toiyabe, Eclipse
County: Nye
Discovered: (1864 or 1865?) 1875
Organized: 1876
Commodities: antimony, mercury, silver, gold, lead, copper, tungsten
Comments: Located in the southern Toiyabe Mountains south of Arc Dome, extending from Broad Canyon, west of Carver?s, to Peavine Canyon, on the south end of the range. Jett also includes part of upper Ledbetter Canyon, on the western slope of the range several miles to the west. The 1881 map shows an Eclipse district in southern Toiyabe Range that may have included the area of the present Cloverdale and Jett districts. Todd and Welton (1866) show a Peavine district located in the area of Peavine Canyon that included the southern part of the present Jett district, an El Dorado district located in the vicinity of Jett Canyon, and a Hot Springs district located west of Darraugh?s Hot Spring and covering the east flank of the Toiyabe Range generally between Broad Creek and South Twin River that would include the remainder of the present Jett district.
References: Todd and Welton, 1866; Whitehill, 1877,p. 106; Angel, 1881, p. 517, 519;
1881 map; Lincoln, 1923, p. 172; U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1925, p. 690; Stoddard, 1932, p. 67; Kral, 1951, p. 82; Lawrence, 1963, p. 138; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 119; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 141

Job Peak
Other name: Silver Hill
County: Churchill
Commodities: lead, copper, silver, gold
Comments: The Job Peak district is located on the east side of the Stillwater Range, south of the I.X.L. district, and extends from East Job and West Job Canyons, south to the foothills of Job Peak. The district is sometimes included in the adjacent I.X.L. district, and is within the large Silver Hill district of DeGroot (1863).
References: DeGroot, 1863; Schrader, 1947, p. 301; Schilling, 1976

Joe May Canyon
County: Clark
Commodities: lead, zinc, silver
References: Tingley and others, 1993, p. 30
Comments: Located in the Sheep Range near the head of Joe May Canyon, south of
Wildhorse Pass.

Other names: Montgomery, Mount Sterling, Timber Mountain
County: Nye
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: gold, silver, lead
Comments: The Johnnie district extends from the north flank of Mount Sterling, on the northwest end of the Spring Mountains, southwest to the southwestern tip of Mount Montgomery. It includes Mt. Schader, the town of Johnnie, and a small area on the northeast side of Mount Sterling sometimes considered to be the separate Mount Sterling district. Wheeler (1872) included the Johnnie area in his large Timber Mountain district which also included the Charleston district.
References: Wheeler, 1872, p. 52; Hill, 1912, p. 222; Lincoln, 1923, p. 172; Stoddard, 1932, p. 68; Lotz, 1934, p. 22; Kral, 1951, p. 86; Averett, 1962, p. 71; Cornwall, 1972, p. 38

Other names: West Comstock, Argentine, Corduroy
County: Washoe
Discovered: 1859
Organized: 1860
Period active: 1861-1863
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten
Comments: The Jumbo district lies on the western slope of the Virginia Range west of Virginia City. The original district name was Argentine.
References: DeGroot, 1863; Stretch, 1867, p. 18, 23; Angel, 1881, p. 538; King, 1885, p. 513; Washoe County Records, 1888; Stuart, 1909, p. 152; Lincoln, 1923, p. 236; Stoddard, 1932, p. 83; Overton, 1947, p. 66; Bonham, 1969, p. 64; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 200

Other names: Donna Shee, Dunnashee
County: Humboldt
Commodities: gold (placer), mercury, lead, silver
Comments: Covers an area generally north of the Western Pacific Railroad tracks, including the Jungo Hills in the vicinity of Donna Shea Peak. The district extends between Antelope siding and the townsite of Jungo.
References: U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1954, p. 693; Johnson, 1973, p. 35; Bonham and others,

Juniper Range
County: Pershing, Churchill
Discovered: 1918
Commodities: tungsten, copper, silver, gold
Comments: Located in the southern end of the Sahwave Mountains (Juniper Range) in Pershing County and extends south to Sage Hen Creek in Churchill County.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 208; Stoddard, 1932, p. 77; Johnson, 1977, p. 63; Stager and
Tingley, 1988, p. 165; Tingley, 1989, p. 5


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« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 12:47:14 pm »
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Other names: Gold Reed, Goldreed, Southern Kawich, Cowitch, Queen City
County: Nye
Discovered: 1904
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: The original Gold Reed district was centered at the camp of Kawich, on the east side of the Kawich Range. The Southern Kawich district was located about 6 miles south of Kawich. The present Kawich district includes the Gold Reed Mine and other mines and prospects near the site of the old camp of Kawich and the mining area near Gold Reed Pass. Queen City, included in the Kawich district by Kral (1951), is considered to be a separate district, located about 15 miles to the northeast.
References: Ball, 1907, p. 111-113; Stuart, 1909, p. 92; Hill, 1912, p. 222; Lincoln, 1923, p. 173; Stoddard, 1932, p. 68; Nevada State Writers Project, 1941, p. 56; Kral, 1951, p. 90; Cornwall,
1972, p. 38; Bonham, 1976; Tingley and others, 1997, p. 7-112

Other name: Cinnabar
County: Pershing
Discovered: 1891
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, zinc
Comments: Located at the southern end of the East Range, mainly in T28-29N, R37-38E. The original district was situated on the east side of Granite (Cinnabar) Mountain.  The district now includes the camp of Kennedy on the east side of the range, and the Frenchboy Canyon- Say Canyon area on the west side of the range. The Cinnabar district, shown on the General Land Office 1866 map to be immediately south of the Sierra district on the east side of the East Range, may have included the areas of the present Goldbanks and Kennedy districts but Cinnabar probably was mainly in the area of Cinnabar Creek, in the Kennedy district.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Ransome, 1909,   p. 52; Hill, 1912, p. 213; Lincoln,
1923, p. 208; Stoddard, 1932, p. 77; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 19; Johnson, 1977, p. 64
Other name: Monte Cristo
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1926
Commodities: gold, silver, lead
Comments: Located 50 miles southeast of Fallon, on the west side of the Monte Cristo Range.
References: U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1928, p. 466; Stoddard, 1932, p. 60; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 39; Schrader, 1947, p. 124

Other names: Santa Fe, Guadalajara, Bunker Hill, Victorine, Summit, Smoky Valley, Big Smoky, Bunker Hill and Summit Combined
County: Lander
Discovered: 1863
Organized: 1863
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead
Comments: Shown on the General Land Office 1866 map to be included in the large Smoky Valley district which took in all of the eastern slope of the Toiyabe Range. Bunker Hill and Summit districts were organized at the foot of Bunker Hill on Kingston Creek (Smoky River or Smoky Creek) sometime prior to 1866. The district is sometimes divided into the Santa Fe district, on the north, and the Bunker Hill or Victorine district, on the south. In 1866, the name Bunker Hill and Summit Combined mining district was being used for this area (Lander County records).
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867,   p. 98; Whitehill, 1873, p. 65; Angel,
1881, p. 519; Lincoln, 1923, p. 112; Stoddard, 1932, p. 50; Lotz, 1934, p. 20; Vanderburg,
1939, p. 57; Stewart and others, 1977,  p. 83
Other names: Antelope, Kingsley County: Elko, White Pine Discovered: 1862
Organized: 1865
Commodities: copper, gold, lead, tungsten, silver, marble
Comments: The Kinsley district covers the southern half of the Kinsley Mountains. The area was organized as the Antelope district in 1862, rediscovered and organized as the Kingsley district in 1865. The name evolved to Kinsley, the present district name. The county line bisects the district, but most of the mines are in Elko County.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 103; White, 1871, p. 63; Angel, 1881, p. 394; Lincoln, 1923, p. 50; Stoddard, 1932, p. 32; Gianella, 1945, p. 42; Granger and others, 1957, p. 102; Hose and others, 1976, p. 55; Smith, 1976,  p. 99; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 60; LaPointe and others,1991, p. 141

Other names: Southern Klondyke, Southern Klondike, Klondike
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1899
Commodities: silver, lead, gold, copper, turquoise, iron
Comments: Located about 10 miles south of Tonopah and about 2 miles east of U.S. Highway 95. The district was originally named Southern Klondyke. According to Bonham and Garside (1979), mining has been concentrated in three areas within the district: the main area in the SEc section 24, T1N, R42E; the east Klondyke mining area in the center of section 30, T1N, R43E; and the Klondyke Peak mining area in the   SW/4 section 25, T1N, R42E.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 210; Lincoln, 1923, p. 75; Stoddard, 1932, p. 39; Gianella, 1945, p. 56; Horton, 1962 Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 69; Bonham and Garside, 1979, p. 130
Other name: Rough and Ready
County: Elko
Commodities: lead, silver, gold
Comments: This district covers the lower slopes of the southeast flank of the Wood Hills, about 4 miles northeast of Tobar. The Rough and Ready district, containing gold and silver in base- metal ores and described in the Territorial Enterprise (1870) as being located 18 miles from Humboldt Wells and 12 miles from Independence Spring and Cedar Pass stations on the railroad, probably was in this area.
References: Territorial Enterprise, June 17, 1870, 2:5; Stoddard, 1932, p. 32; Gianella, 1945, p. 43; Granger and others, 1957, p. 104; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 145

Other name: Mopung Hills
County: Churchill
Commodities: silver, antimony, lead
Comments: The Lake district includes the southwest portion of the West Humboldt Range, including the Mopung Hills.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 7; Stoddard, 1932, p. 21; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 36; Wiliden and Speed, 1974, p. 77

Lake Range
Other name: Big Basin, Sulphur
County: Washoe
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, zinc, copper
Comments: Located in the Lake Range between Pyramid Lake and Winnemucca Lake. The area extends generally from Big Basin on the south to Tohakum Peak on the north. Washoe County mining records locate a Sulphur district near Sulphur Spring, 10 to 12 miles northeast of Pyramid Lake; this area is possibly now included in the Lake Range district.
References: Bonham, 1980; Tingley, 1989a, p. 7, Washoe County mining records

County: Elko, Eureka
Commodities: silver, copper, barite
Comments: Includes the drainage of Pony Creek on the west slope of the Sulphur Spring Range north of Coffin Mountain. The only recorded production has been a small amount of barite; current exploration is for gold.
References: Smith, 1976, p. 101; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 147

Las Vegas
Other name: Three Kids
County: Clark
Discovered: 1917
Commodities: manganese, lead, zinc, copper, gypsum
Comments: The Las Vegas district is about 16 miles southeast of the city of Las Vegas in the northern River Mountains. Lincoln (1923) included only the manganese mines in the River Mountains, east of Henderson (Three Kids is the major mine) in this district. Longwell and others (1965) enlarged the district to include the Frenchman Mountain area.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 21; Stoddard, 1932, p. 25; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 54; Gianella, 1945, p. 28; Averett, 1962, p. 62; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 132, 146-147; Papke, 1987, p. 11-13

County: Washoe
Discovered: 1909
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc
Comments: Located about 38 miles north of Gerlach, in the vicinity of Hog Ranch Mountain. Historically, silver and lead were the main products of mines in this district; production is now gold and silver.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 225; Lincoln, 1923, p. 236; Stoddard, 1932, p. 83; Overton, 1947, p. 67; Bonham, 1969, p. 67

Other names: Ruby Mountain, Ruby Range
County: Elko
Discovered: 1869
Commodities: lead, zinc, copper, silver, gold, barite
Comments: Located in Long Canyon and Segunda Creek Canyon on the west side of the Ruby Range. Lee is sometimes included in large Ruby Range and Ruby Mountain Range districts. References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 34; Gianella, 1945, p. 43; Granger and others, 1957, p. 104; Smith, 1976, p. 102, 146; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 148

Other names: Big Dune, Bare Mountain, Lee-Echo
County: Nye
Commodities: gold, titanium
Comments: The Lee District is located 8 miles east of Leeland (a station on old T&TRR) and west of the Big Dune (a sand dune) in the Amargosa Desert. The district covers an area of low hills in the Amargosa desert adjacent to the California-Nevada state line. Kral (1951) included this area in his Fluorine (Bare Mountain) district. The Nevada Mining Investor (1907) referred to this district as the Lee-Echo.
References: Nevada Mining Investor, April 1, 1907, 7:1; Hill, 1912, p. 220; Lincoln, 1923, p. 173; Stoddard, 1932, p. 32, 64; Kral, 1951, p. 60; Beal, 1963, p. 19; Cornwall, 1972, p. 38
Other names: Eagle Marsh, Eagle Salt Marsh, Hot Springs Marsh
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1870
Period active: 1871-1913
Commodities: sodium chloride, borates
Comments: The Leete district Includes Eagle Marsh and Hot Springs Marsh. Lincoln (1923) included mines on the south end of Fireball Ridge (present Truckee district) in the Leete district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 7; Stoddard, 1932, p. 21 Vanderburg, 1940, p. 39; Willden and
Speed, 1974, p. 78

Other names: Sunnyside, Hot Springs, Eagleville,   Rawhide
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1870s
Commodities: tungsten, gold, antimony
Comments: Includes a small area south of Big Kasock Mountain in the southern Sand Springs Range. Originally known as Sunnyside for a small gold camp located east of the present Nevada Scheelite camp. Leonard also was included in the historic Hot Springs district that was located east of Rawhide and encompassed both the present Leonard and Eagleville districts. Tungsten discoveries west of Sunnyside and the development of the Leonard Mine resulted in enlarging district to west. Leonard is also sometimes included in Rawhide district. References: Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 59; Schrader, 1947, p. 229; Stoddard, 1932, p. 62; Bonham, 1976
Leonard Creek
Other names: Snow Creek, Pine Forest, Varyville
County: Humboldt
Commodities: gold, tungsten, uranium
Comments: Located in the southern Pine Forest Range, in Leonard Creek basin and adjacent portions of the range.  The district lies between Varyville on the west and Dyke on the east. Leonard Creek is sometimes included in the Varyville district.
References: Lotz, 1934, p. 19; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 19; Willden, 1964, tables 20, 21; Garside, 1973, p. 59; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 76

Other names: Dean, Mud Springs, Pittsburg, Elizabeth, Northern Shoshone Range
County: Lander
Discovered: 1874
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, zinc, antimony, barite, arsenic
Comments: Situated about 16 miles southeast of Battle Mountain in T29-30N, R45-46E, northern Shoshone Range. The district extends from Whiskey Canyon and Lewis Canyon to the ridge between Dean Canyon and Krum Canyon.
References: Territorial Enterprise, March 2, 1875; Whitehill, 1877, p. 76; Angel, 1881, p. 474; Hill, 1912, p. 215; Lincoln, 1923, p. 113; Stoddard, 1932, p. 50; Lotz, 1934, p. 20; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 59; Lawrence, 1961, p. 94; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 85

Other names: Lexington Canyon, Shoshone
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1883
Commodities: tungsten, gold
Comments: Lexington is on the eastern slope of the southern Snake Range, and includes the watersheds of Big Wash, Lexington Creek, and Black Canyon. This area was once included in the eastern part of the Shoshone district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 254; Hose and others, 1976, p. 56; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p.219

Other names: Lida Valley, Alida, Alida Valley, Tule Canyon
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1871
Organized: 1871
Commodities: silver, lead, gold, copper, turquoise
Comments: Originally known as Alida or Alida Valley, the present Lida district extends from the eastern slope of Magruder Mountain to the northeast and includes the section of the Palmetto Mountains lying east of Lida. The separate Tule Canyon district was at one time considered to be part of the Lida district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 59; Whitehill, 1873, p. 41; Whitehill, 1875, p. 22; Angel, 1881, p. 416; Stuart, 1909, p. 57; Hill, 1912, p. 207; Lincoln, 1923, p. 76; Stoddard, 1932, p. 39; Gianella, 1945, p. 56; Morrissey, 1968, p. 9; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 69

Lime Mountain
Other names: Deep Creek, Independence
County: Elko
Commodities: copper, silver, gold
Comments: Includes all of Lime Mountain, a ridge about 6 miles long extending northward from Deep Creek toward Bull Run Creek. Smith (1976) used Independence and Deep Creek as alternate names for this district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 51; Stoddard, 1932, p. 32; Gianella, 1945, p. 43; Granger and others, 1957, p. 104; Smith, 1976, p. 104; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 150
Other names: St. Lawrence, Mount Washington, Mount Wheeler
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: beryllium, tungsten, lead, silver, copper, fluorspar, thorium and rare earths
Comments: The Lincoln district covers the western slope of the Snake Range in the vicinity of Mount Washington and Lincoln Peak, south of Wheeler Peak. The district extends from Lincoln Canyon on the south to about Williams Canyon on the north. According to Hose and others (1976), the original district extended eastward to include areas now within the Snake and Lexington districts. The district has also been known as Mount Washington, Mount Wheeler, and St. Lawrence.
References: White, 1871, p. 95; Angel, 1881, p. 654; Hose and others, 1976, p. 58; Stager and Tingley, 1988,  p. 221

Little Mountain
Other name: Cinnamon Bear
County: Lincoln
Commodities: copper, molybdenum, silver
Comments: Little Mountain district is in the general area north and south of Empty Mountain (Little Mountain) in the southwestern Cedar Range about 12 miles southeast of Panaca. The Cinnamon Bear district, described in the Territorial Enterprise (1873) as 20 miles southeast of Pioche, may have been in this area.
References: Territorial Enterprise, April 13, 1873; Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 174
Little Valley
Other name: Wisconsin
County: Washoe
Commodity: gold (placer)
Comments: Located in Little Valley, a mountain valley west of Washoe Valley. The original district name was Wisconsin.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 23; Overton, 1947, p. 69; Bonham, 1969, p. 69; Bonham, 1976

Other names: Granite, Lodi Valley, Lodi Hills, Quartz Mountain, Mammoth, Marble, Ellsworth
County: Nye
Discovered: 1863
Organized: 1863
Commodities: tungsten, silver, lead, gold, copper, molybdenum, talc-chlorite, beryllium
Comments: Situated in the northwestern corner of Nye County, about 1 mile from the Churchill county line. The original Lodi district included only the eastern Lodi Hills. The district was later expanded to include the Mammoth (Ellsworth) area, the Quartz Mountain area on the northern end of the Lodi Hills, and the Granite (Victory Tungsten) area, on the west side of the Lodi Hills. The present district includes all of Lodi Hills areas, but not Mammoth which is in the present Ellsworth district.
References: Whitehill, 1879, p. 87; Hill, 1912, p. 222; Lincoln, 1923, p. 174; Stoddard, 1932, p. 68; Schrader, 1947, p. 118; Kral, 1951, p. 93; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Papke, 1975, p. 58; Bonham, 1976; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 126; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 141

Lone Mountain
Other names: West Divide, Alpine, Dolly, Weepah
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1863
Organized: 1864
Period active: 1902-21
Commodities: silver, lead, copper, gold, zinc, turquoise, barite
Comments: The original district included mines on the west side of Lone Mountain. The district was later expanded to include mines in the General Thomas Hills and, still later, Weepah camp. The district was sometimes known as West Divide. The district now includes only Lone Mountain and the General Thomas Hills; Weepah is considered to be a separate district.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 58; White, 1869, p. 69; Angel, 1881, p. 518; Hill, 1912, p. 208; Clapp, 1919, p. 2; Lincoln, 1923, p. 77; Stoddard, 1932, p. 36-37, 39; Gianella, 1945, p. 57; Morrissey, 1968, p. 8; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 69; Bonham, 1976; Bonham and Garside, 1979, p. 132

Lone Mountain
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1920
Commodities: zinc, lead, silver, copper
Comments: Located at Lone Mountain in T20N, R51E; the principal mine is on the north flank of the mountain.
Reference: Roberts and others, 1967, p. 90

Lone Pine
County: Washoe
Discovered: 1929
Commodities: mercury, gold
Comments: Located on the south slope of Bald Mountain.
References: Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 189; Overton, 1947, p. 69; Bonham, 1969, p. 70
Other names: Fresno, Georges Canyon, George Canyon, Mine Canyon
County: Nye
Discovered: 1903
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, zinc
Comments: The Longstreet district covers a large area in the southern Monitor Range in the vicinity of Big Ten Peak. The district extends from Hunts Canyon on the north to Saulsbury Basin on the south and from Stone Cabin Valley on the east to Ralston Valley on the west, and includes Georges, Longstreet, and Mine Canyons. According to Kral (1951), Fresno may have been the original district name.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 93; Kral, 1951, p. 99; Bonham,  1976; Schilling, 1976; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 138; Jones, 1984

Other names: Luray, Leroy, Montello, Castle Park, Cobra, Snively
County: Elko
Discovered: 1883
Period active: 1917-1921
Commodities: lead, silver, copper, zinc, gold
Comments: The district is in T37N, R68E, south of Toano Pass at the north end of the Toano Range. The district covers the general area between Castle Park Well in Pilot Creek Valley and Loray, a siding on the Union Pacific Railroad a few miles southwest of Montello. According to Carlson (1974), this is the location of the Snively district, discovered in 1883.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 50; Stoddard, 1932, p. 32; Gianella, 1945, p. 43; Granger and
others, 1957, p. 105; Carlson, 1974, p. 219; Bonham, 1980; Wong, 1982, table 1; LaPointe and others, 1991, p.152
Other names: Buell, Buel, Lucine
County: Elko
Commodities: lead, zinc, silver, copper, gold, molybdenum
Comments: The district covers the northern end of the Pilot Range and is situated about 5 miles east of Tacoma on the Union Pacific Railroad. Most of the district is on Copper Mountain in Utah. The original district name was Lucine.
References: Whitehill, 1875, p. 34; Angel, 1881, p. 395; Stoddard, 1932, p. 33; Gianella, 1945, p. 43, Bonham, 1980; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 154

Lucky Boy
Other names: Hawthorne, Powell Mountain area, Alum Creek
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1907
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, antimony, tungsten, molybdenum, uranium, barite, gypsum
Comments: The district is centered about Lucky Boy Pass and extends from Corey Peak on the north to the Powell Mountain area, south of Lucky Boy Pass. Lucky Boy is sometimes included, along with the Pamlico and Ashby districts, in a large Hawthorne district.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 61; Hill, 1912, p. 208; Lincoln, 1923, p. 144; Stoddard, 1932, p. 60; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 35; Ross, 1961, p. 82; Lawrence, 1963, p. 124; Garside, 1973, p. 81; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 116

Other names: Goldville, Leeville, Carlin Trend
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1907
Commodities: gold, mercury, antimony, copper, turquoise, barite
Comments: The Lynn district is located in the Tuscarora Mountains about 19 miles northwest of the town of Carlin. The mines of the district are mainly in T35N, R50 and 51E. The district is within the area sometimes referred to as the Carlin Trend, an informal grouping of disseminated gold deposits that extends from the southern Railroad district in the Pi?on Range, on the southeast, to Bootstrap district, on the northwest.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 211; Lincoln, 1923, p. 94; Stoddard, 1932, p. 43; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 49; Lawrence, 1963, p. 70; Morrissey, 1966, p. 10; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 90; Papke, 1984, table 3; Ryneer, 1987, p. 265; Ekburg and others, 1991, p. 625; Hall, 1994, p. 21


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« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2009, 12:53:58 pm »
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Maggie Creek
Other names: Schroeder, Schroeder Mountain, Suzie Creek, Marys Mountain area, Richmond, Hunter, Mud Springs, Carlin Trend
County: Eureka
Organized: 1875
Commodities: gold, copper, silver, lead, antimony, barite
Comments: Located in the Tuscarora Mountains about 11 miles northwest of the town of Carlin. The original Richmond district (1875) was located in the southern Tuscarora Mountains 18 miles north of Palisade, north of the present Maggie Creek district, and was described in the Territorial Enterprise (1877) as being formed by combining the earlier Mud Springs and Hunter districts.  Marys Mountain area is west of Maggie Creek, Suzie Creek is to the east. The Maggie Creek district is sometimes referred to as the Maggie Creek subdistrict of the Carlin Trend, an informal grouping of disseminated gold deposits that extends from the southern Railroad district in the Pi?on Range on the southeast to Bootstrap on the northwest.
References: Territorial Enterprise, September 7, 1877, 2:4; Angel, 1881, p. 436; Emmons, 1910, p. 87; Hill, 1912, p. 212; Lincoln, 1923, p. 94; Stoddard, 1932, p. 43; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 62; Roberts and others, 1967,   p. 97; Bonham, 1976; Bentz and Tingley, 1983; Ryneer, 1987, p.265; Rota, p. 49; Ekburg and others, 1991, p. 625
Other names: San Antonio, Santa Clara
County: Nye
Discovered: 1866; 1905
Organized: 1867
Commodities: gold, silver, antimony, arsenic, tungsten, mercury, nickel, turquoise, fluorspar
Comments: According to Ferguson (1924), the southern part of the Toquima Range that is now included in the Manhattan district may once have been part of the San Antonio (San Antone) district. The main Manhattan district lies along Manhattan Gulch on the western side of the southern Toquima Range, but the Pipe Spring, Spanish Spring, Willow Spring, and Baxter Spring areas in the southern Toquima Range are also included in this district. Silver discoveries were made in 1866 and gold discoveries were made near the old silver camp in 1905. The Santa Clara district (Todd and Welton, 1866), was located in the vicinity of Willow Point on the southwestern tip of the Toquima Range; this area is now included in the Manhattan district.
References: Todd and Welton, 1866; Angel, 1881, p. 518; Stuart, 1909, p. 86; Hill, 1912, p. 222; Ferguson, 1924, p. 7; Lincoln, 1923, p. 175; Stoddard, 1932, p. 68; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 145; Kral, 1951, p. 113; Lawrence, 1963, p. 146; Morrissey, 1966, p. 25; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 140; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 144

County: White Pine
Comments: Location is unknown.
Reference: Whitehill, 1873, p. 145
Marble Canyon
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1891
Commodity: marble
Comments: The Marble Canyon district includes the drainage area of Marble Canyon, on the eastern slope of the northern Snake Range. The district extends generally from the Utah state line on the east to Mormon Jack Pass on the northwest, and south to the limits of the Marble Canyon drainage basin.
Reference: Hose and others, 1976, p. 57

Other names: Black Mountain, Excelsior, Silver Star, Thunder Spring
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1866
Commodities: silver, lead, tungsten, copper, uranium, beryllium
Comments: Located on the southern flanks of the east-central Excelsior Mountains and includes the portion of the mountains lying generally north and west of Teels Marsh. The district is situated in T5N, R34E, near the historic stageroad from Carson to Belleville. Present Marietta district formed about 1878, the original discoveries were in the Black Mountain area, north of Marietta camp. The district was later included in the adjacent Silver Star district. A Thunder Spring district was described as being south of the historic Pahdet district (Whisky Flat); the 1880 map shows Marietta to be south of Pahdet and therefore possibly in the area of Thunder Spring.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 39, 41; Whitehill, 1879, p. 25; Lotz,1934, p. 21; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 40; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Garside, 1973, p. 82; Bonham,1980
Other names: Sunny Jim, Cornell
County: Mineral
Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten
Comments: Located in T6N, R26E.The district is partly in Nevada, but the major portion is in California. Masonic may be the historic Cornell district shown on the 1866 map.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 36; Lotz, 1934, p. 21; Stager and
Tingley, 1988, p. 132

Other names: Boulder City, Mesabi
County: Clark
Discovered: 1906
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, turquoise, alum
Comments: Lotz (1934) located this district in T22S, R64-65E. Averett (1962) placed a Mesabi district at that location, and placed McClanahan about 15 miles to the east, at the mouth of Boulder Canyon in the present Black Mountains district.
References: Lotz, 1934, p. 17; Gianella, 1945, p. 23; Averett, 1962, p. 67, 69; Morrissey, 1968,p. 3

Other names: Spanish Springs Valley, Hungry Valley, Sugarloaf Peak area, Pah Rah Range area, Right Hand Canyon area, Stormy Canyon
County: Washoe
Organized: 1876
Commodities: copper, antimony, lead, uranium, titanium
Comments: The McClellan district includes Spanish Springs Valley, Hungry Valley, and the Pah ah Range area, north and northeast of Sparks. The original district boundaries ran from the   ote Spring area south to Spanish Springs, east to Wilcox Ranch (Canyon?), north along the summit of the range to the head of Piute Canyon, then back to Coyote Canyon. Washoe County mining records describe a Stormy Canyon district located in section 16, T21N, R20E; this area is included in the present McClellan district.
References: King, 1885, p. 588; Beal, 1963, p. 25; Lawrence, 1963, p. 218, 221; Garside, 1973, p. 105; Wong, 1982, table 1, Washoe County mining records.

Other name: Horse Canyon
County: Lander
Discovered: 1914
Commodities: silver, gold, iron, lead, zinc
Comments: The original McCoy district covered only the eastern flank of the northern part of the Fish Creek Range about 30 miles south-southwest of Battle Mountain. The district is now enlarged to include all of the northern tip of the Fish Creek Range.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 50; Schrader, 1934, p. 1; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 64; Bonham,
1976; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 86

Meadow Valley Mountains
County: Lincoln
Commodities: gold, silver, uranium
Comments: Located east of U.S. Highway 93.
Reference: Tingley, 1989c, p. 5

Mellan Mountain
County: Nye
Discovered: 1930
Commodities: gold, silver
Comments: This district is located in the vicinity of Mellan Mountain, an area of two joined hills near the old townsite of Mellan in Cactus Flat, about 13 miles east of the Cactus Range.
References: Kral, 1951, p. 131; Cornwall, 1972, p. 38; Tingley and others, 1997, p. 7-50

Mercury Mountain
Other names: Milk Spring, Tybo
County: Nye
Discovered: 1929
Commodity: mercury
Comments: The district is located on in the vicinity of M & M Canyon on the southwestern tip of the Hot Creek Range, west of Warm Springs. This area was included in the Tybo district by Bailey and Phoenix (1944), Kral (1951), and Kleinhampl and Ziony (1984), but is now considered to be the separate Mercury Mountain district (A.L. Payne, oral commun., 1992). The historic Milk Spring district, shown on the map of Wheeler (1872) to be south of Tybo, included the Mercury Mountain area.
References: Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 146; Kral, 1951, p. 189; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 210

Other name: Lone Mountain
County: Elko
Discovered: 1866
Organized: 1870
Commodities: lead, zinc, silver, copper, gold, tungsten, antimony, iron, turquoise
Comments: Situated at Lone Mountain, about 25 miles northerly from Elko, 4 miles west of the road to Idaho.  Smith (1976) suggested that Grand Junction was an older name for this district but the description by White (1871) places Grand Junction 55 miles north of Elko, far beyond Lone Mountain.
References: White, 1871, p. 58; Lincoln, 1923, p. 51; Stoddard, 1932, p. 33; Gianella, 1945, p.44; Granger and others, 1957, p. 106; Lawrence, 1963, p. 62; Morrissey, 1968, p. 5; Smith,1976, p. 111; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 61; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 157

County: Nye
Comments: Described as ?95 miles east of Pine Grove,? Metallic was possibly the same general location as the historic Volcano district. Metallic City was in the Candelaria district, but was at a later date and probably not related to this Metallic; the exact location is unknown.
Reference: Territorial Enterprise, January 31, 1871, 3:1

Mill City
Other names: Central, New Central, Holcombe
County: Pershing, Humboldt
Discovered: 1856
Organized: 1861
Commodities: tungsten, molybdenum, silver, copper, gold, lead, antimony
Comments: The Central district originally covered the southern Eugene Mountains, extending from the 56 Mine north to the Blackbird Mine area on the present Pershing-Humboldt county line. The area to the north, including the north end of the Eugene Mountains in present Humboldt County, was later known as New Central district. The southern Pershing County part later became known as Mill City, and the district was then expanded to combine the original Central (Mill City) district in Pershing County and the New Central district in Humboldt County into one large Mill City district. The Holcombe district, described in the Territorial Enterprise (1877) as ?7 miles from Raspberry Station,? may have been in this area.
References: White, 1871, p. 26; Territorial Enterprise, November 31, 1877; Angel, 1881, p. 450; Hill, 1912, p. 212; Lincoln, 1923, p. 209; Stoddard, 1932, p. 46, 78; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 17; Lawrence, 1963, p. 199; Johnson, 1977, p. 65; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 167
Other names: North Twin River, Twin River, Milletts, Millet, Blue Spring, Park Canyon, Smoky
Valley, Big Smoky, Marysville
County: Nye
Organized: 1863
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, zinc, tungsten, barite
Comments: Located in T14N, R42-43E. The North Twin River and Blue Spring districts were organized in this area in 1863. The area was also included in the large Smoky Valley district that covered most of the eastern slope of the Toiyabe Range in 1866. The North Twin River district included both Summit and Park Canyons. Millett(s) name was used for the entire area from about 1912. Kral (1951), and Kleinhampl and Ziony (1984), combined Millett with the Twin River district, which is to the south. Todd and Welton (1866) place the historic Maryville district on the west side of the Toiyabe Range, including the west portion of the present Millett and Twin River districts.
References: Todd and Welton, 1866; General Land Office map, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 59; White, 1869, p. 65; Whitehill, 1873, p. 106; Angel, 1881, p. 516, 518; Hill, 1912, p. 223; Lincoln,1923, p. 177; Stoddard, 1932, p. 69; Lotz, 1934, p. 22; Nevada State Writers Project, 1941, p.57; Kral, 1951, p. 178; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 195; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 153

Mine Mountain
Other name: Tippipah Spring
County: Nye
Discovered: 1928
Commodities: mercury, lead, silver, antimony
Comments: The Mine Mountain district is located about 7 miles west of Yucca Flat on the Nevada Test Site, and includes all of Mine Mountain and its flanks. Shafer and Cook (1947) used the name Tippipah Spring for this district.
References: Cornwall, 1972, p. 39; Shafer and Cook, 1947
Mineral Basin
Other name: Buena Vista
County: Pershing, Churchill
Discovered: 1880
Commodities: iron, silver, antimony, mercury
Comments: Located in Mineral Basin in Pershing County and the Buena Vista Hills in Pershing and hurchill Counties.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 210; Stoddard, 1932, p. 19, 78; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 22; Willden and Speed, 1974, p. 78; Johnson, 1977, p. 68

Mineral Hill
Other names: Cascade
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1868
Organized: 1869
Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, copper, gold, antimony, molybdenum
Comments: The district is at Mineral Hill, a ridge extending from the western slope of the Sulphur Spring Range. Stretch (1867) and Todd and Welton (1866) placed a Cascade district in the general vicinity of the present Mineral Hill district.
References: Todd and Welton, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 98; White, 1871, p. 55; Wheeler, 1872, p. 35; Whitehill, 1873, p. 22; Angel, 1881, p. 435; Hill, 1912, p. 211; Lincoln, 1923, p. 95; Stoddard, 1932, p. 43; Vanderburg, 1838b, p. 51; Lawrence, 1963, p. 69; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 98

Other names: North Muddy Mountains, Big Muddy, Riley
County: Clark
Discovered: 1919
Commodities: gypsum, magnesite, silica, uranium
Comments: The Moapa district includes the North Muddy Mountains. The Riley district, described by Averett (1962) as being west of Logandale, was the site of a week-long gold rush in 1893. References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 22; Lotz, 1934, p. 17; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 56; Averett, 1962, p.70, 83; Garside, 1973, p. 22; Tingley, 1989c, p. 6

Modarelli-Frenchie Creek
Other names: Modarelli, Frenchie Creek, Amarilla, Cortez Mountains area
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1903
Commodity: iron
Comments: Located in the Cortez Mountains, southeast of Frenchie Creek about 22 miles south of Palisade.  Originally named Modarelli for the Modarelli (Amarilla) iron mine. The district was included in a larger Cortez Mountains area by Shawe and others (1962). The Modarelli-Frenchie Creek name was used by Roberts and others (1967).
References: Gianella, 1945, p. 63; Shawe and others, 1962, p. 86; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 99;Wong, 1982, table 1

Other name: Montello phosphate area
County: Elko
Commodity: phosphate
Comments: The area covers the southern part of Murdock Mountain west of Montello, includes Immigrant Canyon on the north, and extends south to the pass between Murdock Mountain and the northern Toano Range.
References: Smith, 1976, p. 115; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 169

County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1867
Organized: 1867
Commodities: silver, lead, gold, copper, mercury
Comments: Montezuma is located 7 miles west of Goldfield, on and around Montezuma Peak at the northern end of the Montezuma Range.
References: White, 1871, p. 88; Whitehill, 1873, p. 40; Angel, 1881, p. 417; Hill, 1912, p. 208; Lincoln,1923, p. 78; Stoddard, 1932, p. 40; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 76; Gianella, 1945, p. 58; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 70

County: Elko
Commodities: limestone, marble, silica, lead, copper, zinc
Comments: The Moor district covers the northern end of the Wood Hills south of Moor Summit and the northern end of Independence Valley south of Interstate 80.
References: Smith, 1976, p. 115; Jones, 1983; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 169

Moores Creek
County: Nye
Commodities: gold, silver(?), mercury(?)
Comments: Moores Creek is on the northwest slope of Mount Jefferson in the central Toquima Range about 10 miles north of Round Mountain.
Reference: Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 149

County: Nye
Discovered: 1866
Organized: 1866
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, antimony, tin, uranium
Comments: Located on the eastern slope of the central Hot Creek Range 15 miles north of Hot Creek. Most of the area is north of Morey Peak, northwest and southeast of Sixmile Summit.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 62; White, 1869, p. 76; Wheeler, 1872, p. 38; Lincoln, 1923, p.178; Stoddard, 1932, p. 69; Kral, 1951, p. 132; Lawrence, 1963, p. 132; Garside, 1973, p. 93; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984,  p. 152

Mormon Mountains
County: Lincoln
Discovered: 1899
Commodities: copper, silver
Comments: Includes the portion of the Mormon Mountains lying between Mormon Peak and
Moapa Peak, extending from Meadow Valley Wash to the east flank of the range.
Reference: Tingley, 1989c, p. 5

Mound House
County: Lyon
Discovered: 1905 (?)
Commodities: gypsum, uranium
Comments: Located in the low foothills of the Virginia Range adjacent to the border between Carson City and Lyon County.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 129; Stoddard and Carpenter, 1950, p. 78; Moore, 1969. p. 34; Garside, 1973, p. 76

Mount Grant
Other names: Walker River, Desert, Deseret, Cat Creek, Walker Lake, East Walker, Mount
Cory, Buckley, Mountain Grant, Walkers, Baldwin
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1865
Organized: 1866
Commodities: gold, silver, molybdenum
Comments: Located in the Wassuk Range, on the west shore of Walker Lake. The district extends from the north slope of Corey Peak north to Reese River Canyon and includes the historic East Walker district on the western slopes of Wassuk Range, and the Walker Lake- Cat Creek districts on the eastern slopes of the range. The Buckley area east of Walker Lake was sometimes included in the Walker Lake district. The Baldwin district, described by the Territorial Enterprise (1868) as being located on the west shore of Walker Lake, may have been in this area. The historic Desert or Deseret district, located in the Wassuk Mountains on the west shore of Walker Lake, south of Walker River district, included this area.
References: DeGroot, 1863; Perry, 1865; Stretch, 1867, p. 39; Browne and Taylor, 1867, p. 126; Territorial Enterprise, July 15, 1868; U.S. Geological Survey, 1911, p. 687; Lincoln, 1923, p.143, 156; Stoddard, 1932,  p. 59, 63; Lotz, 1934, p. 21; Vanderburg,1937a, p. 44; Ross, 1961, p. 83; Carlson, 1974, p. 240; Papke, 1975, p. 59; Bonham, 1976

Mount Hope
Other names: McGeary, Morlath, Garden Pass
County: Eureka
Discovered: 1871
Organized: 1871
Commodities: zinc, molybdenum, silver, lead, copper, gold
Comments: Located at Mount Hope in T22N, R51-52E, about 21 miles northwest of Eureka. Organized as the McGeary mining district in 1871, the name was changed to Mount Hope in 1872 (Hall,1994). The original district included only the southwest side of the mountain. The district is now enlarged to include the area from Garden Pass south to include all of Mount Hope and a small area in the southern Sulphur Spring Range east of State Highway 278.
References: Stoddard, 1932, p. 44; Vanderburg, 1938b,  p. 58; Roberts and others, 1967, p.
103; Bonham, 1976; Hall, 1994, p. 30.
Mount Moriah
Other name: Warren
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1870 (1905?)
Commodities: lead, zinc, garnet, silver, copper, tungsten
Comments: The Mount Moriah area includes all of the northern Snake Range, extending generally from the north side of Silver Creek on the south to the drainages of Rye Grass and Smith Canyons on the north; Mount Moriah is in the center of this area. The Territorial Enterprise (1870) mentioned a Warren district, located ?7 miles north of Sacramento Pass on the west slope of Mount Moriah,? which may have been in this area.
References: Territorial Enterprise, May 1, 1870; Hose and others, 1976, p. 57; Stager and
Tingley, 1988, p. 220

Mount Siegel
Other name: Sunrise
County: Douglas
Discovered: 1878 (1911)
Commodity: gold
Comments: Located on the north slope of Mount Siegel on the upper part of Buckeye Creek. The Territorial Enterprise (1878) reported a placer gold district, Sunrise, located north of Red Canyon.
References: Territorial Enterprise, July 16, 1878; Lincoln, 1923, p. 35; Stoddard, 1932, p. 28; Gianella, 1945, p. 34; Overton, 1947, p. 28; Moore, 1969, p. 29

Mount Tobin
Other names: Morning View, Miller Basin
County: Pershing
Commodities: mercury, antimony, fluorspar, zeolite
Comments: The Mount Tobin district is located in the southern Tobin Range, west of Pleasant Valley, and includes the Miller Basin area south of Mount Tobin. Lotz (1934) described a Morning View district in T28N, R40E that would fall into this district.
References: Lotz, 1934, p. 23; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944,   p. 174; Lawrence, 1963, p. 203-204; Johnson, 1977, p. 73

Mountain City
Other names: Cope, Rio Tinto, Fairweather, Fair Weather, Murray, Murrey, Sooner, Marseilles, Van Duzer, Van Duzen, Van Duyser, Vanduser
County: Elko
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: copper, silver, gold, lead, zinc, antimony, uranium, tungsten, molybdenum, arsenic Comments: Located on the Owyhee River, 7 miles south of the Idaho state line. The original district name was Cope. The district now includes the old districts of Cope, covering California Creek, Hansen Gulch, Grasshopper Gulch, and Mill Creek; Murray, to the northwest; Sooner, about 10 miles to the east; Marseilles, in section 21, T45S, R53E; the Van Duzer placer district on Van Duzer and Cobb Creeks; and the Rio Tinto Mine area, southwest of Mountain City. The Van Duzer placers are sometimes considered to be a separate district.
References: White, 1871, p. 59, 61; Wheeler, 1872, p. 34; Whitehill, 1873, p. 23; Whitehill, 1875, p. 31; Angel, 1881, p. 392, 395; U.S. Geological Survey, 1910, p. 654, and 1911, p. 654; Hill,1912, p. 205; Lincoln, 1923, p. 52, 58; Stoddard, 1932, p. 33; Gianella, 1945, p. 44; Granger and others, 1957, p. 112; Lawrence, 1963, p. 55; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Garside, 1973, p. 41; Smith, 1976, p. 116; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 62; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 171
Mountain House
Other names: Holbrook, Pine Nut, Eagle, Mammoth Eagle, Sulphur Spring
County: Douglas
Discovered: 1864
Commodities: gold, silver, lead, copper, iron, tungsten
Comments: Located 10 miles east of Double Springs Station, on the old Aurora road. The historic Pine Nut district was located in this area in 1864. The General Land Office 1866 map included the Mountain House area in the Eagle district along with the Red Canyon and Gardnerville districts. The district has been known as Mountain House or Holbrook since the
References: Territorial Enterprise, July 14, 1860, 3:2; General Land Office, 1866; Whitehill,
1875, p. 18; Lincoln, 1923, p. 35; Stoddard, 1932, p. 28, 56; Gianella, 1945, p. 34; Overton,
1947, p. 29; Moore, 1969, p. 30; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 48

Mountain Springs
County: Lander
Commodity: barite
Comments: Located on the west side of the Shoshone Range, 25 miles south of Battle Mountain.
Reference: Stewart and others, 1977, p. 87

Mountain View
Other names: Granite, Reservation, Walker River, Penrod, Schurz
County: Mineral
Discovered: 1908
Commodities: copper, gold, silver, lead, tungsten, antimony, gypsum
Comments: Located in the Wassuk Range, on the western shore of Walker Lake, north of the historic Walker Lake district. Mountain View includes Penrod Canyon on the south and extends to the northern tip of the range, west of Schurz. The 1866 map placed this district south of Wellington, east of the Walker River. The gypsum occurrence is on the western edge of district, in the area between Mountain View and the adjacent Yerington district.
References: General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 39; Hill, 1912, p. 207; U.S. Geological Survey, 1909, p. 407 and 1915, p. 643; Lincoln, 1923, p. 146; Stoddard, 1932, p. 60; Vanderburg,1937a, p. 44; Ross, 1961, p. 83; Lawrence, 1963, p. 124; Papke, 1987, p. 22; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 117

Mountain Wells
Other names: Mountain Well, La Plata, Chloride
County: Churchill
Discovered: 1860
Commodities: silver, tungsten, fluorspar, molybdenum
Comments: The Mountain Wells district is on the eastern slope of the Stillwater Range and includes mainly the area of La Plata and Cottonwood Canyons, east draining canyons that lead into Fairview Valley.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 29; White, 1869, p. 86; Angel, 1881, p. 366; Lincoln, 1923, p. 8; Stoddard, 1932, p. 22; Vanderburg, 1940, p. 38; Schrader, 1947, p. 299; Willden and
Speed, 1974, p. 80; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 33

Mud Springs
Other names: Medicine Springs, Dead Horse, Butte Valley
County: Elko
Discovered: 1910
Commodities: lead, silver, zinc, gold, copper
Comments: The Mud Springs district covers the northern end of the Medicine Range, in the area between Medicine Spring and Mud Spring.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 52; Stoddard, 1932, p. 33; Gianella, 1945, p. 45; Granger and others, 1957, p. 123; Smith, 1976, p. 128; Bonham, 1976; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 176
Muddy Mountains
Other names: Callville Wash, Logan, Valley of Fire, West End, White Basin, St. Thomas, Overton, Muddy
County: Clark
Discovered: 1920
Commodities: borates, bentonite, gypsum, magnesite, sodium sulfate
Comments: The Muddy Mountains are north of the Colorado River, west of the Overton Arm of Lake Mead, and south of the Moapa district. Callville Wash, Valley of Fire, West End, and White Basin are all within the Muddy Mountains district. Averett (1962) included the magnesite deposits in Magnesite Wash, about 5 miles southwest of Overton, in an Overton district. Copper and silver production credited to the Logan district, described as being in this area, probably originated from either the Mormon Mountains or from the nearby Gold Butte district rather than from the Muddy Mountains.
References: U.S. Geological Survey, 1908, p. 473; Hill, 1912, p. 202; Lincoln, 1923, p. 23; Stoddard,1932, p. 25; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 57; Nevada State Writers Project, 1941, p. 17; Gianella,1945, p. 23, 28, 32; Averett, 1962, p. 64, 76; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 150-154, 157-158; Carlson, 1974, p. 244

Muncy Creek
Other names: Aurum, Silver Mountain
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1871
Commodities: zinc, copper, lead, silver, tungsten
Comments: Located on the east side of the Schell Creek Range at Muncy Creek. Originally known as the Silver Mountain district, Muncy Creek is the southernmost of five small districts sometimes grouped into the large Aurum district that covered all of the northern Schell Creek Range.
References: Hill, 1912, p. 226; Hill, 1916, p. 192; Lincoln, 1923, p. 241; Stoddard, 1932, p. 85; Hose and others, 1976, p. 44; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 206
Other name: Muttleberry
County: Pershing
Commodities: silver, lead, antimony, copper, gold, gypsum
Comments: Located in the West Humboldt Range in T26-27N, R32E.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 211; Stoddard, 1932, p. 78; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 22;Lawrence,1963, p. 197; Johnson, 1977, p. 74; Bonham, 1980

Other name: Buckskin-National
County: Humboldt
Discovered: 1907
Commodities: gold, silver, mercury, antimony, tungsten, arsenic
Comments: The National district includes the western slope of the northern Santa Rosa Range, extending from Buckskin Mountain on the southeast to the drainage of Eightmile Creek on the northwest.
References: Stuart, 1909, p. 125; Hill, 1912, p. 213; Lincoln, 1923, p. 100; Stoddard, 1932, p. 46; Lawrence, 1963, p. 73; Vanderburg, 1938a, p. 31; Willden, 1964, table 22, 23; La Heist, 1964, p. 66; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 74

Other name: Tamerlane
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1869
Organized: 1869
Commodities: manganese, silver, gold, lead, copper
Comments: The Nevada district is situated within Tamberlaine Canyon, in the western foothills of the Schell Creek Range about 10 miles southeast of Ely. The mining camp was known as Tamerlane.
References: White, 1871, p. 84; Whitehill, 1875, p. 87; Whitehill, 1877, p. 166; Angel, 1881, p.655; Lincoln, 1923, p. 252; Stoddard, 1932, p. 88; Hose and others, 1976, p. 58

New Pass
Other name: Franklin
County: Lander, Churchill
Organized: 1864
Commodities: gold, silver, manganese
Comments: Located north of New Pass Summit in the Shoshone Mountains about 30 miles east of Austin. The mines are located on the Lander-Churchill County line.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 28; White, 1869, p. 87; Angel, 1881, p. 366; Lincoln, 1923, p. 114; Stoddard, 1932, p. 50; Vanderburg, 1939, p. 65; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 88; Hall, 1994, p. 103.

New York
County: Eureka (?)
Comments: Perry?s 1865 map shows the New York district located south of the Emigrant Road, roughly north of the Cortez district. The topography depicted on the historic map is so distorted that the exact location cannot be determined.
Reference: Perry, 1865

Other name: Strawberry
County: White Pine
Discovered: 1866
Organized: 1866
Commodities: silver, lead, tungsten, copper, zinc, gold
Comments: Located on the east side of the Diamond Range, mainly on the lower eastern slopes of Newark Mountain in the vicinity of the Bay State Mine. The original district name was Newark, but Strawberry was used by Hill (1912).
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 98; White, 1869, p. 48; White, 1871, p. 65; Whitehill, 1879, p. 155; Angel, 1881, p. 655; Hill, 1912, p. 227; Lincoln, 1923, p. 252; Stoddard, 1932, p. 88; Hose and others, 1976, p. 59; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 221

Other names: Thurman, Lost Basin, Searchlight
County: Clark
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, antimony, thorium and rare earths
Comments: The Newberry district extends south from the Camp Thurman area, southeast of Searchlight on the northern tip of the Newberry Mountains. The district includes all of the Newberry Mountains lying generally north of Laughlin. Averelt (1962) described Thurman as the area of 1906 gold discoveries around Camp Thurman on Newberry Mountain 16 miles southwest of Searchlight, and placed Lost Basin, active about 1912, in the area of the Chiquita Hills, along the California state line in T32S, R20E. All of these areas are now included within the Newberry district. Lincoln (1923) included the Camp Thurman area within his large Searchlight district.
References: Lincoln, 1923, p. 24; Lawrence, 1963, p. 39; Averett, 1962, p. 74, 94; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 141

Other names: Mud Lake, Coyote Canyon area, Black Butte
County: Pershing, Washoe
Discovered: 1873 (1917)
Commodities: tungsten, antimony, gold, silver, uranium
Comments: Located in T24N, R24E in the southern portion of the Nightingale Range, the northern portion of the Truckee Range, and the southern portion of the Sahwave Range. The major part of the district is in Pershing County. Nightingale includes the Mud Lake district of Lotz (1934) and the Coyote Canyon area of Garside (1973). The Mud Lake district mentioned in Territorial Enterprise (1875) was located in the vicinity of the Black Warrior Mine. The Black Butte district mentioned in the Nevada State Journal (1876) was probably also in this area.
References: Territorial Enterprise, January 13, 1875, 2:5; Nevada State Journal, January 19,
1876, 3:2; Lincoln, 1923, p. 211; Stoddard, 1932, p. 78; Lotz, 1934, p. 24; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 23; Lawrence, 1963, p. 220; Bonham, 1969, p. 70; Garside, 1973, p. 97; Johnson, 1977, p.75; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 180, 200; Tingley, 1989a, p. 7

North Battle Mountain Other name: Stony Point
County: Lander
Discovered: 1906
Commodities: barite, silver, lead, copper, gold
Comments: Located north of the Humboldt River, at the southern base of the Sheep Creek
Range, about 6 miles northeast of Battle Mountain.
Reference: Stewart and others, 1977, p. 89

Other names: Monitor, Springfield, Mountain Chief
County: Nye
Discovered: 1866
Organized: 1866
Commodities: gold, barite, silver, zinc, uranium
Comments: The original Northumberland district was located at the head of East Northumberland Canyon in the northern Toquima Range. The district now extends north to the Lander County line. The Northumberland district was organized in 1866. The name was changed to Monitor in 1875, then back to Northumberland in 1879. The Springfield district was organized about 1 mile west of Diana?s Punchbowl in 1874, the exact location is unknown, but within the area of present the Northumberland district. The historic Mountain Chief district is thought to have been north of Northumberland Canyon in this same general area.
References: Stretch, 1867, p. 63; White, 1869, p. 73; Wheeler, 1872, p. 41; Whitehill, 1875, p.74; Angel, 1881, p. 519, 522; Lincoln, 1923, p. 178; Stoddard, 1932, p. 69; Kral, 1951, p.135; Garside, 1973, p. 86-87; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 157


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« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2009, 09:45:06 am »
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The topic is to remain locked until all Locations are up. Many more to follow



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« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2009, 08:37:57 pm »
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I look forward to the remaing locations being posted.

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« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2009, 06:06:18 pm »
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thank's for the info :-)


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« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2009, 11:34:24 pm »
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Thank-You . Good information so far on this subject . Nevada still has lots of gold to be found !!!  Great



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