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« on: March 17, 2010, 07:51:52 am »
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Hi Hardluck

It's seems there is some problem with the messages, I can't find yours concerning abbot Cauneille, but I make this investigation.
Please see below.

Francois-Pierre Cauneille was from Mars at the Sault. He was parish priest of Rennes-les-Bains in 1780, replacing the Abbe Francois Palauqui. But in early September 1792, he went into exile and that throughout the Revolution. Then he returned to his original parish where he died in 1804.
He had two brothers. The eldest, Peter Dominic, appointed pastor of Belvis in 1781 at the age of 42 years and was a member of the clergy to the States General at Versailles. But, January 4, 1791, he refused to swear the oath schismatic, he then had to flee to protect her life and is in disguise he left the city, hidden in a cart full of hay. He looked, then refuge in Spain. Finally, the Concordat signed, he returned to France and was appointed to the curacy-les-Bains where he died about 1835. His tomb is still seen in the old cemetery of the village, opposite the vicarage.
Jean-Pierre Cauneille, meanwhile, took the oath "as provided by the bishop of Clermont."

Abb? Fran?ois-Pierre Cauneille was the village priest of Rennes-les-Bains in 1780 (born in 1754, date of death unknown). In reality he is not known to have written any books. In reality there are no books by him in the Biblioth?que Nationale de France in Paris.
Also on these 2 books:
1. The rays of gold
2. The traces of fire.
The Library of Carcassonne has confirmed that she had never heard or had in his possession the books.
The archives of the diocese said they did not have no more such books.

Yet a whole mythology centres around the Abb? because of the way his name was utilised by Philippe de Ch?risey and Pierre Plantard in their Priory of Sion mythology and subsequent extension into Rennes-le-Ch?teau mythology, becoming the precursor to B?renger Sauni?re's "secret" and "guardian of the knowledge" or "treasure" that so far everybody has been unable to penetrate.

Philippe de Ch?risey conveyed his Priory of Sion mythology through Abb? Fran?ois-Pierre Cauneille in Chapter XIII of his 1971 unpublished novel, Circuit. Divided into 22 chapters each one named after the Major Trumps of the Tarot Cards, chapter XIII represents the only Tarot Card that is untitled: Death. It is in that chapter that a "book" by Abb? Cauneille was "copied" by Philippe de Ch?risey containing additonal notes by General David-Leroy. According to mythology Abb? Cauneille had written two books: The Golden Ray and The Line of Sight.

Father Bigou With Abbe Cauneille, his colleague at Rennes-les-Bains, and some thirty other priests, flees the Terror and joined the Bishop of Alet, Bishop of La Cropte Chant?rac. Father Bigou and Bishop died in Sabadell near Barcelona.

Jean-Jacques Henri Boudet was born on November 16, 1837 at Quillan, in the Aude. He was ordained a priest on Christmas Day, 1861, after having attended the Seminary in Carcassonne.  He succeeded Abbe Jean Vie, the former vicar in Rennes Les Bains, in 1872, a position he held until 1914. It is believed that Abbe Boudet inherited knowledge of a great secret from Abbe Jean Vie, who inherited it from Abbe Cauneille, who received it from Abbe Antoine Bigou, who had heard it from the noble Marie de N?gre d' Ables. It is also believed that Abbe Boudet is responsible for having changed the date on Abbe Jean Vie's tombstone from the 31st of  August 1872 to the mysterious, recurring date of  the 17th of  January, which is also the date of St. Antoine?s feast day and ?blue apples? day in Rennes-le-Chateau.

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Other interesting information about the case at Rennes. This Father Bigou , who was parish priest of Rennes-le-Ch?teau, from 1776 to 1791.

- Speaking of Father Antoine Bigou, parish priest of Rennes-le-Ch?teau
Mr. Rene Descadeillas in his book and his last Rennes lords (Privat, 1964, repr. Pegasus, 2007), p. 140 points in September 1792, having refused to swear allegiance to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, decided to emigrate, together with other colleagues in the region. Mr. Descadeillas and recalls the exile of the bishop of Alet, Bishop of the Cropte Chanterac, including his last days s'achev?rent sadly in Sabadell, a suburb of Barcelona.
Emphasizing the advanced age of Father Bigou Mr. Descadeillas is nevertheless convinced that this brave priest "also passed the border in early September 1792. And that, inevitably, he died in Spain, since then lost his trail.
Subsequently, during the Restoration, his heirs put down a compensation issue, hoping to get some subsidies taken from the "billion Emigrants' compensation system established by the government of Charles X, to compensate the emigrants whose property had been confiscated during the Revolution.
But history is not written with "if" or "maybe", but with evidence.
Thus it has been proved that the Abbe Antoine Bigou is not dead in Spain; better, he has not even left France! In fact, he died, March 20, 1794, at ... Collioure, Roussillon, in the present department of Pyrenees-Orientales. The next day, March 21, he was carried to the funeral in the parish church of Collioure in the presence of two priests and burial probably in the cemetery, his death was declared the same day.

It will be difficult, if not dangerous, to explain now how the abbot Bigou could he leave behind him a mysterious spellbook explaining everything about the secret entrusted to him by the Marquise Hautpoul-Blanchefort, the threshold death.


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« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 05:38:27 am »
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Hello Luc

Thank you for clarifying my questions about Francois-Pierre Cauneille, his alleged books and his relationship with the earlier Abbe Antoine Bigou.

Philippe de Ch?risey and Pierre Plantard in their Priory of Sion mythology has done much damage to researchers trying to discover the real story behind the legends.

Thank you for clarifying the facts behind the speculations behind the legend.

Hardluck  Great


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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 09:27:22 am »
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Hi HardLuck

Exactly Philippe de Ch?risey and Pierre Plantard in their Priory of Sion mythology has done much damage and also to cover their tracks, this is for me to egocentrism.




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« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2010, 04:35:18 am »
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Hello Luc

Marie of Negro of Able, Lady of Blanchefort who died January 17, 1781 in Rennes-Le-Ch?teau and was buried in the cemetery. Legend says that the abbot Bigou obtained information from her that was later passed onto Francois-Pierre Cauneille.

What family secret did Marie of Negro of Able, Lady of Blanchefort  pass onto Abbot bigou?

Was it the knowledge of earlier Templar connections or Tombs in the region?

Her Chateau seems to of had some secrets too? This alleged Templar knights stone in the castle, Does it indicated a historical connection at one time with the Templar's?

Or was it  a fake sculptured by the present owner of the castle?

So many unanswered questions

Hardluck  Huh?


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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2010, 10:33:45 am »
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Hello HardLuck,

I'll try to answer your various questions, if I can with the information I have learned from my various readings on the subject.

Although friendly and good reading.


In 1774, Antoine Bigou was appointed parish priest of Rennes-Le-Chateau, and took over from his uncle, John Bigou. It was also the chaplain denied the noble family of Blanchefort big landowner before the revolution.

In 1780, Marie de Negre d'Ables, also known as the Marquise de Blanchefort and wife Francis of Hautpoul in 1732, was entrusted with important documents and a great family secret. These papers were originally presented to a notary by Fran?ois-Pierre Hautpoul former lord of Rennes and B?zu.

This was in 1644 that his ancestor Francois-Pierre Hautpoul prepared his will, and winding paths, it seems that his death these documents are moved from notary notary and the Marquise de Blanchefort. Her husband would have seriously attempted to appropriate, but the notary curiously chose to give the Marquise. Maybe Marie de Negre d'Ables was more concerned that her husband or the couple were they disagree? What is certain is that while both wanted at any price these papers and finally, when the Marquise succeeded, she was careful to tell her husband.
That's when the Marquise de Blanchefort, having no son and heir (only 3 girls), prepared his will by giving Anthony Bigou these famous papers and perhaps some recommendations. She had also asked to forward this great secret to a person worthy to receive. This secret was behind the story of Rennes-le-Ch?teau ...

Marie de Negre d'Ables died January 17, 1781 and, therefore, Antoine Bigou realized its mission with a precision that we find today.

The French Revolution of 1789 approached. This time trouble and bloody lives of countless political intrigues and upheavals of every kind. Antoine Bigou had every reason to fear for his life. In charge of the papers of Francois-Pierre Hautpoul and secrecy, he devised a comprehensive plan so meticulously prepared for transmission.

He made 2 years to write the epitaph of the monument where virtually every line of the inscription contains an error. He also placed the slab taken from the tomb of Pontils Grave. Inside the church, Father Bigou did return a carved stone, very old, dating from the Carolingian period, representing a knight and a child on the same horse (which we call the "Dalle des Chevaliers "). At the French Revolution, and because of its religious connotations, it looked wiser to do so to hide. It also develops the famous parchments he hid in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau with other documents.

With the advent of the new Republic was declared Bigou rebel priest, and he fled to Spain, where he died 18 months later in Sabadell March 21, 1794. Many other church migrated similarly.

But before he managed to transmit the secret to another exiled priest: Father Cauneille. The latter in turn communicates with two other priests, Father John Life, the parish priest of Rennes-les-Bains from 1840 to 1870 (predecessor Boudet), and Father Emile Francis Cayron The parish priest of St Lawrence Cabrerisse. They learn, is a priceless treasure hidden in the Razes, between Rennes-le-Ch?teau and Rennes-les-Bains, the key to the secret lies in the epitaph of Abbot Bigou for Marie de Negri 's Ables and there are also documents of great historical importance.

On September 21, 1891 in his notebook journal Abbot Sauni?re note: "21 - Letter of Granes. Discovery of a tomb in the evening rain. He then began to date a tomb in the church! The entrance to this tomb was concealed under a slab, whose face was placed against earth sculpture. This slab, called "Dalle des Chevaliers" was not previously visible, the part being engraved below. This seems like a tombstone. Berenger Sauniere takes the decision to stop work immediately and replace the workers who were present that day with new ones. Apparently he did not want this important discovery leaks out ... The work will not resume until October 14!

On September 29 he met four of his colleagues, with whom he may have met its extraordinary discovery. One of them, Abbot Gelis, pastor of Coustaussa, will be brutally murdered in his home the night of 31 October to 1 November 1897, in still unexplained circumstances. According to the survey, a motive was not money, but the recovery of certain documents. Anyway, as Sauni?re, Abbe Gelis had large sums, he had hidden in several different places in the sacristy and the rectory.

In the cemetery was the tombstone of Marie de N?gre of Ables, Dame Hautpoul Blanchefort. This slab with many abnormalities have been conducted by a predecessor Abbot Bigou. This would carefully coded and Sauniere discovered his secret was careful to make it disappear.

In 1774, Antoine Bigou was appointed parish priest of Rennes-Le-Chateau, and took over from his uncle, John Bigou. It was also the chaplain denied the noble family of Blanchefort big landowner before the revolution.

In 1780, Marie de N?gre d'Ables, also known as the Marquise de Blanchefort and wife Francis of Hautpoul in 1732, was entrusted with important documents and a great family secret. These papers were originally presented to a notary by Fran?ois-Pierre Hautpoul former lord of Rennes and B?zu.

This was in 1644 that his ancestor Francois-Pierre Hautpoul prepared his will, and winding paths, it seems that his death these documents are moved from notary notary and the Marquise de Blanchefort. Her husband would have seriously attempted to appropriate, but the notary curiously chose to give the Marquise. Maybe Marie de Negre d'Ables was more concerned that her husband or the couple were they disagree? What is certain is that while both wanted at any price these papers and finally, when the Marquise succeeded, she was careful to tell her husband.
That's when the Marquise de Blanchefort, having no son and heir (only 3 girls), prepared his will by giving Anthony Bigou these famous papers and perhaps some recommendations. She had also asked to forward this great secret to a person worthy to receive. This secret was behind the story of Rennes-le-Ch?teau ...

Marie de Negre d'Ables died January 17, 1781 and, therefore, Antoine Bigou realized its mission with a precision that we find today.

The French Revolution of 1789 approached. This time trouble and bloody lives of countless political intrigues and upheavals of every kind. Antoine Bigou had every reason to fear for his life. In charge of the papers of Francis Peter Hautpoul and secrecy, he devised a comprehensive plan so meticulously prepared for transmission.

He made 2 years to write the epitaph of the monument where virtually every line of the inscription contains an error. He also placed the slab taken from the tomb of Pontils Grave. Inside the church, Father Bigou did return a carved stone, very old, dating from the Carolingian period, representing a knight and a child on the same horse (which we call the "Dalle des Chevaliers "). At the French Revolution, and because of its religious connotations, it looked wiser to do so to hide. It also develops the famous parchments he hid in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau with other documents.

With the advent of the new Republic was declared Bigou rebel priest, and he fled to Spain, where he died 18 months later in Sabadell March 21, 1794. Many other priests migrated similarly.

But before he managed to transmit the secret to another exiled priest: Abbot Cauneille. The latter in turn communicates with two other priests, Abbot Jean Vi?, the parish priest of Rennes-les-Bains from 1840 to 1870 (predecessor Boudet), and Abbot Emile Francis Cayron The parish priest of St Laurent de la Cabrerisse. They learn, is a priceless treasure hidden in the Razes, between Rennes-le-Ch?teau and Rennes-les-Bains, the key to the secret lies in the epitaph of Abbot Bigou for Marie de N?gre d'Ables and there are also documents of great historical importance.


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« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2010, 05:32:16 pm »
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Hello Luc

Thank you very much for your insight. You have given me a much better understanding of the story.

In 1644 that his ancestor Francois-Pierre Hautpoul prepared his will, and winding paths, it seems that his death these documents are moved from notary notary and the Marquise de Blanchefort.

Then it could of been possible that Francois-Pierre Hautpool must of had a connection with Nicolas Poussin (15 June 1594 ? 19 November 1665)? Poussin spent most of his life in Rome. except when he was recalled to the French court in 1640. but returned to Rome in 1643.

It has been said in a letter from Poussin to his brother that he acquired information that would shake the very foundation of Christendom.

And the painting by Nicolas Poussin, "Et in Arcadia ego",  must in some way be a clue to the identity of the treasure and location? Was the painting he painted between these dates 1640-1643?

It is interesting to note that he painted two versions of this painting, why?Huh?

The painting by Teniers is perhaps another clue? The painting of a saint living in a cave with a skull?

It now makes more sense the story of Ignace Paris the shepherd who discovered a cave at the bottom of a narrow ravine. Ignace Paris live in a house on a hill near Rennes le Bains. his discovery of skeletons and treasure was enough to get him hanged in 1645.

It would seem Francois-Pierre Hautpoul must of been in someway behind Ignace Paris execution?

I am more and more beginning to suspect that perhaps that the Templar's When in the Holy land discovered a tomb of Mary Magdalene and removed the treasure and ancient relics and venerated them in secret.

Perhaps the remaining Templar's still at large removed their treasures to the caves of the region abound Rennes le Chateau. Hence the female buried in Templar uniform?

Knowledge of this was known to certain individuals in the 17th century such as Francois-Pierre Hautpoul.

Perhaps Ben Hammott is on the right track if his account is true. It is strange why authorities have been very silent over the issue.

All very intriguing.

Hardluck  Huh?


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« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2010, 09:33:05 am »
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Perhaps Ben Hammott is on the right track if his account is true. It is strange why authorities have been very silent over the issue.

Hi Hardluck and Luc Smiley some very interesting reading although much is still beyond me at this point. Since both parties have a mutual NDA it is easy to lock down the site. No one can really talk about it and no one can excavate without the other. If what you think is in there really is, I am sure there are some powerful organizations that would rather not open that can of worms. Too much reality in a myth can really mess up the story.   Grin


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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2010, 12:53:20 pm »
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Hi HardLuck and Idaho Jones

Your reasoning for Francois-Pierre Hautpoul Ignace Paris and Nicolas Poussin isn't wrong. See below the link to Ignace Paris story with some contact connections.

Web site ----->

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Link to Paris story

"Too much reality in a myth can really mess up the story." That is true and I agree with you, Idaho.

Best regards



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« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 11:42:02 pm by Luc »

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