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« on: February 12, 2011, 05:58:43 am »
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Hello all

First of all I like thank all of those who have contributed to this treasure legend mystery.

Especially Luc who has tirelessly posted updates on this interesting legendary treasure.

It has been quite a learning experience for me this topic.However I  am not quite sure where all the pieces fit in this puzzle.

What is clear like all the more famous treasure legends there is bewildering multitude of theories claims and counter claims and the alleged conspiracy theories. Was it all a hoax to create a tourism destination for a local cafe owner?

Or was there really some thing deeper mystery in the past?

The area is a beautiful part of France. It does not take much to imagine that treasure could exist some among the rolling green hills packed with history.

Some claim the treasure was Templar or Cathar treasure? Others claim the mortal remains of Jesus and or Mary Madeleine lies buried in the region? So many theories that subject has gone into What  I call the "Yama syndrome" It happened to many famous treasure legends such as Cocos, Oak Island, Captain Kidd etc.

Invariably it has attacked its far share of scammers like all of the above. But is there really any treasure behind all the legends?

The region is a very historic region and there is no doubt that some treasure hoards was  buried in the region during the course of its history during civil unrest or war over the millennium.

If I was speculate and indeed I do mean speculate in regards to what treasure may be one day found in the region. I would suspect it would be of Visigothic or perhaps of Merovigian origin.

One historic find in 1860 on an gold ingot of crudely melted down Arab coin could suggest that treasure may of came from the Palestine possibly coins captured by the Romans and later looted by the Visigoths when they sacked Rome in 410 AD.

The historian Procopious records the event and claims the treasures of Solomon was looted from Rome. The Titus Arch in Rome shows a relief of some of the treasure of Solomon taken by Roman emperor Titus in 70 AD from Jerusalem.

Procopious tells that this treasure was later snatched from the Romans by the Visigoths, to become part of the booty from many wars.

In the 5th century the Visgothic kingdom straddle the Pyrenees. Their accumulated booty was safe. Part was used for running of the state and was held at Toulouse their French capital. In 507 AD that state treasury was captured by the Clovis king of the franks.

Some 50 odd miles away the more precious part of the treasure was at Carcassonne. this historic national treasure was a symbol of the state, a bit like the crown jewels.

Procopious goes onto claim the Solomon treasure was part of this treasury at Carcassonne. Clovis went on the attack Carcassonne because he knew the holy treasure was there. It is believed part of the treasure was sent to Toledo, the Spanish Capital. in 711 Toledo was attacked by the Arabian Moors and the treasure was hidden away for safety. In the mid 19th century a wonderful treasure was found at Guarrazar near Toledo.

But neither in the treasure captured by the Arabs or franks is there any trace of this Treasure of Solomon?

The last recorded place is in Carcassonne which is about 20 miles away from Rennes le Chateau. Finally under assaults of the enemies the Visigothic kingdom shrank to an area known as Razes of which Aereda the old name for Rennes le Chateau was the principle city.

Does the last of this Visigothic loot with the possibly the treasure of Solomon still lies some where around Rennes le Chateau?

If the gold crowns of Guarrazar is anything to go on it would be a fabulous treasure indeed.



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« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 11:56:58 am by hardluck »
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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 12:34:43 pm »
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Many thanks HardLuck for this new post.

In this story of Rennes-le-Ch?teau, we must unravel the web of information, sometimes historical, sometimes recounted some time after the events, sometimes totally invented or eccentric. This long and tedious, requires cross-check data and compare them in a document or a database. Any takers?

All the best



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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 04:12:20 am »
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Hello Luc

Is there any archaeological data on the region in regards to the Visgoths?



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« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 09:52:18 am »
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Thanks Hardluck for your theory, it definitely sounds plausible, and much thanks to Luc without whom I would never have heard of Rennes and it's wonderful twisted mystery. I appreciate all you efforts gentlemen and all who have added to it.

I wish I still had the time to dig on this one. Despite the recent somewhat disappointing turn this is still quite the intriguing mystery to me. Decyphering truth from fiction is really where the fun is anyway in my opinion. Perhaps it's a story of epic events that will change the face of history or perhaps it's all just a story, or perhaps something in between? One should never rule anything out until it's been well investigated, and even then sometimes an element of mystery remains. And how boring would life be with no mystery? Smiley




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« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2011, 12:27:55 pm »
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Hello all

For HardLuck (Is there any archaeological data on the region in regards to the Visgoths?)

Please look to this link ----->:

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History of Razes

Please see also the attached picture, this letter informs us that the castle of Rennes is the largest in France.

Hello Idaho Jones
I'm glad you're passionate about this story.

Kind regards



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none at the moment, but soon a TGSL i will build
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2011, 09:23:26 pm »
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Would like to spend a week with a detector there! haha.

Posted on: August 19, 2011, 09:22:21 PM
Also, they say the best lie is 90% truth. So i'd say quite a bit of what you said would be true? I wouldn't know about the mortal remains, but gold is always a possibility.


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