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« on: November 12, 2023, 12:50:20 pm »
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The skies were clear as the CLUE (Cosmic League of Universal Explorers) radio wave signaled a distress signal from the Vegas Quadrant from a fellow ship the Nogo Sojo a science vessel crewed by the best and brightest CLUE scientists from headquarters.  HQ immediately dispatched C.L.U.E. stealth battlejet, Nova 9 to assist the research vessel.
Travelling at max speed of 9.6 warp crunch the battle jet speed towards the wormhole at Kirk Rd
Pulling out of warp crunch within an hour 15 seconds.  Immediately the 1st Cohort in charge of Nova 9 noticed debris all over the quadrant.  The Nogo Sojo was no where to be seen.  A scan detected particles from a molecule separator which was a weapon banned for many year by all members of all worlds of C.L.U.E.

Following the trail of the weapon the Nova encountered a mass of black matter that the 1st Cohort dove into discovering the planet of Flog.  The horror, the horror as the planet was full of gold courses and 4 armed of hairy green blobs swinging at a white round object with the ferocity of a herd of charging drunk skunkhogs.  Suddenly a white glob headed towards his ship which was orbiting the planet.  The weapons office was ordered to fire a string of proton blasts that rocket the battlejet as it was fired.  The Floggers had attacked with no notice, no negotiations and without regards for anything.  That was it!  1st Cohort Blue of Nose  again turned to his weapons officer and gave the order, "Dam the golf balls and fire every weapon we have at the hole that leads to the core of this warped planet.  The weapons landed in the hole in one in unison causing a rippled effect that blew the planet to smitherines!
So much for peaceful exploration of space.  The lost scientists would be remembered.   


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Offline nickel_n
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MXT All Pro,EagleSL,Spectrum,XLT,DFX.Garrett Seahunter markII,SD2000,GT16000
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2023, 07:01:27 pm »
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 Shocked Huh?  Shocked
i need to go out  Detecting soon Smiley


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« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 07:25:06 pm by nickel_n »

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