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« on: February 14, 2010, 05:32:57 pm »
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 Here's a lead I got back in the 90's from a very nice lady Named Mrs. Shara Williams.
 Back in the 1940's Shara and her family spend several weekends a year at her mothers old uncles house on the west end of Galveston Island. The uncle Ed or Ted
Wright always showed the kids his treasure box full of world coins and jewelery that he had pick up during his 40 years as a seaman. When Shara was 11 or 12 Mr Wright died and the box was never found. Shara remembers hearing her mother tell some relatives that uncle Ed or Ted was a crazy old man and she was not going to waste her time digging up a box of junk. End of story.
 What little research I did lead to this: A Ted Wright did receive mail at the Galveston Post Office till 1943. There are no property records of him owning land on the west end but thats not uncommon as most land there was owned by 3 family's that leased land for 20 years or so to build fishing camps so getting a address was impossible. Before Shara died in 1992 we rode around the area and the place she point out that she thought the camp had been in now part of the state park.
You can not hunt in the park any longer. You could get a permit to MD there up to 2005 when they quit selling them.
 I keep a eye on the area in hopes of one day getting in to hunt it for a while.


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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 08:58:36 pm »
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"You can not hunt in the park any longer. You could get a permit to MD there up to 2005 when they quit selling them."    What a bummer.  I've been past that park a few times, and I don't see that metal detecting that area would do any archaeological damage at all (not even looking at the historical maps) and it sure isn't going to do any environmental damage if you fill in your holes, but rules is rules is rules, right?



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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 09:23:10 pm »
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Texas State Parks no no the only place you could hunt with permit was the beach I wandered away from the a few times and got shut down fast. The ghost town South Galveston and a race track were there till 1900 storm wiped it out. Found lots of coins around the track before it was a SP.
The bad part was for 3 months after IKE the place was unmanned missed that window. Had to many problems of my own. Did not even think about it.


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