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« Reply #70 on: July 03, 2011, 06:08:40 pm »
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First off Au24 name calling is not allowed here so please stop.
Second the government has won because y'all let them not because he did this are you did that it happened because you all would rather fight and blame each other then work together. We said at the beginning of this that if everyone did not join together and fight for their rights the government would win and that is what happen. Treasure hunters and prospectors all over the world have been watching this and if we learn nothing else I hope we learn how not to act when our rights to treasure hunt are on the line. This is a sad state of affairs when a few peoples personality have cost so many so much.       


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« Reply #71 on: July 03, 2011, 09:36:30 pm »
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Hello All

There has been some good points made by GD, Seldom and AU. I could not agree more. Seeing the situation from a Far and watching this saga unfold. And it is becoming a tiresome saga that should had never been from the start.

There is an old saying United we stand and devided we fall and from what I can see is conflict of egos and personalities with thier own agendas will allow authorities to kill off Panning in North Wales.

And that will be a shame for all.

And seriously any holes dug by hand however deep has very little enviromently damage what so ever. Rivers are constantly changing. I seen rocks moved and gouged out the size of cars. So all this crap about damaging river is driven by misguided enviromentalists who have thier own agenda to shut out these areas from the general public.

It is time for many people over there to get a life.



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« Reply #72 on: July 03, 2011, 10:12:44 pm »
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hardluck, Its funny how so many people have commented on this topic and we have all said the same thing
theres no way that so many people can all be wrong, These people that come here to take shots at folks just
will not except they are wrong, I have seen all this paperwork and alot more besides, the BGA needs to stop
sending their one man swat teams here to start trouble and work hard with Brian because if he pulls this off
I bet they will be queing up to get their sticky little hands in there and he will be the Hero,
I dont go Panning as yet and I would'nt know how to.
But Seldom is right because a few selfish people will cost everyone from Panners to Tourisium  and local people
who rely on the Tourists for their yearly income and so far Brian has kept his comments close to the topic with
the odd detour but not without being prevoked.

I would surgest that anyone comes here to write personal attacks about any member
should consider the fact, That post maybe your last so if you wish to be part of this
and gain useful knowledge regarding Panning in Wales then join and help and leave
the Personal stuff outside the door.



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« Reply #73 on: July 03, 2011, 11:43:07 pm »
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I just reread this thread and found it was going along fine till post 32 when May started making personal attacks on Waul. It looks to me like he is the only one willing to fight for his rights to pan while May and AU 24 want to prove him wrong about the way he is doing it. They don't like the way he is handling thing but prefer to set on their hands instead of jumping in and helping. Now the panniers the treasure hunters and the tourist are the one that have lost.
Well there will be no more personal attacks on this thread everyone can consider this a warning.


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« Reply #74 on: July 04, 2011, 03:13:11 am »
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hi.. its just pay pay pay  Angry Angry Angry Angry


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« Reply #75 on: July 04, 2011, 04:42:47 am »
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It would seem that we have some duplicity here.
People are accusing me of making allegations and claims without proof yet are quite happy to allow Mr Wright to make allegations slurs and Libels against people without asking him for that selfsame proof.
I have posted my reply to many questions asked in a private PM to the Chief administrator here.
If he wishes to post if he has my permission. If not my reply will be posted in full on another Goldpanning forum.

But please remember one thing. Mr Wright himself admits it was he that created the situation we now have. No one else.

May you always have colour in your pan.
{alt} Personal Attacks on members


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« Reply #76 on: July 04, 2011, 05:31:59 am »
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I said before in the start of the mess and say it again.

You all need to come together on this mess of your going to loose the lot.

This is what it's all about!



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« Reply #77 on: July 04, 2011, 09:03:29 am »
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Quote:Posted by AU24
It would seem that we have some duplicity here.
People are accusing me of making allegations and claims without proof yet are quite happy to allow Mr Wright to make allegations slurs and Libels against people without asking him for that selfsame proof.
I have posted my reply to many questions asked in a private PM to the Chief administrator here.
If he wishes to post if he has my permission. If not my reply will be posted in full on another Goldpanning forum.

But please remember one thing. Mr Wright himself admits it was he that created the situation we now have. No one else.

May you always have colour in your pan.

Everything that Brain has done has been regarding the Laws regarding minning / panning and so if he has broken on Laws,
consider this, Knowing how laws are set down in the UK and the fact that they will arrest people for the slightest thing
the shear fact that Brian has not been arrested is proof that he has done nothing wrong and he has broke no laws,

Get over your self-importance you can post you reply on the moon if you like,
I have enough paperwork on this subject to sink a battleship, and the only reason it has not been posted here is because
of you lot, Until you and the BGA can come here read off the same page nothing of any use to you will be posted here.
Brian has challenged the Laws and apart from panning on private property and in some area on the river Wen, you guys
stopped panning in fear that if you rubbed the powers that be up the wrong way that you would loose it, well law has'nt been
changed and making your selves out to be the good guys with the government and pandering to their wims will not help
you one bit, As you have seen in the fox hunting ban, thats proof of how they bite the hand that feeds you.
Just because you are seen to be doing and hang out with them does not mean you are safe, that just means that you are
their closest target.

As for Brians comments regarding you lot, After me asking May Flint 3x to talk about the problem and not the person
we managed to get some kind of dialog going here, now you have come here and your comments are all about Brian too,
Brian is not the problem, the problem is that some people are trying to enforce powers that they do not have the right to
enforce, Because Brian has called them on it and they have not replied so that is an admission within it's self,

HERES AN IDEA, if you set your self up as the voice of Gold panning and you get Brian to do the legal stuff
you could win or at leased have something that you could use and keep Panning alive in the UK,

you think that you are the voice of prospectors within the UK, but heres the News on that one,
If I posted all the documents that I have seen then you would loose 60 to 70% of your followers
due to the shear fact and time scale that all these things have been uncovered.

This thread is called, Panning ban in North Wales Link to news Item,
Not Pick on Brian by the BGA and the families there of.

there are gold prospectors here from all over the world and I have never seen them carry on like this here
or on any other forum,
Work together and stop the personal attacks, as for Brians response's, most people would have done the same
considering how many times May took cheap shots at him and stuck in the odd dig,
You are welcome to talk gold panning in North Wales here and the trials there of,
you are welcome to post any of your questions and ansewers if you so choose,
dont worry about threats of posting on other forums because everyone here belongs to at leased 1 or 2 other forums.
We ask you to join in and have fun and to be nice that is all.

So just enjoy ya self,



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« Reply #78 on: July 04, 2011, 12:06:41 pm »
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Quote:Posted by AU24
(I will reply to AU24's allegations. Indeed, I will be happy to meet him if he really wants to present any evidence. AU24. As far as I know I have never met you and I don't know your real name. No one who actually panned the Wen in the past few years since I've been there has made these allegations about me. Indeed, some experienced panners and geologists have actually stated that I acted responsibly, whilst others were digging in banks, not backfilling etc. Like many mythological figures, the actions of many have been attributed to one supposed villain. Very convenient and lazy.)

I've been reading these posts with amusement and thought I would add another perspective to what Mr D B Wright (Waulespan) and another have been posting. I dont usually post on forums but felt that the central point here is being missed and glossed over by Mr Wright and his sole supporter. (Firstly, you reveal my real name, so what is yours? Who is my sole supporter? I have a number of them.

Before Mr Wright and his greed for gold began his singlehanded excavation of parts of N Wales rivers there was absolutely NO problems. People panned at will, all year, rain or shine, sun or snow. There was NO problem with either the CCW, Landowners, fishermen or Mines Royal or indeed anyone at all. People used sluices and pumps. All was peace and friendship with communal BBQs at the Vanner Camping site, with much beer and tall tales. People did the right thing, respected each other and each others prospecting sites and holes. (Not so, guys have been digging massive holes out of sight and not backfilling for decades. On private areas of the Mawddach, on both sides of Ferndale, there have been years of complaints from local residents about panners who have never asked permission. I have always panned on open access land, or asked permission on private areas. These unlawful panners created a bad atmosphere, and some were very rude to the owners. These residents were very frustrated at the authorities slowness to act, because the only offence was civil trespass. However, they were slowly panning to act, and when the upper Mawddach and the Wen received SSSI and SAC designation respectively, the authorities erected some misleading signs.

Then along came Mr Wright. He wasnt happy doing what most of us did, which was pumping to a reasonable level or simply digging down to bedrock in places where bedrock wasnt too deep. He found, totally by accident rather than skill that the deeper he went the bigger the nuggets and flakes got. (How do you know where and how I got my best nuggets?)

So he got greedy and set about digging damned enormous holes, and moving large rocks (in the process changing ever so slightly the flow of the river). (Nonsense, how can one man change the flow of the river?) His claims of innocence in digging holes are unfortunately totally untrue. He DID dig some very large holes, leaving them open when he left to return the next day. and he DID indeed move some very large boulders. (remember saying to me that, if you could get a JCB in the river you would have done, Brian ?) (I didn't ever say that to anyone!!!) There are numerous witnesses to Mr Wrights actions so any denial by him is futile. On enquiring with the Authorities it is only Mr Wright that was warned to stop digging holes and he was warned numerous times. In around 2 to 3 years he has successfully destroyed leisure panning in N Wales for families and individuals. (Nonsense, if everyone else was panning properly they could have issued a personal ban on me, but there was no evidence to support this. I have met with the authorities and they have confirmed that my individual actions were only part of a percieved potential problem. The main problem was panners working unlawfully on private sections of both rivers, not where I was, on public access land.)

Whilst Mr Wright is happy to accuse others of being Liars I will accuse him of being the same. He IS a liar. There are photographs in existence of holes he dug and indeed of him in those holes (I dont have them but have seen them) He has been seen many times by FCW and CCW Rangers and staff digging those holes. He likes to blame it on others, but the fact is that is was he that was digging those holes that have caused all the problems. He was also quite happy in the beginning to jump into and take over other peoples holes whilst they were at Lunch, remember that Brian ? In fact Mr Wright is totally without any morals when it comes to getting gold, he will do anything needed to get it.
The credo used by nearly all UK Panners is "leave the rivers as you find them" unfortunately this was not the situation in Mr Wrights case.

It is as a direct result of Mr Wrights greed, damage and actions on N Wales Rivers that has brought about the situation we have now. Nothing else, please realise that.  A situation, previously peacefull and given the nod by the 'Powers That Be', that now has every possible associated  Authority's backs up and on the alert, effectively stopping decent honest people and families from being able to pan whilst on Holiday. thats the truth of the matter. Thanks Brian !. He pleads innocence, but why was panning on certain sections banned? It wasn't because of us panner's who have co-existed for years and years, it was because he was warned time and time and time again to stop digging his holes. He ignored the warnings, forcing the hand of the authorities. QED.

(totally inaccurate. Vince Thurkettle once told me, we are either seen as greedy or quaint. The writing was on the wall, and only I have the guts to stand up to the misinformation and prejudice that AU24 is so keen to promote.)

He likes to make himself out as some sort of 'defender of the faith' acting on behalf of Panners, but he represents no one, has little or no support and has made the situation so bad it is highly doubtfull if panning as it was before will now ever be allowed in N Wales again.
Despite his claims. he has no 'understanding' with any of the official bodies and has no chance of obtaining any special licence to pan. The truth of this can easily be obtained by calling or emailing the relevant Authorities where they will tell you exactly what I have said.
As for his 'Gold Rivers Trust' ? That is nothing but a front used by him to try and gain some sort of respectability and is being very closely watched by quite a few people. Fortunately the relevant Authorities can see it for what it is and it is ignored.

I however, have no sympathy for the BGA. They have little support South of Hadrians wall and have failed time and time again to encourage membership by leadership. They could have done so much, but they didnt. They could have united UK Panners but they didnt. They had TV time but they chose to field Kit Andrews to front it. Problem was he looked like some derelict dragged through a hedge backwards, hardly putting panning over in a decent light. The BGA is a total failure and should disband. However any attempt by Mr Wright to front any Panning organisation should also be ignored, he is not a fit person to front any association, as it is he and he alone who has created the situation we now have. He is a liar and a person who doesn't care for the rivers or the environment or for that matter, other panners, as he has shown time after time.

{alt} Sorry, mate. Someone didn't heed the warning and now you all three have to pay the price.


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« Reply #79 on: July 04, 2011, 12:32:53 pm »
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Quote:Posted by AU24
It would seem that we have some duplicity here.
People are accusing me of making allegations and claims without proof yet are quite happy to allow Mr Wright to make allegations slurs and Libels against people without asking him for that selfsame proof.

There is no duplicity (please look up the word before you next use it) and both of you are hereby being given formal notice that any more feuding here will not be tolerated.

This is not an option, it is not arguable, it is a fact. If either of you posts one more word of a personal nature or of a potentially libelous nature, you are both going to be muted here. That means unable to post.

So here are your options. Come here to discuss treasure hunting or leave. Do not come here to slug it out in a blood feud that interests only you two who are involved. I mean this. One more post about who said or did what or about this personal issue between you two, even in reply to this message, will result in both, not just one, of you being muted.


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