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« on: June 28, 2011, 08:27:22 am »
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Many people have a fear of the unknown. Add to this the vocal minority of skeptics who feel LRL's threaten the metal detector industry and will stop at nothing to push their fears onto others. I really get the feeling many people think of the Twilight Zone and the moog music "OO-EE AA" like it is something alien from another world. Nothing is farther from the truth. Dowsing and LRL's are more natural than most people can even comprehend. It's what's known as "direct perception". The sages from ancient times knew that the five senses only give us an interpretation of reality. They knew that EVERYTHING we sense is an illusion. In later times there was a rule not to trust anything you see until you could touch it. The fact is NOTHING is as it appears to us. What we think of as solid is almost completely made up of nothing. The space within an atom is astounding. If the nucleus was the size of a football, the electron would be the size of an orange and be orbiting nearly a mile out. Yet we think everthing is totally solid. And another thing is that everything is in a constant state of disintegration and integration due to bombardment from cosmic energy. This disintegration is what the dowsing and LRL's pick up. There is a field pressure around objects, too. At the edges of the field is a gradient or a reverse polarity that is the easiest part to detect. There is no gift or talent necessary to learn other than the need to stick with it. The sensitivity needed is really just an awareness. You can't be aware of something if you are multi-tasking. That is why you need to learn to shut off the five senses. Most people need a few weeks to learn to still the mind. This is why the control freaks have a hard time at it. They want to dowse and be consciously involved with it at the same time. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You can't manipulate it. You can't have a chip on your shoulder. You can't have a know-it-all attitude. You can't be egotistical. Just my saying these things will no doubt irk some people.     


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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2011, 09:28:50 am »
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Great post Mike...

I am a professional gold miner and in the down times, a full time treasure hunter....

I exclusively use an LRL... I use the H3tec..H3..actually it isn't really a LRL..although most will classify it as such... and it isn't a metal detector.. it is in fact an element detector..an element detector that does detect any element within the Periodic Table..or any combination of compounds made from those elements...and can do so over short and long ranges...

The skeptics bombard me as well as the company with rude and obscene words.... yet not one of them will go with me on a real hunt for treasure..or take the time for a personal demonstration....I know longer even respond to their ridiculous statements...let them think what they want...

On a recent survey I was on, looking at some additional mining claims... the owner told me he thought there was a vein of Tungsten or maybe Wolframite...(Often contains Tungsten within it)...on the property, but didn't say where...... and unbeknown to him, I loaded Tungsten into my H3..and got a lock ...I asked to come over to see what I was locked on... and told him I was looking at his Tungsten vein...and his comment was... "D#@#, you're right on it" ...we were at the time about 1800 feet from where the vein surfaces...and I had no idea of it location prior to locking on it with the H3...

I use my H3 to detect the better placer locations within my claims... I've used it to locate the actual location for the wells I have drilled....never have had a dry hole... and on occasion, support H3tec corporate to survey possible locations for new oil wells in several different states... We have yet to drill a dry hole...

Go ahead and irk the skeptics...Mike... while you and I go to the bank...



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« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 12:13:04 pm »
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I just visited the debunking skeptics website and I will say I do not agree with some things there, in particular regarding religion, but as for skeptics in general they are spot on. They mention that skeptic means skeptical of all things including oneself. That's the big hypocracy.

Getting back to the topic, (BTW, I don't read naysayers posts so don't feel offended if I don't reply) dowsing and LRL's use resonance. If you aren't familiar with this, think of a bathtub full of water. If you pat the water with you hand in a rythmic beat, eventually the waves will come together just at the right time and the water will splash all the way to the ceiling. This resonance is a high amount of energy when things are right. And so it is with your energy and that of the target you are searching for. Of course you have to be aware of it and people normally filter out about 99% of everything they encounter. Just an example there are so many thousand hairs on your body and each one has it's own nerve. You are not aware of them any more than you are aware of the 15 pounds per square inch of air pressure surrounding you. It's your nervous system that acts as an antenna, a detector of the energies the LRL picks up. It takes practice to feel it, to become aware, to be sensitive, to filter out other more dominating input especially your thoughts and emotions. Sure, some people can do this right away, but almost everyone else has to work at it. But the thing is EVERYONE can do it if they can overcome their negativity. The negative emotions are about ten times more powerful and they will destroy any chance you have. BTW, this applys to most other things, too, not just using an LRL or dowsing.

I should say I have just scratched the surface here. If you really want to know about it find a copy of the book "Supersensonics". Onr of tyhe first exercises they teach is to hold a pendulum over a compass--first over the north pointing end of the needle (typically gyrates clockwise), then over the south pointing end (anti-clockwise), then over the center.


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« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 12:19:30 pm by Mike »

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« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 12:32:18 pm »
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Ya Know in your two posts you have made 10 comments about between you about skeptics and what ever else you want
to call them,
Thats is 10 chances to talk about success with these things or Techniques, build quality, etc etc. that you have lost due
to your issues because people want proof and if you are making these claims for all to read then you should concentrate
your findings on that before you make personal attacks on people.
I for one am not affraid of the unknown, so please enjoy your topic and share with others some will believe some wont
and if some dont well they have'nt lost anything because they have'nt invested anything in to it. It is not their loss.
But if you have come here just to take jabs at people with name calling etc then you are out numbered,
So dont Pollute your own posts when you have the power to change peoples minds or open a few doors.
Leave the name calling at home because there are 2 ways you can loss in this topic and 1 way to win, so please share
somemore of your ventures and even if people dont believe atleased they have read a good story.


Posted on: June 28, 2011, 12:23:37 PM
Quote:Posted by Mike
I just visited the debunking skeptics website and I will say I do not agree with some things there, in particular regarding religion, but as for skeptics in general they are spot on. They mention that skeptic means skeptical of all things including oneself. That's the big hypocracy

Mike If you want to talk about LRLs thats fine, and I have told you before about that site and you put downs
to other people, you have a good topic here try to Focus on that and not the people.

Now this is a warning next time you will be moderated



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« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 12:45:16 pm »
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Well, This Sceptic is reading and most amused.

Racking my semi educated mind figuring out how a sample of a element in a jar can lead someone to a source of the same.

This is the stuff Dreams are made of.



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« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 01:05:10 pm »
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Mike you have been asked before to please stop talking down to the membership with your post on a number of occasions but you still fill your post with your condescending bull.

If you can't post without all the references to skeptics, naysayers, chip on shoulder crap I am going to ask you to stop posting. Yes we have a lot of skeptics here thats why you post here to stir up trouble and you know it.

Now if you can discuss LRL without putting members down and name calling go for it, If not I will lock this thread.


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« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 03:27:23 pm »
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If you want to do your own research, look up how birds see magnetic fields and also look up cryptochrome in human eyes.

Posted on: June 28, 2011, 01:45:53 PM
If my posts are offensive, if I have broken the rules then delete my account. I tried to delete but the confounded thing would not let me. Just do it.


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« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 03:38:07 pm »
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I am not in the "know" about LRL's so I decided to look it up... interesting... I did come across a site where I gent did some of his own research, and this is what he found...a good read

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« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 04:33:26 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Mike
If my posts are offensive, if I have broken the rules then delete my account. I tried to delete but the confounded thing would not let me. Just do it.

This is my point Mike all that was asked of you is post in a civil way but you jump up hollering delete my account why play the drama queen Do you get points when you run back to Dell and Ted with the badge they banned me? You have no interest in educating folks about LRL's Mike your only interested stirring up trouble every few weeks with your drive bye postings.  If you try posting in a civil matter with information of interest and answer questions without the sing and dance you may get some folks interested. No I want mute or ban you, your good for grins when you start craw-fishing around questions.   


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« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2011, 04:54:14 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Mike
If my posts are offensive, if I have broken the rules then delete my account. I tried to delete but the confounded thing would not let me. Just do it.

Mike it is not about if they are, It is about why you feel the need to make them that way concidering the fact your choosen topic
is not tried and tested in the rest of the world, and the only tests that are done are carried out by just a few people.

Heres how you started of your Post,

Quote:Posted by Mike
Many people have a fear of the unknown. Add to this the vocal minority of skeptics who feel LRL's threaten the metal detector industry and will stop at nothing to push their fears onto others. I really get the feeling many people think of the Twilight Zone and the moog music "OO-EE AA" like it is something alien from another world. Nothing is farther from the truth. Dowsing and LRL's are more natural than most people can even comprehend. It's what's known as "direct perception".

1) you start of having a go at those you call skeptics, If you really wanted to talk about LRLs then this quote would never
    have been posted,

2) As for Threatening the metal detector industry, That will never happen as their success has been cataloged a million
    times over and somewhere while I type this somewhere in the world someone is having some success with a detector.

3) I am prepared to listern to you reasons and stories and successes with LRLs, But if you think you have the right and fire
    shots at members and that is ok then you're wrong, Remember you started this topic and you alone came here with one
    thing in mind and that was for conflict, If this was not the case then your post would not be about members and their views.

4) We are very observent poeple here because of our intertest in finding things,
    And here is a Fact, When one of you LRL detectorists (or what ever name you prefer)
    Turn up here then in less than a couple of minutes there is 2 or 3 of you, and that happens everytime, either that or you log
    on together and you log off together, Just like you and KlondikeIke did today, then when some one post on that thread
    you then come back to admire you handy work.

5) That stupid site you refer to is the one that you used to show us all here what desparate people dream up to convince
    the unknowing of wild claims and also to us it as a tool entrap the people that wont be sucked in or Skeptics or what ever
    name you wish to use, And the last time you and your site did more damage to the real LRL user/Treasure hunters because
    you exposed your selves for what you are and all the little tricks you use and you just gave to good people of this forum
    the Bullits for the Gun to shot down your topics by the truck lode,

6) You cant not delete your account and neither can we as the owner has set this in stone,
    We are not here just so you can drop in once in a while and abuse people.
    Now join in or leave because there are 15100+ members that do join in and they make this place worth while


Posted on: June 28, 2011, 04:37:42 PM
Thanks Viracocha there is some good info there



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