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« Reply #130 on: September 08, 2011, 02:59:14 pm »
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hello xavier ,

ok , here goes online diagnosis , mechanic by trade and regularly get phone calls to diagnose car on phone ,

detector will bleep whenever the sample hold voltage in the capacitor drops below preset threshold , would check there is some voltage in the hold capacitor if there isn't fault is forward of this point.

and you say removing the last 741 stops the bleep , so we are ok to that point , well asuming last 741 output not shorted to +,

ok so 555 pulse ok ? pulse from 4538 ok ?

could be just delay set to soon , initialy set pots for delay and width to their maximum resistance , lower threshold ,bleep should stop , if it doesn't next steps,

using multimeter :
1st check threshold output varies , expected voltage based on your 12V supply is aprox 3V to 8v when knobs turned , if it's close to these values then this is ok,

2nd check output pin 6 U5A , if output is 0V or 12V then U5A shorted ,expected 2V to 10V depending where you have delay set ,wave metal infront of coil , and check voltage moves , expected variation is 0.01V or poss 0.1V ,

3rd check + input voltage of U5A also should be between 2V to 10V or there abouts , check for same variation ,

this is tough without a scope , i think i remember you didn't have a scope ??

i would check output of the TL071 for frequency same as the 555 , and set meter for dc voltage and check output is not either 0V or 12v indicating part faulty,

from looking at you pcb it all looks right , so i'm thinking faulty part , poss substitution of chips to diagnose , start with the last 741 just in case , then work forward ,

had a thought , take a good pic of both sides of the board as it is now and post , may help pin it down.


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« Reply #131 on: September 08, 2011, 04:17:37 pm »
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OK will do that but like you say board seems OK I have been through it thoroughly I removed all the chips except for the  741's and 555 audio out LOL it BEEEPS LOL by the way I got a PC scope

Posted on: September 08, 2011, 10:36:10 PM
1st check threshold output varies , expected voltage based on your 12V supply is aprox 3V to 8v when knobs turned , if it's close to these values then this is ok,

Checked volts from 4.04 to 2.78

2nd check output pin 6 U5A , if output is 0V or 12V then U5A shorted ,expected 2V to 10V depending where you have delay set ,wave metal infront of coil , and check voltage moves , expected variation is 0.01V or poss 0.1V ,

Checked got 1.99 volts but UA5B gives 11.21 volts

i would check output of the TL071 for frequency same as the 555 , and set meter for dc voltage and check output is not either 0V or 12v indicating part faulty,

Checked 555 pin 3 gives 1.03 volts frequency 197hz  071 pin 6 gives 1.11 volts frequency 197hz

Pin 6 741a 741b 197hz

Posted on: September 08, 2011, 10:55:08 PM
Just tell me how critical is that coil? I have a coil made with magnet wire 379uH could that not be the problem?

Posted on: September 08, 2011, 11:01:02 PM
Here is a photo of the board that was done before I did all the fixes but it should still be OK as it just had some missing tracks. The next board will look a bit better I hope LOL

Posted on: September 08, 2011, 11:09:30 PM
Here are some more


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« Reply #132 on: September 08, 2011, 05:58:41 pm »
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hello xavier ,

got it , youre threshold min voltage is higher than your U5A output ,

on the threshold circuit , short out or remove and link the resistor to earth , think it was a 10k , this will lower your threshold voltage to below signal voltage , and you should be up and running ,

ready to then play with your delay and with settings to get stability and distance perfected.

good luck.

Posted on: September 08, 2011, 05:42:43 PM
dont think coil is critical ,

the lower the uH the faster the coil , and the less delay you can use , and better responce to high conductive metals , but at the expense of signal deviation with target / sensitivity , also ability to drive more power into ground.

high uH coils are slower , may miss high conductivity targets , longer delay required before sample , but larger deviation with same target  , so more sensitive , but lower power driven into ground ,

it's all a compromise , common belief is 400uH or there abouts , but some designs are using 270uH , my coil is over 500uH

your coil is in the zone i was aiming for but missed , well done there.

looked at pics , only thing to say is they are some nice tidy tracks , if i venture to make my own i would like them like that my dear fellow.until then  verio board is my friend.

Posted on: September 08, 2011, 05:54:37 PM
forgot to mention , threshold voltage on this design has to have the ability to be lower than signal voltage for silence


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« Reply #133 on: September 08, 2011, 09:08:45 pm »
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Hi D and X

pin 7 and pin 3 are connected together and have a 1k to pos instead of a 1k to pin3 and a 1k to pin7 and then to pos

I have been back looking at some of previous posts
and it seems that the issue with pins 3 &7 and the 1K on the tl071
is not a problem.

But I am am a bit confused as to the correct cct for the tl071
I would like to get that sorted and correct as there now seems to be a trim pot added
the text about the mods and my final cct which is issue 72++++++++
dont seem to be matching
so am attaching what I have now.

And Dooley, on your drawing you are showing a PNP tranny driving the 555 vco sound generator, not an NPN has that been changed ?

Posted on: September 08, 2011, 08:36:42 PM
Dooley the other thing I am confused about is you say this

"+ input should be 1k to positive and the - input with the 1M attatched goes to the double diodes where they join the other 1k ,"
which is what I have on my cct

but you have drawn this cct,


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« Reply #134 on: September 09, 2011, 02:28:36 am »
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Well now you have me confused  Huh?


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« Reply #135 on: September 09, 2011, 03:43:22 am »
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hello 6666 ,

555 transistor is an npn , don't know how it ended up being a pnp ,

pin 7 of the TL071 is + supply , goes straight to +supply ,
pin 3 of th TL071 is non-inv + input , it also goes to +supply via a 1K , or not , tried both , works well either way .
your 1st posted pic is 100% spot on.
your second posted pic is incorrect.

Posted on: September 09, 2011, 03:29:16 AM
oh , yes , there is a 100k multi turn pot added to the TL071 pins 1 & 5 then center pin of pot goes to earth ,

this is to adjust the offset if required , basicaly allows adjustment of what part of the decay curve the TL071 looks at ,

did this so i can look right on the bend of the curve , which is needed for the discrim add on mod i described earlyer ,

not needed for the basic version , will work fine without .


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« Reply #136 on: September 09, 2011, 07:12:00 am »
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555 transistor is an npn , don't know how it ended up being a pnp ,

your 1st posted pic is 100% spot on.
your second posted pic is incorrect.

Hi Dooley
great thanks for clearing that up, all sorted
I will add the 100k trim pot in thanks

on to the important things
how did you go with testing your new ideas Huh??
hope you enjoyed your day off, it rained and hailed
here today .
and Frankensquirrel 2 with pin mods in orange.


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« Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 07:57:23 am by 6666 »
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« Reply #137 on: September 09, 2011, 09:11:47 am »
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Hi guys

Well I don't know what is going on with this detector I cant get it to give me the slow clicking sound and when I get it to slow down it does not detect any thing so I think that I'm going to take it to the hammer and forget about it.


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« Reply #138 on: September 09, 2011, 02:39:18 pm »
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hello 6666 ,

results time , after a day playing , aux add on board made and fitted , as per my description and just as you posted ,

using the offset pot on the TL071 set curve so it's flat on top , then sample 1 at the begining just after the bend and on the flat bit ,

sample 2 , you will have to play with depending on your coil , best way to describe the best place for sample 2 is
aproch coil with a piece of alu and it's where the lowest point of the dip is .

sample widths i'm using is 20uS

right then , tweek the offset pot to get the led's right on the change , then nudge it a little so green (high conductivity)
led is on and the red (low conductivity) is off ,job done , thats it.

so red led = alu , iron , steel
green led = gold , silver , and anything with nickle in it ( brass , silver coins , etc...)

sorry about copper , its the same responce as alu , so its a red led , so all old coins made off copper will show red.

sensitivity of the led's is not as good as what the audio responce is , but it isnt too bad ,

using a 20mm silver coin (nickle copper) audio goes from slow click to fast click / low note at about 40cm
but reaction of led's is at about 30cm
so if a target is a bleep she will show a definate ID of type of metal ,
but if its a clicking target , led's remain unchanged.

thinking about it i'm relying on the 741 to detect changes of only a few mV
if i were to do it again , i think i would add an extra op-amp on each sample , with a little gain , say 2X or 4X ,
so that the change the led op-amp sees is more definate,

all in all good result , 100% working , and it does what it was ment to , so quite happy , for the time being,
dark now , i'll get her out in the field on sunday , and only dig the green responces.  Grin Grin

xavier , did you get your threshold voltage to go below sample and hold voltage ??
you said you can get her to go quiet , so you must have , but now no responce ,
you have frequency at the output of the TL071 , so thats prob working ,
frequency from the 4538 to the 4066 so thats ok
and you have a dc voltage at pin 6 on the first 741 in the correct range so that sounds right ,

here is a thought , output from the first 741 , does the voltage go up and down as you alter the delay , it should , as you will be sampling higher or lower on the decay slope ??

and sample width , poss to small depending which end you have set the width pot to , try the width pot in the middle,
and the delay in the middle,
set threshold for hopefully slow click and check for responce ,
then hopefully , it will just be a case of tweeking the pots for the best responce ,

sorry to hear you are having problems .

Posted on: September 09, 2011, 02:19:48 PM

just had her out in the garden in the dark , the audio sample point is now to soon , she is unstable and reacts to the ground , doesnt maintain slow click , but she was spot on when audio sample was later , in the "alu dip" as i mentioned before 6666 ,

so i know what i have to do ,

swop round the samples , the second sample does the audio and samples in the dip during the alu test ,
and the first sample only goes to the op-amp for the led's

so , simply going to swop the pulse wires round on the 4066 ,
then swop round the + input and - input wires to the led op-amp ,
re-tweek the delays / offset and poss width , and i will have a stable , easy to use machine again with working
red green discrim.

i'm happy now , i see the light , sunday morning tinkering , then off out to find treasure , whooooh...... Smiley Smiley


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« Reply #139 on: September 09, 2011, 05:08:27 pm »
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Hi Dooley

There is no visible change on U5a but there is a .6v change on U5b any way I replaced C18 as I was getting interference when I touched the pots, as I did not have a ceramic 1uf cap I used two .47 in parallel and that solved the problem now I'm going to scrap the board throw a tantrum  Angry I hate failure. But tell me why did you use pin 2 of the 4066 instead of pin 3 to pin 3 U5a? and why have you got pin 5 of the 4066 to ground?   


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