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« Reply #60 on: March 18, 2011, 04:19:36 pm »
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If you all don't get together on this one you may be in the same battle we have.

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They don't even want you to take ROCKS


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« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 08:24:47 am by homefire »
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« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2011, 04:41:05 pm »
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Quote:Posted by homefire
If you all don't get together one this one you may be in the same battle we have.

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They don't even want you to take ROCKS

D*mn! That's going to really hurt if they do it...Been there, hunted there, loved it there...and great for introducing kids to the hobby.   Yep, you guys definitely don't want let them divide and conquer you.


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« Reply #62 on: March 21, 2011, 06:05:48 am »
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There is no such thing as a low impact gold recovery method. You won't get anything with a pan and small trowel, which is what the BGA agreed to. The authorities were having a laugh in their Position Statement on Gold Panning, which basically tried to enforce the pan and trowel joke. Gold is buried in the gravels under rocks and boulders which have to be moved to get at it. Panners have been doing this on the Mawddach and Wen for at least 150 years. This isn't mining, we aren't digging into the bedrock, as was alleged.
I have no problem with the BGA as such. However, I decided to take a stand because the BGA representatives are professionals and had their own interests in mind. They were running courses for profit in breach of Schedule 2 of the CROW Act and buying gold to sell to two goldsmiths, and so they could not effectively represent leisure panners. My demonstration has proved that traditional boulder moving panning does not involve any measurable environmental damage. One only has to dig down a few feet, and backfill. A few guys were indeed digging very wide holes and not backfilling, totally missing the point that the gold line is quite narrow. Some are still assuming that I was to blame for those holes. I am quite happy to show any visitors my methods of operation. The BGA should appoint non professional representatives who won't be compromised by their illegal approach. The BGA should also stand up for the traditional methods of panning and stop pretending that many of their members don't dig massive holes in Scotland.
The difference between Gold Rivers Trust and the BGA is that their members pan illegally for personal profit (though not always successfully) and Gold Rivers Trust members pan lawfully for charitable - ie. scientific and educational purposes.
I believe that the law should be changed to allow panners to sell river gold through an official body, so they don't get ripped off by the BGA reps or other middlemen. This would help to gather scientific data on Welsh and Scottish and even English river gold. The BGA should surely support this idea?


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« Reply #63 on: June 07, 2011, 05:45:44 pm »
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To May Flint. In your last post, which I have just read, you were still making very serious allegations about me, without producing any evidence, except some very misleading news reports. I have to put you right yet again. To repeat the facts, before April 2010 no official asked me to leave the Wen, and they deliberately spread the false rumour that they had in order to cause a war amongst panners. Up until April last year I was visited by EA officers, who found no problem with my methods. The CCW and FC liars succeeded because criminals, yes criminals like Kit Andrews and Vince Thurkettle set themselves up as judge and jury over the rest of us and went along with the official's lies, to gain personal advantage, so they could run their courses for profit, in breach of Schedule 2 of the CROW Act, the forestry byelaws and without permission from landowners. Locals were complaining about guys like Manicminer and his chums for years. The CCW and FC officers claimed I had dug up tonnes of bedrock on the Mawddach, crazy, stupid and false, and that I had harmed mussels etc, which don't exist on the Wen. If the BGA was a union representing its members its leaders would be chucked off the union board for capitulating so miserably to these liars.
If we agree to only low level panning, there will be no gold in our pans, no nuggets and no hope for the future of the hobby. We should collectively stand up to the lying officials, who have no evidence for any prosecution, on any level. Kit Andrews should be exposed for his misleading propaganda. He is too old, weak and inexperienced to do any effective panning, his claim of 30 years experience is clearly false. Just because he has a blog with a lot of data lifted from other websites and sources doesn't make him an expert. He is just trying to put others off because he can't pan properly, he never could according to Vince Thurkettle himself. Now he really knows how to dig big holes in rivers. Vince told me how Kit had shown him a bottle of mica, and Kit asked him if it might be some kind of gold. Kit also scuppered the BGA's chances of panning on a well known gold bearing river in mid Wales when he played off a tenant farmer against the freeholder. He asked the farmer if he could pan on this river with a view to holding the BGA annual meeting there, and when the farmer told him to get permission from the freeholder Kit told the freeholder that the farmer had given him permission. According to one of Kit's pals, who was with Kit at the time, he also tried to pass off some competition gold as pure Welsh gold from that river. He then tried to sell it to the freeholder!! Even Kit's pal told me that he thought this was wrong.The freeholder asked the farmer why he had given Kit permission, and the farmer was very angry about this false claim. If Kit had followed the correct channels honestly he might have been able to get permisiso for the BGA to hold an event on this river. However, Kit in a private email to me tried to warn me off the river, claiming that only he had permission to pan there. When I contacted the freeholder and the farmer, they explained the situation to me. Kit is not to be trusted in any matter. The BGA should consider his position, as he is a menace to the hobby.
If goldpanning is to thrive in the UK we must weed out this kind of deadwood.


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« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 05:54:55 pm by Waulespan »
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« Reply #64 on: June 09, 2011, 03:38:06 pm »
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it gets me so  Angry pay pay pay all the........  time Angry  Thumbs Down No no!


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« Reply #65 on: June 09, 2011, 04:56:57 pm »
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Quote:Posted by kev
it gets me so  Angry pay pay pay all the........  time Angry  Thumbs Down No no!

Dont worry too much Kev so far Brian has started doing some impressive house work Wink



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« Reply #66 on: June 09, 2011, 05:55:29 pm »
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Thanks Ridge Runner. Keep watching Kev. We are beating the various ignoramus officials here in Wales, although they won't admit their incompetence. Yet. However, there will be some more positive pro-prospecting articles in one newspaper soon. If quangos like the Countryside Council for Wales and the Forestry Commission have to use guys like Kit and Vince to do their dirty work they don't deserve much respect. Quite naturally, these officious idiots are unhappy about my campaign for facts on all fronts. They dare not let this get to the Welsh Assembly government, or they will have to account for their many lies. Actually, the Environment Agency officials and local North Wales Police are very honest blokes. They are laughing at the antics of the petty officials who have tried to ban panning in only about a total of three miles of rivers in a small area of North Wales. Indeed, these officials could themselves be arrested for misleading police about serious alleged wildlife crimes which never happened. What they planned was to chase me away with false allegations, hoping I was just another thief like Kit and Vince. They got a big shock when they discovered I am an amateur academic and charity trustee. One CCW officer is now considering early retirement!


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« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 05:57:34 pm by Waulespan »
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« Reply #67 on: July 03, 2011, 07:20:01 am »
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I've been reading these posts with amusement and thought I would add another perspective to what Mr D B Wright (Waulespan) and another have been posting. I dont usually post on forums but felt that the central point here is being missed and glossed over by Mr Wright and his sole supporter.

Before Mr Wright and his greed for gold began his singlehanded excavation of parts of N Wales rivers there was absolutely NO problems. People panned at will, all year, rain or shine, sun or snow. There was NO problem with either the CCW, Landowners, fishermen or Mines Royal or indeed anyone at all. People used sluices and pumps. All was peace and friendship with communal BBQs at the Vanner Camping site, with much beer and tall tales. People did the right thing, respected each other and each others prospecting sites and holes.

Then along came Mr Wright. He wasnt happy doing what most of us did, which was pumping to a reasonable level or simply digging down to bedrock in places where bedrock wasnt too deep. He found, totally by accident rather than skill that the deeper he went the bigger the nuggets and flakes got. So he got greedy and set about digging damned enormous holes, and moving large rocks (in the process changing ever so slightly the flow of the river). His claims of innocence in digging holes are unfortunately totally untrue. He DID dig some very large holes, leaving them open when he left to return the next day. and he DID indeed move some very large boulders. (remember saying to me that, if you could get a JCB in the river you would have done, Brian ?) There are numerous witnesses to Mr Wrights actions so any denial by him is futile. On enquiring with the Authorities it is only Mr Wright that was warned to stop digging holes and he was warned numerous times. In around 2 to 3 years he has successfully destroyed leisure panning in N Wales for families and individuals.

Whilst Mr Wright is happy to accuse others of being Liars I will accuse him of being the same. He IS a liar. There are photographs in existence of holes he dug and indeed of him in those holes (I dont have them but have seen them) He has been seen many times by FCW and CCW Rangers and staff digging those holes. He likes to blame it on others, but the fact is that is was he that was digging those holes that have caused all the problems. He was also quite happy in the beginning to jump into and take over other peoples holes whilst they were at Lunch, remember that Brian ? In fact Mr Wright is totally without any morals when it comes to getting gold, he will do anything needed to get it.
The credo used by nearly all UK Panners is "leave the rivers as you find them" unfortunately this was not the situation in Mr Wrights case.

It is as a direct result of Mr Wrights greed, damage and actions on N Wales Rivers that has brought about the situation we have now. Nothing else, please realise that.  A situation, previously peacefull and given the nod by the 'Powers That Be', that now has every possible associated  Authority's backs up and on the alert, effectively stopping decent honest people and families from being able to pan whilst on Holiday. thats the truth of the matter. Thanks Brian !. He pleads innocence, but why was panning on certain sections banned? It wasn't because of us panner's who have co-existed for years and years, it was because he was warned time and time and time again to stop digging his holes. He ignored the warnings, forcing the hand of the authorities. QED.

He likes to make himself out as some sort of 'defender of the faith' acting on behalf of Panners, but he represents no one, has little or no support and has made the situation so bad it is highly doubtfull if panning as it was before will now ever be allowed in N Wales again.
Despite his claims. he has no 'understanding' with any of the official bodies and has no chance of obtaining any special licence to pan. The truth of this can easily be obtained by calling or emailing the relevant Authorities where they will tell you exactly what I have said.
As for his 'Gold Rivers Trust' ? That is nothing but a front used by him to try and gain some sort of respectability and is being very closely watched by quite a few people. Fortunately the relevant Authorities can see it for what it is and it is ignored.

I however, have no sympathy for the BGA. They have little support South of Hadrians wall and have failed time and time again to encourage membership by leadership. They could have done so much, but they didnt. They could have united UK Panners but they didnt. They had TV time but they chose to field Kit Andrews to front it. Problem was he looked like some derelict dragged through a hedge backwards, hardly putting panning over in a decent light. The BGA is a total failure and should disband. However any attempt by Mr Wright to front any Panning organisation should also be ignored, he is not a fit person to front any association, as it is he and he alone who has created the situation we now have. He is a liar and a person who doesn't care for the rivers or the environment or for that matter, other panners, as he has shown time after time.

{alt} Sorry, mate. Someone did not heed the warning and now all three of you are muted.


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« Reply #68 on: July 03, 2011, 12:45:41 pm »
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Quote:Posted by AU24
I've been reading these posts with amusement

You make some good points that need investigating. Saying that you have seen a picture but you don't have any evidence is an inflammatory statement to make. Accusing a man of stealing a claimed area is also a very serious thing.

Stop in at the new user area and introduce yourself. When you come back here to make your statements, be prepared to show evidence or don't make a post. This is your first post here and it could very well be one of your last posts if you persist in making unsubstantiated accusations with no evidence presented.

What kind of evidence you ask? Proof of arrests made. Charges lain by authorities. Judgements in court. Police reports Pictures of him damaging the land which are later used to justify restrictive legislation. Things like that. Miners all over the world dig holes. The good guys cover them back up. No big deal.


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« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 12:48:47 pm by GoldDigger1950 »

It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #69 on: July 03, 2011, 01:50:38 pm »
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au24, Dont not come on this forum accusing people of lying and taking cheap sorts at his supporter/s, As for him moving big
rocks is a lie because 1 man could not do so on his own,
2) if i wish to support him that is my choice and I do support his efforts because I have been there every step of the way
un be Knowing to this forum and you and your hangers on, I have letters statements but most of all video evidence of his
working practices, so unless you have anything good to say then keep quiet, Keep your comments to gold panning and not
the members of this forum,

take this as a warning as you and your lot only come here to see if you can find out what he has been doing,
if you would work with him the you might have some thing to gain but you are like children and I think you should
be banned from panning, you are the reason why people get banned because you wont stop bitching,
The problem here is because you want to be the hero and he's doing a better job than all of you put together so far.

Get over your ego because unless you are 21yrs old by the time the government sort this mess out you and me lot will be worm food.

Next time you come here talk about Panning,

GoldDigger1950 has told you the facts heed his warning



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« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 02:02:01 pm by Ridge Runner »
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