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« on: July 09, 2011, 10:32:13 pm »
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Right now I am looking at symbols and signs. I moved to the country a few years ago in Central Alabama. I live in a valley with a stream. I have found a few trees with carvings. Actually I have found many on my property. Some are down the creek in a small gully and some all in the valley.

From what I have found out about this property its possible they were made both by my family and maybe others. Possibly natives. In studying about the land I know that it's been in my family for 160 years. It was a land granted to my ggg grandmother who was and Creek Indian that married my ggg grandfather. When he died she moved here. There is a ton of family history in this little town. All I can find out about this area is that before the white man came it was sacred hunting ground.

Anyway, I have a couple of pics from the gully in the creek. Those turned out well being taken before my grandson dropped my camera. Today I went out searching the other side. All in all what I have found is the following list of carvings.

A turtle hidden in its shell. Its very tiny and only about two foot off the ground. I haven't dug there yet. Just found that one today.

One tree nearby the turtle that has two arrows pointing east up the mountain.

A tree next to the creek in the gully has a strange bird like figure and a lasso with a few feathers.

Then there are a few tree with the letter H. A few other trees have some name initials that match some of my ancestors. Then there are some with short lines one on top of the other.
Anyway, sorry to go into all that here in the hello thread but that's where I am right now with my research of this place.

Oh and one more thing. This. It is driving me nuts trying to find out what it is. Its on the side of the mountain by the water. It has the number 05 carved into the limestone and what appears to be a man on horseback.


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« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 10:39:48 pm by GoldDigger1950 »
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« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2011, 10:41:28 pm »
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They look like a couple of earthen ovens. Look for blackened earth inside. Scrape off a bit of topsoil and you might find they were used as ovens a century or so ago.


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« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2011, 11:03:55 pm »
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Really. Oh thank you. Cheesy I have search so much trying to find out what it is. We live very close to a coal mines and I was looking through mining sites. This makes much more sense.
As far as the trees go, I did find out that a lasso with feather on one side has to do with the Trial of Tears and natives that were in captivity. Of course it doesn't mean natives lived here. But there are other signs and my ancestor were both Native American Creek and Irish. Although I must say if I were a native from long ago this place would have been a great place to live. Plus the gully that particular tree is in a very protective place with boat access only.

I have also found a tree with a turtle hiding in shell. I plan on digging there tomorrow.

Posted on: July 09, 2011, 10:47:38 PM
Below are the pics I do have of the trees. The first is the lasso and the strange bird like figure. The second is a tree to the north west of the  that tree. I don't have a pic of the turtle because my grandson dropped my camera yesterday.


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« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 05:28:17 am »
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It's hard to tell on the first tree because it is not as clear but appears to be KGC.  The 2nd tree is definitely KGC markings.  You are certainly in the right place to find KGC trees.  If you decide to start metal detecting, and you start to find some metal iron pieces, such as horseshoes, spikes, chains, etc.  Do not move them.  If you do, you will lose all hope of finding any associated treasure.  It is important as to where they sit, and how they are facing.

Good luck,


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« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 06:24:01 pm by seldom »
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« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2011, 09:34:38 am »
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the turtles are making me wonder if it was natives there was a turtle clan that was a neutral clan and very well respected amongst the native peoples


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« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2011, 10:09:29 am »
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Before you continue along these lines you need to look at the trees and their age. Neither  look  150 plus years old. In fact the second picture look lees then 50 YO.


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« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2011, 10:23:52 am »
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You can listen to Seldom if you wish, but the worst mistake you can make when hunting KGC treasure is to discount anything.  The first assumption being made is that they would have carved symbols, created the layout, 150 years ago.  This would not necessarily be correct.  For some reason, there are a few moderators on this board that want to go negative when you mention treasure signs or the KGC in particular.  Don't let them influence you.

The "H" with one side smaller than the other and upside down J are classic KGC symbols.


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« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2011, 10:57:03 am »
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Quote:Posted by signman
You can listen to Seldom if you wish, but the worst mistake you can make when hunting KGC treasure is to discount anything.  The first assumption being made is that they would have carved symbols, created the layout, 150 years ago.  This would not necessarily be correct.  For some reason, there are a few moderators on this board that want to go negative when you mention treasure signs or the KGC in particular.  Don't let them influence you.

The "H" with one side smaller than the other and upside down J are classic KGC symbols.

I don't go Negative on Treasure Signs!   I just think Facts.

If you was going to bury a Treasure would you leave signs all over the place?

If so, for what purpose?

And Yes , that tree is 3o-60 years old at most.  LOL!

The Scare looks to only be a few years old.    Ever Carved Your Name in a Tree?

On some tree's you can just about make them out after 10 years!


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« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2011, 11:15:49 am »
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There are things you don't understand.  Quit listening to the book writers.

Yes, if I were burying treasure that I intended to be retrieved in a relatively small amount of time, then why not?  The way you hear over and over on these forums about signs leading to signs, leading to signs and a treasure on the end is NOT how it works.  It's a lot more complicated than that.  That being the case, you can put signs such as those posted out in the open for all to see because most people aren't going to know what they mean and be able to understand how to find it and retrieve it.  Furthermore the layouts are very large with many, many buried markers.  Not that they go on for miles like the book writers would have you believe, but very complex in how the markers must be read and used in order to progress through the layout.  Once you start to understand this, and you can only do that by actually going out in the field and experiencing it for yourself, you will see that having carvings all over the place doesn't really matter, you aren't going to find the treasure.  In other words, just because you have found a lot of carvings on trees and rocks, the treasure is still very safe.  I have seen one of my KGC trees cut down, I counted the rings at over 250 and the tree was no more than 2feet diameter.  Judging how old a tree is by a low res cell phone camera is just irresponsible.  You can't know from that how old a tree is.  And do not assume the KGC put down their layouts 150 years ago...another bad assumption.  If you hunt KGC treasure, you must not discount anything until you disprove it.


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« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2011, 11:31:23 am »
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There are things you don't understand.  Quit listening to the book writers.

First off you talking to the folks that wrote the books. You sign guys and your armchair theory's get wilder by the day. Do some real research there was no KGC it was a mystery group that was invented by a writer in 1964. Research the Confederate Treasury all but 13000 dollars was accounted for and there is a very good possibility the 13 grant was recovered in the Florida panhandle in 1985. You have to have something to hide it the south never had any money.

Think about what you just posted it proves that you are clueless about treasure hunting and the KGC. Go back to you armchair and let  people who spend 100 or 1000 of hours a years in the field post facts not dreams.    


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« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 07:18:40 pm by seldom »

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