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« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2010, 08:42:32 am »
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Good photo homefire;

With all that hi-tech it must be Alien.  Could be a probe of sorts. I thought it was the energizer bunny the aliens got, but I see a copper top there. Guess the bunny died


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« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2010, 10:51:07 am »
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Still laughing about Thomas Edison using an "Electroscope" (see my earlier reply)......  Funny Funny Funny Funny


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« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2010, 01:35:08 pm »
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Quote:Posted by jrbirdmansc
I used to be a skeptic about the electroscope.  I met a unnamed prospector in Stanton AZ
last Nov.  When he exposed over 100 oz of gold nuggetts found last year it about took my breath away.
after research on line and finding that the electroscope is truly a lab instrument and that Tomas Edison was one of the early users of an electroscope I had to try one.

Hi Tom,

There is a scientific device called an "electroscope" which I suppose Edison may have played with, and it's one of those Really Works kind of things. Then there is a device called an "Electroscope" which has nothing to do with what Edison played with, and falls quite short of the Really Works category. It is, in fact, nothing but a high-priced dowsing rod.

Unnamed Prospector has certainly done well in finding 100 oz of nuggets, but he found just as many with the Electroscope as he could have found without it. The Escope has no ability whatsoever to detect or locate gold.

- Carl

Quote:Posted by fenixdigger
The law of large numbers never lies. Even with random spurts of chaos.

To go straight to a target from a distance, or within 3 or 4 ft, is not random chance. There is ALWAYS something where it says. Most of the time NOT what you were looking for, but something that caused a reaction.


Once upon a time a dowser contacted me and explained that in his first real dowsing attempt, he dowsed his back yard and in 7 dowsed locations, he was successful 5 times. Success was determined by using a metal detector at each dowsed spot and verifying the presence of metal. He also dug up the items. For the 5 successes, he told me the actual detected target was between 4 inches and 14 inches from the dowsed spot.

So, with 7 attempts and 5 of them having a metal target within 14 inches, do these results indicate an ability to dowse? Or was it luck?

- Carl


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« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2010, 03:50:37 pm »
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If you live in NC I live just outside of charlotte.  I love to show people that the electroscope does indeed work if someone has an open mind.  I know people who don't believe any metal detector works or that man has walked on the moon.  It is not a dowsing instrument.  I can't dowse but I've witnessed people who can.


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« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2010, 04:08:30 pm »
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Hi Carl;

Good point. Here's how it usually goes for me. I'll get a signal in say a field of 300 acres. Triangulate it and close in. When I break out the Minelab or 2-box there will be something within 4 or 5 ft of the spot, sometimes right on the spot.

Now when I do this, I will scan as large of an area around it as I can with the detector. MOST of the time there is nothing around the item recovered. This is in corn or soybean fields, swamps, or forests.

If I do this in populated areas, it's different. I'm looking for areas people did things like socials, rally's, picnics, any meetings. So the scan always turns up other items.

It's way hard for me to believe that I'm that lucky, or guessed that good in the fields. Most of the spots end up in a place I would never pick to go look. Like everyone when I get out to hunt, I pick out the likely area before hand, but it never pans out. The devices don't agree with my choices, so my initial guess is off.

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minelab 4500,e-trac,electroscope
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2010, 04:58:47 pm »
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I'm a retired commerical pilot.  Now days everyone is navigating by gps.  When I started flying the primary nav aid was called adf or automatic direction finder with a needle that would point to a radio station whether commerical or navigational.  this is old tech.  if you believe the chemists and science all metals emit a natural freq.  The electroscope can be tuned for these.  I worked on electronics for the F111 in the air force. I went through a 9 month electronics school at chanute ,Ill so I do know how a battery works.
A little research and you may change your mind.


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« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2010, 05:42:29 pm »
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Quote:Posted by jrbirdmansc

if you believe the chemists and science all metals emit a natural freq.  The electroscope can be tuned for these. 

All metals emit a natural frequency? 

If I have a gold coin in my pocket, is it emitting a natural frequency all by itself, without the benefit of something causing it to emit a frequency?

Thanks, RO


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« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2010, 06:13:30 pm »
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All metals emit a Natural Frequency if you bombard it with a Rasesnet source that would kill you!   Wise


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« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2010, 06:27:06 pm »
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I can take five peopled and line them up a couple feet apart and one of them has a gold coin in his pocket I can pick out who has the gold in a minute or two from 20 or 30 feet away.  I was at the gpaa outing at vein mountain the first of the summer and could walk around and tell who was wearing gold nuggets without being able to see them.  Every element emits a freq.  Electroscope is a radio receiver but is not a transmitter like a regular detector.
I hope this answers your question.  Their are other long range detectors out their.  I've seen several demonstrations that to me proved they worked.


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« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2010, 06:30:40 pm »
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Quote:Posted by homefire
All metals emit a Natural Frequency if you bombard it with a Rasesnet source that would kill you!   Wise

Thanks for your reply.

So, if we want to make that gold coin in my pocket emit its  natural frequency....we would have to bombard it with a resonating source. If memory serves me...that would involve placing my gold coin inside of a coil (or similar structure) in order to accomplish that task.


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