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« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2010, 05:37:27 pm »
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Quote:Posted by GoldDigger1950

The detector worked as advertised. It found a void where he used it and he sent in a camera. When there was no treasure there, instead of blaming his own dowsing technique for the failure, he blamed the detector. He followed one of his crazy drawing analysis and it failed him. No surprise there. Yet he blames KellyCo for his own shortcomings. Sad, really.

What a Hoot! Shocked


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« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2010, 05:12:25 pm »
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wow--just checked in--now feel all bruised up. Read a few posts but not all of them. Don't want to get all riled up again. As for bogus sites. Not me---I don't have bogus sites.

Just odd that I could see into the tomb with a camera-yet the equipment showed nothing--I even tested it on a gas pipeline--showed nothing there either.

You guys--ok--lets put it this way--
No more from me like I said---they want to sell it but don't even know how to work it and the support is bad. I suggest you all buy one. Fork out the cash. They had my number probably still do--I am not that hard to find.
Anyway---enough--I b*tched and feel better.
But still does not solve the problem--as for any words--they could have sent me a personal message--but chose to be political and use this area. No matter--take care--I suggest you all that are in favor--go buy one.


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« Reply #62 on: May 13, 2010, 05:18:20 pm »
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Not everyone, i too had an order that went on and on and finally cancelled it, if you want good service go to A & S, sean will do a great job for you. I have purchased several thing from him and he gets it out the same day.

Good Luck


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« Reply #63 on: May 13, 2010, 05:32:27 pm »
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Hello Dinger,

First let me say I am glad you were able to get the machine you wanted even if it was not from us. I do not know your specific case but if you PM me your previous order info, I can do my best to correct any issue. If it was a customer service issue in general I can assure you that we are diligently working on our customer service department and making great progress.

Dan Gerrell, COO
Vice President of Operations

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« Reply #64 on: May 15, 2010, 06:16:03 pm »
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Quote:Posted by wyoming
wow--just checked in--now feel all bruised up. Read a few posts but not all of them. Don't want to get all riled up again. As for bogus sites. Not me---I don't have bogus sites.

Just odd that I could see into the tomb with a camera-yet the equipment showed nothing--I even tested it on a gas pipeline--showed nothing there either.

You guys--ok--lets put it this way--
No more from me like I said---they want to sell it but don't even know how to work it and the support is bad. I suggest you all buy one. Fork out the cash. They had my number probably still do--I am not that hard to find.
Anyway---enough--I b*tched and feel better.
But still does not solve the problem--as for any words--they could have sent me a personal message--but chose to be political and use this area. No matter--take care--I suggest you all that are in favor--go buy one.

For goodness sake, mate. It found nothing because there was NOTHING THERE TO FIND. You said so yourself. You dowsed an area, found some alleged treasure as a result of your dowsing, used the detector and it found nothing there. Then, you sent in a camera and found that it was right. THERE WAS NOTHING THERE, just like it told you. The only thing faulty here is your dowsing. Try and get a refund on that. When you do, go back after KellyCo.

Do you really expect a detector to find treasure just because you THINK there is treasure there? That is insane thinking, mate.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #65 on: May 15, 2010, 06:45:35 pm »
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Come on GD  Pretty Pictures, Coat Hangers, and a bowl of Corn Flakes  the making of Forbes Top 100


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If you believe everything you read you are reading to much.
Treasure is a Harsh  Mistress

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« Reply #66 on: May 15, 2010, 08:55:25 pm »
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Quote:Posted by seldom
Come on GD  Pretty Pictures, Coat Hangers, and a bowl of Corn Flakes  the making of Forbes Top 100

That guy is a broken record. I have no idea what he expects KellyCo to do except give him a refund for his bad decision. That's not going to happen any time soon. As far as I'm concerned, that guy is a wart on treasure hunting in general.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #67 on: May 16, 2010, 07:38:10 am »
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Quote:Posted by GoldDigger1950
That guy is a broken record. I have no idea what he expects KellyCo to do except give him a refund for his bad decision. That's not going to happen any time soon. As far as I'm concerned, that guy is a wart on treasure hunting in general.

 Grin Grin Grin Grin

Magnificently said!!!


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« Reply #68 on: May 16, 2010, 09:13:50 am »
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All I can say is WOW   Shocked

What was that Einstein said....??

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".


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Mark - K5EXX
Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war


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« Reply #69 on: May 26, 2010, 01:50:45 am »
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must I keep arguing---
I don't want a refund---I bought it because it was the best on the market---but not happy from results--as for---nothing being there---there was--just the equipment showed nothing--for 17k it should have----
as for broken record---I live in fort bridger wyoming--stop by the only pub in town--ask for directions to where bart lives--I am about 3 blocks away---
put your words where your mouth is---

You all don't know crap about anything---I have found more than you could even trip over---All I am saying is--for 17k--it should have done what it was suppose to do--which leaves me to do things the way I always did them them--with success--

Oh yeah---that is in wyoming---fort bridger---I am not hard to find--even kelly co--knows where I live---

I really don't care--spend your money---I have my references---also word of mouth to some money players--it all works out in the end----
for 17k---they should have taken better care of me-- maybe I didn't tweak the equipment right---maybe it is a fault on my end---but none the less--the camera and the visual showed what was inside and the equipment did not---

so any takers---send me a personal message and drive up here and talk to me one on one---I doubt anyone would do that anyway---all talk and blow


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