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« Reply #130 on: September 16, 2010, 08:34:29 pm »
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A scant 30 minutes? It is very unlikely I can get to hear it then. Is it possible for you to post an attached file of the show? This should also benefit others who will be away from keyboard when your show airs. Thanks!


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"Gold rides an iron horse." (Old prospector Homefire)

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« Reply #131 on: September 17, 2010, 06:47:26 am »
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No...30 min after the show airs live, it is available as a podcast that can be downloaded any time for an indef amount of time. Not only for 30 min


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« Reply #132 on: September 17, 2010, 07:59:35 am »
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OK. I understand now. Thanks!


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« Reply #133 on: September 24, 2010, 06:16:35 pm »
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Digital photography for finding gold is theoretically possible but who has a gold bar to practice with and up to what distance would it be useful?  The provisos for operating are very short grass such as a cultivated lawn, with a minimum temperature of 20 degrees Centigrade.  Then you need the correct filters and a reasonable amount of PC skills to force the colours for recognition of a potential investigation.  Experimenting with one gold ring the distance was 17ft and for for copper alloy metal of 12 llbs the distance would be about 46 ft.  Other than that it is not feasible.  In UK there are not enough days at mid afternoon for digital photography to be useful.  Further unless you take a laptop on site and a vision of the screen out of the sunlight.  it is difficult to find where the reading was taken except with a GPS note of every photo taken.  All rather long winded to say the least.  What is more the depth is critical for small items.  It is good for seeing where the earth has been dug when the coins were buried so to experiment with different metals you need to leave them there for a year or two to be sure that it is the coins that are being detected and not just disturbed earth. I used a Panasonic Lumix with 16 Density filters.


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« Reply #134 on: September 26, 2010, 08:48:24 pm »
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Hunter Pete,

Your post is sure negative--do you get that kind of faith--from church???

Where is your belief--your spirit of adventure--your can do attitude??

Your perseverance--and determination not to fail--to be the best you can be??

Re read your post and it is full of reasons you can not take pictures of treasure Auras.

What if I tell you--

There are pictures of treasure auras--taken at distances of over 300 meters!!
There are pictures of treasure auras--going up / out over 50 meters --above the ground!!
There are treasure auras--that have been dug--that were not inches deep--but feet deep--
               And they lead to the recovery of more treasure than you can lift!
It only works in short grass--come on?  It is only your limiting belief that makes that the case for you!
I have seen a treasure aura ( as one example ) from a copper mine shooting high over the top of trees!!
One needs advanced computer skills??  Do you really believe that--?
Why not try Arc-Soft software--and do a simple --one step ENHANCE
It only works above 20 C --really?
I guess I forgot to tell my camera that when I go out and take photos at daybreak.
Who has a bar of gold to practice with?  If you dont have a bar of gold to practice with--then try 20 real
              silver dollars to work with.

Hello Larry,

There is more I do not under stand about taking pictures of Treasure Auras than I know.  If it helps you here's is what I do know:

1  The best book out is Davids--in England--it is certainly worth buying and reading. 
2  The best software is Arc-Soft
3  The best lens are Tamron
4   Excellent filters are 720, 760. 850. 950 nm--experiment and see what works
5  Filters seem to work best from about 12-4 pm
6  Some times any digital camera works
7  Some times the Treasure Aura can be photographed early in the morning--day break and at dusk (no filters are used then)
8  Some times no camera is needed at all--this seems to be when there is higher energy around--like a major storm
9  Some times the Treasure Aura will shoot up 50 meters into the sky--vertical
10 Some times the treasure Aura will seem to come shooting out of the side of the mountain--horizontal
10 Some times the treasure Aura is seen or photographed 5 meters away--and some times it shows up --even at very long distances--I have seen several at appx. 300 meters away--in photographs
11 Some people see the treasure Auras with their naked eye---colors of the Treasure Auras--vary ie. red, blue, white, ect.
12  It is very difficult to get people to work together--and share their understanding
13  Many people who try and help are viciously attacked by others on this forum / and else where/



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« Reply #135 on: September 28, 2010, 03:20:10 am »
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Quote:Posted by barton
What if I tell you--

Then you'd be telling a fib. That phrase is a cute way to pretend you are stating facts when you are not.

What if I told you I was the President of the United States? What if I told you it was Friday all week?

It's meaningless and so is everything that follows it. It's a technique used by anyone who really has no proof of anything.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #136 on: September 28, 2010, 07:58:44 am »
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Wow, that's some crazy stuff.  We were on a hunt in a swamp and micro gold was killing us on pinpoint. My son said ; Hey, I just say a blue flash over there. We were about 50 ft away and the area he saw was very thick. We stayed on what we were doing and finally went to another spot.

My hunting partner that lives there called and said he had a pinpoint about 45 ft from where we were, right where the blue flash was.


Let you know when we go back.


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« Reply #137 on: September 28, 2010, 08:39:19 am »
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I'm still testing with different filters, but up to this point everything I have seen in the pics could be explained. So far I have around 1200.00 invested in filters and camera. I have another friend testing and we are comparing info. So far it does not look good. But I will let you  know if something stands out. For me to the pics and method would have to be consistent.



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« Reply #138 on: September 28, 2010, 09:02:15 am »
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Thanks Tim keep us updated

Fen  Then you'd be telling a fib but I am 6' 7" tall with long blond hair and a god to women. Cool Huh


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« Reply #139 on: September 28, 2010, 09:31:40 am »
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seldoms mug shot............


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