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« Reply #220 on: December 16, 2010, 06:09:07 pm »
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Quote:Posted by casca

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Im sure there is something on the market, and will tell you from experience that IR will show bedrock, holes in ground, packed earth and the such.

Happy Hunting

With the amount of money, resources and skilled technical people the government has I am pretty sure they would have invented something by now to locate gold. They are no closer in understanding the creation of gold and don't have any billion dollar technology in seeing it in the ground.

Old fashioned understanding of were gold is, is and will be the best way to locate it.

David is a scam artist if ever their was one!

Ask him to make another video on a clean machine, without doctoring the images. Let him show us the original taken images. Look at his video very closely, from when he takes the images then to displaying them. They are not the same images taken, they are tampered images to fool you into buying his book of scams.

By reading your replies, you either want people to believe in this scam or are you really David under another name.

If you really think this crap works, be a man and take my challenge and prove it to us. Or simply shut up!


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« Reply #221 on: December 16, 2010, 11:48:16 pm »
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Quote:Posted by csharp
If you really think this crap works, be a man and take my challenge and prove it to us. Or simply shut up!

Recently I read, a post on thunting.com and it convinced me to do more reading and less posting. I always add pictures now and links. There is many amazing and very inteligent people on here who will help you if you let them and are serious. I do think there is ways to see gold underground, its called a metal detector.

I can assure you I am a novice, not Dave V. or associated in any way with him, his site, or products. I also have found free ebooks on his site to be useful to me. Just about anything published is useful to me at this point. I do plan on buying books on many subjects for a history standpoint and learning. My hobby pays for itself, throwing money at it is backwards.

I used the FLIR as an example of Infa Red, and that it can see voids, packed earth, and exposed bedrook, which are places I would look for gold. There are civilian applications available. But no camera I can readily drop into your hands so you can go out and get rich. For that you will need to do some reading and figure out if thats your cup of tea.

Back to topic which you are holding me to as my comments was about infrared cameras. There is technology that can penetrate the earth and identify gold. Detectors are one, deep ground penetrating radar is another. I will repost a perfect example of a camera taking a picture of gold in the ground.

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If this link does not work, it should be about satelite imagery.
The cost if you were allowed access to this imagery would be great.

Another link to simular (off topic to you) works by users is:

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This also is a repost in this forum for that link.

Geotech site is free. Also in the forums you will find technical information and even downloads for your use. It requires vendors to stick to one area for vendors. The administrator owns his site, and answers to no one, as is posted in his rules.

I wont get into what Dave V. did or did not do. There is cameras, and they do amazing things, like full body scanners at the airport. If you are looking for working models, the links provided are good example of whats out there.

My next piece of technology will be a $12 dollar pick. Its solar powered, you hook it up to the wetware between your ears. Its digs till your tired. Its as accurate as a camera that sees gold in the ground.

Life is what happens when your are making plans.  I enjoy reading everyones post here, even if they disagree. If you would like me to be quiet so only you can be heard, thats not a problem.

Read Read Read

Posted on: December 16, 2010, 11:12:22 PM
This an excerpt from the Satelite Imagery link, did the work for you.

5.4.3 Identification of terrestrial mineral deposits
There is already a high degree of acceptance of the use of optical EO data in geological mapping applications due to the logistics and economics involved in locating features such as base metal deposits or hydrocarbon reserves. Unique properties of SAR data are now being exploited to aid further the exploitation of natural resources by detecting the lineament features and anti-cline structures which may indicate the presence of mineral deposits. Due to it's side look viewing geometry SAR data is particularly effective in identifying these geological features, and in detecting them even when masked by vegetation.

Not a picture with gold in it. But pretty darn close.

A funny story.

I used to welcome my new privates to the platoon by offering a challenge. Being right out of Basic Training these kids could eat nails and spit bullets. I challenged the new recruits to a test of strength. I would do two push ups to every one they did. After several minutes up smiling and doing what the young men thought would be impossible for me to do, they would get up and watch me do two pushups. I never said I would do two pushups for each one they did.

You should seen how I qualified them, you down under boys dont give it away if you know it.


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The more I learn, the less I know.

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« Reply #222 on: December 17, 2010, 02:54:44 am »
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I've said this before, but I think it's worth saying again.
IF (and it's a big if) you had "invented" a camera / viewer that could genuinely locate gold, first thing you would do is put them on Ebay on sale to the general public right.... or publish a "how to do" in book.
Errr...... no...... you'd be out finding gold.... what would be the point in selling your invention?
It's a bit different with something like even a new type of detector.
You'd have to actually be where the finds are, no way of telling..... if you see my point.


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« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 02:58:58 am by Paul A »
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« Reply #223 on: December 17, 2010, 03:00:39 am »
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I have been a professional photographer for 50 years.  I viewed the video that Dave V. Posted on here.  In my opinion there is nothing on that video but some terrible photographic technique.  That video only shows what happens when you block most of the visible light from a camera and then ask a computer to intensify what was left to attempt to get a viewable image.  It raises gain and stretches contrast.  The shadow areas below the bushes stays darker and the area of grass with some light on it becomes lighter.  That is the only glow, or "aura", that exists in that video.  And to those of you attempting to use your digital camera to "see' infrared, you wont get any infrared to your digital sensor until you remove the infrared cut-off filter that is in your camera.  That means you will have to dismantle your camera to get to it.  It is built in just in front of your digital sensor. You can add filters in front of your camera till hell freezes over, but you are not getting any infrared until you remove the built in filter.  A true infrared filter is made to block all visible light, but admit light in the infrared part of the light spectrum.  An exposed and processed piece of film will block a lot of light but its effect is much the same as neutral density filters, not a true infrared filter.  
   I dont intend to speculate on gold "aura', but I dont believe Dave V shows anything on that video but baloney.


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« Reply #224 on: December 17, 2010, 04:18:52 am »
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using camera to find gold? whatever modification made to camera to find burried gold is impossible.


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« Reply #225 on: December 28, 2010, 01:33:15 am »
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Hey there csharp-

Just curious- have you gotten any reply from David Villanueva of
Scumbag Upon Buttsuckshire?
I really want to see him get rich other than selling crap to sorry asses like me.
Madder than  a hatter with more mercury in his brain than a Detroit fish.

Love to hear if you had any response from him.

His email is dvillansue@aol.com if you don't have it already.
Thanks for your offer- can't stand such scum- as if life isn't hard enough already without crapwads like him.

Posted on: December 28, 2010, 01:01:03 AM
Hey Everybody!
David Villanuevas' got a new website!
It's a "forum" where he again pretends not to be himself and speaks about himself in the 3rd person in true crazy bag fashion!
Come check it out and don't forget to buy his book!
Don't forget to spend thousands of dollars in equipment and other expenses so you can put $20 in his pocket!
Hurry Hurry!
Run Run!

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Check it out- it's awesome!
(Don't post anything that might say the technique doesn't work though, because it won't be posted).

AND- as a special bonus- if anyone is of a psychotic nature- please find out where he lives and pay him a visit! We look forward to reading about you in the morning news!

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Really David- as crazy as you are, somehow, someway, some part of you has to realize that the rest of the world is not as stupid or crazy as you.
You really need to stop before you hurt yourself. I know the economy is bad, but I'm sure you can get by somehow without stealing from and hurting others.
Maybe not. Maybe the severe infections from your incredibly crippled British teeth have overcome all reasoning abilities of your brain stem. Might be a defense in court, but you'll need some good experts as witnesses. I am one, but won't vouch for you at any cost.
Some people need to suffer for their bad oral hygiene so they will learn to brush once a year at least.
I know you are listening- but do you really hear?
Put an end to this string and either accept the Aussie's challenge for a million dollars or go away- period! It would be nice if you admit you lied for $20, but we all know that ain't gonna happen
Keep promoting your lies and I'll be there to counter.
You have lied to the wrong guy- sorry about that.


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« Reply #226 on: December 28, 2010, 01:49:35 am »
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Hey, Thorsbolt. Try not to hold back. Tell us how you really feel, mate.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #227 on: December 28, 2010, 02:02:00 am »
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You're right, I do repress too much.
I'm working on it.
Thus my posts.
Thanks for being my therapists.
Please send me a bill.


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« Reply #228 on: December 28, 2010, 02:15:29 am »
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So, Thosbolt, you bought his book? I have a suspicion that it is just full of hokum.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
Let's Talk Treasure!

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« Reply #229 on: December 28, 2010, 02:30:44 am »
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Bought it, spent hundreds buying equipment, spent thousands on expeditions, took hundreds of pics according to specs. Consulted with the Mad Hatter himself David Villanueva, retried, etc.etc....
Others have  tried to reproduce using professional photographers and all means necessary-
no results.
One poster said that if such a thing were possible, the government would have discovered it long ago and it would have soon become common knowledge and it is true.
This Moron, David thinks that he can overcome truth with enough marketing persistence.
Just so he can make $20.
What an incredible, insatiable, asshole....
I hope that answers your question!


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